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Why Pakistan Fears His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi
23rd January 2018|Articles

Why Pakistan Fears His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi

Why Pakistan Fears His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi

Do not ever believe in what you hear on the grapevine.

Disinformation spreads faster than information.

According to the Koran, the purpose of the human species is that they become God-conscious. Religions provide people with spiritual mediumship and pave the way for seekers to find a way to God. When religions were corrupted, the knowledge of spirituality — which was the backbone in every religion — became nullified. It vanished from the religions due to which people were left distant from God.

Today, we are in an era where nobody thinks of reaching God. In fact, nobody even thinks of God. They are lost somewhere in the ritualistic mirage of religions. It is a sad story.

His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has shown Himself to the world the most bountiful, merciful and ultra-beneficial to humankind. HDE Gohar Shahi has struggled enormously well to elevate intellectuality and spirituality among claimants of different religions. HDE Gohar Shahi provided food for thought to the people who seemingly struggle to find God.

Spirituality was once the backbone of every religion without a name. Today, HDE Gohar Shahi has signified the significance of spirituality in our lives.

Muslims have, somehow or other, developed their understanding to be more sceptical than those who appreciate the spiritual truth. The element of extremism has always existed in Islam since the very beginning. It is such a pity that the early caliphs of Islam became victims of Islamist extremism. Ali, the cousin of Prophet Mohammad, was murdered by an Islamist extremist. Umar bin Khattab was murdered by Islamist militants. Usman bin Afaan was also killed by Partisans of Ali (Shiite).

People who believe in the same religion — whether they believed in that religion 1400 years ago or today — their level of intellectuality has decreased rather than increasing. They’re quite sentimental. People do not like to be guided correctly. They have this tendency of going with the flow. If you are a sheep in the herd and you see that all the sheep are going in one direction, you do the same.

HDE Gohar Shahi is the only universal spiritual teacher who has shown to the world more courage, gallantry and bravery than it was required of His Divine Eminence.

HDE Gohar Shahi went to every single faction among the sectarian elements in Pakistan, and — right in their faces — he told them, ‘What you practise is not Islam.’

He further said, ‘This is Islam. When you practise this, you will not like to call yourself a Sunni, Shiite or Wahhabi. The true Islam will connect you with God and his messenger. You will take pride in being a true disciple of Prophet Mohammad.’

People who never wanted to know Islam and who wanted to use Islam as a fake guard on their bodies at the same time — vehemently, they disapproved of this realistic version of Islam which consists of spirituality.

You cannot reach your reality without spirituality because your reality is your spirit. The first thing that you need to do is become self-conscious. You need to know who you are. If you say that you are a Wahhabi, Sunni or a Shiite, this is not you. Your reality lies in the awakening of your soul.

People with low cognitive calibre were unable to understand and comprehend the ultramodern spiritual sciences presented by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. HDE Gohar Shahi did not present any spiritual channelling because He Himself is the ultimate spiritual channel.

A spiritual guide is a spiritual conductor. Conduction of divine light is the principal cause of him being a spiritual conductor.

This is a strange phenomenon by which His Divine Eminence conducts spirituality and divine light — and HDE Gohar Shahi Himself is the destiny of all souls and spirits.

It will take one to know God before he is able to know His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. Those who do not understand God should not attempt to know who HDE Gohar Shahi is.

Sectarian elements in Pakistan for the last 35–40 years have been trying their best to suppress HDE Gohar Shahi’s teachings, to halt HDE Gohar Shahi and hinder in His mission. They have done their best on an individual level on a governmental level. However:

The truth of HDE Gohar Shahi is like a spring. The more you suppress it, the more it goes up.

This alone is one of the greatest miracles. You cannot quieten the voice of the truth. You cannot quieten the sound of Ya Gohar.

This is especially true when people have experiences in which their religiosity and spirituality were restored in the fuller meaning of the phrase. They found their ultimate goal in form of HDE Gohar Shahi’s blessings.

So on the one hand, people have experiences whereby they will return to eternal life, their hearts were enlightened and they were free from different physical and spiritual ailments.

On the other hand, there is speculation all over the world among Muslims that HDE Gohar Shahi and His teachings are not in accordance with the Koran.

Well, so what? The teachings of Jesus Christ are not in accordance with Koran. Do such people dare call him a cheat? The teachings of Moses are not in accordance with the Koran either. The Koran is not the ultimate source. The Bible, Koran and Torah all came from the Guarded Tablet.

The creator of this universe, God, is the ultimate source of knowledge. Even after the revelation of the Koran, he can bless anybody with more knowledge than in the Koran — this is called Ilm-e-Ladunni.

