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Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?
30th July 2017|Articles

Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?

Is the Koran the Most Authentic Celestial Book?

The article was originally published on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page.

As a child, born and bred in a Muslim family in Pakistan, I had always been told that all the other celestial books have been gravely adulterated. We believed that the Bible and Torah were given to Messengers from God and they were the true word of God; however, subsequent to great modifications in those religions, these two books also were adulterated on a ridiculous scale.

As Muslims, we were always told to believe that the Koran is the most accurate book on the face of the world. At the same time, we were told to reject any remote possibility of doubting the authenticity of the book; this was because God Almighty himself had taken the responsibility of keeping the Koran protected. We always had this belief that the Koran cannot be adulterated, though we didn’t really know how.

Authenticity of God’s Word

As I grew up and I became a fortunate disciple of His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, I began to understand that God’s word is God’s word. It does not lose its significance if God’s word was delivered to Jesus, Moses or Abraham. I also began to understand that the fact that the [Koran] was given to Prophet Mohammad does not increase its authenticity in comparison to the [Torah and Bible].

We cannot simply say that the celestial books [other than the Koran] are less accurate or insignificant — especially when we know that the Bible, Torah and Koran are God’s word. God’s word is authentic [no matter what prophet it is given to].

However, [as Muslims] we have always been very biased towards the Koran; we have always had this unexplainable reservation and ridiculous prejudice for the Torah and Bible. Unfortunately, adulteration has been the most common factor in all the celestial books. Having become a Sufi and having done comparative studies of religions, I noticed that Muslims still do not want to admit the Koran can be subjected to any adulteration. Somehow or other, it is not just possible for them to do so.

I do not want to offend or disorient anyone. However, I would like to sum up my experience, observation and theological analysis.

My findings are: even if the Koran has not been adulterated, the consequences are no lesser in fatality than that of the Bible or of the Torah. It is not about the words; it is about the meaning.

If the words are as accurate as they were at the time of revelation, but the meaning and understanding of the words have been subject to deception, the result is the same.

Let’s suppose the Koran is free of all doubts and the most authentic book on Earth from God. Does it benefit humanity or the Muslim nation?

If one medicine is adulterated and another is ‘pure’ — but neither of them works for you when you take them, then something is wrong with the pure medicine whether or not you want to accept it. If a patient who took the medicine died, [calling it pure is like refusing to accept] that the medicine killed a man.

If we assume that the Koran became more authentic — not because it was God’s word, but because it was revealed to a Muslim prophet — we would be giving significance to Prophet Mohammad [over] God.

The authenticity of the Koran lies not in it being revealed upon the heart of Prophet Mohammad, but because it is God’s word. If it is authentic, it is authentic because it was God’s word. [But then again, why do Muslims think that] God’s word which was revealed to Moses, Jesus or Abraham is not authentic?

The Nature of the Koran

Once upon a time, there were 73 sects in Islam, but today every single Muslim is an [authority on the religion]. The way people prioritise their opinion in relation to the priority given to Koran only suggests to me that Koran is somewhere in the background. What is more important to people is their own understanding.

Let’s not make an issue out of this; let’s just say that the Koran is very authentic. However, to paraphrase an Urdu proverb, ‘If you think the goat is still alive just because its eyes are wide open, you are gravely mistaken.’

The Koran is very authentic, but the Muslim nation is dead.

You need to understand human philosophy if you want to understand God. God said that he created you upon his own nature; so however corrupt you are, God is on the same page. However pure you may be, you cannot exceed God in purity; if you cannot exceed God in purity, then you cannot exceed God in corruption.

I have every reason to believe that God’s lousy attitude towards humanity has been the prime concern; it has played havoc.

He has been very careless and reckless with words. He just said whatever was dancing on the tips of his tongue. He created piles upon piles of doubts in the Koran.

To my understanding, I would get away if I decide to read a novel from Mills & Boons rather than studying the Koran. It wouldn’t pollute your heart on the same scale. God has subjected [the Koran] to a great deal of corruption and violence. There is nothing in Islamic history but blood. ‘An eye for an eye, an arm for an arm,’ if you follow this rule, everybody would be blind and be limping. However, contemporary Muslims have closed their eyes to reality.

The way the Koran was compiled by Companions of the Prophet has added to the [abundance of] problems that were in it. In the Chapter of Light, God is talking about menses and in the Chapter of Women, God is talking about light. If you read the Koran carefully, you will be completely dismayed and disappointed in God. He doesn’t finish one sentence before starting another.

If I am a holy water well and I give one man dirty water, another man pure water and yet another man blood, as I still the most authentic? [This is what the Koran does]. Every single recipient is dispensed different medicines from the Koran.

Muslims say, ‘The Koran is the most authentic book.’ Then why are they diversified to a degree where no more divisions can be made? Islam has been made subject to total mischief. It is not alive anymore — but God is.

This is why we are calling humanity through divine love. The nature of this divine love is based on His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s concept of love.

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Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed
8th May 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Imam Mehdi Will Not Impose Islam Through Bloodshed

The following is the English transcript of Younus AlGohar’s lecture 

Those who say, ‘Imam Mehdi will kill non-Muslims,’ are ignorant of the truth and the Koran.


