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The Art of Expression
18th February 2016|Articles

The Art of Expression

The Art of Expression

Oftentimes, people misunderstand speakers. The words you speak will give different meanings if what you speak is not concise or a really comprehensive choice of words. People will always misunderstand you.

This is why one has to learn the art of speaking.

If you ask me what the most important aspect of speaking is, I will tell you, ‘You are a successful speaker if you are able to convey your thoughts with the help of words and people who listen to you understand what you mean.’

People are not aware of the art of expression. They cannot express what they have in their mind in the way they understand it. As a result of this lack of speaking skills, people will always misunderstand what is being said.

My English is very easy because my style is explanatory. A colleague of mine, when he speaks English, will appear to be more charming, utilising glamorous and artistic words. I fail to understand this kind of attitude towards speaking.

If you are in the business of conveying your thoughts, then you need to opt for words which are worthy of carrying the meaning you have in your mind to the mind of the other person. You have to be a genuine artist.

When you speak, you should aim not just to deliver words, but to convey your thoughts.

Let me ask: is it always the case that people, when they speak, are aiming to convey their thoughts? Maybe in the back of their mind, they have taken it for granted that others will understand them.

It is not easy for us to completely and successfully understand when someone is speaking, because we cannot read minds.

You need to know the art of the conveyance of your thoughts. Not everyone can do it. Where you live doesn’t matter. You need an academic upbringing. You need to work on what way to say a word and what shadows of meaning a word will convey to others.

Language is a tool. You need to know the art of using this tool.

This article originally appeared on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page.

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Younus AlGohar

Representative of The Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Recognised as Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. Advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.