This is the type of knowledge which is neither part of the Koran, Bible, Torah, Talmud or Psalms of David; yet it is as truthful as all these celestial books because it comes from God.

Ilm-e-Ladunni is the knowledge that comes directly from God.

It is more powerful than the revelations [in the celestial books] since they come from the Guarded Table and Ilm-e-Ladunni comes directly from God.

The book penned by HDE Gohar Shahi, The Religion of God (Divine Love), as it has been declared by HDE Gohar Shahi Himself, is the masterpiece of Ilm-e-Ladunni.

This article was originally posted on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page

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A corrupt nation will always have a corrupt leader! The nation must change before it may have an honest leader. Pakistani politicians and leaders are corrupt because the Pakistani nation is corrupt.

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 5: Where Your Moral Values Come From
14th May 2017|Articles

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 5: Where Your Moral Values Come From

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 5: Where Your Moral Values Come From

Editor’s note: the following is the fifth lesson in Younus AlGohar’s course on Self-Awareness, Level 2: Emotional Intelligence.

For better background information, read Self-Awareness, Level 1, in the Messiah Herald. 

Read Self-Awareness, Level 2, Lesson 4 here.

How Emotional Intelligence Affects Every Aspect of Life

When a singer is singing a sad song, he has to feel the pain the words delivered in the song. Happy or humourous songs also have to be sung with emotions; they call it the feeling. In a similar way, when we listen to the news like Sky News, BBC News, CNN etc., we see emotions are involved in the way the newscaster delivers the news. If the news is sad, we see emotions of sadness and sorrow emanating from his face and if it’s good news, he will smile. Now, a doctor’s job is really difficult because every patient that comes to see him brings bad news. The doctor has to be in the same mood, or at least the same emotional state (even if it is fake, he has to show that emotionally he is aware of the situation), and this is emotional intelligence.

What are moral etiquettes? If somebody tells us, ‘my mother died five years ago’, in that moment if we skip saying ‘I am really sorry’, people will be really offended. We need to be aware of these things and have some moral etiquettes, some emotional intelligence and its awareness.

Emotions play a pivotal role in our life. For example, if you see a child who needs milk but his/her parents are unable to provide milk, it will remind you of your own child. When you think about your own child, your emotions will be charged up. In that emotional state, you start to help the child that doesn’t belong to you.

We’re only concerned about ourselves. This should not be the case with a spiritual person. We must observe all spiritual, social and moral etiquettes, so that we do not cause any harm, physical or emotional, to any individual in this world. If somebody looks a bit sad or emotionally down, you should respect his emotional state. Change the way you speak to him every day, be a little more polite with him. This is emotional intelligence. 

Emotional Intelligence Crisis

Emotions push you to do good things, however, at the same time, these emotions can backfire.

For example, some Muslims blew up a bomb and many people died. Later on, a Muslim guy is seen showing his anger to somebody in a neighbourhood, somebody watching him may be reminded of the Muslim terrorists, and his emotions will reach their peak. Maybe in that emotional state, that man [watching] can cause any amount of harm to that Muslim guy who is shouting and abusing others. This is how people become outrageous sometimes. Backlashes and hate crimes are the prime examples.

A Kurdish boy was beaten up badly by eight people. He didn’t do anything wrong, he was just Muslim but this happened because so many Muslim terrorists are causing a lot of distress and have become a threat to the national security of many countries of the world. This has become a very sensitive matter and it can happen anytime, anywhere and it is all to do with emotions.

Not every Muslim is a terrorist. Sikhs – because they grow beards and wear turbans like Muslims – are easily recognisable to Muslims; they can identify them as Sikhs because their turban is different and by the length of their beard, etc. But after 9/11 in Arizona, the Americans who were naive to Islam or Sikhism, when they spotted somebody with a turban and a big beard, they thought the Sikh man was Muslim and killed him. This is an emotional intelligence crisis.

To help stop terrorism, it is not just about deradicalisation, you also have to take care of the emotional intelligence of people so that people do not become outrageous and are able to control their own emotions.

Moral and Societal Values

One important thing in the study of emotional intelligence is moral values and ethical codes.

Morality in this world has different shapes, forms and sources. Some people find moral values from their society. In our society, certain things are allowed and some things are not allowed. For example, in a British town, the societal values will definitely differ from a Pakistani town.

Sometimes the society is deeply and vehemently affected by the religion of the land and its code of conduct; its ethical code and moral values come from the religion. In Pakistan, a woman and a man cannot have a sexual relationship without marriage but in a British town, with consent, adults can enter into a sexual relationship and can even live together. Society here will allow it because it is not against the moral values of British society.