It is a common misperception in Muslim circles that Imam Mehdi will impose Islam on the entire world. The concept of Imam Mehdi was given to Muslims through celestial scriptures, from God. Similarly, the concept of the Messiah in Judaism is also from celestial scriptures. If the Jews think the Messiah will impose Judaism and the Christians think Jesus shall impose Christianity, while Muslims think Imam Mehdi shall impose Islam; this causes a lot of confusion.


God has given the concept of an Awaited One in all celestial scriptures and if a Muslim thinks only Islam’s concept is correct, that person is not a true Muslim. Muslims are required by their religion to believe in all prophets, messengers and the four celestial scriptures.


Now the concept of Imam Mehdi is from God and the concept of the Messiah is also from God, therefore how is it possible that God will send Imam Mehdi to spread Islam and the Messiah to spread Judaism all over the world? Does God have a plan to wreak havoc and cause bloodshed? It just doesn’t make any sense.  


How can this concept exist in a Muslim’s mind that Islam will spread over the entire world when it is for Islam that Prophet Mohammad said,

‘Nothing would be left in the Koran for except customary recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’  

When the Muslims conquered Mecca, it was known as the Golden Age of Islam. The Muslims had their own Islamic Sultanate but even in that era, Islam was confined to a piece of land, it had not spread all over the world. Later on, the Caliphs invaded countries and enforced Islam. However, I am completely against the act of invading and attacking another country in order to enforce your religion upon them. This is wrong. It is in direct violation of what the Koran says,

 ‘La iqra fiddeen’ [2:256]

This is often translated by clerics as: there is no compulsion in the religion. However, this is a misinterpretation. It actually means: do not do anything in the religion that makes you feel disgusted. How can you not feel disgusted, killing a 6-month old baby just because his parents did not accept Islam? This is against the principles of Islam and the Koran.


A Muslim would say that the era of Prophet Mohammad was the best and yet we know that even in the era of Prophet Mohammad the Islamic flag did not reign over the entire world.  


The Commencement of Eminence

Imam Mehdi shall be greater in eminence and possess more knowledge than Adam Safi Allah; how can any Muslim attribute violence and bloodshed to Imam Mehdi?  


The most important point to note is that when God was creating Adam Safi Allah, the angels objected. The angels suspected that he would again cause mischief and bloodshed. They said to God, ‘Are we not enough to glorify you and sing your praise?’ God’s argument in response was that this time he was going to give Adam the Knowledge of Eminence. [Koran 2:30]  


Those sects in Islam who claim that Imam Mehdi will use the power of his sword to impose Islam on the entire world, I have a question for them: has Islam not always been subjected to bloodshed?


In order to eliminate bloodshed from the nature of man, God granted Adam the Knowledge of Eminence; it simply means Muslims do not know what the Knowledge of Eminence really is nor do they understand what is written in the Koran. How can it be that Imam Mehdi will possess this Knowledge of Eminence, which was given to eliminate bloodshed and at the same time he will cause bloodshed and kill all who do not accept Islam? How can good and evil coexist together?


Adam Safi Allah was given the minimum knowledge of how to generate divine light from the name of God. Imam Mehdi will not only possess the knowledge that was given to Adam, He will also possess and dispense the knowledge of how to obtain enlightenment from the sub-spirits of God (Jussa Taufeeq-e-Illahi/Tifle Noorie) and He will even dispense the knowledge with the help of which one will be able to see God (Deedar-e-Illahi) and the method by which one can come under the theophanies of God.


God has invested all his special powers and authority within Imam un Mubeen [Koran 36:12].

Imam un Mubeen (The Elusive Imam) means the one who does not have to be searched for; His grandeur and majesty is such that it speaks for itself. People will be humbled before him and compelled to believe that only He can be the Imam un Mubeen. Those who still maintain to reject Him, despite seeing all the signs, are those whose eyes are blind and heart is blind.  


There are 27 Haroof-e-Mukatiyat (The Disjointed Letters). All prophets and messengers together only brought down the knowledge of 2 letters and Imam Mehdi shall bring down the remaining 25. How much knowledge that must be! Adam’s eminent knowledge was merely a pinch of knowledge compared to the knowledge Imam Mehdi shall dispense. Imam Mehdi is dispensing the secretive knowledge of God (Ilm-e-Ladduni).


Those who think Imam Mehdi shall pick up the sword are not only blasphemers of Imam Mehdi; they are blaspheming and rejecting the Koran, Prophet Mohammad and God. Can any cleric legitimately say that according to Islam, one who is involved in bloodshed will go to heaven? Only those are involved in bloodshed who do not possess the Knowledge of Eminence. In other words, one who is involved in bloodshed in the name of God/religion is trying to prove God wrong. Those who have obtained this Knowledge of Eminence only spread peace, love and connect people with God.  


Prophet Mohammad did participate in wars, however, not a single infidel died from his sword. In those days, the Arab mentality was such that the weapon was seen as a man’s power. According to the mentality of the people at the time, had Prophet Mohammad not held a sword, they would have seen him as a coward. However, Prophet Mohammad never killed anyone.

God sent Prophet Mohammad down as a mercy upon all mankind. [Koran 21:107]

Prophet Mohammad even said, ‘If I had used a sword, would all my teeth have broken?’ When the infidels in Ta’if sent mad dogs after the Prophet and his shoes were full of blood, Gabriel asked, ‘Shall I join the two mountains so that they may be destroyed?’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘No, I have not come to harm anyone; I have come as a blessing for all.’  


