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The Importance of Spirituality
16th March 2016|LecturesVideos

The Importance of Spirituality

Younus AlGohar explains how he embarked on the spiritual path under Lord Ra Riaz’s auspicious mentorship.

Main points:

– An overwhelming majority of people believe in a religion just because they inherited those beliefs, not because they have a purpose in mind. When you want to buy a television, you compare prices and brands before committing to one product. Why not take this approach to religion?

– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi regarding those who came to Him wishing to obtain God’s love, said, ‘I’ll initiate their hearts. If God accepts them, I vow to be with them as a guiding light until they reach their destination.’

– If you want to have access to the realm of angels, you need to enlighten and awaken the corresponding soul inside your body.

– The heart can act like a divine telephone between man and God. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘When you become a friend of God and you are in trouble, God will instantly know that you are in trouble. When you’re in trouble, the voice of your heart has a hint of sadness when it reaches God. God then commands angels to help you before you raise hands in prayer.

– The only difference between good and bad, God and the Devil, people of Imam Mehdi and people of Dajjal (Antichrist) – is spiritual knowledge. If you have knowledge of the exterior without the knowledge of interior, you will definitely be corrupted in your mind and heart.

– The only thing that will protect your faith is spirituality. Without it, it doesn’t make a difference whether you are a Shia, Sunni or Wahhabi.

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The Secret of the Moon – Why The Moon Has Been Revered for Centuries
13th March 2016|LecturesVideos

The Secret of the Moon – Why The Moon Has Been Revered for Centuries

An analysis of the sign on the Moon manifested by God to announce the arrival of the Awaited One.

Main points:
– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s image is prominent on the Moon. It is a divine sign. It is not humanly possible to create such a large image on the Moon’s surface. If you can see the Moon, you can see the image on it.

– The image of Lord Ra Riaz has always been present in the Moon. It has now become prominent. In other words, there was a veil over the Moon that was lifted. The image on the Moon becoming prominent is referred to in the Quran as ‘Shaq ul Qamar’.

– Quran [41:53]: ‘In the future, I will show them my signs in the horizons and within themselves.’ He said he would show the signs, not create them. God’s signs are as ancient as God himself. Manifestation of these images doesn’t mean they’re created in the era they’re being manifested in.

– Per traditions of Prophet Mohammad, he asked his nation to look to the Moon, pray to God and ask the Moon to be protector of their faith. The Moon has endorsement of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi’s human profile. When you ask the Moon to be protector of your faith, you are actually asking Imam Mehdi’s image.

– Hindu temples had idols made of gold and silver. Muslims would attack them. Mahmud of Ghazni, the thief, made 16 unsuccessful attacks on India. the reason he failed was because a dedicated worshipper would sit in Somnath Temple (Temple of the Moon God). That worshipper loved an idol which was made based on the image on the Moon; he loved it so much that it was imprinted on his heart. Only when he was killed was Ghazni successful in his attacks.

– Prophet Mohammad had similar beliefs about the Moon as Hindus – and this does not contradict the concept of Tauheed (God’s Oneness). The knowledge Prophet Mohammad gave to people was of how to establish oneness of God within yourself and remove non-Godly elements from your being. The problem with Wahhabi doctrine of Tauheed is that they heard Prophet Mohammad talking about Tauheed, but they didn’t receive the knowledge of Tauheed.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

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Religion Without Spirituality is Mischief
10th February 2016|LecturesVideos

Religion Without Spirituality is Mischief

Younus AlGohar establishes how Islam is dead without spiritual knowledge and how essential spiritual knowledge is. He also explains why and how Sharia is mischief without spirituality.

Main points:

  • In Islam and Judaism, those who talked about spirituality were always condemned and disapproved of by the mainstream religion. Sufism (spirituality) had been the centre of Islamic teachings until 200 years ago. Wahhabis were the pioneers of rejecting Sufism, calling it unIslamic – although there have been Sufis all over the world.
  • Religion comprises of two vital types of knowledge. Spirituality is the life of every religion; the exterior aspect isn’t given as much importance. Islam is alive only when spirituality is practised. If spirituality is separated from it, it is dead no matter how many people perform rituals. Radicalisation is the result of Sharia being practised without the spiritual knowledge. Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘Islamic scholarship, without the knowledge of spirituality, is a greater mischief.’
  • Quran says that worshippers who are naive to the truth of worship are destructed. Their worship is not reaching God; rather, they’re showing off. It doesn’t mean physical destruction, but destruction of faith and character. What does showing off mean? Their worship will not reach God, but people think they are dedicated worshippers. When this happens, people’s respect for such a person boosts their ego, destroying them spiritually. Such a person becomes a live threat to moral values in society. That’s how Sharia becomes mischief.
  • Truth of worship would have entered your heart only if you practised spirituality. Spirituality enlightens hearts, manifesting truth on the screen of the heart. Since people don’t practise spirituality among Muslims, therefore their Salat (worship) is futile, useless and not recognised by God.
  • Sharia is only good with spirituality which will control your heart and you won’t make wrong decisions. Spirituality makes you compassionate. Without spirituality, your heart will be as hard as stone and with spirituality, the heart will be soft. You will help all regardless of religion. However, Sharia without spirituality (now or even at the time of Prophet Mohammad), was, is and will remain to be mischief forever.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

