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To cool down a very hot room, we need to open some windows. When there is radicalised community living in the area (and the youth is getting radicalised), we need to promote Sufi thoughts which will dilute it. – Younus AlGohar

Are We All Progeny of One Adam?
23rd May 2016|LecturesVideos

Are We All Progeny of One Adam?

Younus AlGohar reveals important information about human history, elaborating on Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in an unprecedented way.

Main points:

– Many religious people believe that all humanity is the progeny of one Adam, however Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explained that there have been 14 000 Adams. In His book, The Religion of God (Divine Love), Lord Ra Riaz puts forth an irrefutable argument to support this, which is so obvious and evident that one does not need to verify it.

– People of China, Japan, South Korea bear a good amount of resemblance to one another while the same can be said about people from Middle Eastern countries as well as South Asian countries. If you stand a Pakistani, Arab and an African in a queue and ask whether they come from the same Adam, the answer would be a resounding no. People from different Adams all have different temperaments and may differ in body shape as well.

– When Lord Ra Riaz visited Arizona, a leader of a Native American Tribe came to meet Him. Lord Ra Riaz asked him, ‘Where do you think your Adam came from?’ He replied, ‘According to our religious books, he came from the Middle East.’ This was in reference to Adam the Eminent One, mentioned in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. He then said, ‘According to our oral history and cultural books, our Adam came from the mountains of South Dakota.’ This is an anecdote supporting the fact that there have been more than one Adam who came to the world.

– Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution states that man evolved from apes. This is not entirely true because not all people have come from apes. When, in Moses’s era, some of his people disobeyed him, God punished them by turning them into apes. However, the women who were pregnant, though they were transformed into apes, they gave birth to human babies. As a lesson for humanity, the progeny of apes have some attributes of apes, such as their preference to drink more rather than eat. Such people can be found in Europe. Similarly, people in Africa who rejected the message of Prophet Seth were cursed by God and turned into donkeys. The pregnant women among them gave birth to human babies.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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The Sunday Island Interviews Younus AlGohar
23rd May 2016|Articles

The Sunday Island Interviews Younus AlGohar

The Sunday Island Interviews Younus AlGohar

Recently, Younus AlGohar sat down with Steve A. Morrell of the Sunday Island to discuss spirituality and Younus AlGohar’s unique message for the people of Sri Lanka. Read the published piece here.

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The Revolution of Love | Inqilab-e-Ishq
19th May 2016|LecturesVideos

The Revolution of Love | Inqilab-e-Ishq

Younus AlGohar talks about human history in an unprecedented way. He talks the audience through the different revolutions that humanity has experienced and why they only occurred in the last 6000 years. He gives glad-tidings of the Revolution of Love that will occur with the bounty of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

Main points:
⁃ A revolution is when new teachings come that completely change the norms of society and norms of spirituality. Many revolutions have come but in the modern era, whatever spiritual and religious revolutions have come have been rendered moot. Humanity is now back at its prehistoric status, the stage it was at before the arrival of Adam the Eminent One.

⁃ God sent 14 000 Adams. 13 999 of these Adams were made with the clay of this world and they didn’t have knowledge of spirituality. Their worship was done with the body. In the era before Adam the Eminent One’s arrival, if somebody adopted a religion, the only difference was that they would start to worship. Their character would not be changed. Your character is directly linked to your Nafs (Self) and Qalb (spiritual heart); if your Nafs is getting purified and your Qalb is getting enlightened with God’s name, you’ll be inclined towards God.

⁃ Adam the Eminent One came 6000 years ago, but this world has existed for billions of years. Adam the Eminent One’s arrival was foretold by the previous Adams, who were told that in the final era, a special Adam would be sent. Adams before Adam Safi Allah would just worship, but they did not know if their worship was accepted by God. They would force themselves not to sin, but the desire to sin was not removed from inside them. Finally, when Adam the Eminent One was sent, angels were told to make his body in heaven. Angels objected to the creation of Adam the Eminent One, citing the war, bloodshed and mischief that all the previous 13 999 Adams had all been involved in. God replied that Adam the Eminent One would be given the knowledge of eminence. God gave Adam the Eminent One the knowledge of how to generate divine energy from God’s names.