If God gave Adam the Knowledge of Eminence to eliminate bloodshed, he must have given Prophet Mohammad something even greater; so that neither Prophet Mohammad nor those who were in the physical and spiritual company of Prophet Mohammad would have the urge to cause bloodshed.


All religions allow one to hold a weapon in self-defence, provided you are being attacked by the enemy. However, there is no religion that allows you to use a weapon to enforce your religion upon others. Therefore, having this conjecture for Imam Mehdi is utterly blasphemous.


Imam Mehdi will not kill any Christian or Jew. The message of Imam Mehdi is love and the knowledge Imam Mehdi is dispensing is far greater than the Knowledge of Eminence granted to Adam Safi Allah.  

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The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays
16th December 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays

Festivity and celebration is what the religious people are left with today. If it’s Prophet Mohammad’s birthday, Muslims will say, ‘Okay, let’s celebrate.’ If it’s Christmas, Christians will say, ‘Let’s celebrate.’ However, thinking of getting enlightened and finding God is not something you hear from people.

This is because a lot of people in this world today are from the category of those who leapt towards the modelled luxuries of the world. But among those people who are craving the luxuries of the world, there has been a group of people who have already enjoyed the Divine Nearness. They enjoyed divine love even before their entry into this world. They are the people of love, peace and divinity.

This message of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is to facilitate those who seek love of God no matter what religion they come from – regardless of whether or not they believe in any religion. This mission of HDE Gohar Shahi is to help out those who are blindfoldedly following shadows in search for God. 

It has been centuries since the last man journeyed on the path of God. For centuries now, people have sought asylum in the temples, mosques, churches and got themselves engaged in whatever form of worship they were given to do.

You may feel something very important is lacking in your life and you think Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism will fill the gap. If you go to a temple, church or mosque for this reason and you find solace, do not settle for it! This unreal solace may be coming from Satan.

Remember that God is not easily pleased.

If you find solace in a mosque or a temple, it may be an evil projection; that solace is to stop you from searching for God. You will not see God sitting in a mosque or temple and you will never find Jesus in the church. Make sure your journey does not stop in those worship places!  

There is no highway that leads to God, but there is a small tunnel beneath your body.  

Mosques, temples and churches are highways; if you are in search for God, avoid the highways. You want a Goharian channel which will put you through that tunnel. The tunnel starts from your heart. Very discreet is this spiritual journey; nobody will know that you are travelling.

It is so discreet that sometimes even you’ll [doubt] whether or not you are travelling because it is the journey of your spirits. It is not done by your body. Your body is like an outfit [for your souls], nothing else. 

The devil had developed an enormous amount of animosity against all those who want to go through this tunnel. If you are not using the tunnel and want to journey on the highways, you are safe. The devil has no problem; he will say, ‘Go on. You will never find your destination. You will keep circling around these worship places.’

It is the devil’s job to stop people from going to God. Whether you are lost at the cinema, nightclub or in the mosque, to him it is equal. As long as you are heedless of God or of the way that leads one to God, the devil is perfectly fine with that. In fact, he is pleased because he doesn’t have to do overtime.  

I recently spoke about how and why a vast majority of Muslims in Pakistan oppose HDE Gohar Shahi without reason. It is all negative [propaganda]; they do it to save their own skin. The people who purport to be religious leaders there are businessmen who are selling religions and God’s name. They are making a mockery out of the religion.

The reason why we have to put up with a lot of undue and unearned opposition from some people is because we talk about the tunnel. It is because we secretly transport hearts to God. Perhaps it is called ‘mysticism’ because it is hidden.

From someone’s physical features, one cannot tell if somebody is really travelling towards God. It is not you, it is your heart that travels the journey.

The good thing is, with the help of Live Stream, Youtube and Facebook now the message of peace, love and truth will reach common people. In no time, the message of HDE Gohar Shahi will take the world by storm! This is divine, unstoppable magic. This is the magic of love.

One fundamental difference between man and God must be understood by [people of] all religions. As a human being, you only bear the divine image; this is what you were created upon by God. You are only the divine image and you are imperfect.

You will become a perfect human being when the divine image that you have been created upon will be filled with the divine characteristics. The divine characteristics do not come about by reading holy books.

The message of HDE Gohar Shahi is very precise, surgical and technical. HDE Gohar Shahi understands that you loving God and God loving you has nothing to do with your body – so why [involve] the bodies? This is how the message of HDE Gohar Shahi is clinical. He is not going to waste his time or your time.

HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘It is not about the purification of your body. There is nothing wrong with your body. What you need to purify is your heart. Even if you stand under a stream of water for any length of time, the water will never reach your heart. You cannot purify the heart with water.’  

In order to purify your heart, you need your heart to invoke upon God with the name of his person. You cannot see God because your eyes are physical and God’s existence is ethereal. This is what the Quran said. However you will see him with the eye that God has given to every single human being so that they can see him. That eye is behind your physical eyes; it is your third eye (Latifa-e-Ana).  

Most Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammad is the greatest of all prophets, but it is a pity that they do not know how [he is so great]. For example, if a cricket team has the best coach in the world yet they lose every match, [they shouldn’t] be proud of their coach. The way Muslims are being humiliated all over the world gives a message.