Moral values differ from society to society, because each society has a different source for its moral values. However, sometimes your moral values come neither from any religion nor the society. Sometimes you are the boss and make your own rules. I have heard people saying, ‘In my family, nobody can do this. This is against our family law and tradition.’  Therefore, there is not just one single source of morality.

In order to have precise understanding and awareness of emotional intelligence, we need to first see what moral values we have adopted. Only after determining the source of our moral values can we detect the awareness of emotional intelligence.

You need to find the source. What is it that dictates your emotions? What is it that brings rage and fury in your emotional state? It is your belief system.

Those who are religious, are very difficult and it is very difficult for them to be emotionally intelligent. They are swimming in the ocean of their religion; their mind is messed up. It’s not possible for somebody to be religious and rational at the same time. Religions will always make you irrational.

For example, Muslims in Luton, are carrying banners and saying, ‘we will impose Sharia.’ They’re looking at white women and saying, ‘your dress is not according to Islam.’ She doesn’t practise Islam! Why are you telling her? It is your religion, why are you imposing your religion on others? It simply means your mind is messed up. It is not rationality, is it? But this is the reality. Does a Christian have the same rights in a Muslim country as Muslims have in the west? Muslims are allowed to build their mosques here. Can a Christian man go to Saudi Arabia and do whatever he wants to do according to his religion?

Look at how good this secular system is! You know why they do it? It’s because their mind is not messed up. If people in the west were also very religious, practising Christians, they would behave the same way. But because they are non-practising Christians, their mind is not messed up by the religion hence they behave like human beings. They have generosity, rationality and their own moral codes. Their moral code is: whatever religion somebody practises, they should have the fundamental necessities of life.

Why should we follow a religion when a religion is taking away humanity from human beings?  Why do we have this fanatic ideology uprising? Why do we have this extremism spreading like fire? Why is hatred prevailing? Because there is a conflict in morality. The standards you may have, the other person does not have the same standards of moral values.

Your emotional intelligence is directly linked to moral values. Unfortunately, moral values in different societies have different sources therefore what may be a moral act according to you may not be moral to somebody else.

When we talk about morality, our morality is not universal. Our morality is more regional than global. We all have different standards of morality.

Now according to some form of morality, you only hide your private parts. If you are hiding the nipples, your morality is perfect. In most of the secular, moral cultures, women are not allowed to show their nipples, it would be too obscene and immoral. According to liberal Muslims, women can show half their chest. They have accepted it and it has become part of their moral values. Moral values are changing according to secular culture. According to religious culture, moral values are frozen; they have become stagnant. Even the law of the land can shape your moral values. When you are a religious person and your moral values come from religion you do not recognise any other form of morality, which obviously means intolerance is at its peak. You cannot coexist with others in the same society.

Universal morality has to do with tolerance. What you like to do, you should be allowed to do. What others like to do, you shouldn’t be bothered about it.

What is a sin? There are two forms of sins according to a religion. A sin which goes against humanity, you hurt and harm humanity and the other sin which goes against you, which hurts and harms you. Those that hurt and harm you are of less implication. A sin that involves others, causes pain, hurt and harm to others, that is severity. That is to be stopped.

Do not try to impose your beliefs on others. Let everybody live their life the way they want to live it.

Emotional Intelligence and God

When God has emotional intelligence, then why don’t  people who follow a religion have it?

The reason is God doesn’t follow the same religion. God’s religion is different. His religion is love. The problem is, he only practises his religion with those that practise his religion: The religion of love. 

These religions that have been established by prophets and messengers, the standard of morality these religions render to its followers very much depends on the society at the time these religions were established. What was the standard of religious morality in those times when Prophet Mohammad came to the peninsula of Arab? What was the standard of morality at the time when Jesus came to Jerusalem? You will see a slight improvement in the standard of morality after the religion introduced its moral values. If you want to compare the standards of morality now with the standards back then, you will fall back. The standard of morality in those days was really strict. This was about the religion and followers of the religions.

However in all eras, in all ages, whoever was introduced to the knowledge of spirituality, the knowledge of eminence, their emotional intelligence equalled the intelligence of God. They didn’t pick up their moral values from the religion, they picked it up from spirituality. The standard of spiritual values is vast. They embrace and forgive anyone. Most of the irregular things in this world according to moral values are okay for Sufis. No damage is done. You can do what you want to do as long as you don’t hurt others. 

This should be the case with everybody today. Allow everybody to do what they want to do. There is a voice within everybody that guides them and tells them not to do wrong, no matter what religion they practise. Even atheists who don’t practise any religion or believe in God, do not want to sleep with their sisters or mothers. Why don’t they do it?  Because these are basic principles and natural human instincts.

Let our moral values derive from the basic principles of humanity.