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Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005
31st January 2016|Uncategorised

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar has been speaking out against Wahhabism for many years. He was the first to actively raise his voice against Wahhabism and explain the link between Wahhabism and terrorism. In this photo, he is seen in front of the White House in 2005. His placard reads, ‘Pakistan has been hijacked by Wahhabis.’

Sign the petitions to ban Wahhabism in your country:

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The Muslim Reform Movement – A Realistic Cause?
19th January 2016|LecturesVideos

The Muslim Reform Movement – A Realistic Cause?

Younus AlGohar passes his remarks about the realistic outcome of the Declaration of the Muslim Reform Movement, an initiative started by Muslims in Canada and around the world in response to the rise of Islamic terrorism.

Main points:

  • The cause is wonderful but it will not bring any change. Reforms have to come from the highest authority in Islam: God. It is not the duty of the people to reform Islam, but rather the duty of those delegated by God to make reformations.
  • In reality, what is written has not application, no implementation. It is not going to produce any results because the Muslim world will not accept this movement as an authority on Islam.
  • Certain points in the declaration are not reformations to be made in Islam but rather the opinions of individuals.
  • Islam cannot be reformed; it is damaged beyond repair. If reformations are to be made in Islam, they will be so lengthy that after the reforms, Islam will be changed unrecognisably.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

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Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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When a Religion Malfunctions
14th January 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

When a Religion Malfunctions

The world is full of problems and these problems are manmade. Some of these problems are the product of the world political structure and some of the problems are the product of desires of power, money and other worldly desires. Some of the problems are created by confusion among religions.

How a Religion Malfunctions

When a religion becomes spiritually deserted and is not spiritually nurtured by its founder and divinely anointed mentors, that religion becomes a monster. 

A religion has always been a very personal sort of thing; it is a connection between man and God. Islam is only about 1450 years old, as compared to others, it’s the latest religion and it is the last celestial religion. Christianity is almost 2100 years old and Judaism is more or less between 4000-5000 years old. Every religion, when the spiritual system expired in it, produced problems. When the divinely fixed validity of that religion expired, there came a by-product. For example, if you leave anything unattended, which is not supervised and maintained, it becomes corrupted.

Similarly, when a religion expires it simply means that it is not monitored by its founder spiritually. Anything that goes wrong with the philosophy of the religion and any adulteration made by its followers is not fixed by God or by its founder spiritually.

[The religion] becomes as dirty as a garbage bin. If there is a garbage bin and you throw all sorts of trash in it, when it stays that way, it becomes stinky. This is what happens to a religion when it has expired and it is not supervised by any spiritual authority, when it is not monitored by its custodian. When it is not maintained by God, it becomes a monster. It starts to malfunction.

religion is [there] to form the characters of its followers, teach them how to live in a society, maintain justice.

Nobody is to deprive anybody of their rights and there should be no discrimination, no killing and no dishonesty. With the help of the religion, you begin to respect everybody’s rights. For example, when we drive on the roads and we come to a mini roundabout, if you have passed your driving test in the United Kingdom, you would know that anybody coming from your right hand side has the right to pass first, and you have priority over the traffic which is coming from your left hand side. So, with this understanding, you reach a mini roundabout – and if somebody is not following these instructions, you start swearing. Why? It’s because somebody is depriving you of your right.

This deprivation of rights creates anger.

In the United Arab Emirates, you may be standing in a queue an hour, and all of a sudden, a white-costumed guy will come and jump the queue. If you tell him, ‘Why are you jumping the queue?’ He will say, ‘Because I am a national of this country.’ This is deprivation of rights.

