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Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!
23rd November 2019|Activities

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz to all admirers of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi! This blessed occasion marks of HDE Gohar Shahi’s arrival in the world. It is celebrated with zeal and fervour all over the world.

Make sure to tune in to ALRA TV on 25th November 2019 at 10 PM GMT for a special broadcast.

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Reuniting Our Spiritual Family – Haifa, Israel
20th October 2019|Activities

Reuniting Our Spiritual Family – Haifa, Israel

Reuniting Our Spiritual Family – Haifa, Israel

Messiah Foundation International is proud and excited to host its first-ever major event in the beautiful city of Haifa, Israel. We welcome our keynote speaker, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar, as he delivers a monumental speech on Universal Sufism. Gnostic Priestess Azucena Avila (President of Messiah Foundation USA), Scott and Marla Berger (Tree of Life Movement), Reverend Steve Bell (President of Messiah Foundation UK) and Warren Archer (Founder of the ITTIL (I Think, Therefore I Lie)) will also be speaking!

We are overjoyed and honoured at the prospect of sharing energies and uniting together in the Holy Land, a region that has held huge significance for much of the world’s population for millennia! This evening will be an extension of love and peace to every willing soul. It is an opportunity for like-minded individuals to embrace one another as we raise our collective vibration.

Experience powerful blessings and enjoy healing energies in this one-of-a-kind event. Feel the difference with the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony – a unique method of rejuvenating the Spiritual Heart with a mystical formula. Share and receive higher vibrations by partaking in the Ring of Love – a sacred dance circle celebrating love, harmony and togetherness.

We want all aspiring souls to have a chance to participate in this programme, so we have made sure that it is free and open to the public.

For further details, visit the event page.

Crowne Plaza Haifa, Yefe Nof St 111, Haifa, 3445413, Israel
 Tuesday, 14th November, 2019
6:00 — 9:00 PM IST
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Spiritual Heart Activation – Jerusalem, Israel
17th October 2019|Activities

Spiritual Heart Activation – Jerusalem, Israel

Spiritual Heart Activation – Jerusalem, Israel

It is with utter delight that we announce the first of two events hosted by Messiah Foundation International in Israel: Spiritual Heart Activation – Jerusalem! This groundbreaking event will feature a keynote lecture on Universal Sufism by world-renowned Sufi Master Younus AlGohar. We also welcome Warren Archer (Founder of the ITTIL (I Think, Therefore I Lie)), Gnostic Priestess Azucena Avila (President of Messiah Foundation USA) and Reverend Steve Bell (President of Messiah Foundation UK) as speakers at programme.

Experience powerful blessings and enjoy healing energies in this one-of-a-kind event. Feel the difference with the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony – a unique method of rejuvenating the Spiritual Heart with a mystical formula. Share and receive higher vibrations by partaking in the Ring of Love – a sacred dance circle celebrating love, harmony and togetherness.

Date and Time

Tue, 12 November 2019
18:00 – 21:30 IST


Jerusalem International YMCA
26 King David Street
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District

The event will be free for all to attend! Register to attend on Eventbrite.

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London Spiritual Heart Activation
16th October 2019|Activities

London Spiritual Heart Activation

London Spiritual Heart Activation

Messiah Foundation UK is pleased to invite you to an enlightening evening with Sufi Master Younus AlGohar, Reverend Steve Bell, Gnostic Priestess Azucena Avila, Scott and Marla (Tree of Life Movement) and Tiera St Claire (The Human Design System) on 9th November, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in London! Join us as we discuss Universal Sufism to improve our collective spiritual well-being.

Experience powerful blessings and enjoy healing energies in this one-of-a-kind event. Feel the difference with the Spiritual Heart Activation Ceremony – a method using a mystical formula to rejuvenate and revive the Spiritual Heart. Share and receive higher vibrations by partaking in the Ring of Love – a sacred dance circle celebrating love, harmony and togetherness.

Admission to this event is absolutely free, but seating is limited. Reserve your spot on Eventbrite.

Date And Time

Sat, 9 November 2019
19:00 – 22:00 GMT (7 PM – 9 PM)


Crowne Plaza London – The City
19 New Bridge Street

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Watford Spiritual Heart Activation
15th October 2019|Activities

Watford Spiritual Heart Activation

Watford Spiritual Heart Activation

Messiah Foundation UK and the Watford Interfaith Association are proud to announce a special evening with Sufi Master Younus AlGohar, Reverend Steve Bell and Gnostic Priestess Azucena Avila! This event will be hosted at the Watford Multi-Cultural Community Centre from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM on 30th October 2019.

It will feature an interactive discussion on practical Sufism, a spiritual healing session, the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony and the Ring of Love.

For further details, check out the activity page.

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Mind Body Soul Experience London Discourse
5th October 2019|Activities

Mind Body Soul Experience London Discourse

Mind Body Soul Experience London Discourse

Join Messiah Foundation UK and Sufi Spiritual Revivalist Younus AlGohar for a special discourse on the Awakening of the Spiritual Heart at the Mind, Body and Soul Experience in Alexandra Palace, London on 20 October 2019!

Venue: Alexandra Palace Way, London, N22 7AY
Date & Time: Sunday, 20th October, 2019, 4:00 PM — 4:45 PM
For further details, check out the event page.
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Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona
26th August 2019|ActivitiesArticles

Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona

Neo-Sufism – Urban Wellness Centre, Phoenix, Arizona

The following is a transcript of Spiritual Sufi Revivalist Younus AlGohar’s speech at the Urban Wellness Center.


I feel honoured to be among you today. I would like to thank you for coming this evening. I’ll be sharing what I have, and of course, I will share with you through dispensing knowledge and spiritual grace. I will take some of your energies and give you some of my energies.

The world we are living in today has changed dramatically. The purpose of religions is almost lost. The religion was like a bridge between man and God, but most religions today have lost their glory. Religious people, allegedly, are not in pursuit of divine love or finding God. They are entangled with their religious differences. They are in a race of being the best of all. That part – in which religion was supposed to bring man closer to God and bring him divinity – is almost lost. 