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Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings
2nd March 2017|LecturesVideos

Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings

Younus AlGohar explains what a true Sufi is and how a true Sufi is recognised. He discusses why giving this information to the common public led many fake Sufis and religious clerics to oppose His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

Main points:

– In order to preserve a religion, you need to spiritualise it. Religion without spirituality becomes a monster. Every religion when the spiritual system within that religion was destroyed, was made subject to great violence in the name of the religion and God. God granted every messenger two types of knowledge. One is knowledge that deals with exterior cleanliness and rituals of the religion. The other knowledge is the core of religion: knowledge which awakens your soul, enlightens your heart and purifies your ego. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declared, ‘The exterior form of knowledge without accompanying the interior knowledge is a great mischief.’

– HDE Gohar Shahi is the super spiritual scientist. HDE Gohar Shahi doesn’t simply tell you what to do; rather, he tells you the consequences and benefits of doing something. He tells you what knowledge will benefit your souls. He is a bold critic on contemporary religious practices all over the world.

– HDE Gohar Shahi explains how to recognise a true Sufi. HDE Gohar Shahi explains that only a thief will recognise a thief and in a similar way, only is a saint is spiritually capable of recognising another another saint of God. Nevertheless, HDE Gohar Shahi gives common people to criteria through which they can test to see if someone is appointed by God. All you need to do is ask your spiritual mentor to initiate your heart into spirituality (grant you Opening of the Spiritual Heart); if he can make your Spiritual Heart engage in remembrance of God, he is a true Sufi.

– In countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, there are many fake Sufis who con innocent people out of their wealth. These are people who claim to be Sufis but they do not have the power to initiate anyone’s heart into spirituality; they have not purified their ego or reached any stage of enlightenment. When HDE Gohar Shahi came, he told people the criteria to recognise a true Sufi so many of these fake Sufis were exposed. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi does not advise people to be religious, but rather spiritual. HDE Gohar Shahi’s presence and teachings caused a revolution in the minds and hearts of people; they began to recognise the fake Sufis and ignorant religious clerics for who they really were. HDE Gohar Shahi’s teachings pose a threat to all those who sell the religion and loot unsuspecting people. Therefore, the religious clerics and fake Sufis from all sects in Pakistan united in opposition of HDE Gohar Shahi.

– It was not just religious clerics and fake Sufis who turned against HDE Gohar Shahi. The police, politicians, army, secret services, thieves and custom officers across Pakistan also became part of the alliance against HDE Gohar Shahi. This was because HDE Gohar Shahi was exposing the corruption in Pakistani society and inviting people to obtain enlightenment so that corruption could be eradicated. He wanted to introduce people to spiritual and moral culture. Journalism in Pakistan too became a disinformation cell against HDE Gohar Shahi. Because the common public in Pakistan had been told a great bundle of lies about HDE Gohar Shahi, we ask those who oppose HDE Gohar Shahi based on hearsay to study Him and His teachings for themselves.

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at

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The True Mehdi Magazine Available Now!
15th January 2017|News

The True Mehdi Magazine Available Now!

Mehdi Foundation International, Messiah Foundation International, and Kalki Avatar Foundation are excited to announce the first ever issue of the monthly ‘The True Mehdi’ Magazine which is now available online! This magazine was created to expose the misconstrued concepts of Imam Mehdi to the Western World and provide information about the true Awaited Imam Mehdi. Read it online here.

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26th November 2016|Uncategorised



Mehdi Foundation International has just launched a completely new Urdu-language website! On the 25th of November, it was launched by Younus AlGohar during MFI’s spiritual gathering (streamed live on AlRa TV every day at 10:00 PM GMT).

The website includes MFI’s latest news, articles and videos. Check it out for exclusive content in Urdu from Younus AlGohar!

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#AskYounusAlGohar | Love Of God: Core Of Every Religion
7th October 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar | Love Of God: Core Of Every Religion

Mohammad Burhan via email said, ‘Sir, i want to convert to Sufism and my wish is to join [HDE] Gohar Shahi. Help me please, how can I convert to Sufism? Please reply to me.’

Shehzad Rafiq Chatta asked via Facebook messenger, ‘Raiwind Tableeghi Group look like a group of saints and use extremely soft words. But they also support Taliban, Jesh-e-Muhammad, etc. I am an eyewitness and I know many such preachers who denounced terrorism in lectures but promote Taliban in mutual gatherings. Are these preachers, and Tariq Jameel also a part of the Dajjal?  Is Raiwind a nursery for the Taliban? My humble opinion is that Tableeghi Jamat Raiwind is part of Dajjal because they hate all followers of spiritualism.’