When you live in a society [you have to follow the rules]. Before you are able to drive legally, you have to go through two different tests: the knowledge test in which you begin to understand what you can do and can’t do, what is safe for you and others, and what sign means what. When you have cleared the first test, then you take the practical test in which you are told about the rights of pedestrians. Pedestrian have more rights on the road than the drivers.

Knowledge is all about telling you what is good and what is bad. Now, it depends on you: if you are good, you will do good things and if you are bad you will do bad things.

In a similar way, religion is like a driving test. When you embark upon your journey in life, the first thing you do is go to school, pre-school, then high school and you begin to understand what your rights are, what you can and cannot do to others. But in the modern times, all these institution in the west are becoming helpless because moral and ethical values are not part of any curriculum. If you are studying science, you will become a scientist, but you don’t know how to live as a good human being, how to live happily, how to respect others and their rights. It’s because you don’t have the knowledge, you haven’t been trained. You don’t have the moral and ethical values, therefore, you only care about yourself and you become a self-centred person.

When you become corrupted, even with moral and ethical values, you become self-centred. You don’t want to follow the rules and regulations of life. 

If you read the Human Rights Charter of United Nations, you would think somebody wrote it after having read the Bible or Quran because it is so beautiful.

If somebody is in need, help them. If your neighbour is starving, go and give them food. If you don’t do that, then your relationship with your prophet or God, and your piety, will be greatly affected. This is how much taking care of a human being is valued in the religion.

But when extreme philosophies are introduced in the religion, when fanaticism plays havoc with the divine texts, when brains are hammered into with the wrong interpretations of the holy book, you become a monster.

You think you are in a race against all other human beings. You think you are the best, you are the holiest one and everybody else is an infidel. This is exactly what happened in the case of Islam.

I commented on one of the verses of Quran and the outcome of my commentary was that in the light of Quran, Christians and Jews are infidels. Now, a lot of Muslims are swearing at me but what I said is in the Quran, this is Islam.

Jews have a book called Torah, Christians have a book called Bible, Muslims have a book called Quran. Followers of these religions are called People of the Book. According to the Muslim faith, People of the Book can marry each other, they don’t have to change their religion. This means a Muslim man can marry a Jewish or Christian woman, or a Jewish man can marry a Christian or Muslim woman; this is in the Islamic faith.

What is being projected under the label of Islam is that Christians and Jews are your enemies and they are infidelsthis is a severe misleading and hateful propaganda conducted by Wahhabis only. 

If God is allowing Muslims to marry a Christian or a Jew, how can they make a Christian their wife or husband, not their friend? It is not even short-sightedness, it is blindness. Muslims should be more friendly to Jews because Jews come from [the lineage of] Isaac and Muslims come from Ismail; both Isaac and Ismail are brothers, so basically Jews and Muslims are cousins. Father of Isaac and Ismail is Abraham.

If you study Islam, you will come to know that in every worship, you have to send benedictions and salutations to Abraham and his progeny. If you don’t do that, your worship is not acceptable, according to Islam.

For example, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah [two hills situated in Masjid al Haram in Mecca] was where Prophet Abraham, upon God’s orders, left his concubine, Haggard, and his son, Ismail. When Ismail was really thirsty, Haggard left her son and went running in search for water. Now, it has become a ritual for a Muslim to run in that area like Haggard, and this is worship for them. 90% of the rituals in the pilgrimage of Hajj is in the memory of Abraham.

The appointment and anointment of Prophet Mohammad was the result of Abraham’s prayers to God. Abraham prayed to God that he wanted a son in this part of the Arabian Peninsula for the guidance of humankind, and it was heard. Every Muslim knows about it. All Muslims must respect Abraham as much as Jews do. Being a Muslim, if you don’t respect Abraham, you are not a Muslim. Look what they have done to Islam.

Terrorism Today

The Islam that we see today is not even a reflection of Islam, it is something else altogether. It is a monstrous set of beliefs. It has nothing to do with the doctrine of blessings which were given to the world by Prophet Mohammad. 

Wahhabis have become an international terror group and Iran is a regional player. They are both terrorists. Iran does not have that much money, so they are local players. Iran is fuelling sectarian hatred in so many countries in the neighbourhood. Iran has its paws stuck in Yemen, Pakistan, Bahrain and Dubai. There is a lot of influence in Dubai from Iran.

Iran is a regional terrorist. Terrorism in Pakistan is fuelled by two countries: Iran and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia a big player in the field of terrorism.

