Follow me Interviews Younus AlGohar Part 2
3rd May 2017|ArticlesInterviewsVideos Interviews Younus AlGohar Part 2

The second part of’s Liquid Lunch programme with Younus AlGohar.

Click here for Part 1

Hugh: So, we are going to do a second interview now and change the topics up a little bit. We are going to be talking about society, unification and peace. The last interview was about some of the problem so we’re gonna hopefully get to some of the solutions in this conversation.

Hildegard: Yes, and we seem to have the perfect magazine at hand called ‘Messiah Herald: Become the Master of Your Own Being’ and maybe I was jumping the gun a little bit half an hour ago but that, I think, really, is the hot topic today. Steve, talk to us about the magazine and the purpose behind it.  

Steve: So, this is a monthly magazine that we issue and it is actually being spread all over the world now. And the beauty of it is because His Holiness Gohar Shahi has made spirituality accessible to everybody in this world. We see the increase in the material world, upgrades in technologies, this is an upgrade in spirituality. It makes it accessible to everybody. There is even a step in this month’s one where people can just download this from or get it from the guise here or come to any one of our places and get this.

Page 12 has an actual step-by-step guide, how you can reawaken your heart. It is as simple as that. A 3 step guide that anybody can do. Doesn’t matter what religion or what faith you are. We have seen in the history that people have had to go away on missions, they have had to go sit around gurus, it is just not acceptable now. It is not possible that people can do this. All I heard of spirituality before is like the George Harrison – [inaudible] – the Beatles; you’ve got money, you’ve got time, you can go off and go to these retreats. It’s just not possible these days. So, His Holiness has beautifully made it accessible for all. I thoroughly recommend this magazine to all the viewers. As you said, it mentions about conquering yourself, self-awareness, knowing yourself to know God.

Hugh: I noticed on the cover of that one it says ‘Is the Promised Messiah Already Here?’

YAG: That is the question.

Hugh: What’s the answer?

YAG: Let’s find out.

Hildegard: Before we go there, if I just may. I understand you have a lot of workshops and you give lectures online. Here on this book it actually says ‘broadcast live, everyday at 10PM UK time’, tell me a little bit about how that works.

Steve: Yeah, 10PM UK time, His Holiness gives us that slot just teaching about love and spirituality. As you saw on Saturday, very up-to-date information, current news, current situations. And He thoroughly welcomes anybody to ask any questions. They can log on and ask questions and they will always be answered.

Hildegard: So, individuals can type into the chat and say ‘here, this is my issue, I would like your opinion’?

Steve: Certainly can and they do everyday.

Hildegard: This is like, really hands on.

Steve: This is what we need. This is a worldwide – we want everybody in the world to know about it so the internet is the perfect vehicle [for it].

Hildegard: Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about the coming of the Messiah. Because many religions have claimed this for thousands of years and they are always those who say nothing happens, or ‘2012 the world will end’, obviously nothing happened. [Inaudible] in the invisible world lots have happened. So, His Holiness, what is your take on the coming of the Messiah?

YAG: Messiah is related to the Jewish religion. It is the Messianic thought; there will be a Messiah. There is a lot of conflict on the word ‘Messiah’ because Christians think Jesus is Messiah and people from Judaism think there is another Messiah. And there was a problem when Jesus was arrested by the Romans, the Jewish scholars complained that Jesus calls himself Messiah, ask him who is he?

So, there is a concept of a Messianic figure in almost every religion. Hindus have this belief that there will a Messiah, a type of saviour, then Muslims have the same belief that there will be a saviour, according to their faith. And then, we have the Sikh community, they also have the same concept. So, this concept of an End Time personality, who, according to every religion will strengthen the religions. If it is a Hindu Messiah he will strengthen the Hindu religion and the followers of Hinduism. And Jewish concept tells us that the Jewish Messiah will acquire the Promised Land for them and strengthen the Jewish community. The Muslims also have the same concept of the End Times saviour.

Hugh: I am wondering, in a sense, if you have a concept of a Messiah – even if it is an alien Messiah, Hildegard –

Hildegard: That’s another discussion altogether.

Hugh: I think it’s the same discussion in respect that if we are expecting a Messiah to come and save us from our plight then, in a sense, we are putting our faith in an external factor versus taking responsibility ourselves for the situation we find ourselves in and doing something about it.

YAG: Actually, I got your point but the thing is it is not people who have concocted this concept of Messiah. If we had made up this story that we need somebody from extra-terrestrial; space, we are in that case putting our faith to external sources. But it is the thought which is coming from religions. Nobody has made up the thought, it is coming from religions. People who believe in religions they have this concept. People who are secular, do not believe in any religions, they are not waiting for any Messiah. So, it is a religious concept.

Hildegard: However, you are non-religious? The Messiah Foundation embraces all religions, correct? So, you are not looking for followers, you are non-religious. So, some people say, ‘Well, they are just preaching another Messiah; with all due respect we don’t need that’. We need somebody that helps us how to do our lives better.

YAG: That’s what we are doing.

Hildegard: So, that is in essence the mission. Where does the Messiah fit in? Are you helping me find the Messiah within myself, is the next question?

