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Watford Spiritual Heart Activation
15th October 2019|Activities

Watford Spiritual Heart Activation

Watford Spiritual Heart Activation

Messiah Foundation UK and the Watford Interfaith Association are proud to announce a special evening with Sufi Master Younus AlGohar, Reverend Steve Bell and Gnostic Priestess Azucena Avila! This event will be hosted at the Watford Multi-Cultural Community Centre from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM on 30th October 2019.

It will feature an interactive discussion on practical Sufism, a spiritual healing session, the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony and the Ring of Love.

For further details, check out the activity page.

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Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation
10th October 2019|Activities

Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation

Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation
Learn some of the most effective, practical methods of the great ascetics – regardless of your religious background!

On 27 October 2019, you are invited to a masterclass on Western Sufism with world-renowned Sufi Master Younus AlGohar at the Glastonbury Town Hall!

Join us to welcome Sufi Master Younus Alohar, who will deliver a discourse about divine love and the significance of the purification of the heart. Experience powerful blessings and enjoy healing energies in this one-of-a-kind event. Feel the difference with the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony. Share and receive higher vibrations by partaking in the Ring of Love – a sacred dance circle celebrating love, harmony and togetherness.

Host: Rev. Shaykh Steve Bell

Speaker: Azucena Avila

The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony

The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony is a practical method that changes humanity into divinity – one heart at a time. It is a revolutionary means through which humanity is becoming One United Nation!

According to various spiritual practices, there is an entity that sits near the physical heart – the heart chakra – or as we call like to call it, the Spiritual Heart.

The Spiritual Heart is dormant unless you awaken it. Once awakened, the Spiritual Heart becomes the divine gateway, expediting you on your journey to higher consciousness and divinity. The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony is one of the methods used to awaken the heart.

For further details, check out the invitation page for this event.

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Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona
26th August 2019|ActivitiesArticles

Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona

Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona

The following is a transcript of Spiritual Sufi Revivalist Younus AlGohar’s speech at the Urban Wellness Center.


I feel honoured to be among you today. I would like to thank you for coming this evening. I’ll be sharing what I have, and of course, I will share with you through dispensing knowledge and spiritual grace. I will take some of your energies and give you some of my energies.

The world we are living in today has changed dramatically. The purpose of religions is almost lost. The religion was like a bridge between man and God, but most religions today have lost their glory. Religious people, allegedly, are not in pursuit of divine love or finding God. They are entangled with their religious differences. They are in a race of being the best of all. That part – in which religion was supposed to bring man closer to God and bring him divinity – is almost lost. 

There is a reason for this. Every messenger of God was granted two different types of knowledge by God: the Knowledge of the Interior and the Knowledge of the Exterior. The Knowledge of the Exterior is known as the sacred law – the law of the religion – which is still in practice today. But the Knowledge of the Interior (the Knowledge of the Heart), which is responsible for establishing a connection between man and God, is lost.

What we have today is people who claim to be Sufis but their practice of Sufism is also very superficial. It is not very profound – not to the extent where the hearts can be enlightened and the divine connection between man and God can be established. Today, we identify ourselves as Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs, but the primary goal of each and every religion was love. 

Without love, no religion is good. You are better off having God’s love even without a religion. 

The different types of worship introduced by the religions were like aid to help you find God and establish a spiritual connection with God. However, without the inner aspect of the religion, the exterior form of worship becomes futile, null and void.

Let me give an example of Muslims today. There are millions of mosques all over the world, especially from the country that I come from, Pakistan. There are hundreds and thousands of mosques and even more clergymen than there are mosques in Pakistan. They show an enormous amount of religiosity by a verbal claim. However, all these people have diversified in so many different denominations within their religion – more than 73 different sects. The religion is lost somewhere and what we see today in the name of religion is nothing but division. 

Love of God has become extinct. It has diminished from the practices of the religion.

This happens when the spiritual system in every religion is destroyed. When the spiritual system in the religion is destroyed, the hearts become corrupted. 

The corruption of the heart is more severe than the corruption of mind. 

When the mind is corrupt, you will become a bad politician. When the heart is corrupt, you will turn the religion into extremism and fanaticism; it will result in global terrorism. This is not the case with Islam only. It is very unfortunate that every single religion has been made subject to this kind of corruption. 

