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Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed
8th May 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed

The following is the English transcript of Younus AlGohar’s lecture 

Those who say, ‘Imam Mehdi will kill non-Muslims,’ are ignorant of the truth and the Koran.


It is a common misperception in Muslim circles that Imam Mehdi will impose Islam on the entire world. The concept of Imam Mehdi was given to Muslims through celestial scriptures, from God. Similarly, the concept of the Messiah in Judaism is also from celestial scriptures. If the Jews think the Messiah will impose Judaism and the Christians think Jesus shall impose Christianity, while Muslims think Imam Mehdi shall impose Islam; this causes a lot of confusion.


God has given the concept of an Awaited One in all celestial scriptures and if a Muslim thinks only Islam’s concept is correct, that person is not a true Muslim. Muslims are required by their religion to believe in all prophets, messengers and the four celestial scriptures.


Now the concept of Imam Mehdi is from God and the concept of the Messiah is also from God, therefore how is it possible that God will send Imam Mehdi to spread Islam and the Messiah to spread Judaism all over the world? Does God have a plan to wreak havoc and cause bloodshed? It just doesn’t make any sense.  


How can this concept exist in a Muslim’s mind that Islam will spread over the entire world when it is for Islam that Prophet Mohammad said,

‘Nothing would be left in the Koran for except customary recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’  

When the Muslims conquered Mecca, it was known as the Golden Age of Islam. The Muslims had their own Islamic Sultanate but even in that era, Islam was confined to a piece of land, it had not spread all over the world. Later on, the Caliphs invaded countries and enforced Islam. However, I am completely against the act of invading and attacking another country in order to enforce your religion upon them. This is wrong. It is in direct violation of what the Koran says,

 ‘La iqra fiddeen’ [2:256]

This is often translated by clerics as: there is no compulsion in the religion. However, this is a misinterpretation. It actually means: do not do anything in the religion that makes you feel disgusted. How can you not feel disgusted, killing a 6-month old baby just because his parents did not accept Islam? This is against the principles of Islam and the Koran.


A Muslim would say that the era of Prophet Mohammad was the best and yet we know that even in the era of Prophet Mohammad the Islamic flag did not reign over the entire world.  


The Commencement of Eminence

Imam Mehdi shall be greater in eminence and possess more knowledge than Adam Safi Allah; how can any Muslim attribute violence and bloodshed to Imam Mehdi?  


The most important point to note is that when God was creating Adam Safi Allah, the angels objected. The angels suspected that he would again cause mischief and bloodshed. They said to God, ‘Are we not enough to glorify you and sing your praise?’ God’s argument in response was that this time he was going to give Adam the Knowledge of Eminence. [Koran 2:30]  


Those sects in Islam who claim that Imam Mehdi will use the power of his sword to impose Islam on the entire world, I have a question for them: has Islam not always been subjected to bloodshed?


In order to eliminate bloodshed from the nature of man, God granted Adam the Knowledge of Eminence; it simply means Muslims do not know what the Knowledge of Eminence really is nor do they understand what is written in the Koran. How can it be that Imam Mehdi will possess this Knowledge of Eminence, which was given to eliminate bloodshed and at the same time he will cause bloodshed and kill all who do not accept Islam? How can good and evil coexist together?


Adam Safi Allah was given the minimum knowledge of how to generate divine light from the name of God. Imam Mehdi will not only possess the knowledge that was given to Adam, He will also possess and dispense the knowledge of how to obtain enlightenment from the sub-spirits of God (Jussa Taufeeq-e-Illahi/Tifle Noorie) and He will even dispense the knowledge with the help of which one will be able to see God (Deedar-e-Illahi) and the method by which one can come under the theophanies of God.


God has invested all his special powers and authority within Imam un Mubeen [Koran 36:12].

Imam un Mubeen (The Elusive Imam) means the one who does not have to be searched for; His grandeur and majesty is such that it speaks for itself. People will be humbled before him and compelled to believe that only He can be the Imam un Mubeen. Those who still maintain to reject Him, despite seeing all the signs, are those whose eyes are blind and heart is blind.  


There are 27 Haroof-e-Mukatiyat (The Disjointed Letters). All prophets and messengers together only brought down the knowledge of 2 letters and Imam Mehdi shall bring down the remaining 25. How much knowledge that must be! Adam’s eminent knowledge was merely a pinch of knowledge compared to the knowledge Imam Mehdi shall dispense. Imam Mehdi is dispensing the secretive knowledge of God (Ilm-e-Ladduni).


Those who think Imam Mehdi shall pick up the sword are not only blasphemers of Imam Mehdi; they are blaspheming and rejecting the Koran, Prophet Mohammad and God. Can any cleric legitimately say that according to Islam, one who is involved in bloodshed will go to heaven? Only those are involved in bloodshed who do not possess the Knowledge of Eminence. In other words, one who is involved in bloodshed in the name of God/religion is trying to prove God wrong. Those who have obtained this Knowledge of Eminence only spread peace, love and connect people with God.  


Prophet Mohammad did participate in wars, however, not a single infidel died from his sword. In those days, the Arab mentality was such that the weapon was seen as a man’s power. According to the mentality of the people at the time, had Prophet Mohammad not held a sword, they would have seen him as a coward. However, Prophet Mohammad never killed anyone.

God sent Prophet Mohammad down as a mercy upon all mankind. [Koran 21:107]

Prophet Mohammad even said, ‘If I had used a sword, would all my teeth have broken?’ When the infidels in Ta’if sent mad dogs after the Prophet and his shoes were full of blood, Gabriel asked, ‘Shall I join the two mountains so that they may be destroyed?’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘No, I have not come to harm anyone; I have come as a blessing for all.’  


If God gave Adam the Knowledge of Eminence to eliminate bloodshed, he must have given Prophet Mohammad something even greater; so that neither Prophet Mohammad nor those who were in the physical and spiritual company of Prophet Mohammad would have the urge to cause bloodshed.


All religions allow one to hold a weapon in self-defence, provided you are being attacked by the enemy. However, there is no religion that allows you to use a weapon to enforce your religion upon others. Therefore, having this conjecture for Imam Mehdi is utterly blasphemous.


Imam Mehdi will not kill any Christian or Jew. The message of Imam Mehdi is love and the knowledge Imam Mehdi is dispensing is far greater than the Knowledge of Eminence granted to Adam Safi Allah.  

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.