YAG: Oh my gosh, if somebody is not feeling well and I go there and give them medicine, and I heal them and everything, but they tell me, ‘Don’t talk about the doctor’, alright let’s not talk about the doctor. But, do you know what does a doctor do? That’s exactly what I am doing: giving you medicine, telling you your ailments, giving you  medicine and healing you. So, the job of the Messiah is to spread love, unify the entire human race. And this exactly what we need to do.

Okay, let’s forget about the Messiah, let’s do the job if you want to put it that way. Spreading love.

Hildegard: So, correct me if I am wrong, the Messiah is just giving us a whole new boost of love so it is easier for the individual to transcend – we spoke about hate and anger before, I don’t want to go there anymore – but that is what the Messiah does?

YAG: To be honest with you ‘Messiah’ is just a title. It is the Divine Energy which is coming in the guise of the Messiah. You can say the Divine Manifestation. The manifestation or that Super Man behind the clouds. If he doesn’t want to show us His face, he has taken a guise of somebody called Messiah. But we shouldn’t be concerned about the personality, we should be concerned about our own interest. And our interest is to become enlightened and powerful and to have peace in our heart and all the glory of our persona. That’s all.

Hildegard: So, let’s talk about the personal transformation in those who – I understand you have travelled extensively around the world, you go to conferences, do many interviews, you have your online workshops and discussions. What are some of the experience people have shared who had been activated, had their hearts opened to love?

YAG: What I feel every time I visit a country, some of these people have no knowledge about their [respective] field, and some people, the knowledge they have is dangerous. So, lack of knowledge. They are not properly informed. The discerning knowledge which can put their mind right, the knowledge which can fix their heart, that knowledge is lacking in every field. We are helping people to have the knowledge with which they can enlighten themselves and find who they really are. We are not concerned about Messiah, forget about Messiah. If Messiah comes and he doesn’t benefit me, I am not waiting for such a Messiah. If Messiah comes and he doesn’t benefit my soul, if he doesn’t improve the quality of my life, I shouldn’t be waiting for such a Messiah.

If Messiah just comes for his own personal interest, let him come. I am not bothered. I am only bothered about my personal quest which is exploring myself. Making the quality of my life better and if this is done from any angle, from any source, from any religion or any secular school of thought, or from any person then that person is very close to my heart. Even if that person is not Messiah. We are concerned about the philosophy, the ideology of love and peace not the person who may be dispensing the ideology of love and peace.

Hildegard: Well, as it appears we have been living in the ideology where we are separate from one another and focus on our separateness, rather than our togetherness, our unity, we are one organism.

YAG: It’s time now that we travel from being separate to togetherness. It is time now for unification. Because together we are powerful, divided we are estranged.

Hildegard: I would like to use the analogy of a computer network. The computer network out there is not really helpful to me unless my hard drive finds a way to connect to it, right? So, can you give us a specific example of what you are teaching? Your online courses or when you are doing your talks and travels. What are some of the steps our audience could practise? Like we talk about seeing a doctor, you want to have some idea of what he can do: change your diet, drink more water, whatever the doctor may recommend. Do you have any recommendations?

YAG: Well, what I do is multicultural and multidimensional. There are many problems that I am dealing with at a time. For example, when I speak everyday at 10PM UK time, I am live on Facebook, Periscope and YouTube. So, what happens is, people from all over the world they ask me questions on YouTube Live Chat and I answer these questions. Some of the questions are about their life, some of those questions are about the authenticity of the religions and they ask me which religion is better. They ask me about their religion, what they are doing as a religious person if it’s okay. So, I give them my understanding and references from their books and I tell them whether or not they are right or wrong.

So, in a way I am dealing with different sorts of cases. The nature of these cases is different, everybody is coming from a perspective of life and different religions. But I am happy when their questions are answered and I see a ray of hope on their faces, it satisfies me and I tell myself that I am really making a contribution towards forming a better society in this world.

Hildegard: You mentioned dimensions. What is your take on dimensions? For there are those who say they simultaneously exist on many different dimensional world at once. People who have visions or see elves or tree-creatures or different life forms, or aliens. What is your take on what are dimensions? Because we are so, as you mentioned earlier, stuck on the third dimension. This is what it is all about and some people say no, after a near-death experience we know that consciousness moves on, I don’t really die, the body may die but like if I take off my grey sweater, I continue living.

YAG: You are right. There is no such thing as fuller death. This is a journey. We are here for a specific reason and the body that we are contained in, if you call this death when the body perishes, we can call it death but then again this body is not real you. The real you is your spirit and that spirit does not know death. We are constantly travelling and going through evolution: spiritual evolution, geographical evolution and celestial evolution. And like the dimension that you were talking about. We have 7 souls inside our body and the dimension that you will be more focused on depends on what soul are you aligned with concurrently.

If you are aligned with the soul which rests on the right side of our bosom, it will take us to a different realm. Maybe somebody else is aligned with another soul so his or her dimension will be totally different.

After you have explored all your realities and you have aligned with all your souls, and you have been to all the celestial realms, then comes You: a fuller, dimensional person who knows everything. And then, that person will come to the divine dimension, which is the dimension of God.

Hildegard: So, indeed, there is hope. The worst that can happen people lose their body, terrorism or no terrorism, and we can work on the true self by becoming spiritually more conscious and therefore we can have whatever happens outside ripple, like water off a duck’s back.