This happened when the spiritual knowledge was either shunned by its practitioners or overlooked. Or maybe the religions were deviated from the path of spirituality by the so-called pandits, mullahs, priests and religious leaders – simply because they didn’t have this knowledge and they were not enlightened themselves. How would they accept the existence of spirituality? 

This has been causing a lot of distress. This has been creating a lot of problems all over the world in all religions. People are becoming wary of their religious practice. A lot of people who were regular goers to the mosques, churches and synagogues have stopped going there. They hear a lot about glorified personalities and miracles, but when it comes to their own practical religiosity, they do not relate to it. When they go to these worship places, they are told of miracles which took place in history. But in our own world today, we haven’t seen anybody working miracles.

People who practice a religion and they are proud of their religiosity – when you look at their characters, their hearts are filled with hatred and limitations. And they judge you. This is not what religion would teach you; this is not a state God would want to see you in.

Every single religion has this concept of the Awaited One. For example, Christians are waiting for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Second Coming of the Christ is not only found in Christianity but it is also endorsed by Islam. Even according to the traditions of Prophet Mohammad, Jesus is going to come back. What Lord Jesus Christ is going to do when he comes back depends on the circumstances. When Jesus came 2000 years ago, he talked about love. 

I am a student of history and I did a masters degree in Religious Studies. I studied every single prophet and messenger. However, the most appealing message that I found was the message of Lord Jesus Christ. So sublime in his word and so sublime in his character. It is almost impossible to even visualise what kind of a character Lord Jesus Christ would be. 

He said, ‘Love your enemy’ [Matthew 5:44], and ‘love your neighbour’ [Mark 12:31].

‘If somebody slaps you on your right cheek, turn over your left cheek as well’ [Matthew 5:39].

Personally, I have been practising Sufism for over 30 years. Even now, if I look into my heart and ask myself, ‘Can I do what Lord Jesus Christ asked me to do – to turn over my left cheek as well if somebody slaps my right cheek?’ I find it difficult.

The moment somebody has a go at us, we become hostile rather than forgiving. It’s natural. We are human beings, we are not Jesus. 

Now, to vanish and diminish that hostility which is natural in our character – that is spiritualism. That is the Sufi path.

To discipline our emotions and our desires – to discipline what we want. It is to dramatically increase our spiritual endurance and forbearance. That increase in endurance and forbearance is not going to come by verbal diarrhoea. 

No matter how many times I visit the Holy Kaaba, no matter how many times I go to the mosque every day, nothing will change in me, for except when the root of all evil is taken care of. 

Let me give you a piece of advice from the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammad. The beauty of this message is, he is not addressing Muslims. The Prophet of Islam is addressing the entire humanity here. 

He said, ‘O’ Sons of Adam, there is a lump of flesh in your body. If it is set right, your entire body will be set right.  But if it is corrupted, your entire body will remain corrupted. Remember well: it is your heart’.

So, what we need to do is fix our hearts.

I came across a lot of people who claim to be spiritual and I had discussions with them. I asked them about the reforms of the heart, how to set the heart right. It is very unfortunate that a majority of people who claim to be Sufis take the Spiritual Heart as a metaphor. They are not aware of its true existence. A lot of people think this physical heart has the same attributes of the Spiritual Heart. But I think I was blessed enough to be in the company of my Master, His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, who taught us how a physical heart turns into a Spiritual Heart – and what is it that this physical heart requires before it is granted by God the status of the Spiritual Heart. 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘When we say to people that the heart will remember God involuntarily without us making any effort, the people question us, “How? The heart is just a piece of flesh, it doesn’t have a tongue”’.

Then He goes on to say, ‘Maybe there are some people who are unaware of the nature of an egg. If you tell them that there is a hen inside it, maybe they will say, “We break eggs every day. We never see any hen inside it”’.

But His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, ‘In order to retrieve a hen out of the egg, you need another hen that will keep the egg under her wings. Her wings will produce heat. There are three layers on the egg and they will be removed by the heat. When they are removed, a small hen will come out of the egg’.

In a similar way, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘This heart also has the similitude of an egg. The only difference is that the egg only has three layers.

‘When the heart is activated and constant remembrance of God is taking place inside the heart, it becomes so enlightened that it starts to attract God’s presence’. 

The moment the divine energies are emanating from the Spiritual Heart, it will be caught by the divine glimpse of God. God starts looking at such hearts which are enlightened.

