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The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi
21st October 2018|ArticlesStatement

The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi

The Voice of Love and Peace: HDE Gohar Shahi

The following is a message from Younus AlGohar about his Spiritual Guide, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

HDE Gohar Shahi’s voice is the voice of love and peace. HDE Gohar Shahi calls for mutual love, respect for humanity, the true understanding of the religious beliefs and tolerance for others religions and faiths.

It is quite disappointing that some of the Muslims in Pakistan do not appreciate our efforts towards building a cognitively healthy and tolerant society.

The religion of Islam is a form of the divine bounty that caters for the spiritual and societal needs of the world. Ironically Islam has been gravely misunderstood by thousands of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

It would be utterly undermining the calibre and potential of the religion of Islam if it is confined to a ritualistic aspect only. Islam is far greater a religion than assuming it to be a set of beliefs that direct us to worship God only.

Primarily we aim at inviting the Muslims to stop being divided in dozens of sects. And the reason for this division is lack of inner knowledge and enlightenment of the heart. The hearts are pre-occupied with Satan. And the Satan is playing under the labels of Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Ahmedi, Deobandi denominations. None of the above labels are part of the Ummah that the beloved Prophet Mohammad PBUH founded some 1440 years ago.

Today, as we speak, all these labels are religiously slashing throats of each other and they declare it Jihad.

Even the Islamic world is divided in two major fractions: Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. Bloodshed in Syria and Yemen is the prime example of this division.

As for the common Muslims, they swiftly put the blame on the West whereas the Muslims emperors and politicians are the real culprits and are responsible for sectarian conflicts in Syria and Yemen. Pakistan has been subjected to sectarian hatred and bloodshed for over a decade now. My friends, the West is not your enemy, the enemy is among you and within you.

We promote love and peace and we invite people to adopt spirituality so that we manage to enlighten the hearts thus get rid of this evil division within Islam and become united again to be known as Ummah of the Beloved Prophet PBUH.

This is the voice of love, peace, justice and God. And this is the voice of HDE Gohar Shahi.

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The Karbala Tragedy
2nd October 2017|ActivitiesStatement

The Karbala Tragedy

The armies of Yazid bin Muawiyya were all Muslims, during Salat they would send benedictions upon the Prophet Mohammad and His family, yet they didn’t care for upholding respect and reverence for the Prophet and His family and they killed Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions in Karbala.

The question is what was wrong with their Islam and its practice? What was missing from their Islam? Did they practise Islam perfectly?

Alas! The Muslims do not want to know what caused those Muslims to kill the family of the Prophet!

I want to tell you the fact that their practice of Islam was imperfect, and they lacked the knowledge of the heart, thus, they failed to absorb the divine light in their hearts. The Kalima (declaration of faith) they recited would not go beyond their throats. Their hearts were null and void of Emaan (faith) and Noor (divine energy).

O Muslim, if you have the same deficiency today, you are also vulnerable to becoming yet another Yazid.


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Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?
30th July 2017|Articles

Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?

Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?

The article was originally published on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page.

As a child, born and bred in a Muslim family in Pakistan, I had always been told that all the other celestial books have been gravely adulterated. We believed that the Bible and Torah were given to Messengers from God and they were the true word of God; however, subsequent to great modifications in those religions, these two books also were adulterated on a ridiculous scale.

As Muslims, we were always told to believe that the Koran is the most accurate book on the face of the world. At the same time, we were told to reject any remote possibility of doubting the authenticity of the book; this was because God Almighty himself had taken the responsibility of keeping the Koran protected. We always had this belief that the Koran cannot be adulterated, though we didn’t really know how.

Authenticity of God’s Word

As I grew up and I became a fortunate disciple of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, I began to understand that God’s word is God’s word. It does not lose its significance if God’s word was delivered to Jesus, Moses or Abraham. I also began to understand that the fact that the [Koran] was given to Prophet Mohammad does not increase its authenticity in comparison to the [Torah and Bible].

We cannot simply say that the celestial books [other than the Koran] are less accurate or insignificant — especially when we know that the Bible, Torah and Koran are God’s word. God’s word is authentic [no matter what prophet it is given to].