YAG: But if you lose your body before your time you will be deprived of obtaining this spiritual enlightenment in the lifetime you are given to [obtain it]. If you die before your time then whatever you were supposed to obtain in this world in that frame of time, you won’t obtain it. So, we must not lose our life, we must not just throw our life away to any reason.

Hildegard: And that is unfortunately very much the case today. When you hear of young people committing suicide, en masse almost, we have such tragic stories here and I know they exist in other places as well. What do you attribute that to? And I know you work with young people, please elaborate a little bit.

YAG: They have many, many different issues. Sometimes, our desires, for example, are good. For example, I don’t have a car and I want to buy a car, this is a desire but if I do buy a car it will improve my life. Okay, that’s good. Let him go have a car. Now, if what you desire is not good for you and it is really dangerous for you then you are in pursuit of that desire, somebody who is honest with you should stop you from there. Right? So, we have many different desires and when the desires are not fulfilled they commit suicide. So, there are different reasons for suicide.

Hildegard: Do you think the religions were designed to educate us on a spiritual path and have they done a good job of it? What’s you opinion on it?

YAG: Religion were designed to help people, but only those who were in the Primordial Time and chose to have a pure life and those who wanted the luxuries of the world, religions are not for them. Number 2- There is not one religion, which was designed by God, to suit everybody in the world. All these religions were designed to cater for the needs of one particular group of people.

For example, Islam was created for the spiritual needs of the people who inhabited the Arabian Peninsula. This is why strict religious laws were implemented; if you are [caught] stealing they chop your hands off. But if you do the same in USA or Canada or UK, this is barbaric. But for them, because of their temperament – people have different temperaments everywhere. So, not even one religion is universal, they are regional.

Hugh: But here we are now and we still have those religions and now with the world getting smaller and people are moving all over the world; different cultures living side-by-side with each other, you know, these religions are beginning to rub up against each other –

YAG: That’s why these religions are creating problems now.

Hugh: Yeah, exactly. So, now to get from here though, because many people feel very strongly about their religions. And you know sometimes I think there is nothing harder than a worldview for people to change. People are so invested at the way they look at the world, right? So, for somebody to shatter that for them it’s very unsettling. That’s what I think causes people to get into a terrorist mindset or to become radicalised. So, here we are in this world. We are trying to get into unification. Certainly, we are trying to get to a place where people can live peacefully alongside one another. How do we do that? How do we overcome this religious mindset that some people have?

YAG: These people who practise religion they practise it very strictly, they become shortsighted. They are like the frog of the well; they do not know what is outside the well. You cannot educate them. Every single person who practises a religion becomes intolerant. That person thinks only he or she is right people of other religions are wrong. There is no time for religion. You cannot change them.

Hugh: One of the things that disturbs me is that the terrorist incidents in Europe where people are starting to become less tolerant – this is my concern, I hope I am wrong actually – but I have seen it here in Toronto too where everybody has become a little bit radicalised. People are saying, you know, we can’t have Muslims in the country. There are actually some people saying that. And not willing to engage in a debate because they feel that engaging in a debate would be fruitless. So, my concern is that instead of people becoming more tolerant or more open to working alongside one another as these incidents happen the people of all cultures, of all backgrounds, start to become isolationists in their thinking; less willing to even think about having a conversation.

YAG: I mean, what is happening right now and the tolerance you are talking about where people are beginning to have less tolerance, I think that is pretty much natural. If I live in my house alone with my children and then we have visitors and they stay there for 2-3 months. One day I will feel that my privacy is being invaded and I will start to feel frustrated. Actually, this is what is happening now in Canada. So many refugees are now coming and you feel that your values and freedom is being put on the stake and your way of life is now being jeopardised, and this integration and a lot of foreigners who are naive to this culture and your religious or secular values are pouring into your country. Perhaps, this is fear which is coming up as intolerance. The government should do something about it. They should only take as many refugees as your nation –

Hugh: I agree, but I don’t know if we can trust the governments to do the right thing. As I said, you know, if we think that the problem is even higher. And sometimes my suspicions, frankly, are that people at the highest levels are really trying to undermine the wellbeing of people, of families, of nations because – I don’t know what the real reason is – they thrive on chaos or misery or whatever it is.

YAG: [Laughs] That’s true. They are not concerned about right or wrong. They are just working on their political agenda. Whatever makes their opposition in politics stronger they will do that. I don’t think they are concerned about right or wrong.

Hugh: So, how do we get to unification from here –

YAG: Total unification is not possible. Unification is only possible among those people who are like minded. Do you understand?

Hildegard: That was going to be my question because you mentioned as we learn spiritually about all of the souls that are inside of us, we have to be willing to look at that. So, who is willing, is it in the makeup of the unique soul the human beings carry? Some of them are already predestined to “wake up”, and other those who are just waking up because they chose not to this lifetime around?

YAG: Not all the souls have this potential of finding love and peace. Not all the souls are equal in nature. Not all the souls are similar in nature. Only the souls which are similar in nature to each other will look for unification. Some people or I should rather say some of the souls are designed to look similar and familiar to each other and some others are totally opposite in nature. Those who are prone to create a chaos and promote hatred they will not understand any other language. They will only understand how to create more hatred and more chaos. So, you cannot talk about unification, love and peace among those people. They are designed to promote hatred.

Hugh: Then what do you do?  

YAG: You cannot do anything!