When the heart is fully enlightened, it becomes a generator of divine energy. The divine energy is generated in the heart and the heart is responsible for oxygenating the blood. Impure blood comes into the heart and the heart oxygenates it. With the purification of the heart, divine energy is also mingled with the blood. The blood becomes entwined with divine energy.

At this moment in time, our blood is not only purified, but it is also a source of divine light and divine energy. This way, the divine energy travels throughout our body and reaches every nook and cranny of our body. Once the divine light is everywhere in our body, our body submits to God’s light. Naturally, our body becomes obedient to the divine light. This is the first step towards submission to God. 

You cannot force yourself. Sometimes, we can tame our desires and we do not do bad things. But sometimes, it is so overwhelming and we succumb to the bunch of desires that arise in our hearts.

Sometimes, we become so vulnerable to temptations that we forget our promises to God and we happen to do bad things. 

When the divine energy has reached every nook and cranny of the body, the body submits to divine energy. We become naturally obedient to the divine light. That is the time when we become perfectly pure in the eyes of God.

Getting to this stage is important. Whether you get to this spiritual status by religions established by Abraham, Moses, Ram, Jesus or Mohammad, it doesn’t matter. Wherever you find this knowledge and get this spiritual practice – if you get to this status with God – it is fine. In the eyes of God, they are all are equal; it is God who sent everybody. The source is the same.

Why should we differentiate ourselves? We are all brothers and sisters; we are all equal in the eyes of God. We should not fall to these petty differences. We should aim high, and that aim should be God. That aim should be bringing God in our hearts, from whichever religion we can obtain it, from whichever Spiritual Guide is available. 

God has been ever generous. With God, it’s not the case that he gave little spiritual knowledge to Abraham and more spiritual knowledge to Moses. Spiritual power and spiritual knowledge were equally granted to all messengers and all the prophets. They’re all good sources.

There may be many more internet providers – the main thing is the internet connection, not the provider. These spiritual dignitaries like Moses, Abraham, Ram, Krishna and Mohammad are, so to speak, internet providers.

We need an internet connection. We have ATNT, Cricket, Sprint, etc. – we don’t love them, we just love the service. If my mobile has ATNT but there is no service – and someone else has a Cricket sim card that is working, he is better off because his phone is working. 

Somebody asked His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, ‘Who is the best? Muslims, Jews or Christians?’

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘Whoever has God’s love in the heart is the best. Whether that person is a Muslim, a Jew, a Christain, a Hindu – or he is none of them – he is the best’.

So, the best are those who have the love of God. Today, religions have become monsters. Today, religions are just talking about divisions, limitations and sins. They give you dos and don’ts. They don’t let you enjoy your life.

If you are giving away so many of your comforts and luxuries of life, in return, you should get something! That something you should be getting out of the religious practice is God’s love.

Your heart should be illuminated and enlightened.

I was a very good student in Chemistry, I did a masters degree in Organic Chemistry. I studied physical chemistry and everything so my mind was argumentative, looking for reasons and answers. 

I wasn’t a person who had a blindfold over his eyes who would agree to anything a religious cleric said. My mind would juggle. Questions would simulate. 

[In Islam, we were encouraged to grow a beard as a religious practice]. I wanted to see what benefits I would reap from growing a beard. After I had grown a considerable length of beard, I looked into myself for any change. Had I become holy? Honestly, I didn’t become holy. I was still the same sinner. Then, I realised with the eye of certainty, that the exterior forms of practices are only good when you are connected to God.

Then, I found my Master, HDE Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. He set me free from all religious calamities. He said ‘Your mission should be to earn love, give love, receive love.

‘The best human being on Earth is one who has learnt the art and expertise of love. One who loves God truly, he or she cannot hate any of the divine creation. If you hate somebody for any reason, then think twice before you claim you love God. God is love’.

Do not buy the idea that God will want divisions. God loves all equally. We all have the potential. 

One day I was surprised when my Master said, ‘Every single human being has the potential of becoming a saint of God’.

I was shocked because, in my religion, I was so suppressed. 

I was told, ‘You are a sinner, you’re a bad guy [because] you are looking at women, you are not going to the mosque five times a day and you don’t fast!’

I thought, ‘I’m the worst person on earth’.