When you ask me questions about spirituality, then I speak on the subject of spirituality without hesitation, freely – because I am discussing knowledge. I am not commenting on people. It is a very difficult job to comment on individuals. You cannot comment on people that you don’t know, that you have not ever met; you cannot comment if you have no information about their character and belief system. If this is the case, then I do not comment on individuals. It is not my job. I will not be doing justice with who I am by commenting on somebody that I am not aware of, or commenting on somebody whose religious background and belief system is not known to me.

I cannot comment on a person that I do not personally know. However individuals who are famous, their creed system, belief system, religious denomination and affiliations are prominent, and what they believe is available in books, on the internet, in their lectures and videos – [I can comment on them]. I can comment on individuals who either cause to create chaos among Muslims and among people of other religions; those who promote hatred among religions.

Obviously, some of these religious seminaries are so cunning and clever that they will use soft words to attract you. They will be gently spoken, but you wouldn’t be able to see that they’re holding a dagger behind their back. Very discreetly and quietly, they will hammer into your brain some abhorred, admonishable beliefs which will eat up your trust in Prophet Mohammad and your faith in God. In no time, you will find yourself confused with the belief system that you have always practised, the belief system of your ancestral lineage.

Certain things have become prominent in the last couple of decades especially in Southeast Asia – for example India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. These are three countries where there have been a lot of saintly individuals who have acquired a higher spiritual status in the eyes of God. Who were able to communicate with God, who were able to show you the right path following divine delegation. Throughout these three countries for centuries, people would follow mystical doctrine: the doctrine of spirituality, love, Sufism.

Sufis starting from Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani to Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi, from Moulana Rumi to Khwaja Gharib un Nawaz of Ajmer Sharif. From Ajmer Sharif to Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi. From Delhi to Adjhodan, Pakpattan Sharif in Pakistan [where Baba Farid lived]. From Baba Farid to Lahore, [where Data Ali Hajweri lived]. These were the individuals who practically and perfectly secured their heart against all evil. They purgated their Carnal Self (Nafs), they introduced their Carnal Self through divine energy to practical spiritual obedience to God. When they stopped sinning, they did stop sinning because they did not have the desire to sin anymore, not because the law of Sharia did not allow them to do it. They were able to personally abhor bad deeds; they eliminated all  elements of evil from themselves. This came after vigorous austerity, a lot of struggle against their own self. In order to purify themselves, they refrained from all sorts of comforts whether those comforts were allowed by the religion or not allowed by the religion.

They turned their face away from different types of comforts just to practically and perfectly find divine proximity; nearness to God.

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi uttered out a historical formula. He said, ‘If you want God’s nearness and are seeking God’s proximity, the only way to finding God’s nearness is through God’s love.

If you will ever find God’s nearness, that will be through God’s love. Your ultimate goal is to know how to love God. God’s love is the central idea of every divinely ordained celestial book, whether it be the Torah, the Bible or the Quran revealed upon Prophet Mohammad.

The central idea of every celestial book is God’s love and God’s love is something that will let you please God instantly.

According to the Quran, no matter how dedicated and great a sinner you are, God promises to wash away all your sins should you manage to love God. 

God’s love is the central idea of any monotheistic religion.

In every religion, the dispensary of God’s love was the appointed messenger of that religion.

For example, the followers of Abraham were to find God’s love through Abraham’s divine mediumship. To the Christians, the divine dispensary of God’s love is Lord Jesus Christ. That is why the Bible says, ‘Only through me, you will go to the Father.’

Do not make an error here. This verse from the Bible that says that you will reach the Father only through Jesus is confined to Christians – not to the Jews, Muslims or any other religion. In a similar way, for Muslims, the dispensary of divine love is Prophet Mohammad.

The Quran 3:31 said, ‘Prophet Mohammad, tell them: if you want to love God, then imitate me.’

The translation is not, ‘Do as I do,’ rather the true translation and meaning of [the last words in this verse] is, ‘Be like I am.’

If offering Salat, fasting, growing a beard can be Sunnahs (Customs of the Prophet), then is being like Prophet Mohammad not a Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad? According to a beautiful Prophetic Tradition, ‘You will be like the one that you love.’

To love God is not a secret. Everybody will nod his head in positive. The problem is, they think they love God, but at the same time they love their wife, children, and mother and father also. The calamity upon calamity is that they love the [worldly luxuries] and money also.. They love being bad and being corrupt also.

It is not humanly possible to believe which acts of theirs is true. Are they true in their love for their parents, their children, their wives or their God? Which love is true when they love everybody? Then we will have to see in 24 hours of a day, where does most of their time go to – to God, their wife, children, towards earning money or towards slashing throats of innocents?

Look at these terrorists: how can one assume a murderer, a killer who is slaying innocent people will be accepted by God for paradise? Paradise not for terrorists. God has created paradise for peaceful people.