There is a reason for this. Every messenger of God was granted two different types of knowledge by God: the Knowledge of the Interior and the Knowledge of the Exterior. The Knowledge of the Exterior is known as the sacred law – the law of the religion – which is still in practice today. But the Knowledge of the Interior (the Knowledge of the Heart), which is responsible for establishing a connection between man and God, is lost.

What we have today is people who claim to be Sufis but their practice of Sufism is also very superficial. It is not very profound – not to the extent where the hearts can be enlightened and the divine connection between man and God can be established. Today, we identify ourselves as Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs, but the primary goal of each and every religion was love. 

Without love, no religion is good. You are better off having God’s love even without a religion. 

The different types of worship introduced by the religions were like aid to help you find God and establish a spiritual connection with God. However, without the inner aspect of the religion, the exterior form of worship becomes futile, null and void.

Let me give an example of Muslims today. There are millions of mosques all over the world, especially from the country that I come from, Pakistan. There are hundreds and thousands of mosques and even more clergymen than there are mosques in Pakistan. They show an enormous amount of religiosity by a verbal claim. However, all these people have diversified in so many different denominations within their religion – more than 73 different sects. The religion is lost somewhere and what we see today in the name of religion is nothing but division. 

Love of God has become extinct. It has diminished from the practices of the religion.

This happens when the spiritual system in every religion is destroyed. When the spiritual system in the religion is destroyed, the hearts become corrupted. 

The corruption of the heart is more severe than the corruption of mind. 

When the mind is corrupt, you will become a bad politician. When the heart is corrupt, you will turn the religion into extremism and fanaticism; it will result in global terrorism. This is not the case with Islam only. It is very unfortunate that every single religion has been made subject to this kind of corruption. 

This happened when the spiritual knowledge was either shunned by its practitioners or overlooked. Or maybe the religions were deviated from the path of spirituality by the so-called pandits, mullahs, priests and religious leaders – simply because they didn’t have this knowledge and they were not enlightened themselves. How would they accept the existence of spirituality? 

This has been causing a lot of distress. This has been creating a lot of problems all over the world in all religions. People are becoming wary of their religious practice. A lot of people who were regular goers to the mosques, churches and synagogues have stopped going there. They hear a lot about glorified personalities and miracles, but when it comes to their own practical religiosity, they do not relate to it. When they go to these worship places, they are told of miracles which took place in history. But in our own world today, we haven’t seen anybody working miracles.

People who practice a religion and they are proud of their religiosity – when you look at their characters, their hearts are filled with hatred and limitations. And they judge you. This is not what religion would teach you; this is not a state God would want to see you in.

Every single religion has this concept of the Awaited One. For example, Christians are waiting for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Second Coming of the Christ is not only found in Christianity but it is also endorsed by Islam. Even according to the traditions of Prophet Mohammad, Jesus is going to come back. What Lord Jesus Christ is going to do when he comes back depends on the circumstances. When Jesus came 2000 years ago, he talked about love. 

I am a student of history and I did a masters degree in Religious Studies. I studied every single prophet and messenger. However, the most appealing message that I found was the message of Lord Jesus Christ. So sublime in his word and so sublime in his character. It is almost impossible to even visualise what kind of a character Lord Jesus Christ would be. 

He said, ‘Love your enemy’ [Matthew 5:44], and ‘love your neighbour’ [Mark 12:31].

‘If somebody slaps you on your right cheek, turn over your left cheek as well’ [Matthew 5:39].

Personally, I have been practising Sufism for over 30 years. Even now, if I look into my heart and ask myself, ‘Can I do what Lord Jesus Christ asked me to do – to turn over my left cheek as well if somebody slaps my right cheek?’ I find it difficult.

The moment somebody has a go at us, we become hostile rather than forgiving. It’s natural. We are human beings, we are not Jesus. 

Now, to vanish and diminish that hostility which is natural in our character – that is spiritualism. That is the Sufi path.

To discipline our emotions and our desires – to discipline what we want. It is to dramatically increase our spiritual endurance and forbearance. That increase in endurance and forbearance is not going to come by verbal diarrhoea. 

No matter how many times I visit the Holy Kaaba, no matter how many times I go to the mosque every day, nothing will change in me, for except when the root of all evil is taken care of. 

Let me give you a piece of advice from the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Mohammad. The beauty of this message is, he is not addressing Muslims. The Prophet of Islam is addressing the entire humanity here. 

He said, ‘O’ Sons of Adam, there is a lump of flesh in your body. If it is set right, your entire body will be set right.  But if it is corrupted, your entire body will remain corrupted. Remember well: it is your heart’.

So, what we need to do is fix our hearts.

I came across a lot of people who claim to be spiritual and I had discussions with them. I asked them about the reforms of the heart, how to set the heart right. It is very unfortunate that a majority of people who claim to be Sufis take the Spiritual Heart as a metaphor. They are not aware of its true existence. A lot of people think this physical heart has the same attributes of the Spiritual Heart. But I think I was blessed enough to be in the company of my Master, His Divine Eminence Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, who taught us how a physical heart turns into a Spiritual Heart – and what is it that this physical heart requires before it is granted by God the status of the Spiritual Heart. 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘When we say to people that the heart will remember God involuntarily without us making any effort, the people question us, “How? The heart is just a piece of flesh, it doesn’t have a tongue”’.

Then He goes on to say, ‘Maybe there are some people who are unaware of the nature of an egg. If you tell them that there is a hen inside it, maybe they will say, “We break eggs every day. We never see any hen inside it”’.

But His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi says, ‘In order to retrieve a hen out of the egg, you need another hen that will keep the egg under her wings. Her wings will produce heat. There are three layers on the egg and they will be removed by the heat. When they are removed, a small hen will come out of the egg’.

