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To cool down a very hot room, we need to open some windows. When there is radicalised community living in the area (and the youth is getting radicalised), we need to promote Sufi thoughts which will dilute it. – Younus AlGohar

#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?
7th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Was Hitler A Zionist?

Question: On LBC, Ken Livingston said that Hitler was a Zionist. I heard that some Jews also say. Many people say he read the Quran then killed 6 million Jews.

So he got the idea from the Quran? Come on.

Hitler did the Holocaust and it was his own perception and idea. He was a Christian; he was not a Zionist.

In Germany, even the women are well-built and tall. What he did was he collected all the tall men and all the tall women; he asked them to sleep together and produce children without marriage, so that he could have a new race. This was his idea and it did not come from the Quran.

Any Jew who becomes an extremist becomes a Zionist. You cannot say a Christian is a Zionist.

Jews are very good people. Those who practise Kabbalah are wonderful people. Similarly, Christians are good people.

There is a bad apple in every garden and a bad fish in every pond. In a similar way, there are good and bad people in every religion.

There are bad people among Muslims, Christians and Jews but not everybody is bad. If somebody is bad, don’t think his religion is bad. Individuals can be bad; religions are not bad.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are not bad. If some bad person is practising Islam, then that bad person is bad; not Islam. Similarly, if some Jews are bad, it doesn’t mean the religion is bad. It is about individuals.

Because the conjecture about Islam has gone bad, now people are attributing all sorts of bad things to Islam and the Quran. You need to call a spade a spade; you can’t paint anything in your own colour and say, ‘This is bad.’

How come Islam did not inspire people in the 1400 years to carry out carnage and become savages who do not let anybody live?

I’ll tell you something. According to the Jewish beliefs, God promised them the Promised Land. God is supposed to grant them the possession of that land, so [they should] leave it to God. God will do it.

If you are making efforts, promoting militancy and you are trying to take the responsibility of God in your own hands by trying to acquire that land by force, you are not Jewish. You are manipulating the words of God.

Let God give it to you. Why are you trying to do it yourself? Let God do what only God can do. God wouldn’t make a promise if you were able to do it yourself.

If God thought it was a very small, petty issue, he would have said, ‘Make and effort, you can do it.’ God would not be bothered to make a promise if you were capable to retain the land. God did not say that; God said, ‘I will return it to you and that is my promise.’ God does honour his promises. He doesn’t make fake, empty hollow promises.

When God promised them the land, it simply means they were not capable of retaining that land. So God took the responsibility of retaining that land and giving it back to them.

These people who are making efforts and promoting militancy and terrorism can never be successful. The time will soon come when, on behalf of God, [Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi] will fulfil the promises.

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#AskYounusAlGohar: Did Umar Khattab Attack Fatima Zahra?
6th May 2016|LecturesVideos

#AskYounusAlGohar: Did Umar Khattab Attack Fatima Zahra?

A Sunni man asked, ‘Where is it written that Umar bin Khattab pulled sword on Prophet Mohammad when he was sick? Umar bin Khattab pushed Bibi Fatima, who then died after 6 months due to poisoning. Bibi Fatima was thrown out of her home which was gifted to her by her father.’

[She was not gifted a] home. It was a garden.

This has been narrated by Companions of the Prophet. All Muslims consider the Prophetic Traditions (Ahadith) in the Bukhari Sharif to be the most authentic Prophetic Traditions. This is in one of those Bukhari Prophetic Traditions.

There was a quarrel. As soon as Umar bin Khattab became the caliph, he summoned the daughter of the Prophet, Fatima. He said, ‘The Garden of Fidak is property of Islam; it is not your property so you need to return it. Bibi Fatimi replied, ’It was gifted to me by my father.’ So this is in Prophetic Traditions.

When he was demanding Bibi Fatima to withdraw possession of that garden and the conversation became heated, he got really emotional and angry. He was an unreasonably angry person. Out of anger, he pushed Fatima tul Zahra and she fell on the door. There was a big nail in that door and that nail went into her stomach.

So it was a foreign object made of iron and it went inside. When you go into surgery, the equipment they use is all sterilised. They are made of stainless steel and they cannot be rusted. The nail went into her stomach, there was a big wound and it started bleeding. The body was entirely poisoned. 6 months after this incident, she died. This is recorded in Prophetic Traditions.

Even the scholars of Deoband narrate this story – not just Sunnis and Shias.

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Dysfunctionality of Religions
15th April 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Dysfunctionality of Religions

Religions have become futile and have stopped functioning. When such a thing happens to a religion, it happens due to lack of spiritual knowledge.

It is not the bodies which the religions address, rather, the religions provide your souls with activation and initiation of awakening and enlightenment. What you do in mosques, churches and synagogues is a customary, ritualistic performance of worship.