God’s love is the main theme of the religion.

Somebody asked, ‘I want to convert to Sufism.’ You don’t need conversion. Sufism is not a sect or religion.

Calling Sufism a sect or religion is a grave insult to Sufism. All regions are in need of spirituality; without spirituality no religion is valid.

Sufism is the soul of the religion and any religion in which the spiritual system has collapsed, that religion has collapsed; the followers of that religion scattered into many different groups, sects and denominations. The religion stopped rendering spiritual grace to its followers.

Sufism is enlightenment of the soul. Sufism doesn’t care whether you are a Christian, Jew, Hindu or Muslim. In order to become a Sufi you don’t need to change your religion. All you need to do is enlighten your soul and heart.

The heart is the place of love. When the seed of God’s name is transmitted into the chambers of the heart and the soul which is sitting on the heart is divinely triggered and activated, that soul will wake up. When the angel that sits on the fleshy heart – which is known as the spiritual heart (Qalb) – is awakened, that soul will do nothing else but repeat God’s name. The repetition of God’s name doesn’t stop because the heart doesn’t need to breathe.

In order to make divine energy, you have to say God’s name at least 101 times nonstop. If you do it with your tongue, you can never make divine energy. However, the heart doesn’t have to breathe; it doesn’t have kids, a wife, father or mother; it doesn’t go to a job. The heart is neither is it Punjabi, Pathan or Mahajir. The heart is the dwelling of God.

[According to famous poetry], ‘If you must, then demolish a mosque, temple or church, but you must never hurt anybody’s heart because the heart is the dwelling of God.’

When you hurt such a heart, God will be wrathful upon you.

Sufism tells you how to love God and what organ in your body should be engaged in the activity of God’s love. God’s love is not done through imagination. It is not about visualisation, concentration or meditation; it is an activity. When this activity takes place, God’s light is generated within the heart. That light will start to travel towards God. When that light reaches God, you are connected. That connection between your heart and God is actually God’s love.

God said in the Quran 2:152, ‘When you remember me, I shall remember thee.’

It is give and take. You never care about God, never want to know or love God, but when you are up against some kind of adversity, in trouble, then you cry. Then you hold a rosary and you ask religious people, ‘I’m stuck in trouble. How many times should I remember God in order for this trouble to go away?’ You’re there for a reason; you’re a selfish worshipper. You do not remember God for love; you do not remember God for the sake of remembering God. You remember God because you are in pain.

There is a saying from a Hindu saint, Sant Kabir, ‘When you are in pain, you remember God. When you are happy, you forget God. If you remembered God while you are happy, fool, the trouble would never come to you. You read all the books of the world but you did not become a saint of God. If you read two-and-a-half words of love you would have become a saint of God.’

It is all about love. Sufism teaches you how to love God genuinely.

The State of Pakistan and Its Future

If you do not know spirituality, you will just claim, ‘I love God,’ and God is not convinced. All these Muslims say that they love God, but why are they in trouble? How can it be that you love God, God loves you – yet you are crying with pain? How can it be that you love God and God loves you, yet you are dying every day; you have cancer, you don’t have clean water to drink, you don’t have gas in your stoves, you don’t have electricity and your milk is not pure. You go to a meat market, buy a lamb, eat it and find out that it was actually a donkey.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan (a Muslim-majority country) is corrupt: he is the second most corrupt man in the world. Islamic scholars are corrupt. Their politicians, teachers, and actors are corrupt. For example, Ayyan Ali was a model, a spinster for Asif Ali Zardari (a Pakistani politician); she was caught red handed at the airport carrying a huge amount of US dollars – $300 000 in cash. The businessmen in Pakistan are corrupt. [Pakistanis] are killing Shias, Sunnis and Sufis yet they all love God. There are at least 140 million Muslims in Pakistan alone and they all claim to love God.

Prophet Mohammad was leader of an army of 313 people; yet they were dominant. Why? Because their leader was Prophet Mohammad and the followers were all true believers (Momineen).

[Some Muslims today claim be to true believers but they are] raping 2-4 month old babies. They’re 40 and they want to marry 13-year-olds. This is not Islam. This is corruption.

In Pakistan, democracy is an excuse to do more and more corruption.

With what the politicians have done to Pakistan, Pakistan should have been destroyed long ago. There is a divine hand on this country, which is saving the country. The time is coming soon when this divine hand will show up his entire body and Pakistan will be the leader of God’s love.

This country will lead the world and establish peace and love all over the world. No matter what religion you practise, they will teach you how to love God. Terrorism, hatred and racism will diminish. This time is not far.