In a similar way, His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘This heart also has the similitude of an egg. The only difference is that the egg only has three layers.

‘When the heart is activated and constant remembrance of God is taking place inside the heart, it becomes so enlightened that it starts to attract God’s presence’. 

The moment the divine energies are emanating from the Spiritual Heart, it will be caught by the divine glimpse of God. God starts looking at such hearts which are enlightened.

When the heart is fully enlightened, it becomes a generator of divine energy. The divine energy is generated in the heart and the heart is responsible for oxygenating the blood. Impure blood comes into the heart and the heart oxygenates it. With the purification of the heart, divine energy is also mingled with the blood. The blood becomes entwined with divine energy.

At this moment in time, our blood is not only purified, but it is also a source of divine light and divine energy. This way, the divine energy travels throughout our body and reaches every nook and cranny of our body. Once the divine light is everywhere in our body, our body submits to God’s light. Naturally, our body becomes obedient to the divine light. This is the first step towards submission to God. 

You cannot force yourself. Sometimes, we can tame our desires and we do not do bad things. But sometimes, it is so overwhelming and we succumb to the bunch of desires that arise in our hearts.

Sometimes, we become so vulnerable to temptations that we forget our promises to God and we happen to do bad things. 

When the divine energy has reached every nook and cranny of the body, the body submits to divine energy. We become naturally obedient to the divine light. That is the time when we become perfectly pure in the eyes of God.

Getting to this stage is important. Whether you get to this spiritual status by religions established by Abraham, Moses, Ram, Jesus or Mohammad, it doesn’t matter. Wherever you find this knowledge and get this spiritual practice – if you get to this status with God – it is fine. In the eyes of God, they are all are equal; it is God who sent everybody. The source is the same.

Why should we differentiate ourselves? We are all brothers and sisters; we are all equal in the eyes of God. We should not fall to these petty differences. We should aim high, and that aim should be God. That aim should be bringing God in our hearts, from whichever religion we can obtain it, from whichever Spiritual Guide is available. 

God has been ever generous. With God, it’s not the case that he gave little spiritual knowledge to Abraham and more spiritual knowledge to Moses. Spiritual power and spiritual knowledge were equally granted to all messengers and all the prophets. They’re all good sources.

There may be many more internet providers – the main thing is the internet connection, not the provider. These spiritual dignitaries like Moses, Abraham, Ram, Krishna and Mohammad are, so to speak, internet providers.

We need an internet connection. We have ATNT, Cricket, Sprint, etc. – we don’t love them, we just love the service. If my mobile has ATNT but there is no service – and someone else has a Cricket sim card that is working, he is better off because his phone is working. 

Somebody asked His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, ‘Who is the best? Muslims, Jews or Christians?’

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘Whoever has God’s love in the heart is the best. Whether that person is a Muslim, a Jew, a Christain, a Hindu – or he is none of them – he is the best’.

So, the best are those who have the love of God. Today, religions have become monsters. Today, religions are just talking about divisions, limitations and sins. They give you dos and don’ts. They don’t let you enjoy your life.

If you are giving away so many of your comforts and luxuries of life, in return, you should get something! That something you should be getting out of the religious practice is God’s love.

Your heart should be illuminated and enlightened.

I was a very good student in Chemistry, I did a masters degree in Organic Chemistry. I studied physical chemistry and everything so my mind was argumentative, looking for reasons and answers. 

I wasn’t a person who had a blindfold over his eyes who would agree to anything a religious cleric said. My mind would juggle. Questions would simulate. 

[In Islam, we were encouraged to grow a beard as a religious practice]. I wanted to see what benefits I would reap from growing a beard. After I had grown a considerable length of beard, I looked into myself for any change. Had I become holy? Honestly, I didn’t become holy. I was still the same sinner. Then, I realised with the eye of certainty, that the exterior forms of practices are only good when you are connected to God.

Then, I found my Master, HDE Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. He set me free from all religious calamities. He said ‘Your mission should be to earn love, give love, receive love.

‘The best human being on Earth is one who has learnt the art and expertise of love. One who loves God truly, he or she cannot hate any of the divine creation. If you hate somebody for any reason, then think twice before you claim you love God. God is love’.

Do not buy the idea that God will want divisions. God loves all equally. We all have the potential. 

One day I was surprised when my Master said, ‘Every single human being has the potential of becoming a saint of God’.

I was shocked because, in my religion, I was so suppressed. 

I was told, ‘You are a sinner, you’re a bad guy [because] you are looking at women, you are not going to the mosque five times a day and you don’t fast!’

I thought, ‘I’m the worst person on earth’.

Every time I would go to the mosque, I would go there out of fear. All these Muslim clerics tell you about death. It is like a horror movie!

Women get more scared [in Eastern culture] than men because they tell them, ‘If you trim your hair, you will get penalised in the grave. There will be 1000 snakes crawling over your body!’ 

So these things were scary. I would go to the mosque with shivering legs and there was always this fear, ‘What if God doesn’t like my prayers? What if God rejects my prayers on the Day of Judgement? What if I miss my prayers?;

But my Master told me, ‘Forget everything. Learn to love God!’

I thought, ‘I need to learn to love? As if I don’t know how to love. I love my mother, I didn’t learn to love her’. 

I had so many questions. Like earlier I said, my mind is very argumentative and my mind needed reasons. 

I said to my Master, ‘Master, don’t I love my mother?’

‘Yes, you do.’ 

‘Yes, but you said, you need to learn to love God? But I love my mother and I didn’t go anywhere to learn to love my mother’.

My Master said, ‘That’s right, but the time will come when you are in a situation where you have to choose one out of the two. You will be tested. Then you will know who you really love’.

We claim we love our mothers, sisters, brothers and spouses, but a time comes when we are in a situation and position where we have to make a choice. Sometimes the choice is bad. We think we know how to love but then when calamity strikes and our love is tested, our claim of love goes down the drain. 