However, [as Muslims] we have always been very biased towards the Koran; we have always had this unexplainable reservation and ridiculous prejudice for the Torah and Bible. Unfortunately, adulteration has been the most common factor in all the celestial books. Having become a Sufi and having done comparative studies of religions, I noticed that Muslims still do not want to admit the Koran can be subjected to any adulteration. Somehow or other, it is not just possible for them to do so.

I do not want to offend or disorient anyone. However, I would like to sum up my experience, observation and theological analysis.

My findings are: even if the Koran has not been adulterated, the consequences are no lesser in fatality than that of the Bible or of the Torah. It is not about the words; it is about the meaning.

If the words are as accurate as they were at the time of revelation, but the meaning and understanding of the words have been subject to deception, the result is the same.

Let’s suppose the Koran is free of all doubts and the most authentic book on Earth from God. Does it benefit humanity or the Muslim nation?

If one medicine is adulterated and another is ‘pure’ — but neither of them works for you when you take them, then something is wrong with the pure medicine whether or not you want to accept it. If a patient who took the medicine died, [calling it pure is like refusing to accept] that the medicine killed a man.

If we assume that the Koran became more authentic — not because it was God’s word, but because it was revealed to a Muslim prophet — we would be giving significance to Prophet Mohammad [over] God.

The authenticity of the Koran lies not in it being revealed upon the heart of Prophet Mohammad, but because it is God’s word. If it is authentic, it is authentic because it was God’s word. [But then again, why do Muslims think that] God’s word which was revealed to Moses, Jesus or Abraham is not authentic?

The Nature of the Koran

Once upon a time, there were 73 sects in Islam, but today every single Muslim is an [authority on the religion]. The way people prioritise their opinion in relation to the priority given to Koran only suggests to me that Koran is somewhere in the background. What is more important to people is their own understanding.

Let’s not make an issue out of this; let’s just say that the Koran is very authentic. However, to paraphrase an Urdu proverb, ‘If you think the goat is still alive just because its eyes are wide open, you are gravely mistaken.’

The Koran is very authentic, but the Muslim nation is dead.

You need to understand human philosophy if you want to understand God. God said that he created you upon his own nature; so however corrupt you are, God is on the same page. However pure you may be, you cannot exceed God in purity; if you cannot exceed God in purity, then you cannot exceed God in corruption.

I have every reason to believe that God’s lousy attitude towards humanity has been the prime concern; it has played havoc.

He has been very careless and reckless with words. He just said whatever was dancing on the tips of his tongue. He created piles upon piles of doubts in the Koran.

To my understanding, I would get away if I decide to read a novel from Mills & Boons rather than studying the Koran. It wouldn’t pollute your heart on the same scale. God has subjected [the Koran] to a great deal of corruption and violence. There is nothing in Islamic history but blood. ‘An eye for an eye, an arm for an arm,’ if you follow this rule, everybody would be blind and be limping. However, contemporary Muslims have closed their eyes to reality.

The way the Koran was compiled by Companions of the Prophet has added to the [abundance of] problems that were in it. In the Chapter of Light, God is talking about menses and in the Chapter of Women, God is talking about light. If you read the Koran carefully, you will be completely dismayed and disappointed in God. He doesn’t finish one sentence before starting another.

If I am a holy water well and I give one man dirty water, another man pure water and yet another man blood, as I still the most authentic? [This is what the Koran does]. Every single recipient is dispensed different medicines from the Koran.

Muslims say, ‘The Koran is the most authentic book.’ Then why are they diversified to a degree where no more divisions can be made? Islam has been made subject to total mischief. It is not alive anymore — but God is.

This is why we are calling humanity through divine love. The nature of this divine love is based on His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s concept of love.

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Are Sufis Guided By Books? | By Younus AlGohar
11th July 2017|LecturesVideos

Are Sufis Guided By Books? | By Younus AlGohar

What is Sufism? Who are Sufis and are they guided by books? How to recognise a fake Sufi? Find the answers in Younus AlGohar’s enlightening lecture on Sufism.

Main Points:

– These are the most turblent times in human history. The turbulence is caused by religious malfunctioning. Radicalisation is being hammered into the minds of youths and aspiring Muslims by the ignorant scholars of the religion who claim to be Sufis.

– Sufism is not a practice. Sufism is a mechanism and the mechanics of Sufism are rooted deep down in the heart. If you don’t know about Sufism you will think whatever the scholars tell you is Sufism, however, they themselves are unaware. Yes

– Tahir ul Qadri claims to be a Sufi scholar; all the knowledge he has about Sufism is what he has gathered from reading thousands of books on Sufism. This is not how you obtain guidance.

