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Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation
10th October 2019|Activities

Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation

Glastonbury Spiritual Heart Activation
Learn some of the most effective, practical methods of the great ascetics – regardless of your religious background!

On 27 October 2019, you are invited to a masterclass on Western Sufism with world-renowned Sufi Master Younus AlGohar at the Glastonbury Town Hall!

Join us to welcome Sufi Master Younus Alohar, who will deliver a discourse about divine love and the significance of the purification of the heart. Experience powerful blessings and enjoy healing energies in this one-of-a-kind event. Feel the difference with the Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony. Share and receive higher vibrations by partaking in the Ring of Love – a sacred dance circle celebrating love, harmony and togetherness.

Host: Rev. Shaykh Steve Bell

Speaker: Azucena Avila

The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony

The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony is a practical method that changes humanity into divinity – one heart at a time. It is a revolutionary means through which humanity is becoming One United Nation!

According to various spiritual practices, there is an entity that sits near the physical heart – the heart chakra – or as we call like to call it, the Spiritual Heart.

The Spiritual Heart is dormant unless you awaken it. Once awakened, the Spiritual Heart becomes the divine gateway, expediting you on your journey to higher consciousness and divinity. The Opening of the Spiritual Heart Ceremony is one of the methods used to awaken the heart.

For further details, check out the invitation page for this event.

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Younus AlGohar

Representative of The Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Recognised as Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. Advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.