Hugh: Because we are living in the same world as those people, right? Some would argue those are the terrorists, the bad guys, those are the people that maybe the good guys need to go to war with.

YAG: No bad guy will turn into a good guy, no matter what you do.

Hugh: So, what do we do with them?

YAG: We have to take precautions and protections. I am being realistic. I am not telling you stories to make anybody happy. I am telling you something which is very close to reality. Not everybody will love and not everybody will love the idea of promoting love and peace. There are people who are designed to promote hatred and you can never change them.

Hildegard: So, the people who became radicalised, like Steve was saying earlier –

YAG: They were different in nature.

Hildegard: So, their soul is different than somebody who has a desire to live in peace and harmony?

YAG: No soul on earth who has the potential of living with love and peace will or can be radicalised because their nature will not allow it. Only those are at the stake of being radicalised, who, in their nature are already radicalised by God. So, they have been divinely radicalised.

Hildegard: Wow! You are opening a whole new kind of –

YAG: The only person you can blame, and I am sorry to say that, but we are just puppets. The boss is responsible for everything.

Hildegard: However, we are not to – [inaudible] – responsibility then because human beings have known to make transformations. Maybe people haven’t been mass-murderers and haven’t been radicalised yet there are most certainly things that I have done that I am not proud of and then later on I felt better. I think that is human nature, right?

YAG: I think mass-murderers and these terrorists are all the same but they are doing it for a different cause. That’s all I understand.

Hildegard: Your foundation draws those who have a soul that is resonating with unification to begin with or else they wouldn’t even be drawn –

YAG: We are trying to reach everybody but the problem is those who, in nature, are already radicalised, when they ask a question they are already attacking on us; they are swearing at us, to them we are infidels. [They say] ‘What is love? There is no such thing as love in Islam.’ Alright.

Messiah Foundation International loves everybody without prejudice, without reservation of the colour of your skin. We love everybody. We are practically trying to raise awareness of practical love, spirituality, enlightenment. We love everybody and we would love to draw attention of people who do not love to love. We are trying and we know there are only certain people who are prone to love will be drawn to love. Not everybody will be drawn to love. We are striving, [I don’t know] whether or not we are thriving but we are striving.

Hugh: And it’s an ongoing project. So, people can go to the website, of course, and listen to the daily message, daily broadcast. And people can get the information on the website which is So, thank you everybody for tuning in.

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Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 3: Can You Fake Your Emotions?
27th April 2017|Articles

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 3: Can You Fake Your Emotions?

Editor’s note: the following is the third lesson in Younus AlGohar’s course on Self-Awareness, Level 2: Emotional Intelligence.

For better background information, read Self-Awareness, Level 1, in the Messiah Herald. 

Read Self-Awareness, Level 2, Lesson 2 here.

How emotionally intelligent you are, depends on how good you are at identifying and knowing the difference between thoughts, feelings and actions. Actions can be seen, but thoughts and feelings cannot be seen.

Some people are [better at] controlling their emotions than others. If you are able to control your emotions, people call you a brave person. But that is not bravery, it is just control. Sometimes, we do have emotions but we exaggerate them to earn sympathy; [we may even] fake that act in order to convince people how much we are affected. Sometimes, we fake our emotions to convince people of how much we love them.

Hatred is a form of emotion. Somehow or other, you experience the emotion of hatred even if you are a saint of God. This is because hatred is not just against human beings. Sometimes, you hate your own actions because they can hurt people. Sometimes, you hate your habits. This is because you want to quit doing things, but you are not in control of your actions. You may want to change your lifestyle but cannot do it for a number of reasons. Hatred is something that is a reaction to your expectations – you begin to have this repulsive feeling when [the situation] turns out to be unfavourable to you.

Love is impulsive and hatred is repulsive. Love is pull and hatred is push.

Psychiatrists are not holy people; they are not connected to God, so the knowledge they have [is incomplete]. Some people are so clever, they can intelligently beat psychiatrists. The psychiatrists are looking at the symptoms; perhaps they do not know that certain symptoms can be faked.

For example, some people don’t like good moods. If you are in a good mood they [start to take their liberties with you]. So, as a deterrent, you might impose superficial anger [upon yourself in their presence]. Feelings, actions, and thoughts all can be faked.

Psychology is incomplete without spirituality.

Psychology will tell you how mad people behave and why people get angry, but [psychologists] do not know the source of these emotions.

Understanding Emotions

Love can have different sources, that’s why we say there is ‘true love’ and ‘false love’. If your ego is powerful, the source of your love is evil; however, if you only look at the symptoms of love, you will appreciate it. If the source of love is the heart, that love is totally different [from love related to the ego].

If the source of anger is your Carnal Self, it is destructive. However, if the source of anger is your heart, it is constructive.

For example, [let’s assume that] a holy man is sitting in front of you; he has the presence of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi in his heart and he has divine energy running through his bloodstream. If he gets angry and shouts, the divine energy will emanate from his body with his words; that divine energy will burn your sins. That is called ‘Jalal (Majesty)’. When the source of your anger is your heart, not your Carnal Self, [you] benefit humanity even when you are angry.

What is coming from the thoughts is fake and what is coming from the feelings is true. This is because what is coming from the thoughts is being made up by you, but you cannot make up your feelings.