– God dispenses guidance in different ways, however, the recipient of guidance is your heart. Opening of the Spiritual Heart is the gateway to Spirituality and Sufism. If you claim to be a Sufi but do not know about Opening of the Spiritual Heart, you are a greater terrorist than Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi.
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at:

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#AskYounusAlGohar – Is The Religion of God a New Religion?
10th July 2017|Articles

#AskYounusAlGohar – Is The Religion of God a New Religion?

#AskYounusAlGohar – Is The Religion of God a New Religion?

The following is Younus AlGohar’s reply to a question posed by a viewer during his daily live speeches on AlRa TV. You can tune in and ask Younus AlGohar questions every day at 10:00 PM UK time on the AlRa TV YouTube channel.

The Religion of God means that it is God’s religion. If you think it is a new religion, it must mean that God is also new. However, God is not new. It is the same God who sent Adam, Moses, Abraham, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammad.

Moses was influenced by The Religion of God and created a religion for mankind; Jesus was influenced by The Religion of God and created a religion for mankind. How can you claim that The Religion of God is a new religion?

The Religion of God and the Koran

It is written in the Koran, ‘O’ Prophet Mohammad, a day will come when you will see big chunks of human beings entering into The Religion of God.’ [Koran 110:2]

At another point, it says: ‘O’ Prophet, when The Religion of God is established in the world, then turn your face towards it because it is the religion of the future. All other religions will be wiped out but the majority of human beings are unaware of this.’ [Koran 30:30]

The majority of people don’t know that The Religion of God has to be established; Muslims think that Islam has been established and that’s the end of the story. If somebody is under the impression that Islam is the last religion and it will remain forever, they should know that Islam is not The Religion of God; it was established by Prophet Mohammad. According to the Koran, The Religion of God is greater than Islam.

The Koran instructed Prophet Mohammad to turn his face towards The Religion of God because it would be the religion of the future. The Koran was revealed when Islam had already been established. So Islam could not be The Religion of God that the Koran referred to.

The problem with clerics of Islam is that when they are proven wrong, they say, ‘That is not what that particular verse of the Koran actually means.’ Why don’t they use their common sense? Otherwise, they should say that Islam will be established in the future and that’s when Prophet Mohammad will turn his face towards it.

Do you think that Prophet Mohammad spent 23 years propagating Islam and even then, he didn’t manage to establish the religion? Do you think Prophet Mohammad’s face wasn’t already towards Islam when Koran 30:30 was revealed? That is like saying that the religion of Islam did not exist these verses of the Koran were revealed and that it would be made in the future. How ridiculous!

The clerics can confuse the common Muslims, but they cannot make a fool out of a learned man. I have read the Koran and different interpretations. My message to clerics is to stop misguiding the Muslim nation. Do not say ridiculous things which can cause Muslims to be further divided.

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Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed
8th May 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed

The following is the English transcript of Younus AlGohar’s lecture 

Those who say, ‘Imam Mehdi will kill non-Muslims,’ are ignorant of the truth and the Koran.


It is a common misperception in Muslim circles that Imam Mehdi will impose Islam on the entire world. The concept of Imam Mehdi was given to Muslims through celestial scriptures, from God. Similarly, the concept of the Messiah in Judaism is also from celestial scriptures. If the Jews think the Messiah will impose Judaism and the Christians think Jesus shall impose Christianity, while Muslims think Imam Mehdi shall impose Islam; this causes a lot of confusion.


God has given the concept of an Awaited One in all celestial scriptures and if a Muslim thinks only Islam’s concept is correct, that person is not a true Muslim. Muslims are required by their religion to believe in all prophets, messengers and the four celestial scriptures.


Now the concept of Imam Mehdi is from God and the concept of the Messiah is also from God, therefore how is it possible that God will send Imam Mehdi to spread Islam and the Messiah to spread Judaism all over the world? Does God have a plan to wreak havoc and cause bloodshed? It just doesn’t make any sense.  