Sometimes, you find somebody and think she is your soulmate. The next minute, she might be sleeping around. Where is the love? Maybe it was just puppy love, not platonic, pure love. 

Then I asked my Master, ‘What is pure, platonic love?’ 

My Master said, ‘Before you are able to learn platonic love, you need to purge the Lower Self. You have to diminish negativity from your body’. 

The Lower Self is the root of all evil that raises the slogan ‘Me, I first’. 

In every sentence, they will use ‘I’ and ‘Me’, not ‘You’. ‘You’, is never mentioned. 

When you are only concerned about yourself and become self-centred, you lose empathy. You don’t sympathise with people. This is because of the Lower Self.

In Sufi terminology, the Lower Self is the Nafs. Even according to the Kabbalah, they call it the Nafs. This Nafs is the representative of negativity and evil in our body. It is this soul that generates temptations – and not just when you want to love God. It creates problems even between men and women. If there is true love, our desires generate temptations and we fall apart. We need to purge the evil presence from our bodies. That purge is very important. 

No matter how hard you worship God, no worship is able to purge the evil presence in you. The only way this can be taken care of is through spirituality. The Spiritual Mediator implants God’s name into that evil soul and God’s name generates divine energy. That divine energy purges the Lower Self and it is purified to a degree where it doesn’t generate temptations anymore. Then it does not ask us to hate anybody, it does not see any differences. 

They would equal in the eyes of God, but in your and my eyes, they would only become equal when this soul [the Lower Self] is taken care of.

So, we are promoting this divine knowledge, the knowledge of Sufism. I will call it ‘Neo-Sufism’ because some new spiritual laws have been introduced and added to spirituality and Sufism by His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. This is a form of spirituality and Sufism which caters for the needs of all religions, for everybody. 

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi loves everybody and wants everybody to love God.

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The Spiritual Sciences – Leaders in Action for Global Transformation
24th August 2019|Articles

The Spiritual Sciences – Leaders in Action for Global Transformation

The Spiritual Sciences – Leaders in Action for Global Transformation

The following is the transcript of Sufi Spiritual Revivalist Younus AlGohar’s speech at the NUWTC’s ‘Leaders in Action for Global Transformation’ symposium in Phoenix Arizona.


I’m here to share my thoughts, my energies, and some divine spiritual philosophies from the East. There are spiritual philosophies from the West and then we have our own brand of spirituality which may be slightly different, but we can benefit from both. Today I will be sharing with you the spiritual sciences with the help of which we may be able to awaken our spiritual subtleties in the body.  

We believe there are seven different souls inside our body.

For a long time, as a student, I used to think there is only one soul in the body. One day, I met with a boy who was not able to speak; his parents took him everywhere [to get cured] but his power of speech was never restored. Then we went to see a Spiritual Master.

The Spiritual Master said, ‘The soul which is responsible for sustaining the power of the speech in the body is defective.’ 

Then I came to know that there are more souls in the body that just one.  

In the East, there are a lot of people who exemplify Sufism. They have their own ways and culture; most of the time, spirituality is mixed with the culture. That is why it becomes difficult for everybody to embrace it. For example, in India, we have a different brand of spirituality. Gandhi used to be known as a ‘half-naked fakir’ because this was his spiritual attire. Then we have Hindu spirituality and Muslim spirituality. 

The majority of people who are interested in spirituality in the West are aware of Rumi. He always spoke about love and the beloved and how to live your life with all the blossoms of love and harmony. 

When I met my Spiritual Master, he made a cocktail. He took bits and pieces from all different cultures and came out with a brand new spirituality. This was so everybody is able to embrace it and reap the spiritual benefits and grace out of it. 

Religions Have Lost Their Glory

A lot of people today have become wary of religion, God and Jesus. I understand this is not because they have any grudge or personal vendetta against God or Jesus Christ. This is a pretty natural phenomenon. [This happens when] you practise religion for many, many years, and you do not get anything from that practice. Rather, you feel like you have been caged with different philosophies and you find very little space to manoeuvre your own life. You are told that the things you want to do to enjoy your life are sins and that you cannot do it. 

On the one hand, people are not getting anything out of the practice of the religion, so they become non-recipients of any spiritual grace that may be rendered by the practice of that religion. On the other hand, they are caged by different laws – societal and religious laws – [telling them] ‘you cannot do this, you cannot do that’. They become wary of this concept of sin.

People call upon God when they need help and God doesn’t reply. Then one day they lose hope. We call upon Jesus to help and Jesus doesn’t help, so we lose hope. When religions do not do anything good to improve the quality of our life, we become wary of these religions. And sometimes religions become monsters. 

The ideology of religion can be adulterated in a way that it becomes a monster. 

Sometimes religions have a very limited perimeter for us to manoeuvre. Sometimes, we see that religions are creating divisions and problems rather than assessing our spiritual needs and necessities. Bearing all this in mind, we tell ourselves, ‘I am better off without religion.’ This has been a trend for the past 100 years now. 

People in the West have shunned the practice of religion, but where I come from in the East, people have a blindfold. They don’t get anything out of the practice of their religion but still, they are clung to that practice.

Some of them are given radicalised views. They are told, ‘Do you want to go to paradise? Wear a jacket full of bombs, blow up somewhere and let 100-200 people blow up with you. This will be a gateway for you to enter paradise and 72 virgin damsels are waiting for you.’

This is terrorism. But terrorism is just a branch of a monstrous religion when the religion loses its glory, meaning, spiritual power and regime. When spirituality is missing from religion, then that religion becomes a monster. 

When we call upon Jesus and Jesus doesn’t attend to our call [multiple times], we will have a very bad and negative conjecture about Jesus. We will think, ‘Jesus is just a character from mythology because when we need him, he doesn’t reply, he doesn’t help.’

In order to know the truth, you have to adopt spirituality. We heard it on the grapevine that there is somebody and he lives somewhere above the skies. We heard about it, but seeing is believing.