Every time I would go to the mosque, I would go there out of fear. All these Muslim clerics tell you about death. It is like a horror movie!

Women get more scared [in Eastern culture] than men because they tell them, ‘If you trim your hair, you will get penalised in the grave. There will be 1000 snakes crawling over your body!’ 

So these things were scary. I would go to the mosque with shivering legs and there was always this fear, ‘What if God doesn’t like my prayers? What if God rejects my prayers on the Day of Judgement? What if I miss my prayers?;

But my Master told me, ‘Forget everything. Learn to love God!’

I thought, ‘I need to learn to love? As if I don’t know how to love. I love my mother, I didn’t learn to love her’. 

I had so many questions. Like earlier I said, my mind is very argumentative and my mind needed reasons. 

I said to my Master, ‘Master, don’t I love my mother?’

‘Yes, you do.’ 

‘Yes, but you said, you need to learn to love God? But I love my mother and I didn’t go anywhere to learn to love my mother’.

My Master said, ‘That’s right, but the time will come when you are in a situation where you have to choose one out of the two. You will be tested. Then you will know who you really love’.

We claim we love our mothers, sisters, brothers and spouses, but a time comes when we are in a situation and position where we have to make a choice. Sometimes the choice is bad. We think we know how to love but then when calamity strikes and our love is tested, our claim of love goes down the drain. 

Sometimes, you find somebody and think she is your soulmate. The next minute, she might be sleeping around. Where is the love? Maybe it was just puppy love, not platonic, pure love. 

Then I asked my Master, ‘What is pure, platonic love?’ 

My Master said, ‘Before you are able to learn platonic love, you need to purge the Lower Self. You have to diminish negativity from your body’. 

The Lower Self is the root of all evil that raises the slogan ‘Me, I first’. 

In every sentence, they will use ‘I’ and ‘Me’, not ‘You’. ‘You’, is never mentioned. 

When you are only concerned about yourself and become self-centred, you lose empathy. You don’t sympathise with people. This is because of the Lower Self.

In Sufi terminology, the Lower Self is the Nafs. Even according to the Kabbalah, they call it the Nafs. This Nafs is the representative of negativity and evil in our body. It is this soul that generates temptations – and not just when you want to love God. It creates problems even between men and women. If there is true love, our desires generate temptations and we fall apart. We need to purge the evil presence from our bodies. That purge is very important. 

No matter how hard you worship God, no worship is able to purge the evil presence in you. The only way this can be taken care of is through spirituality. The Spiritual Mediator implants God’s name into that evil soul and God’s name generates divine energy. That divine energy purges the Lower Self and it is purified to a degree where it doesn’t generate temptations anymore. Then it does not ask us to hate anybody, it does not see any differences. 

They would equal in the eyes of God, but in your and my eyes, they would only become equal when this soul [the Lower Self] is taken care of.

So, we are promoting this divine knowledge, the knowledge of Sufism. I will call it ‘Neo-Sufism’ because some new spiritual laws have been introduced and added to spirituality and Sufism by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. This is a form of spirituality and Sufism which caters for the needs of all religions, for everybody. 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi loves everybody and wants everybody to love God.

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4 August: Ojai Spiritual Heart Activation Ceremony
24th July 2019|Activities

4 August: Ojai Spiritual Heart Activation Ceremony

4 August: Ojai Spiritual Heart Activation Ceremony

We are pleased to announce that Messiah Foundation USA and the Ojai Center for Spiritual Living have invited Sufi Younus AlGohar to be the Guest of Honour at the Spiritual Heart Ceremony in Ojai, California! The programme will take place at 12:30-3:30 PM PST on the 4th of August. It will be open to the public and include a spiritual healing session, Ring of Love and Activation of the Spiritual Heart.


Time: 12:30-3:30 PM on August 4, 2019

Location: Ojai Center for Spiritual Living,

441 East Ojai Avenue, Ojai, California

Contact: [email protected]

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The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi
21st October 2018|ArticlesStatement

The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi

The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi

The following is a message from Younus AlGohar about his Spiritual Guide, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

HDE Gohar Shahi’s voice is the voice of love and peace. HDE Gohar Shahi calls for mutual love, respect for humanity, the true understanding of the religious beliefs and tolerance for others religions and faiths.

It is quite disappointing that some of the Muslims in Pakistan do not appreciate our efforts towards building a cognitively healthy and tolerant society.