How can this concept exist in a Muslim’s mind that Islam will spread over the entire world when it is for Islam that Prophet Mohammad said,

‘Nothing would be left in the Koran for except customary recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’  

When the Muslims conquered Mecca, it was known as the Golden Age of Islam. The Muslims had their own Islamic Sultanate but even in that era, Islam was confined to a piece of land, it had not spread all over the world. Later on, the Caliphs invaded countries and enforced Islam. However, I am completely against the act of invading and attacking another country in order to enforce your religion upon them. This is wrong. It is in direct violation of what the Koran says,

 ‘La iqra fiddeen’ [2:256]

This is often translated by clerics as: there is no compulsion in the religion. However, this is a misinterpretation. It actually means: do not do anything in the religion that makes you feel disgusted. How can you not feel disgusted, killing a 6-month old baby just because his parents did not accept Islam? This is against the principles of Islam and the Koran.


A Muslim would say that the era of Prophet Mohammad was the best and yet we know that even in the era of Prophet Mohammad the Islamic flag did not reign over the entire world.  


The Commencement of Eminence

Imam Mehdi shall be greater in eminence and possess more knowledge than Adam Safi Allah; how can any Muslim attribute violence and bloodshed to Imam Mehdi?  


The most important point to note is that when God was creating Adam Safi Allah, the angels objected. The angels suspected that he would again cause mischief and bloodshed. They said to God, ‘Are we not enough to glorify you and sing your praise?’ God’s argument in response was that this time he was going to give Adam the Knowledge of Eminence. [Koran 2:30]  


Those sects in Islam who claim that Imam Mehdi will use the power of his sword to impose Islam on the entire world, I have a question for them: has Islam not always been subjected to bloodshed?


In order to eliminate bloodshed from the nature of man, God granted Adam the Knowledge of Eminence; it simply means Muslims do not know what the Knowledge of Eminence really is nor do they understand what is written in the Koran. How can it be that Imam Mehdi will possess this Knowledge of Eminence, which was given to eliminate bloodshed and at the same time he will cause bloodshed and kill all who do not accept Islam? How can good and evil coexist together?


Adam Safi Allah was given the minimum knowledge of how to generate divine light from the name of God. Imam Mehdi will not only possess the knowledge that was given to Adam, He will also possess and dispense the knowledge of how to obtain enlightenment from the sub-spirits of God (Jussa Taufeeq-e-Illahi/Tifle Noorie) and He will even dispense the knowledge with the help of which one will be able to see God (Deedar-e-Illahi) and the method by which one can come under the theophanies of God.


God has invested all his special powers and authority within Imam un Mubeen [Koran 36:12].

Imam un Mubeen (The Elusive Imam) means the one who does not have to be searched for; His grandeur and majesty is such that it speaks for itself. People will be humbled before him and compelled to believe that only He can be the Imam un Mubeen. Those who still maintain to reject Him, despite seeing all the signs, are those whose eyes are blind and heart is blind.  


There are 27 Haroof-e-Mukatiyat (The Disjointed Letters). All prophets and messengers together only brought down the knowledge of 2 letters and Imam Mehdi shall bring down the remaining 25. How much knowledge that must be! Adam’s eminent knowledge was merely a pinch of knowledge compared to the knowledge Imam Mehdi shall dispense. Imam Mehdi is dispensing the secretive knowledge of God (Ilm-e-Ladduni).


Those who think Imam Mehdi shall pick up the sword are not only blasphemers of Imam Mehdi; they are blaspheming and rejecting the Koran, Prophet Mohammad and God. Can any cleric legitimately say that according to Islam, one who is involved in bloodshed will go to heaven? Only those are involved in bloodshed who do not possess the Knowledge of Eminence. In other words, one who is involved in bloodshed in the name of God/religion is trying to prove God wrong. Those who have obtained this Knowledge of Eminence only spread peace, love and connect people with God.  


Prophet Mohammad did participate in wars, however, not a single infidel died from his sword. In those days, the Arab mentality was such that the weapon was seen as a man’s power. According to the mentality of the people at the time, had Prophet Mohammad not held a sword, they would have seen him as a coward. However, Prophet Mohammad never killed anyone.

God sent Prophet Mohammad down as a mercy upon all mankind. [Koran 21:107]

Prophet Mohammad even said, ‘If I had used a sword, would all my teeth have broken?’ When the infidels in Ta’if sent mad dogs after the Prophet and his shoes were full of blood, Gabriel asked, ‘Shall I join the two mountains so that they may be destroyed?’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘No, I have not come to harm anyone; I have come as a blessing for all.’  