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Determining the Right Path: My Struggle
5th September 2016|Articles

Determining the Right Path: My Struggle

Determining the Right Path: My Struggle

The biggest issue for humanity is to determine who is trustworthy. I found out after many years of worship, unshakeable loyalty and sincere efforts of finding the truth that God hasn’t been fair in dealing with human beings.

God’s policies and planning have created a monstrous vacuum for the people who want to understand religions and God.

There are many questions in every religion which the religion does not answer.

Science has contributed profoundly, hugely, to healthy and positive stimulation of the human brain. Now, human beings have developed a habit of understanding things before they want to do it. Ever since human beings have become sensible, they only want to do things that make sense. If things do not make sense, they wonder, ‘Why should we follow it?’ If there is some kind of doubt, people become apprehensive.

When you are a religious person and at the same time you are rational, sometimes religions ask you to believe in things even when they do not make any sense. This is the point where people slip off the right track and happen to embrace wrong interpretation of the religion.

This is the space in which any philosophy can fit because there is ambiguity. Every other scholar would want to come up with his opinion, fit it there and declare it to be Islam.

However, according to the Traditions of Prophet Mohammad, he clearly suggested to Muslims, ‘If you find anything dubious, leave it out [of the religion].’ When you start reading the Quran, the very first words are ‘There is no doubt’. There should not be any doubt in the religion — this is the understanding is coming from God.

What if there are doubts? A doubt is a thought that disturbs you when things do not make sense.

The most important verification of things will come from your own inner voice.

There are many things that you want to verify but you do not have somebody who has been divinely delegated to give verification. However, if your conscience is pure and spiritualised, ask it and you’ll get the right answer.

God hasn’t been very careful. When I speak on such a subject, I do not aim to disturb religious emotions of people or hurt anybody’s feelings. I do not intend to demoralise people or devalue any religion. I share my feelings.

I share with you how difficult it was for me to understand what the right path was. As a young Muslim, a medical student, born and bred in Karachi, Pakistan, it was so difficult for me to determine this.

Among Muslims, it is very common to declare people of other sects as infidels and hypocrites. It is a normal pattern in Pakistan. Sunnis will call Shias infidels and Wahhabis will call everybody else infidels. The irony of it is that people do not even know the meaning of the word, ‘infidel’.

My father used to tell me, ‘When you want to pass urine, you must sit down.’ I asked him why and he couldn’t explain. He said, ‘Our religion tells us to do this.’ The problem with me was that I wanted to avoid droplets of toilet water splashing back at me, so I would make sure that I was standing. My conscience had a problem with this; I struggled and asked many people to explain why the religion dictates it.

If a religion tells me to do something, it must also tell me the reason why should I do it. If it doesn’t tell me the reason, then I don’t find it easy in my heart to accept it.

I did a BSc Honours in microbiology, physical chemistry, and organic chemistry.

People who know what I am talking about know how difficult these subjects are. Physical chemistry is all about your body: your liver, kidney, stomach, etc. It explains things like what happens when you don’t eat on time, when you do not drink water and what happens when you eat bread or rice. Somebody who has obtained a master’s degree in microbiology, his knowledge of the human anatomy is far greater than a physician because he knows the inner and outer workings of the body.

Whenever I had a problem understanding physical chemistry or organic chemistry, I would ask my teachers and they had to answer my questions. This is how the process of learning progressed. We would understand the subject and then go ahead.

I, as a student thought the same thing must be applied to the religion.

I thought that any questions I had must be answered by religious scholars and it was their job to convince me. If in reply to my question, the religious scholar said, ‘Don’t ask such questions,’ then it clearly leave a space and ambiguity. There would be a doubt in my heart, ‘Why does the lecturer on physical chemistry have all the answers regarding his subject but the religious scholar does not have all the answers for my questions?’

I am not an atheist. I believe in God, Abraham, Adam, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and all the favourites of God (whether they were at the time of Moses, Jesus, Abraham or if they somehow adhered to the spiritual aspect of Islam); I respect them all.

However, how would you feel when you are genuinely seeking to find the right path that leads to God and there is nobody who can help you?

When you are seeking to become somebody who loves the Prophet Mohammad and who is able to see God? When you want to become somebody like Data Ali Hajweri or Khwaja Gharib un Nawaz and you do not find the right answers? Instead of getting answers, the religious scholars tell you, ‘This is not possible.’

We read stories of Sufis like Data Ali Hajweri and Abdul Qadir Jilani. When somebody endeavours to be like them, Muslims say, ‘How can you become somebody like Data?’ In my heart, I think, ‘Why not? What is wrong with me? He read the Quran. If I have the same Quran as him, what is the issue?’