Iran is a poor, meek character, which is why the UK and US are able to put sanctions on Iran. Iran is a devil, but Saudi Arabia is a super devil. 

Bashar ul Assad is a Shiite and Iran is a supporter. Our governments become angry when they see Russia is helping Bashar ul Assad, but they never talk about Iran. Iran is helping Bashar ul Assad more than Russia is. Iran has created problems in Iraq, Iran has created problems in Lebenon. Hezbollah is backed by Iran.

There have been sanctions on Iran but what about Saudi Arabia? Everybody now knows that Saudi Arabia is the principle financier, sponsor and creator of terrorism.

ISIS is just one little outfit. Saudi Arabia is beheading more people than ISIS. They beheaded 41 people in one day, including one Shiite cleric. They are doing it in the same way as ISIS does, with the same philosophy.

Everything is the same. Raqqa is a city where ISIS has its stronghold and they have implemented their Sharia in that area. The religious police system they have introduced are holding guns and roaming around the areas looking at every single passers-by, like how many women are under veils and whether or not their veils are okay. When it time for prayers, they see how many people are going to the mosque; and those who are not going to the mosque are arrested and punished. Beheadings takes place in public. It is the same system as Saudi Arabia.

When will the western leaders become sincere in their efforts to crush terrorism and their principle ideology?

The Pakistan Army began an operation called Zarb-e-Azb, which even the US is praising – but right under their noses in Islamabad, there is a mosque called Lal Masjid and Molvi Abdul Aziz (the cleric of the mosque), who is a radical hate-preacher, is openly announcing that he is in favour of ISIS and Daesh. Recently, 140 girls pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Operation Zarb-e-Azb is only being carried out in the Northern areas, but are they the only ones who are terrorists? What about Punjabis? What about all people who live in Karachi? There was a time when Pathans were more into terrorism, but right now, Pathans have been outnumbered by Punjabis in terrorism. The Taliban in Pakistan are 99% Punjabi.

 If the Pakistani army is sincere in curbing terrorism, then they should declare a war against Wahhabism.

There are no more Muslims in this world, just Wahhabis and Shiites.

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Jews & Christians Are Not Infidels – Proved by Quran! – Younus AlGohar
1st January 2016|LecturesVideos

Jews & Christians Are Not Infidels – Proved by Quran! – Younus AlGohar

Wahhabis have been evidently proven to be a factory of disinformation about Islam, the Quran and Prophet Mohammad, and they have portrayed a very ugly image of Islam which is completely opposite to what Islam is in its essence. For example, they consider the USA, UK and Europe their enemies and Kuffar (Infidels).

Who is a Kafir (Infidel) and what is the true definition of a Kafir in the light of the Quran?

Let me first remind you: what Wahhabis have projected to the world is that all Christians and Jews are Kafireen (Infidels), and they have to fight and kill them. This is a misleading, anti-Islamic, anti-Quranic and anti-Mohammad concept. The Quran does not say that. First, we need to understand what Kufr (infidelity) is and who were the Kuffar who were addressed.

The Quran says:

قُلۡ يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلۡڪَـٰفِرُونَ (١) لَآ أَعۡبُدُ مَا تَعۡبُدُونَ (٢) وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ (٣) وَلَآ أَنَا۟ عَابِدٌ۬ مَّا عَبَدتُّمۡ (٤) وَلَآ أَنتُمۡ عَـٰبِدُونَ مَآ أَعۡبُدُ (٥) لَكُمۡ دِينُكُمۡ وَلِىَ دِينِ (٦)


‘Say, O’ Kafireen, I do not worship the one that you worship, nor do you worship the one that I worship. And nor will you worship what I worship. Your religion is with you and mine is with me.’

Even if the Christians and Jews, British, Americans, etc. were Kuffar, the ultimate message which we obtain from the Quran is that you tell them, ‘You practise your religion and I will practise my religion.’ That’s the end of the story! There is no lesson of intolerance. It doesn’t say I will kill you if you don’t practise my religion. These verses (109:1-6) are addressed to the confirmed Kuffar, because this is what the Quran has said.

Now, what I understand is that Abrahamic religions are monotheist religions. Judaism and Christianity are monotheist religions and Islam is a monotheist religion. Jews worship the same God as the Christians, and Muslims worship the same God as the Jews and Christians worship. This verse is not about Christians and Jews because it says, ‘I worship what you do not worship and you worship what I do not worship.’ Because Jews and Christians worship the same God as the Muslims, the infidels of Mecca whom the Quran mentions cannot be either Jews or Christians.