[I have a question for Muslims]: although your prophet is one of the greatest prophets, what did you get from him? Do you know why was he one of the greatest ones? He is one of the greatest because no other prophet before him was able to see God; he was the only one. Through the spiritual mediumship of Prophet Mohammad, whoever was able to see God is great. How many Muslims can say today that they have seen God? If you tell a Muslim that you have seen God, the most probable reaction will be frowning, inflation of the nostrils and [an exclamation of], ‘Nobody can see God, why are you saying this?’

HDE Gohar Shahi has come to offer any deserving or undeserving human soul to come and learn the knowledge which will enable them to see God, [no matter what religion] they come from. They may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, etc. This is the divine bounty from HDE Gohar Shahi to see God. The divine mechanism and spiritual methodology is non-religious. It is purely spiritual.

You don’t have to adopt a religion in order to see God today. This is an unprecedented, pioneering offer and an immaculate message.

It is unbelievably true. The reason why people don’t find it to be true is because it has never happened before in history. We are celebrating all prophet’s days and we are celebrating all religious festivals and this is to give everybody a message that we respect everybody. We want everybody to become part of this divine circle.  

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A Special Message for the Holidays
5th December 2016|Articles

A Special Message for the Holidays

A Special Message for the Holidays

The festive season is once again upon us! It is that time of the year when the streets and homes are lit up. During this time, Christmas and Hanukkah are celebrated by Christians and Jews respectively.

It is unfortunate that the holidays have become a highly commercialised affair. The spiritual significance of these occasions has been practically forgotten in the modern era. They have become events where the main attractions are the delicious food and the exchange of gifts.

Hanukkah celebrates the triumphant restoration of the Second Temple as a Jewish sacred worship place. Christmas is a celebration of the advent of Lord Jesus Christ in this world.

You partake in festivities but the true inner happiness of these events will manifest in you once you are spiritually connected with the Lord.

So this year, think about your relationship with the Lord. Using the method offered by Messiah Foundation International, you can light up your heart with divine energy, just as you light up your homes during the holiday season!

Make every day a celebration with the Goharian Philosophy of Divine Love.

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#AskYounusAlGohar | Why Has Islam Been Ousted From The World?
14th September 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar | Why Has Islam Been Ousted From The World?

Someone asked me, ‘Why has Islam been ousted in the modern world, aside from the Wahhabi ideology?’

Every religion consists of two different types of knowledge: the inner dimension of the religion and the outer dimension of the religion. It is very simple to understand these two aspects. A human being is a compound creature. A human being has a body, but it is not his/her reality.

Inside the body, there are seven souls, which are his/her reality. A body is like a container; the seven souls are contained in this physical body.

We spend our time in this world for a reason. In the Primordial Times, when all the souls assembled before God, he said unto them, ‘Am I not your Lord, am I not your God?’ All replied with one voice, ‘Yes, you are our Lord, you are our God.’ Subsequent to this affirmation, God then exhibited different sources and elements of pleasure.

In the very first instance, he exhibited modelled luxuries of the world and then said unto all the souls, ‘Those who wish to get them, go and get it.’ A multitude of souls leapt towards the modelled luxuries of the world. Hence, this became their destiny. God then commanded the angels to make a note of this choice made by the souls who leapt towards the modelled luxuries of the world. This note became their Book of Fate.

Following this exhibition of the modelled luxuries of the world, God went on to show some more types of luxuries. This time, he manifested and exhibited modelled luxuries of paradise. Again God commanded unto the souls, ‘Whoever wishes to make a choice of this, they may go ahead and do so.’ A multitude of souls leapt towards it. The angels again were instructed by God to make a note of this choice and this became their destiny.

At that moment in time, the choice was made by the souls. There were no physical bodies present there.

So the main theme of the human reality is to take care of the soul. The reason you take care of your body is because those souls are contained in this body, and you have to spend some time in this world.

Misbehaviour and disobedience to God by the body will leave a very diabolical impact on your souls. Therefore, there are two types of knowledge.

One type of knowledge can keep your body pure; it is to make sure that the filth of your body does not harm and hurt the quality of your soul.

Then, the main theme of the knowledge is to illumine and enlighten your soul. It makes it worthy of practically fulfilling the choice you made in the Primordial Times.

The presence of these two types of knowledge has been the pattern in every religion. When the knowledge of the interior — which enlightens and revives the souls — became extinct in any religion, that religion was ousted. It became useless and it started to malfunction.

Rather than making peace with your fellowmen, you started to kill them.

The religion you are practising now has a big missing link: the knowledge which would revive and enlighten the soul.

For example, the knowledge of spirituality in Judaism is known as Kabbalah. I have been to many synagogues in the United States of America and I have met a Jewish rabbi in Canada. I have come to know that mainstream Judaism does not support spiritual teachings. They do not support Kabbalah. This proves the mainstream religion has deprived itself from the knowledge of interior, the knowledge of spirituality. As a result, they are empty inside their hearts. You can call them a Jewish community, however if they are not connected to God anymore, they will not behave like children of God. So that religion became futile.