Ask yourself: what emotion is stronger in you? Is it love or hatred? If you loved somebody, what was the reason? What made you love them? Do you ever hate anybody, action, place or thing? What is the cause? Did you ever think that maybe you are not always right? Do you consider that you need correction sometimes?

Nobody is perfect. You cannot be too arrogant, even if you have expertise in a field. Leave some room for improvement. If somebody rejects you or your policies, or whatever it is, then do not react straight away. Think about it and then see whether or not you are right or they are right. Next time somebody criticises you, ask them, ‘Are you really serious? Tell me what wrong I have done, so I can correct myself.’ Some people will genuinely criticise you, whereas, most will just criticise you [for the sake of it]. You should be smart enough to know which is real and which is fake. Keep your head cool.

Anger is triggered by certain things. For example, you might feel irritated because you don’t want somebody to do certain things, but they don’t stop doing it. You may want them to do it your way, but they do it their way, so it triggers your anger. What we can do to help us out from this position is to broaden our minds and think ‘Maybe I am wrong.’ If you are being criticised, ask the critic how to do it correctly. If his/her way is right, then adopt it.

Sometimes, hatred is like a blessing. You should feel hatred for the terrorists who are killing innocent human beings. If you don’t hate certain individuals, you are actually an enemy of humanity.

I want to help you understand the source of emotions and give you a divine tool of understanding the emotions.

Right now, you do not know what hatred, love and compassion are; you do not know who you are. When you have acquired this tool, you will begin to understand the source of emotions. What you are doing as a reaction now and calling it hatred, later on, you will not call it hatred. For now, you could be thinking that you have extreme love for somebody; [with this tool], tomorrow, you will find out that it was need, not love that you feel.

Sometimes it is a necessity and we mistake it for love. Sometimes, people say, ‘I cannot live without you,’ and later on you find out that they were right – but it was your financial help they could not live without.

When you are angry, you may say something and later on you regret it. At the time of anger, you didn’t even know that what you said or thought was bad. Now, you just blame yourself and load your heart with guilt.

You need to have a touchstone, with the help of which you can understand different emotions so that you cannot make a fool out of yourself.

Sometimes, you want to tell people something, but you feel the words are not putting your thoughts forward to them. The words fail to [do you justice] and then you raise your voice; you think this is frustration, but it’s not.

Your face is the mirror and [people’s] eyes will interpret whatever is on your face. When you are afflicted by emotions, it is all on your face.

Emotional intelligence is to determine what the reason could be behind someone being quiet. If you know this, you can read faces, because faces are full of information.

Principles of Morality

In ethical values, religious values and spiritual values, there is no room for hatred. If someone wants to be a religious man, let him be a religious man and respect his choice. If someone doesn’t want to be a religious man and doesn’t want to follow moral values, let him make his own choice. Why are you affected by his choice? Is God affected by those who don’t accept him as God? Whether somebody is good or bad, it is none of your business. Whether you are good or bad, it is none of my business.

Even religion says that whether somebody is good or bad, you have nothing to do with this. There is a day known as Judgement Day. Let God judge people; you shouldn’t judge anybody.

Everybody thinks, ‘I am the nucleus of knowledge. Anything not aligned with me is wrong.’ That’s not true.

When you think somebody is morally imperfect, you are actually comparing him to yourself; it is because you think you are the best and he is imperfect. You can say this only when you have perfected yourself – however, nobody is perfect.

Jesus was walking and he came to a point where he saw a very noisy mob. He stopped and asked, ‘What’s going on?’ They said to Jesus, ‘There is an adulteress here, and according to the Sacred Law of Moses, we are pelting stones at her until she dies.’ Jesus said, ‘Wait. Listen to me carefully. In this mob, is there an individual who has never sinned?’ There was nobody who had never sinned. So Jesus said, ‘If you have never sinned, then you pick up that stone and throw at her, because you are not a sinner and she is a sinner. However, if you are also a sinner, then you cannot punish another sinner.’

Every single person is affected by the original sin mentioned in the Bible and Koran. You and I cannot punish anybody. We can dislike [people and their actions] but don’t compare [yourself with others]. When you compare, you are not in pursuit of being good; you are in pursuit of being jealous. The source of comparison is jealousy. You are not elevating the standards of morality by doing that.

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is my witness, I am under oath: HDE has given me a lot of love, but not even for a microsecond has this thought ever come to my mind that I am better than somebody. It’s not that I assume I am the bad guy. It’s not based on my assumption. This is natural because I have known myself for many years. I know the only thing that makes the difference is HDE Gohar Shahi’s spiritual attachment. The fact that we belong to HDE Gohar Shahi is what makes us different from others.

You cannot judge people because you do not know everything about religion or morality.

Sometimes, pinpointing people when they are doing wrong is an act of morality, but sometimes, seeing people doing something wrong and keeping quiet is morality – because you do not know the intentions. What may appear to be wrong may have been designed to appear wrong, however, it is addressing the genuine issue and helping somebody out. Don’t ever think you are better than anybody.

God doesn’t look at past or present, God looks at the future.

There is a day for judgement and it is just God who will judge people according to his criteria.

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Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences & Divine Love
16th April 2017|Articles

Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences & Divine Love

Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences & Divine Love

The following is the transcript of Younus AlGohar’s speech delivered at the Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences & Divine Love programme in Toronto, Canada.

