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Jashan-e-Shahi 2018: 31st May
28th May 2018|News

Jashan-e-Shahi 2018: 31st May

Jashan-e-Shahi 2018: 31st May

Jashan-e-Shahi (Youm-e-Mehdi) is the day relating to His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s rank as the awaited Imam Mehdi (as). It falls on 15th Ramadan of every year and is celebrated with zeal and fervour by admirers of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi around the world! HDE Gohar Shahi is Younus AlGohar’s Spiritual Guide.

This year, Jashan-e-Shahi will be celebrated on 31st May 2018. Be sure to watch ALRA TV at 10:00 PM BST on 31st May 2018 for a special lecture by Younus AlGohar.

An excerpt from The Religion of God (Divine Love) about Jashan-e-Shahi and why it is celebrated:

On the 15th of Ramadan 1977, a series of unique secretive conversations (Ilhaamat or inspiration) with God also began. The promise of ‘Radhiya Mardhiya’ (‘Your will is my will, my will is your will’) took place and rank was also granted. Since every rank (martaba) and ascension (meraaj) is related to the 15th of Ramadan, this is why in order to express feelings of happiness and thanksgiving, Jashan-e-Shahi is celebrated every year.

In the year 1978, His Divine Eminence moved to Hyderabad, Sindh, and began to shower the grace of divine guidance on mankind, and in a short span of time, His spiritual grace spread throughout the world. The hearts of millions of people were revived with God’s remembrance. God’s name, ‘Allah’ was imprinted on the hearts of millions of people, and they witnessed it on their hearts. Hundreds of thousands of people acquired access to Kashf Al Qaboor (the ability to speak to the subtlety of Nafs of the departed Saints) and Kashf Al Hudhoor (access to the court of Mohammad). His Divine Eminence has cured millions of people with terminal diseases. After having received the teachings and guidance from His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, people from every religion, every nationality, and every race acquired the love of God, and began to reach the Essence of God.

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A Miraculous Incident in Islamabad, Pakistan
27th July 2017|ActivitiesQuotes

A Miraculous Incident in Islamabad, Pakistan

A Miraculous Incident in Islamabad, Pakistan

A viewer of Younus AlGohar’s live YouTube discourses from Islamabad, Pakistan, recently sent an email telling him about a miraculous incident he and his father experienced with the blessings of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. The following is his account.

Dear Beloved Mr Younus AlGohar,

I want to share with you what happened to me today.

I have conversed with my father about His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi in the past on many occasions. We had always engaged in meaningful discussion but we ended with no result. I believe in His Divine Eminence – as he is not only the Grand God and Imam Mehdi, but he is much bigger than anyone can understand his reality, his personality or even describe him in poetry!

My father believed that HDE Gohar Shahi is a good person, a saint, a wonderful philosopher and great thinker, but he didn’t believe that HDE Gohar Shahi is Imam Mehdi. I tried to convince him but to no avail.

Yesterday, I had a discussion with my father again. Unlike the past, this time I got angry at my father. I walked sadly far away from him. On this occasion, I said in my heart, ‘His Divine Eminence, please show my father who you are. Please forgive his ignorant words.’  

Today, my father got up to offer early morning prayers (Fajr). When he finished his prayer, he noticed that a comely face had manifested at the prostration place on the prayer mat – the place where he bows his head. It was the divine face of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi and he was smiling at my father. My father got confused and concentrated on the face. As he concentrated, he saw the face getting clearer and clearer. At that moment, he exclaimed, ‘Subhan Allah (Praise to God)!’

He jumped up from his place, ran to my room and woke me up. I came directly to him and asked him what happened. He said, ‘Come with me.’ He took me to his prayer room and showed me the place of prostration. He asked me, ‘What do you see?’ I looked, smiled and said to him, ‘First of all, tell me: what are you seeing?’

He said, ‘I am seeing a big beautiful face of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi smiling at me.’ I replied, ‘This is a direct and obvious sign from him for you to believe in him!’ He said, ‘Your grandeur is beyond imagination, HDE Gohar Shahi!’ He started to kiss the image and he said, ‘HDE Gohar Shahi, forgive me for I did not know about you.’

I am so happy that my father enrolled to HDE Gohar Shahi’s Lover’s Club. May HDE Gohar Shahi bless him with his love.

Thank you very much, dear sir.

Sarfraz Ali

Islamabad, Pakistan

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Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed
8th May 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed

The following is the English transcript of Younus AlGohar’s lecture 

Those who say, ‘Imam Mehdi will kill non-Muslims,’ are ignorant of the truth and the Koran.