When Christianity was made to go without spirituality and they adopted a creed system, they lost connection with Jesus Christ and God. Although they go to church every Sunday, their worship is confined to phraseology, verbalising the verses of the Bible and singing spiritual songs. Their hearts are not connected with God.

Islam is the latest religion in the world [out of the three Abrahamic faiths]. Judaism is about 5000 years old. Christianity is about 2000 years old; it is at least 600 years older than Islam. Islam is only 1440 years old.

Since spirituality in Islam also became extinct, the spiritual system within Islam collapsed. With the collapse of the spiritual system in Islam, Islam was diversified into many dozen denominations.

There is not one single denomination within Islam which is connected to God, which would talk about God’s love, spirituality and humanity. They are not following the religion.

The main soul and spirit of the religion was spirituality which became extinct. This is why Islam also became futile.

Now is the time when spiritual love should and will prevail. The only religion, if you want to call it a religion, will be love.

It is not possible that you love God but you hate human beings.

One who loves God will definitely — by nature of love — involuntarily love humanity.

If you have no respect for humanity, it simply means you have no respect for God. If you genuinely love God, that love of God in your heart will compel you by its nature to love and respect all humanity. You will not hate anyone.

Read more about love as a religion here.

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Primary Objective Of Religion: To Connect With God
25th June 2016|LecturesVideos

Primary Objective Of Religion: To Connect With God

Currently, there are three major religions in the world which are famous, which have a spiritual and religious background; at the same time, they have a political aspect also. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all monotheistic religions and they are all under the umbrella of the Father of Prophets, Abraham.

The State of Religion Today

Right now, the world, there are millions of Christians and millions of Muslims; even the Jews are in the millions and their religion was fantastic. However, the world is not at rest. We do not see any impact of those religions on humanity today. We talk about the Torah, Bible and Quran. People are serving God, praying to God and worshiping God in synagogues, churches and mosques all over the world. However, the purity in hearts of people is a big question mark today.

The hatred they carry with them against each other is still to diminish. Their religiosity, servitude to God and the knowledge they have about their religions, somehow or other is not helping them get rid of this hatred.

Obviously, a Jew will speak very highly of his religion. A Christian will definitely speak very highly of his religion. Then you have Muslims who will speak highly of their religion. The problem is: if everybody’s religion is the best religion, then why is it that the people who follow that religion are not the best people?

If I say, ‘I have the best car in the world,’ and others who have lower quality cars are going faster than I am and even with the best car I cannot compete with them, then I will have to reconsider my claim.

According to the Quran, Muslims are the best nation on Earth. This is where the confusion pollutes minds. The question is: are all Muslims best, or which specific Muslims are the best of all? Are we the same type of Muslims as the early Companions of the Prophets were, whose religiosity and servitude to God were pure, who were in the blissful and blessed company of the Beloved of God, who spent days and nights sitting in the presence of the Beloved of God? How can I claim to have the same quality of faith as those had who were in the presence of Prophet Mohammad?

Then, Muslims only remember that Quran declares them as the best of all nations; however, they ignore what else was said by the Prophet. For example, he said, ‘One who lies is not from my nation.’ Then Prophet Mohammad said, ‘One who promotes racism is not from my nation.’ He declared, ‘One who praises somebody for false is not from my nation.’ He also said, ‘If you are a Muslim and your neighbour goes to sleep without food, I will not take you as a Muslim.’

So the problem is, the religion and its practice, unfortunately has been confined to the books. We do not see the best of the religions in practice today.

There is one narrative from God in the Holy Quran which states, ‘In the beginning, you were all progeny of one Adam. Then I divided you into many tribes and nations for the sake of recognition.’ So, he sent prophets like Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. 124 000 prophets were sent into this world in order to guide people towards God. Different people were given to keep company of different prophets.

Those who belonged to a prophet formed a nation. There were the nations of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad. They were introduced with division, however the source was the same. The messages given to Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad came from the same source, the same God.

In different languages, countries and nations, you call upon God with different names; however that supreme being who sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad – and all other messengers and prophets – is the same. Even the Sikh community in India believe in one God. When they say, ‘Ek Onkar’, it means ‘One God.’ There is not another God; there is only one God.

For example, a Canadian citizen lives in Canada; a British citizen lives in England and those who live in the USA are American citizens. The fact that they are citizens of different countries does not make a rift between them or invite them to fight each other.

In a similar way, a Jew reaches God through Abraham. A Christian will reach God through Jesus, and a Muslim will reach God through Mohammad. The destination is the same. Then why are these people killing and hating each other?

The Universal Brotherhood is on the top of God’s agenda. This is how the world will come towards it culmination towards the end. All will be united under the umbrella of God’s love. All will love God. All will become truthful devouts, upon principles of God’s love.

There is a verse in the Holy Quran which says, ‘When all these people who follow different religions deviate themselves from these religions and shun the religions, God will send down on Earth his nation. They will love God and God will love them.’ This is a clear cut instruction about the end times.

Towards the end times, the only religion which will be established will be the religion of God’s love.

Prophets and messengers have done their best. We live in an era where we do not have any prophet or messenger guiding us. All we get to know about these prophets and messengers is through the books. The books have become so untrustworthy; the words written there might have been adulterated, altered or opinionated. There are 50 000 different version of the Bible. It is God’s word, but people adulterated, modified and altered not just the interpretation, but the original text too. The human mind is full of corruption.