Then why do Wahhabis call Jews and Christians as Kuffar and attribute it to the Quran? This is massive corruption and a crime against God. Are Jews and Christians not Ahl-e-Kitab (followers of a books sent by the same God)? Muslims are bound by the fundamental principles of their religion to believe in all books sent by God, whether the book was sent to Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Mohammad. All four books were sent by God and Muslims must believe in them all. Judaism was a religion established by prophets and messengers sent by God; Christianity was established by Jesus, and Jesus was sent by God.

This verse is implying that there is a group of people, confirmed Kuffar, which did not worship the same God as Prophet Mohammad.

This idea that Jews and Christians are infidels and must be killed is a Wahhabi mischief and problem. The Wahhabis must be wiped out from the face of the world if you really want peace; they are worse than animals!

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True Concept of Imam Mehdi vs. Wahhabi Fallacy – Younus AlGohar
8th December 2015|ArticlesLecturesVideos

True Concept of Imam Mehdi vs. Wahhabi Fallacy – Younus AlGohar

What I am going to discuss today is very important. You need to be able to understand the very sensitive difference between the right and correct concept of the Awaited One and the misguided, misleading, concocted and fabricated concept of the Awaited One.

There is more than one concept of the Awaited Mehdi. There is a Shiite concept of Imam Mehdi and there is a Sunni concept of Imam Mehdi.

Based on the same prophecies, a concocted and modified concept also emerged. However, this is not known as the concept of Imam Mehdi; this is known as the concept of the Caliph of the End of the World, The Last Days.

The Wahhabis have fiddled with the prophecies of Prophet Mohammad in regards to the coming of the Awaited One, The Mehdi. They have removed the word ‘Mehdi’ from the prophecies. They’ve said that there will be a Caliph who will turn everybody into a Muslim and no individual on Earth will be left a non-Muslim. This is a concoction of their fabrication. They say, ‘He will rule the world and everybody will accept Islam.’

About 200 years ago, there was a man called Mohammad Ahmed bin Abdullah born in Sudan. He claimed to be the Mehdi and he fought against the Ottoman Empire. He killed people in exactly the same manner as ISIS is killing people. He became famous with the title of ‘Mehdi Sudani’. He killed a lot of people; then Britain sent Charles Gordon. He went there and with the help of the British Army, he [fought against him]. [Abdullah died of typhus] and peace was eventually restored.

Soon after the demise of Prophet Mohammad, killing started. Prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussain, along with his sons and others, were brutally slaughtered and beheaded by Muslims. Hajaj bin Yousuf then became the Caliph and he slaughtered 10 000 people in Medina.

Islam has seen more blood than water. The people who come from the Arabian Peninsula are historically known to be warriors.

They kill each other for fun and adventure.

There have been more than ten pseudo-claimants who declared themselves to be Mehdi, some from India, others from Pakistan and some from the Arab world. However, Wahhabis have concocted a concept of a Caliph.

Many people believed in their concoctions because they were telling them half-truths. This concept of Caliphate (Khilafah) is based on prophecies of the Prophet Mohammad, but with modification and fabrication.

References of the Quran and Prophetic Traditions that Wahhabis present to their followers are so sensitive that neither can one accept it, nor would one want to reject it – because nothing is proved; everything is vague.

The concept of Mehdi has been greatly fiddled with by Wahhabis. The question is: what is now in their minds after this modification? If you understand it today, you will know what is happening right now.

We say, ‘This is killing, brutality and insanity,’ but they don’t think the same way as we do because they have something else in their mind. They have been indoctrinated with some other concepts. Their passion for killing is considered, by them, as their religious duty. We call it barbarism and terrorism, but we need to get into their brain and see how they think.

If you want to defeat them, you need to think on the same wavelength as they are thinking. This is a very sensitive topic but I must speak on it. If I do not speak on this topic today, confusions about Imam Mehdi will lead the public to conclude dangerous concepts.

In the original concept of Mehdi, Imam Mehdi would teach all human beings love of God. In the light of the prophecies of Prophet Mohammad and the Quran, Imam Mehdi will establish a new religion: the Religion of Love. Imam Mehdi will work along with Lord Jesus Christ. According to the original concept of Imam Mehdi, Imam Mehdi will appoint Jesus as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Imam Mehdi, who will defeat ISIS, Taliban and all the followers of Antichrist. Imam Mehdi and Jesus Christ together will rule the hearts of the world. They will fill the world with utter justice, peace and love. Imam Mehdi will unify humanity.