It is a common misperception in Muslim circles that Imam Mehdi will impose Islam on the entire world. The concept of Imam Mehdi was given to Muslims through celestial scriptures, from God. Similarly, the concept of the Messiah in Judaism is also from celestial scriptures. If the Jews think the Messiah will impose Judaism and the Christians think Jesus shall impose Christianity, while Muslims think Imam Mehdi shall impose Islam; this causes a lot of confusion.


God has given the concept of an Awaited One in all celestial scriptures and if a Muslim thinks only Islam’s concept is correct, that person is not a true Muslim. Muslims are required by their religion to believe in all prophets, messengers and the four celestial scriptures.


Now the concept of Imam Mehdi is from God and the concept of the Messiah is also from God, therefore how is it possible that God will send Imam Mehdi to spread Islam and the Messiah to spread Judaism all over the world? Does God have a plan to wreak havoc and cause bloodshed? It just doesn’t make any sense.  


How can this concept exist in a Muslim’s mind that Islam will spread over the entire world when it is for Islam that Prophet Mohammad said,

‘Nothing would be left in the Koran for except customary recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’  

When the Muslims conquered Mecca, it was known as the Golden Age of Islam. The Muslims had their own Islamic Sultanate but even in that era, Islam was confined to a piece of land, it had not spread all over the world. Later on, the Caliphs invaded countries and enforced Islam. However, I am completely against the act of invading and attacking another country in order to enforce your religion upon them. This is wrong. It is in direct violation of what the Koran says,

 ‘La iqra fiddeen’ [2:256]

This is often translated by clerics as: there is no compulsion in the religion. However, this is a misinterpretation. It actually means: do not do anything in the religion that makes you feel disgusted. How can you not feel disgusted, killing a 6-month old baby just because his parents did not accept Islam? This is against the principles of Islam and the Koran.


A Muslim would say that the era of Prophet Mohammad was the best and yet we know that even in the era of Prophet Mohammad the Islamic flag did not reign over the entire world.  


The Commencement of Eminence

Imam Mehdi shall be greater in eminence and possess more knowledge than Adam Safi Allah; how can any Muslim attribute violence and bloodshed to Imam Mehdi?  


The most important point to note is that when God was creating Adam Safi Allah, the angels objected. The angels suspected that he would again cause mischief and bloodshed. They said to God, ‘Are we not enough to glorify you and sing your praise?’ God’s argument in response was that this time he was going to give Adam the Knowledge of Eminence. [Koran 2:30]  


Those sects in Islam who claim that Imam Mehdi will use the power of his sword to impose Islam on the entire world, I have a question for them: has Islam not always been subjected to bloodshed?


In order to eliminate bloodshed from the nature of man, God granted Adam the Knowledge of Eminence; it simply means Muslims do not know what the Knowledge of Eminence really is nor do they understand what is written in the Koran. How can it be that Imam Mehdi will possess this Knowledge of Eminence, which was given to eliminate bloodshed and at the same time he will cause bloodshed and kill all who do not accept Islam? How can good and evil coexist together?


Adam Safi Allah was given the minimum knowledge of how to generate divine light from the name of God. Imam Mehdi will not only possess the knowledge that was given to Adam, He will also possess and dispense the knowledge of how to obtain enlightenment from the sub-spirits of God (Jussa Taufeeq-e-Illahi/Tifle Noorie) and He will even dispense the knowledge with the help of which one will be able to see God (Deedar-e-Illahi) and the method by which one can come under the theophanies of God.


God has invested all his special powers and authority within Imam un Mubeen [Koran 36:12].

Imam un Mubeen (The Elusive Imam) means the one who does not have to be searched for; His grandeur and majesty is such that it speaks for itself. People will be humbled before him and compelled to believe that only He can be the Imam un Mubeen. Those who still maintain to reject Him, despite seeing all the signs, are those whose eyes are blind and heart is blind.  


There are 27 Haroof-e-Mukatiyat (The Disjointed Letters). All prophets and messengers together only brought down the knowledge of 2 letters and Imam Mehdi shall bring down the remaining 25. How much knowledge that must be! Adam’s eminent knowledge was merely a pinch of knowledge compared to the knowledge Imam Mehdi shall dispense. Imam Mehdi is dispensing the secretive knowledge of God (Ilm-e-Ladduni).