Every time I stood in Salat (a form of prayer in Islam), the intention in my heart was, ‘God I want to love you like Prophet Mohammad did. Help me.’ One day, when I shared my feelings with a religious scholar in Pakistan, he said, ‘You are a blasphemer of Prophet Mohammad. How can you love God the way Prophet Mohammad did?’ My reply to that is: we are taught to offer Salat like Prophet Mohammad did. We are taught to lead our lives like he did. When it comes to loving God like he did, what is the problem?

People have included many of their own opinions in Islam and think that this is Islam.

Religious scholars say, ‘You cannot even be equal to the dust that touches the foot of Ali (A Companion of the Prophet).’ That’s good, but what is wrong with me? If they say, ‘Ali is God,’ then it makes sense that I cannot be equal to him, because I am a human being. However, if he is a human being and I am a human being, then why can’t I say that I want to love God like Ali did?

Muslims have a problem. They think that there is just one Lal Shahbaz Qalandar and nobody can be like him, or that Sai Baba is just one and no one can be like him. They think no one can be like Data Ali Hajweri. However, before Data Ali Hajweri became a saint, what did he think of Islam, himself and other spiritual dignitaries? How did he become Data Ali Hajweri? Initially, when he was born, he wasn’t a saint of God. How did Moinuddin Chisti become Khwaja Gharib un Nawaz? Was he a saint even when he was in the womb? If he became a saint from reading the same Quran as I now read, what is wrong with me and my recitation of the Quran? What is wrong with my research, probe and study of the Quran?

According to Islam, for every word of the Quran I read, I gather 70 Hasanat (good deeds). I have read the Quran thousands of times. Where are all the good deeds gone? On every auspicious night, I spent the entire night remembering God. I was told that in these special nights, angels will come and embrace you, however I never felt anything.

When I read the books of Sufis, they told stories such as, ‘On the Night of Ascension, this prophet came to see me.’ The question arises: why does nobody come to me? Should I just say that these are all bundles of lies?

These are my questions.

I have spent at least 20 years in schools and colleges. I have spent 20 years reading books. It is enough to stimulate my brain. If this is the same Quran [as the one the saints read] and I am reading it, what is wrong with me? I want to love God, become his friend and spiritualise my life, but where is the flaw — in me or in the Quran? If the Muslim scholars told me, ‘You can also become Data and Khwaja, but this is what you have to do,’ I would not ask one more question. I would do what I was supposed to do. Even then, if I did not succeed, I would try to find out whether I was doing everything correctly, where the mistake or flaw was.

However, as a Muslim, you have no help from anywhere. Muslims have loads of questions but nobody wants to answer them because nobody knows.

All religious scholars ponder upon are the issues relating to ablution and family laws. If you ask them, ‘God said in the Quran that Salat will stop you from the bad deeds. I have been regularly offering Salat for the past 10 years, but it is not stopping me from bad deeds. What is wrong with my Salat or me? How do I offer Salat so that it may stop me from committing bad deeds?’ Nobody has any answer. This is why Islam has been destroyed. There is no more Islam.

These questions go to every single religious scholar in this world who claim to hold any office in Islam. If he answers my questions, I will do as he says.

When you buy a table or chair from Ikea, they will give you a box and you have to assemble it yourself. Inside that box there will be a manual. You read the manual and assemble it. If whoever has compiled the manual made a mistake, you can never assemble it right. Therefore every manual with their product has to be perfect, otherwise their business will go down. They want to make sure that everything is very clear. If it is not, the customer will go back, return the product and never shop there again.

The Quran is a manual for Muslims. The question is: do Muslims understand the Quran? With the help of the Quran, can they find God or the Straight Path (Sirat-e-Mustiqeem)? If they can, why are Muslims divided into 73 sects today?

Nobody has answers.

The only one who has given answers is Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

This article was originally posted on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page.

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MFI Awards Abdul Satter Edhi Sainthood
10th July 2016|LecturesVideos

MFI Awards Abdul Satter Edhi Sainthood

Messiah Foundation International is deeply saddened to hear of the loss of humanitarian and philanthropist, Abdul Sattar Edhi. He devoted his life to the servitude of humanity. We pray that his soul rests in peace. In his honour, we ask the Pakistani government to declare July 8th as Edhi Day.

Younus AlGohar, the CEO of Messiah Foundation International and the representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, issued this statement on behalf of MFI:

‘Messiah Foundation awards sainthood to His Highness Abdul Sattar Edhi. Hail St. Edhi!’

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Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005
31st January 2016|Uncategorised

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar has been speaking out against Wahhabism for many years. He was the first to actively raise his voice against Wahhabism and explain the link between Wahhabism and terrorism. In this photo, he is seen in front of the White House in 2005. His placard reads, ‘Pakistan has been hijacked by Wahhabis.’

Sign the petitions to ban Wahhabism in your country:

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