If God gave Adam the Knowledge of Eminence to eliminate bloodshed, he must have given Prophet Mohammad something even greater; so that neither Prophet Mohammad nor those who were in the physical and spiritual company of Prophet Mohammad would have the urge to cause bloodshed.


All religions allow one to hold a weapon in self-defence, provided you are being attacked by the enemy. However, there is no religion that allows you to use a weapon to enforce your religion upon others. Therefore, having this conjecture for Imam Mehdi is utterly blasphemous.


Imam Mehdi will not kill any Christian or Jew. The message of Imam Mehdi is love and the knowledge Imam Mehdi is dispensing is far greater than the Knowledge of Eminence granted to Adam Safi Allah.  

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We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks
23rd March 2017|News

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

In the wake of the terrorist incidents that took place in London today, we urge all citizens of the United Kingdom to remember that we must stand together against terrorism. Our strength is in our unity!

Learn more about the ideology behind Islamist terrorism in this month’s issue of The True Mehdi:

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The True Mehdi Magazine Available Now!
15th January 2017|News

The True Mehdi Magazine Available Now!

Mehdi Foundation International, Messiah Foundation International, and Kalki Avatar Foundation are excited to announce the first ever issue of the monthly ‘The True Mehdi’ Magazine which is now available online! This magazine was created to expose the misconstrued concepts of Imam Mehdi to the Western World and provide information about the true Awaited Imam Mehdi. Read it online here.

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The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent
3rd January 2017|Articles

The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent

The Purpose of Imam Mehdi’s Advent

Adam Safi Allah (Adam the Eminent One) was the first whom God granted the esoteric knowledge and last of 14 000 different species of Adam created by God.

Prior to Adam Safi Allah, none of the progenies of 13 999 Adams were granted the esoteric knowledge; hence they were unable to connect with God and reach Him. Since the esoteric knowledge was not granted to them, therefore their souls and other spiritual faculties had been dormant and deprived of capitalising human instinct.

Human instinct in man reflects in his character only when the souls in him are awakened and enlightened.

If the souls remain dormant in a man, he doesn’t develop human characteristics such as pure love, gratitude, forgiving the offenders and other positive traits.

With the help of the esoteric knowledge, one awakens and enlightens his souls, and discovers within him the original human characteristics and sense of superior creation.

Since progenies prior to Adam Safi Allah were not granted the esoteric knowledge, they couldn’t recognise divinity and its traits. Therefore they were easily misled and engaged in mischief and bloodshed. Today, humanity has lost that esoteric knowledge which connects man with God and awakens human characteristics in him.

Imam Mehdi has revived the esoteric knowledge once again, to uplift humanity to higher levels of spirituality so as to revive Human Characteristics in all human beings again. And this is the purpose of Imam Mehdi’s advent!

This article was first posted on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page. Learn more about the different species of Adam and the hidden history of man in the sacred book penned by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, The Religion of God (Divine Love).

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The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays
16th December 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays

Festivity and celebration is what the religious people are left with today. If it’s Prophet Mohammad’s birthday, Muslims will say, ‘Okay, let’s celebrate.’ If it’s Christmas, Christians will say, ‘Let’s celebrate.’ However, thinking of getting enlightened and finding God is not something you hear from people.

This is because a lot of people in this world today are from the category of those who leapt towards the modelled luxuries of the world. But among those people who are craving the luxuries of the world, there has been a group of people who have already enjoyed the Divine Nearness. They enjoyed divine love even before their entry into this world. They are the people of love, peace and divinity.

This message of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is to facilitate those who seek love of God no matter what religion they come from – regardless of whether or not they believe in any religion. This mission of HDE Gohar Shahi is to help out those who are blindfoldedly following shadows in search for God. 

It has been centuries since the last man journeyed on the path of God. For centuries now, people have sought asylum in the temples, mosques, churches and got themselves engaged in whatever form of worship they were given to do.

You may feel something very important is lacking in your life and you think Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism will fill the gap. If you go to a temple, church or mosque for this reason and you find solace, do not settle for it! This unreal solace may be coming from Satan.

Remember that God is not easily pleased.

If you find solace in a mosque or a temple, it may be an evil projection; that solace is to stop you from searching for God. You will not see God sitting in a mosque or temple and you will never find Jesus in the church. Make sure your journey does not stop in those worship places!  