Good afternoon. I am privileged, honoured and very happy to be here in front of you. I would like to share some of my thoughts, some of my feelings and some of my experiences. I’m not going to give you a lecture on spirituality, but I would like to raise awareness of open-mindedness, of human values and love.

A few hours ago, I was checking my Facebook and there was a video of a young man who was brutally getting beaten up. People were pelting stones at him. They were throwing at him anything they could grab. Then, he died and they stripped him naked. He was all naked and soaked in blood, but the people who were beating him up didn’t stop even though they realised he was dead. They were throwing huge stones at his dead body. His skull was cracked open and there was a fountain of blood coming out from his head. They were raising slogans, ‘Allahu Akbar, God is great.’ There were more than 100 people. They were killing this one, solitary guy with the help of these slogans. Is this religion? This is terrible. How would you feel if this was happening to you?

These people, they were not Taliban or ISIS. They were not terrorists; they were common folks. This is the level of fanaticism, extremism and ignorance. We are living in the 21st century, where science has provided us with a lot of inventions and has made life a little easier than we could have imagined 50 years ago. However, we’re going downwards emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and, of course, mentally.

We believe Christianity, Islam and Judaism were all founded by individuals who were sent by God, but people of one religion have a very fierce disagreement with others; although all these religions were founded on principles of divinity. It is strange. This is not one solitary incident. Wherever you go, you will see these incidents taking place.

It is a very sensitive matter that I am speaking on, however, I cannot keep quiet. I cannot just go here and there and deliver lectures on spirituality, and not even realise what people are going through. We’re living in very strange times.

It is like I want to go to England and I bought a ticket with Air Canada. Now, [suppose] I change my mind and I don’t want to fly with Air Canada – instead, I want to fly with British Airways. If Air Canada says, ‘No. If you don’t fly by Air Canada, we will kill you,’ this is ridiculous. My main destination is England. Air Canada, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and all other airlines are just means of travel. In a similar way, God is the destination and the religions were supposed to be the means of travel.

If I lived as a Muslim for ten years and now I want to change my religion and become a Christian, and you tell me, ‘If you leave Islam, we will kill you,’ it doesn’t make any sense to me. Why? Jesus was also sent by God. What is wrong with Jesus? What is wrong with Christianity? Joseph, Jacob, Moses, Adam, Abraham – all these spiritual dignitaries were sent by God. Why should I become a religious person and risk my life, my peace and the lives of my family? [When I know that] if I didn’t like this religion after ten years and I wanted to switch over – maybe I liked Judaism and wanted to become a Jew – people from my previous religion would want to kill me? It is not making any sense to me.

The thing is, when all these three Abrahamic religions were founded by divinely sent individuals, I do not understand why we have difficulty to accept all the religion and respect them all? Now, there is something wrong. All these religions were founded to cater for the needs of the people of one particular area. They were not designed to cater for the needs of everybody.

While I am speaking, I would like to take this opportunity to have my say on this point: there should be no such thing as Islamophobia. The threat is not coming from the religion of Islam, the threat is coming from the majority of people who misunderstood Islam.

When you become a fanatic, your gates are shut.

There is no such thing as extremism. For example, blessings. Whether the blessings are just little in quantity or huge, they will never change from blessings into something else. In a similar way, God’s love or religious values, even if you take them for extreme, they will not hurt or harm you. So this is not extremism; this is fanaticism. This is hatred and ignorance.

One who doesn’t value a human life, I can never accept that person can ever love God. One who cannot appreciate human values – the value of a human life – I do not think he follows any religion at all.

What comes from the divine, nobody will go against it: that is love. Ask anybody, ‘Do you like love?’ Maybe they will say, ‘We love love,’ whether they are Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs or Jews; even those who don’t practise any religion. Love is divine. What we need today in this global society is love.

The thing is, where is love? It is not available at Macy’s, Walmart, churches, mosques, synagogues or temples. Love is not [as easy to get as going] to Tim Hortons for a cup of coffee and Timbits. Love is hard to come by.

Love is a passage that is paved with a lot of self-denial and sacrifices.

When Jesus said, ‘Love your enemy like you love yourself,’ I thought that perhaps there was something wrong and that Jesus couldn’t have said this. How can you love your enemy? I really suspected that there may be an error. It doesn’t make any sense. Young people spend many weeks and months before they find the chemistry of love between them. They spend a lot of time together. You can’t go to your enemy and say, ‘Can you spend some time with me so I can love you?’

So is it just a phrase or is it a reality? It is a reality.

When you want to love your enemies, it simply means you have nothing left in you but blessings and love.

It is when you have no other feeling left in you; when you have subtracted all other ailments of being a human being and negativity from your personality. Nothing is left but love, blessings and the divine bounty in you, so you are forced by your nature to love everybody.

What I am saying is not imperative. It is not advice. I am sharing my thoughts. Honestly speaking, my concern these days is to raise awareness of this ignorance which is prevailing in our societies: hatred in the guise of distorted religions. It is really troublesome and it is spreading like fire. If we just keep ourselves busy with spiritual practices at home, in the workplace or meditation centre and we do not take it upon ourselves to correct society and the mentality of people – the way people think – then we are not going to have a wonderful society.

This hatred is prevailing. We need a lot of hearts which have been kindled with the flame of love.

Lectures upon spirituality will not help anybody. We need some practical exuberance of love. We need to have a spiritual trade in which we import and export love. Love is a substance. Love is not just [limited to] talk.