Those who think Imam Mehdi shall pick up the sword are not only blasphemers of Imam Mehdi; they are blaspheming and rejecting the Koran, Prophet Mohammad and God. Can any cleric legitimately say that according to Islam, one who is involved in bloodshed will go to heaven? Only those are involved in bloodshed who do not possess the Knowledge of Eminence. In other words, one who is involved in bloodshed in the name of God/religion is trying to prove God wrong. Those who have obtained this Knowledge of Eminence only spread peace, love and connect people with God.  


Prophet Mohammad did participate in wars, however, not a single infidel died from his sword. In those days, the Arab mentality was such that the weapon was seen as a man’s power. According to the mentality of the people at the time, had Prophet Mohammad not held a sword, they would have seen him as a coward. However, Prophet Mohammad never killed anyone.

God sent Prophet Mohammad down as a mercy upon all mankind. [Koran 21:107]

Prophet Mohammad even said, ‘If I had used a sword, would all my teeth have broken?’ When the infidels in Ta’if sent mad dogs after the Prophet and his shoes were full of blood, Gabriel asked, ‘Shall I join the two mountains so that they may be destroyed?’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘No, I have not come to harm anyone; I have come as a blessing for all.’  


If God gave Adam the Knowledge of Eminence to eliminate bloodshed, he must have given Prophet Mohammad something even greater; so that neither Prophet Mohammad nor those who were in the physical and spiritual company of Prophet Mohammad would have the urge to cause bloodshed.


All religions allow one to hold a weapon in self-defence, provided you are being attacked by the enemy. However, there is no religion that allows you to use a weapon to enforce your religion upon others. Therefore, having this conjecture for Imam Mehdi is utterly blasphemous.


Imam Mehdi will not kill any Christian or Jew. The message of Imam Mehdi is love and the knowledge Imam Mehdi is dispensing is far greater than the Knowledge of Eminence granted to Adam Safi Allah.  

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We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks
23rd March 2017|News

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

In the wake of the terrorist incidents that took place in London today, we urge all citizens of the United Kingdom to remember that we must stand together against terrorism. Our strength is in our unity!

Learn more about the ideology behind Islamist terrorism in this month’s issue of The True Mehdi:

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The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent
3rd January 2017|Articles

The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent

The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent

Adam Safi Allah (Adam the Eminent One) was the first whom God granted the esoteric knowledge and last of 14 000 different species of Adam created by God.

Prior to Adam Safi Allah, none of the progenies of 13 999 Adams were granted the esoteric knowledge; hence they were unable to connect with God and reach Him. Since the esoteric knowledge was not granted to them, therefore their souls and other spiritual faculties had been dormant and deprived of capitalising human instinct.

Human instinct in man reflects in his character only when the souls in him are awakened and enlightened.

If the souls remain dormant in a man, he doesn’t develop human characteristics such as pure love, gratitude, forgiving the offenders and other positive traits.

With the help of the esoteric knowledge, one awakens and enlightens his souls, and discovers within him the original human characteristics and sense of superior creation.

Since progenies prior to Adam Safi Allah were not granted the esoteric knowledge, they couldn’t recognise divinity and its traits. Therefore they were easily misled and engaged in mischief and bloodshed. Today, humanity has lost that esoteric knowledge which connects man with God and awakens human characteristics in him.

Imam Mehdi has revived the esoteric knowledge once again, to uplift humanity to higher levels of spirituality so as to revive Human Characteristics in all human beings again. And this is the purpose of Imam Mehdi’s advent!

This article was first posted on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page. Learn more about the different species of Adam and the hidden history of man in the sacred book penned by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, The Religion of God (Divine Love).

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26th November 2016|Uncategorised



Mehdi Foundation International has just launched a completely new Urdu-language website! On the 25th of November, it was launched by Younus AlGohar during MFI’s spiritual gathering (streamed live on AlRa TV every day at 10:00 PM GMT).

The website includes MFI’s latest news, articles and videos. Check it out for exclusive content in Urdu from Younus AlGohar!

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#AskYounusAlGohar | Minjanib Allah Hidayat Par Kaun Hai?
11th October 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar | Minjanib Allah Hidayat Par Kaun Hai?

Younus AlGohar answers a question from a viewer about the technicalities involved in performance of worship whilst facing the Kaaba (in Mecca). Whilst doing so, he explains how God grants guidance.

Main points:

– As long as your heart is not connected with God and directed towards God, you’ll need to respect the pointer that is the Kaaba. The destination is not the Kaaba; the destination is God. When your heart is enlightened and directed towards God, then you can face anywhere and perform Salat (worship). When God is in you, you will be greater than the Kaaba – the Kaaba is just stone whereas man has the potential to be the greatest of all creation. When God is in you, the Kaaba will circumbulate you.