The real worship which God has entwined with your souls can only be performed by your souls.

When the religions happen to suffer from fallacy and inability to manoeuvre the souls of its followers, the religions become futile. They do not function in relation to awakening and enlightenment of the souls.

Whether or not a religion is still valid totally depends on whether it is able to connect its followers with God.

If a religion has thousands of followers and they perform a physical form of worship in mosques, temples, synagogues, churches and other worship places, however their hearts are still dark — their character has not been entwined with moral and ethical values; their souls have been unknown to the attributes of God; the souls have not learned to be compassionate; the souls are unknown to the most auspicious, powerful and supreme attribute of God: love — then the religion has become futile.

Similitude of these religions are on the vital organs of a human being.

The function of the heart is to pump the blood, oxygenate it and purify it. However, if the arteries around the heart have accumulated a lot of cholesterol, toxins and free radicals, which release after the food is digested in the stomach, the performance of the heart decreases and with the passage of time, it deteriorates. A time comes when all the arteries leading to the heart become completely blocked. This is when the pulmonary valve that sits on top of the heart stops beating. The moment the heart stops beating, you expire.

To be honest with you, it is not about the ‘bad’ or ‘good’ of any religion. When Sanatan Dharma, the Hindu religion, was still alive, it was a good religion. When Judaism was still alive, functioning well and connecting people with God, it was good.

Everything that God has created in this world is mortal. Every mortal object has to expire at one point in time. In this phenomenal world, the bitterest of all truths is mortality. You cannot escape mortality.

Sixteen years ago, I would walk on the treadmill with an incline of fifteen for two hours every day. Recently, I have tried to do the same again, but I couldn’t do it. I realise that it is a lot to do with wear and tear. I do not have the same strength in my muscles and the same stamina in my body. The moment we take birth in this world, our journey to mortality begins.

Everything is mortal — and so are the religions.

We are mortal and the religion we follow is mortal. If religions were immortal, we would not need another. One religion would have been enough. The very fact that there are so many religions tells us that every religion which has been established by prophets via revelation from God is a mortal religion. After some time, through the passage of wear and tear, the religion came to an end.

When you follow a religion and you reach nowhere, it should ring the bell. The voice of your conscience does whistle in your heart, ‘You’re not getting anywhere. You’re circulating around one fixed point.’

In the olden times, when people would want to extract oil from almonds and olives, they would put a round shaped pot with a stick in it and tie it to a bull; the bull would go in circles and grind it. The bull would make a thousand circles but not reach anywhere. In a similar way, we are following our religions, but they’re not taking us anywhere because they are not making any journey. They have come to a total expiration.

Muslims shouldn’t be astounded or taken aback by the fact that Islam can die. Islam is not greater than Prophet Mohammad. A time came when Prophet Mohammad departed this world. According to the Quran, everything is mortal except God. God has excluded everything else for except him when he talked about immortality. Islam has come to an expiration. You cannot see Islam anywhere today. What you see today is Wahhabism, Sunnism, Barelvism, Shiaism; they are not Muslims, because the religion of Islam does not exist anymore.

Prophet Mohammad came and went back. Prophet Adam came and went back. If somebody comes and tells me, ‘I am Adam,’ I will say, ‘Shut up. He came and went back.’

Similarly, there is no rebirth of any religion.

When Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani revived the religion of Islam almost a thousand years ago, Islam was still breathing. It was not completely dead. Now, however, Islam is dead. There is no ‘rebirth’ of any religion. When the religion is completely dead, it is dead because God wanted it to be dead. If God wanted the religion of Islam to be revived again, then God would have sent somebody to help Islam before its demise.

There is no planning from God, according to which, the religion of Islam might have been revived.

All the religions are now expired. Humanity is on the brink of death. When the vital organs fail and do not function, either you simply close your eyes and die, or you go for the transplant.

Messiah Foundation International has been blessed to announce to the world that we have a spiritual transplant. All the vital religions of the world which have expired are now being replaced with the Religion of God.

A new system and religion. This religion is the Religion of God, therefore it is immortal like God. This religion does not apply to the bodies; it applies to your souls. The soul doesn’t die and this religion does not die.

The Religion of God is God’s lifestyle. You will become a member of the Religion of God as soon as you successfully adopt the lifestyle of God: the way God behaves and conducts himself. The way God manifests his compassion, showers his mercy on all human beings equally and opens the door upon humanity for his bounty. He is most forgiving, caring and loving.

You will become divine all of a sudden. You will not need to learn his attributes.

When God comes inside your heart and your heart becomes an eternal dwelling of God, then God will manifest his attributes inside you. You will begin to live like God does. This is the Religion of God.

All these religions have expired. The religion of Islam has been grossly subjected to mischief and religious corruption. Humanity is suffering at the hands of Islamists today. If an animal dies and it is lying there, after a couple of days, the place will stink and everybody will suffer. Similarly, the religion of Islam has died and people are suffering. The religions which were made by prophets have come to an end.