The religion of Islam is a form of the divine bounty that caters for the spiritual and societal needs of the world. Ironically Islam has been gravely misunderstood by thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

It would be utterly undermining the calibre and potential of the religion of Islam if it is confined to a ritualistic aspect only. Islam is far greater a religion than assuming it to be a set of beliefs that direct us to worship God only.

Primarily we aim at inviting the Muslims to stop being divided in dozens of sects. And the reason for this division is lack of inner knowledge and enlightenment of the heart. The hearts are pre-occupied with Satan. And the Satan is playing under the labels of Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Ahmedi, Deobandi denominations. None of the above labels are part of the Ummah that the beloved Prophet Mohammad PBUH founded some 1440 years ago.

Today, as we speak, all these labels are religiously slashing throats of each other and they declare it Jihad.

Even the Islamic world is divided in two major fractions: Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. Bloodshed in Syria and Yemen is the prime example of this division.

As for the common Muslims, they swiftly put the blame on the West whereas the Muslims emperors and politicians are the real culprits and are responsible for sectarian conflicts in Syria and Yemen. Pakistan has been subjected to sectarian hatred and bloodshed for over a decade now. My friends, the West is not your enemy, the enemy is among you and within you.

We promote love and peace and we invite people to adopt spirituality so that we manage to enlighten the hearts thus get rid of this evil division within Islam and become united again to be known as Ummah of the Beloved Prophet PBUH.

This is the voice of love, peace, justice and God. And this is the voice of HDE Gohar Shahi.

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Spirituality isn’t in any way like a part time job. It’s not a type of worship or ritual. It is a way of life. To live like God is to be a Sufi.

Unitarian Spiritualism Conference in Toronto, Canada 2017
30th October 2017|Activities

Unitarian Spiritualism Conference in Toronto, Canada 2017

Unitarian Spiritualism Conference in Toronto, Canada 2017

The Unitarian Spiritualism Conference, hosted by Messiah Foundation Canada and the Universal Great Brotherhood, was an amazing experience for all involved. We were pleased to see the positive response and meet with so many people whose lives have been spiritualised through His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi‘s blessings.

Steve Bell, President of Messiah Foundation UK, spoke beautifully about the importance and practicality of spirituality in modern-day life. Master Paul Acuna from the Universal Great Brotherhood also shared an admirable perspective on life and human connection.

Celebrity guest Waqar Zaka also spoke about his personal experience with members of Messiah Foundation International.

 ‘My personal experience with [HH Younus AlGohar] is that this is a method of bringing spiritual elements in your heart. I think it is amazing that [His Holiness] has a method that actually creates the atmosphere where you can go anywhere in the world, but still, your heart will be connected to God. I think this is a great service to humanity.’ – Waqar Zaka on Opening of the Spiritual Heart

His Holiness Younus AlGohar, the keynote speaker and CEO of Messiah Foundation, delivered a mesmerising speech on divine love, the history and relevance of spirituality and the state of religions. The audience was fascinated by his wise words and wholeheartedly embraced his unique message for humanity.

 Many people from different religious backgrounds participated in the conference. Mr Sufi Nadeem and his musical band performed many popular Sufi songs which further added to the spiritual atmosphere. A number of people from the crowd even got out of their seats to engage in a Sufi dance while he performed.

 We would like to thank Mr Hugh Reilly (Host of Liquid Lunch, for hosting our programme and honourable guest Waqar Zaka for providing social media coverage of the Unitarian Spiritualism Conference.

2017-29-October-PROGRAMME-HH Younus AlGohar at the Unitarian Spiritualism Conference in Toronto, Canada

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Are Sufis Guided By Books? | By Younus AlGohar
11th July 2017|LecturesVideos

Are Sufis Guided By Books? | By Younus AlGohar

What is Sufism? Who are Sufis and are they guided by books? How to recognise a fake Sufi? Find the answers in Younus AlGohar’s enlightening lecture on Sufism.

Main Points:

– These are the most turblent times in human history. The turbulence is caused by religious malfunctioning. Radicalisation is being hammered into the minds of youths and aspiring Muslims by the ignorant scholars of the religion who claim to be Sufis.