– In the first instance when you’re being guided, your heart generates divine energy (Noor). That divine energy will first clean your heart, and then if your heart is fully enlightened, the divine energy will enter your bloodstream. As long as the divine energy generated in the heart is only enough to take care of the needs of the heart, you will be known as just a Momin (true believer), but your heart won’t be directed to God.

– The prayer mentioned in Quran 1:6-7 is for those who have already awakened their heart, but they want God to turn their hearts towards him (and reach the stage of Qalb-e-Muneeb). This verse is asking God to take them towards the blessing of seeing God. For Momins, the heartbeats are the legs through which you walk on the Straight Path. The second part of this prayer asks God to not put them on the path of those who have earned his anger. Those people have earned his anger who worship God and invoke his name whilst ignoring the conditions he has put on them to do so – namely, they have not awakened their souls and they have ignored spiritual knowledge. God does not accept the worship of the people in whose fate he has not written faith.

– Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi has explained how to recognise if God has guided someone. God guides the heart. It is not your fleshy heart that God guides. It is the spiritual heart that sits atop the fleshy heart. There are 180 000 veils on top of the heart that do not get burnt through worship, fasting etc. To awaken the heart, you need the merciful sight of the spiritual guide, which will burn those veils. The spiritual guide will implant the seed of God’s name in your heart. Then the repetition of God’s name in your heart will begin. This is guidance from God.

– Guidance from God is not given without God’s permission. Before the spiritual guide implants the seed of God’s name in the aspirant’s heart, he takes his likeness to the court of God. God asks, ‘Why have you brought him?’ The spiritual guide replies, ‘He wants to befriend you.’ Then if God is in the mood to guide the aspirant, he will investigate his beliefs and actions. After being completely satisfied, God will command that his heart be initiated with God’s name. Then the spiritual guide, with God’s permission, will implant the seed of God’s name in the heart of the aspirant.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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Allah Ki Mohabbat Mein Bala Aur Musibat Kiyon?
10th June 2016|LecturesVideos

Allah Ki Mohabbat Mein Bala Aur Musibat Kiyon?

Younus AlGohar discusses why trouble and calamity are attached with God’s love in light of what Lord Ra Riaz has revealed about God’s nature. He also talks about Lord Ra Riaz’s distinctive approach to people exclusively seeking His love.

Main points:

– The path to God’s love is difficult; once you obtain God’s love, it’s even harder to maintain it. Someone said to Prophet Mohammad, ,’I want to love God.’ Prophet Mohammad replied, ‘Then embrace calamity and trouble, for these two things are attached with God’s love.’

– Abdul Qadir Jilani and Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi explained what this meant. Abdul Qadir Jilani’s explanation shows how close he is to God; Lord Ra Riaz’s explanation shows how much He knows God. Abdul Qadir Jilani’s explanation is incomplete; he lays all the emphasis on the seeker and God is not discussed. In Lord Ra Riaz’s explanation, the seeker is not discussed, but God is.

– Abdul Qadir Jilani said, ‘Trouble is attached with God’s love because a true lover is recognised in times of trouble. Trouble is attached so not just anyone can claim to love God.’ He said it was a test from God to see whether the seeker was determined enough to obtain God’s love. This statement was for someone trying to get God’s love, not someone who already had it.

– Lord Ra Riaz’s explanation is for those who have obtained God’s love; for whom God says, ‘I become the hand with which he holds things.’ Lord Ra Riaz revealed God’s nature: he gives trouble and calamity to his lovers so that when he cries, God will feel sorry for him and have mercy. In this state, he increases love for them.

– For those who are on the path to obtain Lord Ra Riaz’s love, there is no trouble and calamity sent like there is in God’s system. If your Nafs (Self) is purified, it means Lord Ra Riaz has chosen you for Their love. As long as your Nafs is not purified, it means you have not been chosen yet. Once Lord Ra Riaz has trusted you, that is it; on such people, Lord Ra Riaz does not send trouble on such people.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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The Revolution of Love | Inqilab-e-Ishq
19th May 2016|LecturesVideos

The Revolution of Love | Inqilab-e-Ishq

Younus AlGohar talks about human history in an unprecedented way. He talks the audience through the different revolutions that humanity has experienced and why they only occurred in the last 6000 years. He gives glad-tidings of the Revolution of Love that will occur with the bounty of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

Main points:
⁃ A revolution is when new teachings come that completely change the norms of society and norms of spirituality. Many revolutions have come but in the modern era, whatever spiritual and religious revolutions have come have been rendered moot. Humanity is now back at its prehistoric status, the stage it was at before the arrival of Adam the Eminent One.