When we go to the mosques, churches and synagogues, we are told to believe in what we cannot see and sustain that belief. Sustaining that belief is known as faith. Even if he doesn’t ever help you, we have to have faith. Now this slogan is fading away. We are living in the 21st century.

We have all the luxuries and comforts of life – we can make it rain, we can reach Mars, we have been to the Moon, we can fiddle with human genes, we can know in advance what diseases a baby will have by studying the gene – we are so advanced so do we need God now? Do we need Jesus? If we need Jesus, why do we need him? Is he going to buy us a mobile phone or improve the quality of our internet?

We cannot deny the existence of God. The proof is our own self. Somebody must have created us. Our existence cannot be a coincidence.

The problem is the messengers and the great spiritual masters who would teach us how to spiritualise our life, how to enlighten and awaken our souls and then find the spiritual proximity with God – those masters are here no more. What we have are just orators who tell us stories, ‘When Jesus came this happened, when Prophet Muhammad came that happened.’ 

We talk about the miracles – things which our intellect cannot even perceive. We keep reading these far fetched stories. We are bemused by the study of the miracles which took place in remote history. 

But this is what it is. This is the story is every religion. If you go to a church, they will tell you stories of Christian saints, Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary – but why don’t we see those miracles working today in our age? We have stories from the era of Moses in which God would send food from above the skies. We have stories on the era of Abraham and Adam. But we do not see these things anymore. This is why we do not relate to Lord Jesus Christ. This is why we do not relate to the miracles worked by Jesus in history – because we do not see them today. 

When you go to church, you [will be] just thinking about God but you are told that you are speaking with God. So many different things have been added to the academic side of religion which never existed. Everything has been glamorised.

Often times we talk about meditation, well the very word ‘meditate’ means ‘to think deeply’. Do we have to learn how to meditate? We already know how to think deeply.

True meditation is a transcendental spiritual journey. This happens when the souls are enlightened, energised and have been localised with divinity.

As a Muslim, I was told, ‘On the Night of the Ascension, Prophet Mohammad physically flew from his bed. He went to Jerusalem and he went up to the sky. Physically, he went to see God.’

It’s difficult isn’t it, to relate to all this? Because we have never seen such things happen in front of our eyes. Our intellect only accepts things that we can see and experience. What we cannot see or experience doesn’t really fit in our head. 

We say, ‘Yes, okay. I must believe because this is my religion, so it must have happened.’ 

But we cannot relate to such things. All these different beautiful people, like Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, they all went. And we are just living in the wilderness of ignorance. 

Today I have come here to tell you that we have found the truth. What Adam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus said was right. What Jesus did was right and what Mohammad said was right. 

We do not know the right knowledge and we do not know the whereabouts of divinity – this is why we are left in a lurch. We have no clue how to love God. 

The Heart is the Place of Love

And love is the most misinterpreted and misunderstood word. You will meet a man one day, fall in love and after some time, you will find out that he was sleeping around. So, where is the love? That’s not loving, is it? We have assumed that if we take care of somebody, we actually love them. But what about nursing homes where nurses take care of the elderly people and get paid for that care? That’s not loving.

It’s funny. We always enjoy it when we hate somebody – but we don’t get to enjoy it when we love somebody. We have to sacrifice a lot in order to keep that love alive. You have to admit: love always demands a lot of sacrifices. How much will you sacrifice in the name of love? There is a limit. One day, finally when you see that you are left with nothing, you let go of this [so-called] love.

Love is a substance. Love is divine. The place of love is the Spiritual Heart.

My mobile phone doesn’t work without power and connection. In a similar way, this Spiritual Heart has very profound potential. When it is revived, awakened, spiritualised and energised, this will work with divine energy. When it is energised with divine energy, it starts to show off its spiritual functionality. This heart works like a mirror. 

Rumi said, ‘If you polish your heart, which is like a mirror, then anyone who comes in front of your heart will reflect in your heart.’ 

And my Master [HDE Gohar Shahi] said, ‘When the heart is awakened and enlightened, this will be our tool of communication with God, with Jesus.’

I didn’t believe it until I found it. 

I’m not a very religious man. I used to play cricket in college (I still do), but then one day I was totally fed up with religions. I was a very religious boy; because at a very young age, my father used to tell me, ‘You have to go to the mosque every day, five times a day, or you will go to hell.’ 

So, as a child, I had this fear instilled in my heart that I must go the mosque five times a day or else I would go to hell.

Then one day, when I went to the mosque, the Muslim priest was telling us a story of Prophet Muhammad. 

He said that Prophet Mohammad said, ‘If you take a shower five times a day, will there be any dirt on your body? No. So going to the mosque five times a day is very similar to taking a shower five times a day. When you go to the mosque five times a day, there will be no sin on you. There will be no dirt on your heart.’

I did it for years and years but I still found there was dirt in me, I still had my crooked ways. I felt I was still bad inside my heart. I felt I still wanted to deprive others of their possessions if I didn’t have them. That was really alarming. I was asking myself the question, ‘Was what I was told really right?’

These practices of religion appear to be so important and essential but without spirituality, no religion will work any good on any of you or me. Because spirituality is the soul of religion. 

Spirituality is greater than any religion. If you have adopted spirituality, then you do not need any religion.

Celestial Spirituality 

Spirituality is all about enlightening and awakening souls. Some people in the East said that yoga was a spiritual practice and I was really confused. 

I asked my Master, ‘Is yoga a spiritual practice?’

My Master said, ‘Why do you ask?’

I said, ‘Because I don’t see any soul getting involved in the practice of yoga. We are just stretching our body – are we stretching our souls as well?’ 

And my Master said ‘No, no. Yoga is good for the body and mind, but the enlightenment of the soul is a different ball game.’ 

I said, ‘What is spirituality then?’ 

I did a masters degree in Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry, so I was very argumentative at times. I used to think the function of the soul is to sustain life in the body, that’s all. 