When a human mind and heart are corrupt, the religions suffer.

Today we have Jews, but we do not have good jews. We have Christians, but we do not have good Christians. We have Muslims but we do not have good Muslims. It is very unfortunate. When the bad Jews, Muslims and Christians do bad things, people do not say, ‘These Jews, Christians and Muslims are bad,’ they say, ‘Their religion is bad.’ How can they be bad when they were introduced by God through a prophet?

People over 60 start to have problems with their internal organs. The kidneys may not be working properly, the liver may have problems or the heart might struggle; we understand that this is because of age. As you grow older, the organs in the body are also getting used up every day. There is not too much you can do about it medically, because there is wear and tear. They are getting used up.

Everything is getting used up, even the Sun. The Sun is the ultimate source of hydrogen, and it has been covered by the ozone layer. Now, a lot of hydrogen is being released through rifts in the ozone layer. Due to this, people are beginning to have problems such skin diseases and sunburn. We’re told to wear sunglasses and a cap to protect against the UV rays while we are in Canada, because the Sun rays come directly to the eyes.

We’re running short of water. If you go to the washroom in any 5-star hotel, they say, ‘Please do not use water generously. Save water.’ There is global warming. Icebergs in the North Pole are melting, as a result of which oceans all over the world are soaring up. There is more torrential rain, more storms and more trouble. So everything is getting used up.

Similarly, when you grow old, your internal organs also grow old. If you die at 80-90, it makes sense because you’ve been using your heart for 85 years. There is no servicing. You don’t change your oil filter or air filter of your heart like you would a car. After every 10 000 miles, you take your car for servicing; but you don’t take your heart for servicing.

It is understandable if somebody who is 80-85 years of age dies of a heart attack, kidney failure or liver failure. However, sometimes, we see that people who are 20-25 years of age die of a heart attack. That is a problem. The body is young but inside the body, the organs have failed.

So it is not the body that the life rests; it is the internal organs which keep the body moving.

Similarly, the body of every religion is so beautiful still, but the internal organs of the religion – which is spirituality – has failed.

Spirituality was part of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Islam, it was known as Sufism, the knowledge of the heart.

Prophet Mohammad addresses the entire humanity in a particular Tradition of the Prophet. He calls upon all human beings, ‘O’ humanity, there is a piece of flesh in your body: if that is right, your entire body is right. If that piece of flesh in your body is corrupted, your entire body is corrupted. Remember well: this is your heart.’

Enlightening, reviving and awakening the heart is the art of Sufism. This is the gist of the Bible, the Quran, Talmud and Torah.

‘Whosoever believes in God, God guides his heart.’ – the Quran.

People have forgotten why they practise a religion. When you marry, you do so for many reason: for pleasure, offspring, progeny, a life partner, etc. If you marry a woman and you don’t see her and she doesn’t see you, what is the use of that marriage?

Today, people do not know why they’re Christians, Jews or Muslims. If you ask a Jew, ‘Have you seen God?’ They will say, ‘What are you talking about?’ If you ask a Christian, ‘Have you seen God,’ they will say, ‘No. Why should I?’ If you ask a Muslim, ‘Have you seen God,’ they will say ‘It is not in the Prophetic Traditions.’ People don’t know why they follow a religion. The most they know is that they follow their religion so that when they die, God sends them into paradise.

The recent wave of terrorism is coming from an Islamic faction, Wahhabism. What they are hammering into the brains of young people is that if they blow themselves up and kill many other people along with, that will be the most favourable act in the eyes of God. They say, ‘The moment you blow yourself up, you will enter into paradise, and there will be 70 young and beautiful female damsels of the paradise waiting for you.’ This is how people are lured into these things.

Only those are being trapped into this kind of hateful ideology who do not have knowledge of Islam or the Quran. Suicide is prohibited in Islam. Throwing away your life is not allowed by God. You cannot do that, but this is happening. Some people say this is because of hatred; I say, ‘No, this is not because of hatred; this is because of lust and desires.’

The primary objective with which you follow a religion is to connect to God.

You should be able to hear God and God should be able to hear you. However now, whether in the case of Christian people or in case of Muslims, the wrong interpretation of the divine book has played havoc. It has destroyed their ability to understand the true meaning of God’s word.

The Quran 3:38 says, ‘O’ Lord, you listen to our prayers.’ What does it mean? People think God has the divine calibre to see and hear everything. That is true. God has the power to do anything, but at the same time, there is a system manufactured by God. God said that he does not look at your faces, actions and deeds; he looks at your hearts and intentions thereabout.

There is a system in which you say things with a different tongue and only then, God is able to hear you. We have a body and we have a soul. Our reality is not our body; our reality is our soul.

It is the soul that God created. The body was not created by God; it was formed in the womb of your mother. God will hear your voice if your soul is able to speak.

If I ask you, ‘Were you able to speak before you were born in this world or will you be able to speak after your death?’ You’ll say, ‘Yes, you could speak before you were born and you will be able to speak after you die.’

However, after your death, you will speak not through your body but with your soul. God is ethereal. He is the creator of your soul. You have to revive your soul. When your soul is revived and awakened, then God will hear your soul and your heart.

The lack of spiritual knowledge has misled people all over the world.