The Religion of God has not been established by any prophet or through any revelation. This religion existed even when there was no religion, prophet or messenger. The Religion of God is older than Prophet Adam and Prophet Mohammad.

This article first appeared on Younus AlGohar’s Medium page.

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The Importance of Spirituality
16th March 2016|LecturesVideos

The Importance of Spirituality

Younus AlGohar explains how he embarked on the spiritual path under Lord Ra Riaz’s auspicious mentorship.

Main points:

– An overwhelming majority of people believe in a religion just because they inherited those beliefs, not because they have a purpose in mind. When you want to buy a television, you compare prices and brands before committing to one product. Why not take this approach to religion?

– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi regarding those who came to Him wishing to obtain God’s love, said, ‘I’ll initiate their hearts. If God accepts them, I vow to be with them as a guiding light until they reach their destination.’

– If you want to have access to the realm of angels, you need to enlighten and awaken the corresponding soul inside your body.

– The heart can act like a divine telephone between man and God. Lord Ra Riaz said, ‘When you become a friend of God and you are in trouble, God will instantly know that you are in trouble. When you’re in trouble, the voice of your heart has a hint of sadness when it reaches God. God then commands angels to help you before you raise hands in prayer.

– The only difference between good and bad, God and the Devil, people of Imam Mehdi and people of Dajjal (Antichrist) – is spiritual knowledge. If you have knowledge of the exterior without the knowledge of interior, you will definitely be corrupted in your mind and heart.

– The only thing that will protect your faith is spirituality. Without it, it doesn’t make a difference whether you are a Shia, Sunni or Wahhabi.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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The Secret of the Moon – Why The Moon Has Been Revered for Centuries
13th March 2016|LecturesVideos

The Secret of the Moon – Why The Moon Has Been Revered for Centuries

An analysis of the sign on the Moon manifested by God to announce the arrival of the Awaited One.

Main points:
– Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi’s image is prominent on the Moon. It is a divine sign. It is not humanly possible to create such a large image on the Moon’s surface. If you can see the Moon, you can see the image on it.

– The image of Lord Ra Riaz has always been present in the Moon. It has now become prominent. In other words, there was a veil over the Moon that was lifted. The image on the Moon becoming prominent is referred to in the Quran as ‘Shaq ul Qamar’.

– Quran [41:53]: ‘In the future, I will show them my signs in the horizons and within themselves.’ He said he would show the signs, not create them. God’s signs are as ancient as God himself. Manifestation of these images doesn’t mean they’re created in the era they’re being manifested in.

– Per traditions of Prophet Mohammad, he asked his nation to look to the Moon, pray to God and ask the Moon to be protector of their faith. The Moon has endorsement of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi’s human profile. When you ask the Moon to be protector of your faith, you are actually asking Imam Mehdi’s image.

– Hindu temples had idols made of gold and silver. Muslims would attack them. Mahmud of Ghazni, the thief, made 16 unsuccessful attacks on India. the reason he failed was because a dedicated worshipper would sit in Somnath Temple (Temple of the Moon God). That worshipper loved an idol which was made based on the image on the Moon; he loved it so much that it was imprinted on his heart. Only when he was killed was Ghazni successful in his attacks.

– Prophet Mohammad had similar beliefs about the Moon as Hindus – and this does not contradict the concept of Tauheed (God’s Oneness). The knowledge Prophet Mohammad gave to people was of how to establish oneness of God within yourself and remove non-Godly elements from your being. The problem with Wahhabi doctrine of Tauheed is that they heard Prophet Mohammad talking about Tauheed, but they didn’t receive the knowledge of Tauheed.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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26th February 2016|LecturesVideos


This video is in Urdu, but an English translation will be available soon.

Main points:

⁃God sent 5 Grand Messengers. Each of them was given esoteric knowledge. One half of that esoteric knowledge was kept for the prophet, and the other half for the saints. Therefore, there are a total of 10 parts of esoteric knowledge. From the esoteric knowledge given to the prophets, they would give blessings and they would grant salvation. Whoever obtained esoteric knowledge adopted the esoteric customs of their prophet.

⁃There was one type of knowledge which God did not even grant to his beloved: the knowledge of Ishq (Rapturous Love).

⁃Faqr is due to Tifle Noori. Ishq has to do with Jussa Tawfiq-e-Ilahi. Prophet Mohammad had both the Tifle Noori and Jussa Tawfiq-e-Ilahi, however the Tifle Noori was dominant on him.