But my Master told me, ‘No, no, no. There are two different sets of souls: celestial souls and terrestrial souls. We share terrestrial souls with animals and all other different kinds of creatures, like stones, trees and animals.’

We share the same types of souls with all these living objects. The stone and mountains have the mineral soul. The trees have the mineral soul plus botanical soul. The animals have [the mineral and botanical soul as well as] the animal spirit. 

If we only have the same amount of souls as animals do, then why do we have intellect? Why do we speak and animals do not speak? We have some different souls in human beings because if we [only] have the same souls that animals, trees and stones do, then why don’t they speak or have the [same level of intellect as us]? Well, there is always room for argument. You can say ‘They are intelligent,’ but no animal was a scientist.

We have something superior given to us by God in comparison to what has been given to the animals. The additional thing we have in us as human beings is a set of celestial souls. When it comes to sustaining life in the body, we have similar amounts of souls that the animals do: the botanical spirit, mineral spirit and animal spirit. We have all these souls too in our body. These three terrestrial spirits are responsible for the growth and for sustaining life in our body. 

But the set of celestial souls that have only been given to human beings – their function is different.

It was so fascinating when Jesus said, ‘God created man in his own image.’

Ever since I read this I thought, ‘I am like God because God created man in his own image. If I have fingers, God must have fingers. If God didn’t have fingers, I wouldn’t have them. God must walk the same way that we walk because God created man in his own image.’

That was really fascinating. I said to my Master, ‘[If] God created man in his own image, then why do we need any religion? We are God’s image already.’ 

Then my Master said, ‘God created you and everybody else in his own image, but you need his character now.’

We don’t behave like God. What was missing is God’s character. God is oftentimes forgiving. God is love. God is full of compassion and empathy. 

A lot of people are losing their grip on empathy, sympathy and compassion these days. This is not because they have shunned the practice of the religion; this is because the divine characteristics in us are diminishing day by day because we have stopped the practice of spirituality. 

In order to behave and live like God, God has given us a set of celestial souls: five in our breast and one lies in our head (the Third Eye). When the [soul in the head] is awakened and enlightened, then we are able to see God. We are able to see Jesus, Abraham and Moses – all these great personalities were the wonderful teachers of spirituality.

When I met my Master, I was exposed to naked spirituality in which your heart and all the spirits are awakened and enlightened, and with them, you make spiritual journeys. You think about making a spiritual journey and they come out of your body. You will be sitting in your chair and they come out of your body. They look like you and they take the shape of your body. 

One day Rumi went to the mosque and he was praying. His Master came and said, ‘You are praying alone. Where is all of you gone?’

Rumi said, ‘What? Where is all of me gone?’

‘You are not just one, you are many.’ 

He was really intrigued by this knowledge. ‘What? Am I many? I just know myself.’

When he was exposed to the spiritual sciences, he was told that there are seven souls inside his body and yet another nine different souls are given birth by these seven souls [to make a total of] sixteen. With spiritual nourishment and spiritual practice, all these souls – one after the other – develop this ability to come out and make journeys.

Then one day, Rumi went to the mosque again after 15-20 years and he was in the prayer. His Master came and he said, ‘Now you are many.’ 

He said, ‘how?’ and he saw that there were 16 men like him standing behind him. 

If one of your souls was nurtured and fully grown when you were 20 – and it came out – then that soul will stay, forever, 20. 

So, you have these souls in you. Then when you have attained this spiritual status, then you think about God, ‘Where is God?’

Then one of the souls will leave your body. You will be sitting in your chair or in meditation and one of the souls will leave your body and see God. These souls will reach God and access God. These souls will access Jesus. These souls will change our lives and our lifestyle.

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Acknowledging the Divine Presence – Lama Foundation
8th August 2019|Articles

Acknowledging the Divine Presence – Lama Foundation

Acknowledging the Divine Presence – Lama Foundation

The following is a transcript of Sufi Spiritual Revivalist Younus AlGohar’s discussion with residents of the Lama Foundation in Taos, New Mexico.



I’m very happy spiritually to see all of you turning your faces away from the luxuries of the world and living here in a spiritual retreat. Obviously, that endorses the fact that you are in search for the divine. This effort you are making of shunning the world, turning away from the desires of the world and making this remote area as your abode, is something which can only be a gift from God to you. Not many people who seek the path are able to do what you are doing. 

When we live in luxury and comfort, we become accustomed to it. It is very hard to then take your hands off that luxury and comfort.

We are Sufis. My Master Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi was here in 1997, 22 years ago. In the same hall, sitting in the middle on the armchair, supervising the Sufi Zikar. This is what brought me back here – to share my Sufi thoughts with brothers and sisters like you here. 

I was always inspired by Murshid Sam Lewis who said, ‘The Sun will rise from the West.’

It is remarkable to see how people in the United States of America are turning away from the luxurious and glamorous lifestyle and living here. This is an absolutely impeccable Sufi practice and it is wonderful to see how dedicated you are. What you are doing today – living away from the charms of the world and negating yourself – that is the first lesson in spirituality. 

In the Sufi path, the most important things are purgation and purification of the Lower Self (Nafs) – which is the root of all evil – and at the same time, Activation of the Spiritual Heart. It is the Spiritual Heart which actually lets us connect with God. With the Activation of the Spiritual Heart, we are able to communicate with God and receive messages from God. The first step towards the spiritual journey is the awakening of the Spiritual Heart. This is the threshold of sainthood. 

When I say, ‘The heart must be awakened,’ it means the spiritual functions of the heart must be restored. The spiritual consciousness of the heart has to be obtained. That, of course, comes with the help and teachings of the Spiritual Guide. A Spiritual Guide is delegated by God to implant the seed of love in the hearts and souls.

Rumi said, ‘Your heart is like a mirror, you just need to polish your heart. When your heart is polished, anyone that comes in front of it will reflect in it.’ 