There is no highway that leads to God, but there is a small tunnel beneath your body.  

Mosques, temples and churches are highways; if you are in search for God, avoid the highways. You want a Goharian channel which will put you through that tunnel. The tunnel starts from your heart. Very discreet is this spiritual journey; nobody will know that you are travelling.

It is so discreet that sometimes even you’ll [doubt] whether or not you are travelling because it is the journey of your spirits. It is not done by your body. Your body is like an outfit [for your souls], nothing else. 

The devil had developed an enormous amount of animosity against all those who want to go through this tunnel. If you are not using the tunnel and want to journey on the highways, you are safe. The devil has no problem; he will say, ‘Go on. You will never find your destination. You will keep circling around these worship places.’

It is the devil’s job to stop people from going to God. Whether you are lost at the cinema, nightclub or in the mosque, to him it is equal. As long as you are heedless of God or of the way that leads one to God, the devil is perfectly fine with that. In fact, he is pleased because he doesn’t have to do overtime.  

I recently spoke about how and why a vast majority of Muslims in Pakistan oppose HDE Gohar Shahi without reason. It is all negative [propaganda]; they do it to save their own skin. The people who purport to be religious leaders there are businessmen who are selling religions and God’s name. They are making a mockery out of the religion.

The reason why we have to put up with a lot of undue and unearned opposition from some people is because we talk about the tunnel. It is because we secretly transport hearts to God. Perhaps it is called ‘mysticism’ because it is hidden.

From someone’s physical features, one cannot tell if somebody is really travelling towards God. It is not you, it is your heart that travels the journey.

The good thing is, with the help of Live Stream, Youtube and Facebook now the message of peace, love and truth will reach common people. In no time, the message of HDE Gohar Shahi will take the world by storm! This is divine, unstoppable magic. This is the magic of love.

One fundamental difference between man and God must be understood by [people of] all religions. As a human being, you only bear the divine image; this is what you were created upon by God. You are only the divine image and you are imperfect.

You will become a perfect human being when the divine image that you have been created upon will be filled with the divine characteristics. The divine characteristics do not come about by reading holy books.

The message of HDE Gohar Shahi is very precise, surgical and technical. HDE Gohar Shahi understands that you loving God and God loving you has nothing to do with your body – so why [involve] the bodies? This is how the message of HDE Gohar Shahi is clinical. He is not going to waste his time or your time.

HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘It is not about the purification of your body. There is nothing wrong with your body. What you need to purify is your heart. Even if you stand under a stream of water for any length of time, the water will never reach your heart. You cannot purify the heart with water.’  

In order to purify your heart, you need your heart to invoke upon God with the name of his person. You cannot see God because your eyes are physical and God’s existence is ethereal. This is what the Quran said. However you will see him with the eye that God has given to every single human being so that they can see him. That eye is behind your physical eyes; it is your third eye (Latifa-e-Ana).  

Most Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammad is the greatest of all prophets, but it is a pity that they do not know how [he is so great]. For example, if a cricket team has the best coach in the world yet they lose every match, [they shouldn’t] be proud of their coach. The way Muslims are being humiliated all over the world gives a message.

[I have a question for Muslims]: although your prophet is one of the greatest prophets, what did you get from him? Do you know why was he one of the greatest ones? He is one of the greatest because no other prophet before him was able to see God; he was the only one. Through the spiritual mediumship of Prophet Mohammad, whoever was able to see God is great. How many Muslims can say today that they have seen God? If you tell a Muslim that you have seen God, the most probable reaction will be frowning, inflation of the nostrils and [an exclamation of], ‘Nobody can see God, why are you saying this?’

HDE Gohar Shahi has come to offer any deserving or undeserving human soul to come and learn the knowledge which will enable them to see God, [no matter what religion] they come from. They may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, etc. This is the divine bounty from HDE Gohar Shahi to see God. The divine mechanism and spiritual methodology is non-religious. It is purely spiritual.

You don’t have to adopt a religion in order to see God today. This is an unprecedented, pioneering offer and an immaculate message.

It is unbelievably true. The reason why people don’t find it to be true is because it has never happened before in history. We are celebrating all prophet’s days and we are celebrating all religious festivals and this is to give everybody a message that we respect everybody. We want everybody to become part of this divine circle.  

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.