We’re trying to raise awareness of spiritual knowledge. Some people who are short-sighted and who lack knowledge think that I am against Islam or Christianity. However, I’m not against Christianity, Judaism or Islam. I respect all religions because they come from God.

When foods are adulterated, your stomach will suffer. When religions are adulterated, your heart will suffer.

God’s Love: Superior to All Religions

The Universal Brotherhood is our aim, that all are bound by the rope of God’s love. All all united under the umbrella of God’s love. This is what we are aiming for.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi invited all humanity to become unified with the bond of God’s love. His approach and his message is so universal. It is not limited by any religion, creed or book; it is purely divine.

I give you one of the messages of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi about spiritual revolution.

He said, ‘In order to reach God and recognise God, learn spirituality no matter what religion you practise.’

Spirituality is for all. All those who want to love God are invited, whether they follow Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any other religion. Those also are invited who do not follow any religion but they want to love God.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘The best human being among all is one who has God’s love in his heart even if he does not practise any religion. God’s love is superior to all religions.’

Let me give an example from the time of Prophet Mohammad. A time came when the Prophet Mohammad told his Companions, ‘You cannot drink alcohol anymore, it is being prohibited by God. Islam does not allow consumption of alcohol.’ A Companion of the Prophet was found drinking alcohol, so the other Companions caught him, punished him and then released him. After a few days, he was caught drinking again; they punished him and then released him. For the third time when he was caught drinking alcohol, the other Companions got angry and were cursing him. Prophet Mohammad was inside his room; he heard it. He came out and said, ‘Do not curse him even if he drinks alcohol, because he loves God.’

Now you can see that God’s love is superior to religion. According to religion, he was bad, but Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Do not curse him because he loves God.’

How did he obtain God’s love? This is very interesting. Religious people go to the mosque five times a day, fast during the month of fasting and they carry out all the instructions of the religion. Religious people do all sorts of worship and rituals and they observe all the prohibitions of the religion. However, this particular man was not very good in the religion.

What he did was that he used to come and sit with the Prophet every day. There used to be many problems at that time. There were many enemies of the Prophet and of the Companions of the Prophet. People were trying to attack on Islam. They wanted to destroy Islam. When Prophet Mohammad would hear about those problems, he would become sad. This man would approach the Prophet and tell the Prophet a joke. The Prophet would laugh and forget about the problem. He used to do it every day. By doing this, he became so dear to the Prophet and this is how he obtained God’s love. He didn’t do anything.

There are two different ways of God’s love. One way is that there is a group of people who want to love God. They try to please God. When God is pleased, then God grants them his love. Then there is another group of people: they are those whom God loves. They don’t have to make any efforts.

So there are people who want to love God and then those who are loved by God.

There was a Sufi called Ibrahim bin Adham. One night, he was sitting alone and he saw an angel who was writing. So Ibrahim asked the angel, ‘What are you doing?’ The angel said, ‘I am writing the names of people who love God.’ He asked him, ‘Is my name there on the list?’ The angel looked at the list and said, ‘No, your name is not here.’ He became really sad. The next night, the angel came back again; this time, the Sufi was so sad that he was not bothered by the presence of the angel. He didn’t ask because his heart was put off.

When the next night the angel came, he was writing on a piece of paper. The angel asked him, ‘Are you not going to ask me tonight what am I doing?’ He said, ‘Does it really matter?’ The angel replied, ‘Well, ask me.’ He then said, ‘What are you doing?’ The angel said, ‘I am writing the names of people that God loves.’ He asked, ‘Is my name there?’ The angel said, ‘It is on top of the list.’

So in the Universal Brotherhood, there will be two different types of people. There will be the people who love God. They will have to make a lot of efforts to please God and obtain his love. Those who are loved by God don’t have to make efforts.

While you are serving this mission, you will see some people who come and join and will make a lot of efforts; they will be those who want to love God. Then you will see some other people who are so good, but they don’t make efforts; maybe they are those who are loved by God. This mission is for both.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?
7th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?

Question: On LBC, Ken Livingston said that Hitler was a Zionist. I heard that some Jews also say. Many people say he read the Quran then killed 6 million Jews.

So he got the idea from the Quran? Come on.

Hitler did the Holocaust and it was his own perception and idea. He was a Christian; he was not a Zionist.

In Germany, even the women are well-built and tall. What he did was he collected all the tall men and all the tall women; he asked them to sleep together and produce children without marriage, so that he could have a new race. This was his idea and it did not come from the Quran.

Any Jew who becomes an extremist becomes a Zionist. You cannot say a Christian is a Zionist.

Jews are very good people. Those who practise Kabbalah are wonderful people. Similarly, Christians are good people.

There is a bad apple in every garden and a bad fish in every pond. In a similar way, there are good and bad people in every religion.

There are bad people among Muslims, Christians and Jews but not everybody is bad. If somebody is bad, don’t think his religion is bad. Individuals can be bad; religions are not bad.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not bad. If some bad person is practising Islam, then that bad person is bad; not Islam. Similarly, if some Jews are bad, it doesn’t mean the religion is bad. It is about individuals.

Because the conjecture about Islam has gone bad, now people are attributing all sorts of bad things to Islam and the Quran. You need to call a spade a spade; you can’t paint anything in your own colour and say, ‘This is bad.’