So finding God has been made really easy by our great Sufis. [We have to] polish our hearts and bring an eternal shine upon the screen of the heart. When the heart is perfectly polished, then the divine manifestation takes place. 

The heart is always covered with a lot of layers of heedlessness, worldly desires, lust and many other things. When you are courageous enough to part with the comfort of the luxury, you’re already half a saint. 

This is why Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Cleanliness is half of the faith.’

When the body is dirty, we wash it with water and apply soap. When the hearts are dirty, that dirt is of heedlessness, desires and comforts [of the world]. 

I would like to salute the determination of the individuals who are already living like hermits. They’re really courageous people. Once you become accustomed to the luxuries and comforts of the world, it’s a trap. It’s not easy to come out from the customary luxury and comfort. 

Half of the job is already done when you are living in such remote places.

Now what you need is to learn to polish the heart. When the heart is polished, you don’t need to find God. With a polished heart, wherever God is, he will show up in the mirror of your heart. In order to polish the heart, what we need is eternal remembrance of God which is conducted by the heart itself.

According to the Koran 13:28, ‘You will find content in Zikar Allah (in the remembrance of God)’. 

Those who are not Sufis often misunderstand this verse from the Koran and they carry out the Zikar (invocation0 with their tongue. It is to do with the heart. 

The Sufi path starts with the Activation of the Heart.

Mevlana Rumi said, ‘If the heart is polished and Zikar Allah is established therein, then your heart is like the house of God (Bait ul Rab). Your heart is the Divine Empyrean.’

To bring God in the heart is very important in spirituality.

Most people think that bringing God in the heart is just a metaphor. How will God come in the heart? We don’t know where God is. Well, we don’t know where God is, but Murshid Sam Lewis knows where he is. My Spiritual Guide, HDE Gohar Shahi, knows where he is. 

They tell us, ‘Before we are able to bring God in our hearts, we need God’s permission – whether or not God likes us. Whether or not we are worthy of his friendship. Whether or not we are worthy of his love.’

It is the Spiritual Guide who communicates with God, presents his disciple and asks God if he wishes to love this disciple. 

God’s name that we say with our tongue is just a word. But when it is granted by God himself, through a Spiritual Guide, then that word has divine energy, light and a spirit. That name of God can talk and walk. It is then implanted in the throbs of the heart and then the divine chemistry starts to work. Articulation of the name of God starts with the synchronisation of the name in the beating system of the heart. 

When it is implanted, you have your heart remembering God nonstop – whether you are sleeping, talking to somebody else [or] engaged in any other activity. Even if you are not thinking about God or making any effort to remember him – when the word God, Ram, Allah [or] Bhagwan is implanted in the heart, the heart learns to say the name of the God. Ram, Bhagwan, Elohim, Yahweh are all beautiful names of God. Some people are more prone to word Allah; others want to say Yahweh and the others want to say Elohim. Whichever name of God you have in your language and in your religion, it doesn’t really matter. 

What matters is that the name of God must enter the heart because the heart is the place of love. Love is not a verbal claim.

You people – such wonderful, beautiful people you are. You have left behind all the luxuries. This is a practical example that you have that spark of divine love in your heart. You have that spark. All you need to do is to kindle and give rise to the flame of love inside the heart. 

In no time, you will recognise the presence of God within yourself. Nothing is outside of yourself. 

God said, ‘I am within you, but you do not know how to see me’. 

So we need to learn to acknowledge God’s presence. We need to learn to have this ability with which we can spot the presence of God. All Sufis may be sitting quietly and people think they are saying nothing – but their heart is engaged in the remembrance of God. When the heart is activated and it is engaged in the eternal remembrance of God, then we turn to the soul and we activate the soul as well.

There are seven souls inside our body. Each of them must be awakened and activated with the name of God. There are so many names of God. According to the Koran, there are 99 names of God. Then we have different names in the Bible, Torah and Psalms of David. 

All names which we use to call upon God are worthy of great respect. However, in order to obtain the spiritual grace of the remembrance of God, we want to make sure that Zikar enters the heart.

If you try to eat food but your lips are sealed off, do you think the hunger will go away? No. If you put the food in your nose, your eyes and your ears, you will still be hungry because the food must go through your mouth to enter your stomach. If the food doesn’t enter the stomach, it is not going to benefit you. In a similar way, the remembrance of God must enter the heart. Only then will it show it’s exuberance, magnificence and it’s a manifestation.

Today we are very happy to tell you that we have been delegated to share the method of implanting the name of God in your heart. It is so romantic! You will just be sitting but your heart will be repeating ‘Allah’. Even when you are not thinking about him, your heart will be pounding his name. 

This practice, in which your heart engages in eternal remembrance of God – there is a purpose for it. It’s not just a form of worship.

There’s a reason we eat. Some people eat because they want to enjoy their food, others eat so that they can stay alive and continue their spiritual journey. If we do not eat, we cannot survive. 

Similarly, this eternal remembrance of God is divine food to your heart and soul. When this eternal remembrance takes place in the heart and God’s name is synchronised; the heartbeats repeat the word ‘God’ one after another which generates divine light. That divine light is food to our heart and soul. 

Then starts the process of spiritual progression. We eat food physically so that our body is well. But for the heart and for the souls, we also need food. They are ethereal beings, their food is divine light.

All of us have energy in us and we benefit from each other’s energy, but divine light is different. Divine light is something that our heart and soul will live on. Our heart and soul will be nurtured with divine light. That divine light will come from the remembrance of God when it is conducted in the heart. 

There is a lot to say about Sufism and a lot to discuss spirituality. But the most important thing in a Sufi’s life is that his/her souls are energised and spiritualised in a way that, even if you are sleeping, your real you are awake. 

Sultan Haq Bahu said, ‘Some people are awake and they are engaged in worship but in the eyes of God, they are sleeping’. 

Although they appear to be awake and are engaged in worship, in the eyes of God they are heedless. 