The place of love is the heart and the heart must be free.

If the heart is already preoccupied with a lot of other activities, the heart is not going to practise love. You can only preoccupy your heart with one activity because love is a very heavy duty activity. We need to free our hearts from all shackles. Then, get our heart admitted in the kindergarten of love. When the heart has learned to love, you will become a wonderful person. Then, you are love for everybody; you are love to everybody.

This love doesn’t come by reading books, going to temples, churches or listening to lectures. We have to teach our hearts. We have to provide our hearts with positive energy. That is the first thing.

There are many different sources of positive energy. For example, names of God – any name in any language. It may seem confusing: how can positive energy be obtained from names of God? But there is a way, a method according to which the name of God is said in a certain way, for a certain number of times, then it starts to generate divine energy. The moment it starts to generate divine energy, you feel the vibration. That vibration will nurture the innermost nature of your heart.

This is an introduction to love. Only you will know whether your heart has this substance of love when you have it. You will not need to rely on [anyone to] confirm to you that you have love. Your heart is not lying. If you are sitting in front of me, and I can see you and you can see me, [it would be silly for you to ask me], ‘Am I sitting in front of you?’ and [for me to reply], ‘Yes you are.’

When your heart has learned to love you will feel the vibration.

Questions and Answer Session

Q: What in a human being [makes them] distance themselves from the actual state of being loving and feeling divine love?

There are multicellular and unicellular living objects. In a similar way, we are multi-spiritual. It is a huge universe and we have seven spirits in our body.

The spirit which can be in the most possible nearness of God is the main spirit.

Some people who want to be near to God – but they do not know that the soul which can drag them into the most possible nearness of God is still not enlightened, they feel the distance. They are in the presence of God, however when it comes to measuring the distance or nearness, that particular spirit which can go into the most possible nearness of God is the main spirit (the soul). When it is enlightened, you will have difficulty in finding out whether it is [you] or god; you become so near.

Q: How could we raise the vibration of love in the world? To bring more love?

That is a very difficult question.

Before I give away money to everybody, I need to make sure my pockets are full. First, we need to make sure that we have enough love.

Most spiritual people, they just talk about love but their wife is lacking his love. Their children and family are deprived of his love. The gentleman talks about love, ‘My love is for everybody,’ but his children will complain, ‘’Where is my share of love?’

There is a difference in a talkative form of love and practical love. Practical love resides in the heart, it lights up like a candle. The rays of love cannot be controlled. You will just sit there and the beams of love will emanate from your heart. You become so intermingled with the substance of love that you become love on two legs.

Love has no boundaries; it is for everybody. For example, you love human beings but not your dog? [Then it means] you are a liar. You love a human being but you don’t care for the cat on the street? Then you are a liar. Love is blind and it is for everybody; whether you are two-legged or four-legged, does it really make a difference? When there is only love, this is for every single form of life.

Some people only love human beings or their pets. They say, ‘This is my pet, but I don’t love [someone else’s] pet.’ When you have pure love in your heart, this will not happen. You will love all animals like your own pet because you have love [in your heart].

Something is missing in love when love is exclusive. Love is perfect when it is inclusive.

This is my understanding and this is how I view love. Maybe some other people view it from another angle and have discovered more about love – but this is my discovery about love.

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Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 2: Are You Emotionally Aware?
15th April 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 2: Are You Emotionally Aware?

Editor’s note: the following is the second lesson in Younus AlGohar’s course on Self-Awareness, Level 2: Emotional Intelligence. For better background information, read Self-Awareness, Level 1, in the Messiah Herald. 

Read Self-Awareness, Level 2, Lesson 1 here.

Spirituality is fundamentally the original knowledge of human beings; their existence, their functions and their beings. Senses, which are numbered as five in total, are related to the five souls in the human breast. It makes it really easy to understand that due to the fact that these five souls are enclosed in our bosoms, we have emotions and other senses. Animals do not have these senses.

The most common functions of the souls which are open to all souls, like emotions and empathy; sometimes, human beings who do not get to enlighten their souls have problems [with these functions]. They lose some of the senses because the souls are badly damaged or diseased with some evil ailments. Some people stop having empathy and sympathy for others; they stop feeling the pain of others. We know them as self-centred people.

What exactly happens when somebody has all the feelings of his or her pain but does not feel the pain of others? This is due to the fact that the souls responsible for upholding the sensory system of five senses are diseased and are now malfunctioning.

You must have seen people who may be easily regarded as stone-hearted or hard-hearted. You must have seen such people in your vicinity – at work, school and religious places. Something goes severely wrong when the souls inside the human chest go wrong. Malfunctioning of these souls result in having no empathy; people suffering from malfunctioning souls do not sympathise with anyone. They become egocentric, stone-hearted and blind to any compassion. These things can only be understood with the help of spirituality because they are to do with spirituality.

It is not the body which has the outburst of emotions. Emotions are a very spiritual, abstract thing. You don’t see them, but you can feel them.

We live in a very strange world; when somebody has emotions, we say, ‘This person is too emotional.’ Intelligence is part of emotional intelligence. If you don’t have emotions, you are an animal. Animals don’t have emotion because they don’t have the five souls in the breast. If you are a human being and still you don’t have emotions, it means your souls are severely diseased.