⁃ God gave different names to his prophets and messengers. David got the name Ya Wadood while Moses got Ya Rehman, which are related to different attributes of God. Mohammad got the Personal Name of God, Allah, which took him straight to the Person of God. All of God’s names are good.

⁃ Through Adam the Eminent One, the first revolution was brought to humanity: people were able to get connected to God and purify their Nafs and Qalb. Now, man’s voice would reach God. The second revolution was when God spoke to Moses; now, man was able to hear God’s voice. The greatest revolution was when Mohammad introduced the knowledge of seeing God. Unfortunately, this revolution was suppressed because of mischief that took place in Islam. Mohammad’s knowledge of seeing God and his knowledge of spirituality were suppressed by scholars and even companions of the Prophet as well as his wife, Aisha. To become part of Mohammad’s greatest revolution, you have to start adopting the revolutionary knowledge of Adam and so on. This is why God made it obligatory upon all Muslims to believe in all the prophets and messengers.

⁃ Today, people have forgotten the knowledge of eminence. No matter what religion you follow or what race you belong to, if you do not have the knowledge of eminence, then you are no different from the Adams who predated Adam the Eminent One because you are all dark by the heart. Imam Mehdi Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has introduces spiritual knowledge today in a form that the world has never seen before. With this spiritual knowledge, you can know yourself. You can find out what you chose for yourself in the Primordial Times and what your ultimate destiny is.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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Upcoming: The Revolution of Love in Peru
14th May 2016|Uncategorised

Upcoming: The Revolution of Love in Peru

Messiah Foundation International and the Universal Great Brotherhood are proud to announce that The Revolution of Love event in Cusco, Peru will take place on June 25, 2016.  Younus AlGohar will deliver the keynote lecture.

In preparation for this programme, we have been actively promoting the message of divine love and showing residents of Cusco the divine signs. Many people have shown their appreciation for our message and have expressed their interest in attending the programme.

View the full Flickr album here.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Images on Hajre Aswad
7th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Images on Hajre Aswad

I want to tell the world that the holy place known as the Holy Cubicle (Kaaba) is for everybody. It is for Christians, Hindus, Jews and Muslims. Currently, the Saudi Royal Family has disallowed all other religions for except Muslims to pay pilgrimage and homage to the holy place.

God has a plan according to which people of all religions soon will be able to travel to the Holy Cubicle.

Due to the Holy Black Stone, which was brought by Adam and is fixed in the Holy Cubicle, it is a holy place. The image of Jesus has become prominent in the stone, which simply suggests that this is sacred for Christians also. The image of Mother Mary is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone.

According to the divine plan, the image of Moses is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone, which means the Jewish people can come. This stone is sacred not only for Muslims and Christians, but also for the Jewish community.

Then the image of Durga Maa is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone which means this Holy Black Stone is sacred for not just one religion, but for many religions.

The Holy Black Stone has the image of Lord Jesus Christ, which means all those who believe in Jesus have the right to visit that place.

This image is not painted by human beings; it is the work of God, the act of God.

Not only does this Holy Black Stone have the image of Durga Maa, Mother Mary, Lord Jesus Christ, Moses and Mohammad, but also Ali. And not just that — this Holy Black Stone has the image of God and also another four members of the Community of God.

Images of four members of the Community of God are visible; they’re standing behind the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s image in the Holy Black Stone.

This Holy Black Stone will be greatly helpful to establish the fact that the entire humanity should convert to One United Nation (a universal brotherhood) that will love God and God will love them.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?
7th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?

Question: On LBC, Ken Livingston said that Hitler was a Zionist. I heard that some Jews also say. Many people say he read the Quran then killed 6 million Jews.