Imam Mehdi’s spiritual grace, benevolence, compassion and bounty will not be confined to one particular group of people or one specific religion. Imam Mehdi will cater to the needs of the entire humanity. According to the original concept of Imam Mehdi, Imam Mehdi along with Lord Jesus Christ will establish the Kingdom of God.

The message of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is love, brotherhood and peace; [it dos not incite] hatred or violence. I am a follower of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi, who is the Messenger of Love. He is spreading the love of God, brotherhood and tolerance in collaboration with Lord Jesus Christ.

According to the original concept of Mehdi, Imam Mehdi is supposed to establish a new religion, a new book and a new custom; Imam Mehdi is not going to speak about Islam. Imam Mehdi is not going to speak about Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. Imam Mehdi will speak about love, he will take every single individual in this world as a creature of God, not as a Hindu, Muslim or Christian.

Imam Mehdi’s job is to connect an individual to God, regardless of his religion.

Imam Mehdi loves all and the doctrine He has brought down with Him is the doctrine of Rapturous Love. In this form of love, one is so humble to everyone. One does not take revenge or hold grudges for anyone; they love all.

Jesus said, ‘If somebody slaps you on your right cheek, present your other cheek as well.’ Some people think that this is stupidity and it is not practical. However, Jesus has done it and His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s message of love is the continuation of the message Jesus Christ tried to give to people 2000 years ago: love of God and humanity.

Imam Mehdi will establish a new religion. Imam Mehdi will love everybody and fill everyone’s hearts with love. Imam Mehdi will establish a united nation in which the entire humanity will come into a single fold of universal brotherhood. Each member of the global society will love each other. There will be no sign of hatred, killing or bloodshed. There will be no Islam, Christianity, Sikhism or the Quran.

Why do we need the Quran? We have God’s Representative on Earth. Why do we need the Bible when we have Jesus?

Imam Mehdi is not supposed to promote Islam. This is a wrong concept which has been generated by wrong people for wrong reasons! Why should Imam Mehdi promote Islam when Islam doesn’t exist anymore?

How will you find God with the help of Islam, when it did not help you become a good human being? The couple involved in the San Bernardino Shooting didn’t even think of their daughter; they abandoned her. How will people who do not have any mercy and compassion for their own children, have any mercy for other people?

The way the Quran has introduced Prophet Mohammad to the world is fabulous. The Quran said:

وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ


‘O’ Mohammad, and have I sent you in any other form other than blessing for humankind?’

Prophet Mohammad’s blessings do not change. He was a blessing for the world 1400 years ago and even if he existed today, he would have been blessing for the world.

Prophet Mohammad would not have told his followers to kill people simply because they were not Muslims.

When Prophet Mohammad conquered Mecca, he said as he entered the city, ‘I do not force those who do not believe in Islam to become Muslims. They can continue to practise their religion. Those who are my enemies, I allow them to seek refuge. Those who are Muslims, under the new law, they will pay alms (religious tax) and those who are non-Muslims will pay taxes.’

The way [Wahhabis] have projected a false image of Islam and Prophet Mohammad is really terrible. We can safely say Islam does not exist today. [What we see] is not Islam.

I had a debate with a man who said, ‘Imam Mehdi will convert everyone to Islam.’ I asked him, ‘Why didn’t Prophet Mohammad convert everybody into Islam?’ Forget about others; Prophet Mohammad did not force his own uncle who raised him, supported him and sponsored him to accept Islam. When Prophet Mohammad asked his uncle to become Muslim, his uncle simply said to him, ‘I am a Jew. I believe in Abraham and I’m good.’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Okay,’ because Prophet Mohammad knew that if he believed in Abraham, it was enough for him.

Individuals today who call themselves ‘devout’ Muslims and want Imam Mehdi to convert every single individual to Islam, I ask them, ‘Why didn’t Prophet Mohammad convert everybody to Islam?’

Why does everybody have to become Muslim? Do [Muslims] think Islam is the only good religion and all other religions are false?

According to Islam, one must believe in all messengers and prophets. If you do not believe in Abraham, Jesus and Moses, you are not a Muslim in the eyes of Prophet Mohammad. Islam has given more respect to Mother Mary than any woman in history. There is a chapter in the Quran named ‘Mother Mary.’