⁃Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was given Jussa-e-Tawfiq-e-Ilahi that was Zaati (to do with God’s Essence). In the esoteric realm, there are two types of Jussa-e-Tawfiq-e-Ilahi: One is the lion without wings and the other is a lion with wings, which can fly. The Jussa-e-Tawfiq-e-Ilahi granted to him was one that could fly. Among all creation, he was the only one given such a Jussa-e-Tawfiq-e-Ilahi.

⁃Faqr = servitude. It means to empty yourself of you and fill yourself with God. Ishq = kingship.

⁃In Imam Mehdi, there is the original Tifle Noori which God saw and then danced. When God danced, then the other seven Tifle Nooris came into existence. The Jussa Tawfiq-e-Ilahi in Imam Mehdi is the greatest, ancient manifestation [of God]. It is one that is able to fly.

⁃Because of his Jussa Tawfiq-e-Ilahi, Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was unable to be in the state of being spiritually and physically sober. That Jussa Tawfiq-e-Ilahi is nothing in comparison to the one given to Imam Mehdi.

⁃Imam Mehdi is going to show the world what Ishq really is. He will show the world Ishq that the world has never witnessed before.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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The Iranian Concept of Imam Mehdi
22nd February 2016|Uncategorised

The Iranian Concept of Imam Mehdi

Imam Mehdi 2

A message to world leaders: the Iranian concept of Imam Mehdi is self-fabricated, misleading, distorting, self-concocted and mischievous. It is fuelled by a filthy mentality and agenda. The real Imam Mehdi is for everybody. He will be friends with Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims alike. He will love everybody. He is not an enemy of Israel, America or anybody else. 

Imam Mehdi

Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi’s Revolutionary Message to all Humankind:

A Muslim says, ‘I am superior to all.’ A Jew declares, ‘I am even better than the Muslim.’ A Christian says, ‘I am greater than both the Muslim and the Jew, and the rest of the religions, because I am the nation of God’s Son.’ But His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declares that superior and best of all is the one who possesses God’s love in his heart, in spite of his indifference to any religion.

In light of the message above, does any religion seem to have a leading role?

This message endorses the fact that Imam Mehdi will cause the religions to lose their grip and God’s love will be preferred over religions.

The message above indicates that Imam Mehdi will not guardian or represent any religion, rather, will advocate Divine Love.

Iran’s concept that Imam Mehdi will convert humanity to Islam and that will bring world dominion to Islam is a self-fabricated mirage, and has nothing to do with reality.

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Religion Without Spirituality is Mischief
10th February 2016|LecturesVideos

Religion Without Spirituality is Mischief

Younus AlGohar establishes how Islam is dead without spiritual knowledge and how essential spiritual knowledge is. He also explains why and how Sharia is mischief without spirituality.

Main points:

  • In Islam and Judaism, those who talked about spirituality were always condemned and disapproved of by the mainstream religion. Sufism (spirituality) had been the centre of Islamic teachings until 200 years ago. Wahhabis were the pioneers of rejecting Sufism, calling it unIslamic – although there have been Sufis all over the world.
  • Religion comprises of two vital types of knowledge. Spirituality is the life of every religion; the exterior aspect isn’t given as much importance. Islam is alive only when spirituality is practised. If spirituality is separated from it, it is dead no matter how many people perform rituals. Radicalisation is the result of Sharia being practised without the spiritual knowledge. Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘Islamic scholarship, without the knowledge of spirituality, is a greater mischief.’
  • Quran says that worshippers who are naive to the truth of worship are destructed. Their worship is not reaching God; rather, they’re showing off. It doesn’t mean physical destruction, but destruction of faith and character. What does showing off mean? Their worship will not reach God, but people think they are dedicated worshippers. When this happens, people’s respect for such a person boosts their ego, destroying them spiritually. Such a person becomes a live threat to moral values in society. That’s how Sharia becomes mischief.
  • Truth of worship would have entered your heart only if you practised spirituality. Spirituality enlightens hearts, manifesting truth on the screen of the heart. Since people don’t practise spirituality among Muslims, therefore their Salat (worship) is futile, useless and not recognised by God.
  • Sharia is only good with spirituality which will control your heart and you won’t make wrong decisions. Spirituality makes you compassionate. Without spirituality, your heart will be as hard as stone and with spirituality, the heart will be soft. You will help all regardless of religion. However, Sharia without spirituality (now or even at the time of Prophet Mohammad), was, is and will remain to be mischief forever.

You can watch the live recordings of these videos every day at 22:00 GMT on

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion.

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud.

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Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005
31st January 2016|Uncategorised

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar Raises Voice Against Wahhabism in 2005

Younus AlGohar has been speaking out against Wahhabism for many years. He was the first to actively raise his voice against Wahhabism and explain the link between Wahhabism and terrorism. In this photo, he is seen in front of the White House in 2005. His placard reads, ‘Pakistan has been hijacked by Wahhabis.’

Sign the petitions to ban Wahhabism in your country:

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