So he got the idea from the Quran? Come on.

Hitler did the Holocaust and it was his own perception and idea. He was a Christian; he was not a Zionist.

In Germany, even the women are well-built and tall. What he did was he collected all the tall men and all the tall women; he asked them to sleep together and produce children without marriage, so that he could have a new race. This was his idea and it did not come from the Quran.

Any Jew who becomes an extremist becomes a Zionist. You cannot say a Christian is a Zionist.

Jews are very good people. Those who practise Kabbalah are wonderful people. Similarly, Christians are good people.

There is a bad apple in every garden and a bad fish in every pond. In a similar way, there are good and bad people in every religion.

There are bad people among Muslims, Christians and Jews but not everybody is bad. If somebody is bad, don’t think his religion is bad. Individuals can be bad; religions are not bad.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not bad. If some bad person is practising Islam, then that bad person is bad; not Islam. Similarly, if some Jews are bad, it doesn’t mean the religion is bad. It is about individuals.

Because the conjecture about Islam has gone bad, now people are attributing all sorts of bad things to Islam and the Quran. You need to call a spade a spade; you can’t paint anything in your own colour and say, ‘This is bad.’

How come Islam did not inspire people in the 1400 years to carry out carnage and become savages who do not let anybody live?

I’ll tell you something. According to the Jewish beliefs, God promised them the Promised Land. God is supposed to grant them the possession of that land, so [they should] leave it to God. God will do it.

If you are making efforts, promoting militancy and you are trying to take the responsibility of God in your own hands by trying to acquire that land by force, you are not Jewish. You are manipulating the words of God.

Let God give it to you. Why are you trying to do it yourself? Let God do what only God can do. God wouldn’t make a promise if you were able to do it yourself.

If God thought it was a very small, petty issue, he would have said, ‘Make and effort, you can do it.’ God would not be bothered to make a promise if you were capable to retain the land. God did not say that; God said, ‘I will return it to you and that is my promise.’ God does honour his promises. He doesn’t make fake, empty hollow promises.

When God promised them the land, it simply means they were not capable of retaining that land. So God took the responsibility of retaining that land and giving it back to them.

These people who are making efforts and promoting militancy and terrorism can never be successful. The time will soon come when, on behalf of God, [Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi] will fulfil the promises.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Did Umar Khattab Attack Fatima Zahra?
6th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Did Umar Khattab Attack Fatima Zahra?

A Sunni man asked, ‘Where is it written that Umar bin Khattab pulled sword on Prophet Mohammad when he was sick? Umar bin Khattab pushed Bibi Fatima, who then died after 6 months due to poisoning. Bibi Fatima was thrown out of her home which was gifted to her by her father.’

[She was not gifted a] home. It was a garden.

This has been narrated by Companions of the Prophet. All Muslims consider the Prophetic Traditions (Ahadith) in the Bukhari Sharif to be the most authentic Prophetic Traditions. This is in one of those Bukhari Prophetic Traditions.

There was a quarrel. As soon as Umar bin Khattab became the caliph, he summoned the daughter of the Prophet, Fatima. He said, ‘The Garden of Fidak is property of Islam; it is not your property so you need to return it. Bibi Fatimi replied, ’It was gifted to me by my father.’ So this is in Prophetic Traditions.

When he was demanding Bibi Fatima to withdraw possession of that garden and the conversation became heated, he got really emotional and angry. He was an unreasonably angry person. Out of anger, he pushed Fatima tul Zahra and she fell on the door. There was a big nail in that door and that nail went into her stomach.

So it was a foreign object made of iron and it went inside. When you go into surgery, the equipment they use is all sterilised. They are made of stainless steel and they cannot be rusted. The nail went into her stomach, there was a big wound and it started bleeding. The body was entirely poisoned. 6 months after this incident, she died. This is recorded in Prophetic Traditions.

Even the scholars of Deoband narrate this story – not just Sunnis and Shias.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.