I have explained the true concept of Imam Mehdi. Wahhabis have modified this concept. They have removed the word ‘Mehdi’ and replaced it with ‘Caliph’ (Khalifah). This Caliph according to their understanding will rule the world and turn everybody into a Muslim. He will kill all those who do not accept their doctrine. This is exactly what is in their mind. These people think that the rapist, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the Awaited Mehdi, the Caliph. He is a butcher and an enemy of humanity. ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab are all butchers and [the most] hateful creatures on Earth.

The original Imam Mehdi is supposed to love all and fill the world with utter justice.

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5th December 2015|ArticlesLecturesVideos

I would like to pass on this message to our Honourable Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, David Cameron​ and the Honourable President Obama​, President of the United States of America, and all other European countries to take my advice into account. And it is in the larger interests of our strategy against ISIS and other radical Islamists.

What I know from my spiritual experiences is that Bashar al Assad is not our immediate concern.

In order to defeat ISIS in Syria, you have to focus on one enemy at a time. Don’t think about Bashar al Assad right now; that’s not our immediate concern.

In order to successfully defeat ISIS, if we have to shake hands with Bashar al Assad temporarily, do not hesitate. Go ahead. I think it is important for a successful assault on ISIS that for the time being you either shake hands with Bashar al Assad to grab the opportunity or you ignore him right now and focus on ISIS and its ideology.

Bombing their oil wells is a good job; keep doing it. This will produce wonderful, miraculous results.

In the long run, the ideology of hatred, the Wahhabi brand of Islam, has to be taken care of. If we want this world to become a peaceful place to live again, we must take care of the Wahhabi brand of Islam.

It is like these Islamists have practically declared a war against the rest of the world; we should now accept it. With this acceptance, we should then retaliate in accordance with the culture of war, with the understanding of a war. In war and love, everything is fair. You have to root out this evil from the global society.

All countries of the world who promote peace and love and respect humanity should support the United States of America, the UK, France and Germany and any other country who is now becoming part of this greater alliance against the evil ISIS and other terrorist groups.

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What does Islam have to do with ISIS?
22nd November 2015|LecturesVideos

What does Islam have to do with ISIS?

Since 9/11, the world has changed. An unprecedented hatred has emerged; this is due to what happened on 9/1, the 7/7 London bombing and then many different places that have been targeted by terrorists. If terrorism strikes in Pakistan or if terrorism causes thousands of people to lose their lives in Africa and Southeast Asia, it doesn’t really leave any significant impact on people.

If a terrorist activity strikes in Europe, then a wave of hatred goes across all different types of Muslims – whether or not they approve of terrorism.

Sufi Muslims have been known to be very compassionate, kind and tolerant. In relation to dealing with members of other religions they have shown themselves to be adaptive, accommodating and harmonious. However, whenever an Islamist carries out an act of terrorism, then even the Sufi Muslims have to suffer the aftermath and the backlashes. This is a tragedy.

These terrorists who kill innocent people cannot be considered as human beings.

But as a retaliation, if somebody in Canada, the United States of America, France, England or anywhere else in the world targets an innocent Sufi Muslim, causing them to die, then this act of killing an innocent is equal to an act being carried out by ISIS.

You have gone down to their level of brutality because that particular Muslim you pushed onto the railway track was innocent. They didn’t do anything nor did they believe in terrorism. If you do something like this, you are telling people that you are just like ISIS. Although you may not part of ISIS, you are doing the same thing that they are.

A debate is going on in the United States of America: does ISIS really have nothing to do with Islam?

Every time an atrocity takes place by Islamists, peaceful Muslims, Sufi Muslims, and law abiding Muslims of different countries condemn the terrorist activities. Their statement has to include one sentence, ‘ISIS is not a Muslim organisation and they are not Muslims.’

If you are not a Muslim and you see what ISIS is doing, you will say to yourself, ‘They are holding the Quran. They are growing beards. They talk about Sharia. They are called the  “Islamic State.” How come they are not Muslims?’

This is a big question. There is an article in the Washington Post titled, ‘Does ISIS really have nothing to do with Islam? Islamic apologetics carry serious risks.’

In the article, the author said what he could think of as a common man who does not have spiritual knowledge or profound insight into the religion; one who is not well aware of the history of Islam or what happened 1400 years ago. He may have a very limited approach towards understanding this topic.

However, to say, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam,’ is a sentence that needs a lot of explanation.

Although I have used this sentence myself and I have also said that ISIS in reality has nothing to do with Islam, what I said is very profound and technical.