⁃ God sent 14 000 Adams. 13 999 of these Adams were made with the clay of this world and they didn’t have knowledge of spirituality. Their worship was done with the body. In the era before Adam the Eminent One’s arrival, if somebody adopted a religion, the only difference was that they would start to worship. Their character would not be changed. Your character is directly linked to your Nafs (Self) and Qalb (spiritual heart); if your Nafs is getting purified and your Qalb is getting enlightened with God’s name, you’ll be inclined towards God.

⁃ Adam the Eminent One came 6000 years ago, but this world has existed for billions of years. Adam the Eminent One’s arrival was foretold by the previous Adams, who were told that in the final era, a special Adam would be sent. Adams before Adam Safi Allah would just worship, but they did not know if their worship was accepted by God. They would force themselves not to sin, but the desire to sin was not removed from inside them. Finally, when Adam the Eminent One was sent, angels were told to make his body in heaven. Angels objected to the creation of Adam the Eminent One, citing the war, bloodshed and mischief that all the previous 13 999 Adams had all been involved in. God replied that Adam the Eminent One would be given the knowledge of eminence. God gave Adam the Eminent One the knowledge of how to generate divine energy from God’s names.

⁃ God gave different names to his prophets and messengers. David got the name Ya Wadood while Moses got Ya Rehman, which are related to different attributes of God. Mohammad got the Personal Name of God, Allah, which took him straight to the Person of God. All of God’s names are good.

⁃ Through Adam the Eminent One, the first revolution was brought to humanity: people were able to get connected to God and purify their Nafs and Qalb. Now, man’s voice would reach God. The second revolution was when God spoke to Moses; now, man was able to hear God’s voice. The greatest revolution was when Mohammad introduced the knowledge of seeing God. Unfortunately, this revolution was suppressed because of mischief that took place in Islam. Mohammad’s knowledge of seeing God and his knowledge of spirituality were suppressed by scholars and even companions of the Prophet as well as his wife, Aisha. To become part of Mohammad’s greatest revolution, you have to start adopting the revolutionary knowledge of Adam and so on. This is why God made it obligatory upon all Muslims to believe in all the prophets and messengers.

⁃ Today, people have forgotten the knowledge of eminence. No matter what religion you follow or what race you belong to, if you do not have the knowledge of eminence, then you are no different from the Adams who predated Adam the Eminent One because you are all dark by the heart. Imam Mehdi Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has introduces spiritual knowledge today in a form that the world has never seen before. With this spiritual knowledge, you can know yourself. You can find out what you chose for yourself in the Primordial Times and what your ultimate destiny is.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Images on Hajre Aswad
7th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Images on Hajre Aswad

I want to tell the world that the holy place known as the Holy Cubicle (Kaaba) is for everybody. It is for Christians, Hindus, Jews and Muslims. Currently, the Saudi Royal Family has disallowed all other religions for except Muslims to pay pilgrimage and homage to the holy place.

God has a plan according to which people of all religions soon will be able to travel to the Holy Cubicle.

Due to the Holy Black Stone, which was brought by Adam and is fixed in the Holy Cubicle, it is a holy place. The image of Jesus has become prominent in the stone, which simply suggests that this is sacred for Christians also. The image of Mother Mary is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone.

According to the divine plan, the image of Moses is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone, which means the Jewish people can come. This stone is sacred not only for Muslims and Christians, but also for the Jewish community.

Then the image of Durga Maa is also prominent on the Holy Black Stone which means this Holy Black Stone is sacred for not just one religion, but for many religions.

The Holy Black Stone has the image of Lord Jesus Christ, which means all those who believe in Jesus have the right to visit that place.

This image is not painted by human beings; it is the work of God, the act of God.

Not only does this Holy Black Stone have the image of Durga Maa, Mother Mary, Lord Jesus Christ, Moses and Mohammad, but also Ali. And not just that — this Holy Black Stone has the image of God and also another four members of the Community of God.

Images of four members of the Community of God are visible; they’re standing behind the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s image in the Holy Black Stone.

This Holy Black Stone will be greatly helpful to establish the fact that the entire humanity should convert to One United Nation (a universal brotherhood) that will love God and God will love them.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.