Why? Because it is not your body that God looks at, it is your heart that God looks at. But your heart is not engaged in God’s remembrance, only your body is. Some peoples’ hearts are engaged in God’s remembrance and they are sleeping – but in the eyes of God, they are awake because their hearts are awake.

This is the threshold of a Sufi, that he or she is able to engage in God’s remembrance in such a way that he or she doesn’t have to make any physical efforts. Even if you make physical efforts, what will happen when you fall asleep? 

Sultan Haq Bahu said, ‘A lover is never heedless of the beloved.’

When we fall asleep,  we are heedless of everything, even ourselves. So, a Sufi is a true lover because when a Sufi’s body sleeps, his or her souls do not sleep. They are still engaged in the remembrance of God. A Sufi’s heart becomes the true recipient of the divine messages.

There are many Sufi orders in this world: Naqshbandi Sufi order, Sahaurwardi Sufi order, Chishti, Qadri etc. They have different names, but the principles and teachings of each and every Sufi order is the same: Activation of the Heart. 

With this message and gift of God, we are here to serve you. We believe you are our brothers and our sisters in love and on the Sufi path. We are here to unify with you in love, peace and to commemorate the Sufi path given to the people in the West. 

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The Living Jesus – Mt. Shasta Day 2
4th August 2019|Articles

The Living Jesus – Mt. Shasta Day 2

The Living Jesus – Mt. Shasta Day 2

The following is an excerpt from Sufi Younus AlGohar’s talk and Questions and Answers session with the audience at the Mount Shasta Heart Activation Event.



Is Jesus Christ a Metaphor?

In this world today the most educated people turn out to have a conspiracy theory behind every occurrence – behind 9/11, behind 7/7 London and behind Jesus Christ. As a man who believes in God, you believe in God even when you haven’t seen God. That is faith. So, Jesus Christ is not a metaphor.

Jesus Christ is a reality and the endorsement on this reality is that Jesus Christ was initially God’s Word.

The Word was with God and then he was decorated with flesh and bones but that flesh and bone is not Jesus Christ’s reality. Flesh and bones are our reality so that we can relate to Jesus Christ. 

That is the only singular purpose Jesus Christ came into this world in flesh and bones. Flesh and bones are our reality and we only understand realities that we can relate to. Jesus Christ is not a metaphor. 

The problem with us and our intellect is that our intellect will only reflect things that we have seen. What we have not seen, no matter how hard our intellect juggles with it, we’ll never trace a clue [to it]. In the end, it all comes down to having a very strong faith. When I say have faith, it doesn’t mean you put a blindfold on and blindly believe in everything which is presented to you. 

Faith is an abstract feeling. You will feel Jesus Christ’s presence in your heart – you won’t see him – and that feeling in you will compel you to have faith in him. The feeling of his love, the warmth of his love, his spiritual association, his presence in your heart and his reflection in your characteristics will establish the truth to you at least.

Even though the presence of Jesus Christ is abstract, I can see him through my feelings. Through my very profound, very deep spiritual sense.

So I would like to rule out the possibility of Jesus Christ as a metaphor. He is a very concrete reality.

The Living Jesus Christ

If Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus Christ must have the divine attributes of the Father. The Father is eternal and the Father has no death. The Father has been there forever and he will be there forever. 

It doesn’t make sense to a common mind that a father is eternal and the son is not eternal.

What happened on the cross happened to something which was just a figure that looked like Jesus Christ. You can call it a lookalike Jesus Christ. It was the entity that came out from the Lower Self (Nafs). 

Because of the presence of the Lower Self, you are drawn and prawn to the luxuries and contents of the world. Upon spiritual activation of that particular soul in your body – the Lower Self – it gives birth to four individuals and they look like you. This is the established truth according to Sufism and also according to Kabbalah, which is Jewish Spirituality. 

On that day, what transpired was, one of the spiritual entities of the Lower Self of Jesus Christ was put on the cross. Jesus Christ himself, physically and spiritually, was not on the cross. The blood that was dripping through his nails, palms and feet – and was dripping into the Holy Grail – was not coming out from the body of Jesus Christ. It was coming out from a lookalike of Jesus Christ which was a spiritual entity of his Lower Self.

According to the Bible (Romans 6:23), ‘For the wages of sin is death.’

We all understand that, but Jesus Christ is not a sinner. You can say he died for our sins, but God doesn’t have to die for our sins; he can simply forgive us. 

Jesus Christ used to make pigeons out of the sand; he would blow upon them and they would fly. So it is an established truth that Jesus Christ gave life to those that were non-existent. 

So the one that gives life to others cannot lose his own life. It is impossible for Jesus Christ to taste death.

Jesus Christ is divine. What happened there [on the cross] was a test for the believers as to whether or not they believed in the true and esoteric personality of Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that Jesus Christ is omnipresent. I firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the light of the heaven of the world. I firmly believe that if you find the right spiritual way, you can still connect to Jesus Christ and become united with the reality of Jesus Christ; through Jesus Christ, ultimately, you will find the Father, God. 

The Spiritual Cross

I would like to translate, ‘Take up my cross and follow me.’ (Matthew 16:24-26, Luke 9:23)

We have seven souls in our body. When you are following a spiritual path and you are enlightening and awakening your souls, all these souls in the breast make a straight horizontal line with the light of God. 

In a similar way, from the soul in the head to the one on the navel point (the Lower Self), a straight vertical line is drawn with the light of God. This is how a cross is established with the divine light in your body. You will only follow Jesus Christ when you make a cross in the body with all these souls. 

When Jesus Christ said, ‘Take up my cross and follow me,’ he referred to this cross which is inside your body – not the cross made of wood where people are put to punishment.

When all of the souls are activated, they make a holy cross; this is the cross that you need to follow. The cross is not outside; the cross is within you but you have to find the right spiritual coordination between all these souls. This is how a spiritual cross is formed inside you. That is the cross that Jesus Christ wants you to follow.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.