How come Islam did not inspire people in the 1400 years to carry out carnage and become savages who do not let anybody live?

I’ll tell you something. According to the Jewish beliefs, God promised them the Promised Land. God is supposed to grant them the possession of that land, so [they should] leave it to God. God will do it.

If you are making efforts, promoting militancy and you are trying to take the responsibility of God in your own hands by trying to acquire that land by force, you are not Jewish. You are manipulating the words of God.

Let God give it to you. Why are you trying to do it yourself? Let God do what only God can do. God wouldn’t make a promise if you were able to do it yourself.

If God thought it was a very small, petty issue, he would have said, ‘Make and effort, you can do it.’ God would not be bothered to make a promise if you were capable to retain the land. God did not say that; God said, ‘I will return it to you and that is my promise.’ God does honour his promises. He doesn’t make fake, empty hollow promises.

When God promised them the land, it simply means they were not capable of retaining that land. So God took the responsibility of retaining that land and giving it back to them.

These people who are making efforts and promoting militancy and terrorism can never be successful. The time will soon come when, on behalf of God, [Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi] will fulfil the promises.

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Judaism & Zionism: The Difference
2nd April 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Judaism & Zionism: The Difference

There have been, more or less, 124 000 prophets sent by God, out of which five were messengers. These five messengers were those upon whose hearts God revealed knowledge. They established religions. Every messenger out of these five were given two types of knowledge: knowledge of the exterior (outer dimension of the religion) and knowledge of the interior (inner dimension of the religion).

The inner dimension of the religion was responsible for connecting people to God, whereas the exterior knowledge was about to how to live your life in perfect harmony and social balance. There were certain provisions: certain acts were declared to be permissible and certain acts were not permitted. If somebody acted on those that were not permitted, they would be called a sinner.

As long as people who followed a religion practised both dimensions of the religion, they were devout religious people and they were connected with God.

At the same time, they observed their religion with its true spirit. They did not go beyond the limits set by God.

Once the religion was deprived of the interior knowledge, people got scattered into different groups and denominations.

At the time of Prophet Mohammad, when Prophet Mohammad was talking about sectarianism within Islam, he mentioned that there were 72 different sects in Judaism. then Prophet Mohammad said that in his nation, there would be 73 sects. Prophet Mohammad explained, ‘Only one group will be rightly guided. Those who will be rightly guided are those who would strictly adhere to my inner and outer custom.’

So there have been fanatic and extremist elements in every religion, including Hinduism and Christianity. When the Ottoman Empire was crushed and the control of Spain was gained by the Christian hierarchy, the Christian extremists were on their peak. There was an element of extremism and fanaticism in Christianity also.

Then, in Judaism, there had been 72 different sects. The mainstream Jews, unfortunately, did not adhere themselves to the inner dimension of the religion. The inner dimension of Islam is Sufism; in a similar way, in Judaism, Sufis are known as Kabbalists.

The knowledge of the inner in Judaism is called Kabbalah. Those who follow Kabbalah are very nice, good people. They love everybody.

In Islam, Sufis love everybody, they don’t hate anybody. Then again, we have fanatics and extremists in Islam, called Wahhabis. In a similar way, there extremists in Judaism. They do not follow Kabbalah; rather, they hate those Jews who follow Kabbalah. Wahhabis do not follow Sufism; they are those who hate Sufis.

Zionists are those who, within Judaism, are extremists and fanatics. They want an upper hand financially, politically and in any other way they might have conceived themselves. Zionists are not true Jews; they are like Wahhabis.

Zionists, Wahhabis and Protestants are like brothers and sisters to each other, if they are not cousins.

I do not know [about this], but I heard from somebody that some groups among Jews say that they are still waiting for the Promised Land to be given to them. When it is said to them, ‘Israel is your country, is it not the land you were promised?’ They say, ‘It is ruled by Zionists.’ So, mainstream Jews who follow Kabbalah are not welcome in Israel.

Those who follow Kabbalah, the inner dimension of Judaism, are not welcome in that state. So, most of the people politically involved there are Zionists, not Jews.

I read news that 50 000 Jews blocked Manhattan in New York City, and they were protesting against Israel. Can we safely that representation of Jews will come from Israel? Do you think Israel legitimately represents mainstream Jews who follow Kabbalah, or is it more or less a Zionist country?

I have seen Jews who were protesting against Israel, against killing of Palestinian Muslims.

I spent some time in Manchester with Jews, who are wonderful people. There is nothing wrong with them. The real Jews do not hate anybody. The only thing that I observed among the Jews who lived in Manchester was that that they are very strict in their sacred law, more strict than Muslims are. However, no matter how strict they were in their sacred law, they were not fanatics. They didn’t say, ‘We are the only children of God and the rest should be killed.’ They didn’t want to hurt or harm anybody.

Therefore, whenever I say anything in favour of Judaism, I mean to praise people who follow Kabbalah. They are wonderful people.

Those who create mischief, no matter what religion they come from, they are mischief. Love and peace cannot befriend people who represent mischief.

Those who want love of God and global peace can be from any religion and may represent any religion. We extend our friendship, love and everything we have to them. They are our brothers and fellow human beings.

However, those who are fanatics, whether they are extremists in Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism or Islam, we cannot befriend them.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.