– Sufism is not a practice. Sufism is a mechanism and the mechanics of Sufism are rooted deep down in the heart. If you don’t know about Sufism you will think whatever the scholars tell you is Sufism, however, they themselves are unaware. Yes

– Tahir ul Qadri claims to be a Sufi scholar; all the knowledge he has about Sufism is what he has gathered from reading thousands of books on Sufism. This is not how you obtain guidance.

– God dispenses guidance in different ways, however, the recipient of guidance is your heart. Opening of the Spiritual Heart is the gateway to Spirituality and Sufism. If you claim to be a Sufi but do not know about Opening of the Spiritual Heart, you are a greater terrorist than Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi.
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at:

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion:

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud:

New monthly publications!

The True Mehdi Magazine:

Messiah Herald Magazine:

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Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings
2nd March 2017|LecturesVideos

Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings

Younus AlGohar explains what a true Sufi is and how a true Sufi is recognised. He discusses why giving this information to the common public led many fake Sufis and religious clerics to oppose His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

Main points:

– In order to preserve a religion, you need to spiritualise it. Religion without spirituality becomes a monster. Every religion when the spiritual system within that religion was destroyed, was made subject to great violence in the name of the religion and God. God granted every messenger two types of knowledge. One is knowledge that deals with exterior cleanliness and rituals of the religion. The other knowledge is the core of religion: knowledge which awakens your soul, enlightens your heart and purifies your ego. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declared, ‘The exterior form of knowledge without accompanying the interior knowledge is a great mischief.’

– HDE Gohar Shahi is the super spiritual scientist. HDE Gohar Shahi doesn’t simply tell you what to do; rather, he tells you the consequences and benefits of doing something. He tells you what knowledge will benefit your souls. He is a bold critic on contemporary religious practices all over the world.

– HDE Gohar Shahi explains how to recognise a true Sufi. HDE Gohar Shahi explains that only a thief will recognise a thief and in a similar way, only is a saint is spiritually capable of recognising another another saint of God. Nevertheless, HDE Gohar Shahi gives common people to criteria through which they can test to see if someone is appointed by God. All you need to do is ask your spiritual mentor to initiate your heart into spirituality (grant you Opening of the Spiritual Heart); if he can make your Spiritual Heart engage in remembrance of God, he is a true Sufi.

– In countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, there are many fake Sufis who con innocent people out of their wealth. These are people who claim to be Sufis but they do not have the power to initiate anyone’s heart into spirituality; they have not purified their ego or reached any stage of enlightenment. When HDE Gohar Shahi came, he told people the criteria to recognise a true Sufi so many of these fake Sufis were exposed. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi does not advise people to be religious, but rather spiritual. HDE Gohar Shahi’s presence and teachings caused a revolution in the minds and hearts of people; they began to recognise the fake Sufis and ignorant religious clerics for who they really were. HDE Gohar Shahi’s teachings pose a threat to all those who sell the religion and loot unsuspecting people. Therefore, the religious clerics and fake Sufis from all sects in Pakistan united in opposition of HDE Gohar Shahi.

– It was not just religious clerics and fake Sufis who turned against HDE Gohar Shahi. The police, politicians, army, secret services, thieves and custom officers across Pakistan also became part of the alliance against HDE Gohar Shahi. This was because HDE Gohar Shahi was exposing the corruption in Pakistani society and inviting people to obtain enlightenment so that corruption could be eradicated. He wanted to introduce people to spiritual and moral culture. Journalism in Pakistan too became a disinformation cell against HDE Gohar Shahi. Because the common public in Pakistan had been told a great bundle of lies about HDE Gohar Shahi, we ask those who oppose HDE Gohar Shahi based on hearsay to study Him and His teachings for themselves.

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion:

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud:

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The Essentiality of Spirituality in Religion
21st February 2017|Articles

The Essentiality of Spirituality in Religion

The Essentiality of Spirituality in Religion

The following is a transcript of Younus AlGohar’s speech, originally posted on his Medium page.

Sufism has been excluded from the mainstream religion of Islam by radical, intolerant and extremist Muslims of contemporary times. Sufism is yet another name for esoteric knowledge (spirituality) that deals in enlightenment, transformation and strengthening of your souls and auxiliary spirits.

It is such a folly for a human being to consider exclusion of spirituality from the religion, as human beings are compound creatures. Neither are we totally ethereal nor totally terrestrial; we are a combination of multiple sources.