For example, all Muslims go to the mosque and offer prayers. If a Muslim goes to a mosque five times a day to offer prayers and I say, ‘He doesn’t offer prayers,’ people will say, ‘We have seen him offering prayers at the mosque.’ In order to justify my statement, I say, ‘I know he goes to the mosque and offers prayers five times a day. But I also know what Prophet Mohammad said about Salat (prayers).’

‘There is no Salat if the heart is absent from the Salat.’ – Prophet Mohammad

If a person does not have the presence of the heart in Salat, God doesn’t accept it; in the eyes of God, he never offered Salat. His Salat is not qualified to be known as Salat; therefore, technically we can say he is a non-Musali (one who offers Salat).

‘Destruction is for those who offer Salat and are not aware of the reality of Salat. When they go to the mosque and stand in Salat they are only making a scene; they show off.’

Quran, (107:4-6)

Individuals who offer Salat yet are not aware of reality of Salat are doomed; their religion is destroyed.

I mentioned in the beginning that I have also made a statement such as, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.’ There are people who say, ‘How come? They are holding the Quran in their hands, they are growing beards. They want to impose Islamic Sharia; they have already occupied a greater part of Syria and Iraq. They have already established an Islamic State. They are doing everything according to the Quran but you say they are not Muslim.’

Without explanation, it remains to be pretty dubious. Oftentimes common people do not seek profound explanation; they simply say, ‘Their inspiration is coming from the Quran and they are doing everything for establishment of Sharia Law.’

The reason I say, ‘They are not Muslim,’ is very technical. They may be Muslims in your eyes; but they are not Muslims in the eyes of Islam or God.

You can safely say ISIS has everything to do with Islam – this is how you understand it. But if you ask the Quran, if you ask God, then you will understand that these individuals do not follow the Quran.

Mischief of ISIS
They talk about Islamic Sharia but they do not follow Islamic Sharia.

Most of these ‘warriors of God are those who do not even know one verse from the Quran.

A Christian family were fleeing Syria. They were born and bred there; they recited the Bible in Arabic. They were travelling in their car and were stopped by ISIS thugs. The ISIS members asked them, ‘What is your religion?’ The father replied, ‘I am Muslim.’ They asked him to recite the Quran; he recited the Bible and they let him go!

If you apply these technical points that I am talking about on each and every Muslim, whether that Muslim is a terrorist or peace-loving citizen, that person will be screened as non-Muslim. Now it’s easy to say, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam because Islam doesn’t exist.’

This was the technical side.  On the other hand, there is a Prophetic Tradition (Hadith) according to which you will have to admit that ISIS is a Muslim organisation. It is a long Hadith but I’ll give you a few sentences.

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘A time will come on my Nation (Ummah) when nothing will be left in Islam for except its name. Nothing will be left in Quran for except the practice of reciting it.’ Prophet Mohammad talks about the mosques of this time. ‘Their mosques will be beautiful but they will be void of guidance. They will recite Quran but the Quran will not go beyond their throats.’

Then, Prophet Mohammad talks about ISIS. He said, ‘Mischief (fitna) will emerge from within Islam.’ This proves that they are Muslim. ISIS is mischief.

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘This mischief will emerge from within Islam and within Islam, this mischief will come to an end.’ This is interesting.

It means, this mischief of ISIS has emerged from Islam and somebody from within Islam will stand up and he will terminate this mischief of ISIS. It is referred to Imam Mehdi (as).

This Prophetic Tradition in particular tells us that ISIS recite the Kalima (Declaration of Faith) and the Quran, though it does not go beyond their throats. Although they are severely misguided, Prophet Mohammad has already mentioned that these are the people who, as mischief, will emerge from within his Ummah. They will be the worst creatures under the sky (Khwarijeen).

This is written on the wall. What is happening now is exactly what the Prophet foretold 1400 years ago.

One of the signs of the end of the world was the fire which would rise from Syria. You can see that fire today.

Prophet Mohammad spoke about the state of Muslims towards the end of the world, saying ‘Nothing will be left in the Quran for except the ritualistic recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’

As I mentioned earlier, Islam does not exist. We only have Islam’s name. Everybody is creating stories and declaring the source as Quran. This mischief of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Daesh (ISIS) is the mischief that Prophet Mohammad had already foretold. The good news is Prophet Mohammad said this mischief would rise from within Islam and it will come to an end within Islam. We are going through this horrific phase of time.

I think we should raise awareness of what was foretold in regards to the events leading to the end of the world. These facts should be known by almost everybody who lives in this world: by Christians, by Jews, by Hindus, etc. so they should have a clear understanding of what’s going on.  

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.