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The Importance of Spirituality
16th March 2016|LecturesVideos

The Importance of Spirituality

Younus AlGohar explains how he embarked on the spiritual path under Lord Ra Riaz’s auspicious mentorship.

Main points:

– An overwhelming majority of people believe in a religion just because they inherited those beliefs, not because they have a purpose in mind. When you want to buy a television, you compare prices and brands before committing to one product. Why not take this approach to religion?

– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi regarding those who came to Him wishing to obtain God’s love, said, ‘I’ll initiate their hearts. If God accepts them, I vow to be with them as a guiding light until they reach their destination.’

– If you want to have access to the realm of angels, you need to enlighten and awaken the corresponding soul inside your body.

– The heart can act like a divine telephone between man and God. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘When you become a friend of God and you are in trouble, God will instantly know that you are in trouble. When you’re in trouble, the voice of your heart has a hint of sadness when it reaches God. God then commands angels to help you before you raise hands in prayer.

– The only difference between good and bad, God and the Devil, people of Imam Mehdi and people of Dajjal (Antichrist) – is spiritual knowledge. If you have knowledge of the exterior without the knowledge of interior, you will definitely be corrupted in your mind and heart.

– The only thing that will protect your faith is spirituality. Without it, it doesn’t make a difference whether you are a Shia, Sunni or Wahhabi.

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Younus AlGohar

Representative of The Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Recognised as Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. Advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.