In describing human beings, Moula Ali said, ‘O’ man, you perceive yourself to be very small but there in you is the entire universe. Your illness is within you and its remedy also is within you.’

There is everything in a human being. For example, stones, water, fire, wind, trees, leaves, animals, etc. Let’s jump to the angelic realm: we have angels in us and then greater, grand angels (Archangels). We have our own soul and then a potential capacity to accommodate God in us.

A perfect man is one who successfully manages to accommodate God inside him. Without God living in you, you are an incomplete human being.

You become a human being when God is included in you. This is a mighty statement. You are a perfect human being when God is an inhabitant inside you like yourself. This is spirituality.

Those who only focus and confine themselves to outward knowledge and the outward form of worship are practically rejecting the source of life; they are practically rejecting the real world.

The world that we are living in today is only for a brief sojourn. It is like a makeshift arrangement. Everybody knows about it, although they don’t care what it means. Where do we go after we die here and what is it that dies in us? Are we left with any other element of life after death, or do we become part of nothingness?

What dies in us is a deceptive form of life; this form of life did not exist before our entry into this world and it will not exist after our departure from this world. The eternal life belongs to your soul.

This is where people go wrong who try to understand His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and his teachings without the concept of spirituality. Spirituality is real knowledge; spirituality is what you really need, which is why HDE Gohar Shahi has laid an enormous amount of emphasis on acquiring spiritual expertise. This is the type of knowledge that will benefit you after your departure from this deceptive world.

There is another scenario quite common in this world today: people live a religious life as a Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Jew etc. They spend most of their time in the worship places. They do every good thing stated in the Bible, Koran and Torah, but when they actually die, their souls are dormant. Their souls are naïve to God and enlightenment. When they go back into the world of spirits, they are as blank as they were when they were sent into this world. Their purpose is lost.

In the end, individuals whose focus is on outward religiosity are going to be suffering. They will be in possession of nothing. They will not be treated either as a true follower of Moses, Jesus or Prophet Mohammad [by God].

Your purpose upon entry into this world is to enlighten your soul and give it the nourishment of God’s light. With the strength of God’s light, you are given to perform a spiritual journey to arrive at your destiny, which has been recorded in the book of your fate.

Since you are spending your time in mosques, churches, temples and synagogues without realising you are not doing enough to awaken your soul, [your time spent is] wasted. This is why His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi has laid all the emphasis on enlightenment of the soul.

It is the soul which will enable you to know God. It is the soul which will enable you to have the divine understanding of love.

Without enlightenment of the soul, you are naïve to the most sacred and most ancient emotion of God: love. You cannot comprehend the manifestation of true love because your soul is dormant and you are not using the inner faculties of life.

This knowledge of spirituality was the base in every religion and the core of every religion. It began with the introduction of a new and the last Adam (Adam the Eminent One) from God.

Every time a Grand Messenger was sent by God into this world, he was equipped with both types of knowledge: outward and inner. Each Grand Messenger was very open to talk about the outward knowledge; however, there were some hurdles or perhaps some unspoken spiritual incapacity of the people he was sent into [due to which he didn’t boldly speak about spirituality].

In the first era of every Grand Messenger, most people did suffer from the disease of spiritual incapacity. They didn’t possess the power of comprehension of such obscure knowledge. This happened every time every Grand Messenger was sent. Some Grand Messengers spent all their time in trying to establish their religion. For example, when Moses went to Mount of Sinai to speak to God, upon his return, [people] reverted to their previous religion; they made a gold cow and [started worshipping] it again. So the Grand Messengers were kept busy; they didn’t have enough time to explain to their followers what spirituality was. Nevertheless, with the time they had — in whatever era they were appointed by God — they broke the ice. They took a couple of disciples in their confidence and told them about the spiritual knowledge.

When we talk about spirituality in Islam, it is known as Sufism and when we talk about spirituality in Judaism, it is called Kabbalah. Kabbalah and Sufism are the same. The difference that you will see will be intensity. Some missiles have a range of 5000 kilometres while some others have a range of 10 000 kilometres. Similarly, Kabbalah is the science of spirituality; however, the aspect of being able to see God is missing because that knowledge had not been revealed when Judaism was established. Later on, the knowledge of seeing God was revealed upon the heart of Prophet Mohammad.

Members of Mehdi Foundation International embrace both the knowledge of Kabbalah and the knowledge of Sufism.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.