Emotional Intelligence

Most of the time, many people who are not spiritual are only concerned about their own emotions. They don’t care about others’ emotions. Whether it is their friends, spouse, father, brother or sister, they are not bothered.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. The mismanagement of emotions is extremely dangerous.

For example, if you spill a glass of water by mistake, you would forgive yourself without hesitation. You will not even say, ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me.’ I don’t have to say it. However, if somebody else does it, you would say, ‘Oh my god, look at them!’ Things will go out of proportion. This is because, emotionally, you are not intelligent. You have problems with identifying the emotions and managing them. When you were able to remain quiet when you spilt water because you knew that you did it, why couldn’t you control your emotions when somebody else did it?

For example, some people, when their toddlers are crying, they give them chocolate. They know that it is not good for them, but they give it to them just because they want some peace. If somebody else was doing it, the same people would erupt in an outburst of emotions.

In the management of emotional intelligence, the first skill you must master is emotional awareness.

‘Emotional awareness is the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem-solving. It is the ability to manage your emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people.’

For example, let’s say somebody does something wrong and by looking at his face, you see that he is full of emotions. He is so sorry; however, you don’t read it. You say, ‘He didn’t even say sorry.’ Look at his face! You are so blind and cannot read emotions of others. So, you are not emotionally aware.

If somebody’s face is all swollen, their eyes are red, they look sombre, gloomy and distressed – and still, you can’t read it, it means you lack awareness of emotions.

When somebody does something wrong, sometimes I make jokes with them. I learnt it from His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. His Divine Eminence said, ‘When somebody does something wrong, give him more love so that he can correct himself.’

When you are happy, your body is so transparent, it cannot hide your emotions. Your face is so transparent it is like a revealing, see-through dress. The emotions are peeking out. When you are happy, your face is [bright]. When you are sad, your face will seem to have some swelling. When you are angry, your nostrils flare.

Emotions do not need a language. Emotions don’t need your permission. They will manifest before the world. They are self-expressive; they do not need extra help.

When there is an outburst of emotions, the emotions will manifest upon your face. The face will go to the backstage and emotions will come to the forefront.

When somebody does a favour to you and now it is your turn to be thankful to them, some people think by saying, ‘Thank you,’ they have done their job. You don’t see the emotions of gratefulness upon their faces. This is because they are emotionally dead. Some other people say, ‘Thank you,’ but with the emotions of hatred.

Appreciation is an exhibition of emotions, my friend. Appreciation doesn’t consist of words only.

In a similar way, when you are grateful to God, you say, ‘Thank God.’ When you are thankful to somebody, you need to express your emotions. That exhibition of emotions is the true form of appreciation. When somebody is doing a favour to you, it is natural to exhibit some emotions of gratefulness. Gratitude is not just two words, ‘thank you’.

In order to become a good human being, you must be emotionally intelligent.

Have you been in a situation where you see that some people are really disturbed and quiet, while others in the room are not bothered about their emotional state and are laughing and making jokes? I think this is a mark of a bad character.

When we see that somebody is upset, for any reason, we should respect his emotional attire, condition and the situation he may be in. We should give him space.

We should not make an environment where somebody feels, ‘Nobody is bothered. They are spiritually so dead, they cannot see my face. They cannot even see how sad I am and they’re just making jokes.’ This is also very important.

If we must [be jubilant, we should leave his presence first]. We can comfort him and say, ‘Everything will be okay, don’t worry.’ Words of comfort don’t mean anything, but it comes under mannerism.

Taking Criticism

Some people criticise you for the sake of criticism. Not a lot of people criticise you to reform you. Some people just try to boast themselves and put allegations on others. That is not true criticism.

If it is true criticism, you must reflect on your actions and deeds.

Then again, in the very first instance, you need to know whether the criticism is positive and coming from a fair-minded person, who doesn’t hold a grudge against you and who is not a habitual nagger.  Some people just use everything as an instrumental to disrespect, insult you and find flaws with you. Even if there are no flaws in you, they must find a flaw with you. They become oblivious about their own being; they are totally oblivious to who they are and how good or bad they are.

You must know when you are criticised, whether or not that criticism is positive. On the other hand, do not make this as an excuse [not to listen to the criticism] at the same time. Sometimes, you say, ‘I don’t care because it is not a positive criticism; let them say what they want,’ because you need an exit without guilt. You have to be pretty sure whether or not that person is a genuine critic. If that person is a genuine critic, then you must hear him out.

It is like a blessing if you have a positive critic around you. Then, in that case, you don’t have to work hard on correcting yourself. They will criticise you positively, then you will take note of what they are saying about you and you can correct yourself. A positive critic is the best of your mates.

Most of the time, we think our parents are positive critics, but sometimes they are overprotective. They are just exaggerating it most of the time. Then they say, ‘Who can be more positive than I am? I am your mother/father. Nobody can love you more than I can.’

Handling Setbacks Effectively

How do we learn to stay calm? First of all, we need to understand what exactly does the phrase ‘under pressure’ mean? You go under pressure when you know exactly what your problem is and then you get frustrated.

Sometimes you get frustrated when you fail and you don’t achieve your goal. That is when you are justified to be frustrated. You are allowed to be frustrated; however, you must fulfil the requirement of frustration.

There are two types of frustration: original and false. Frustration is justified when you know there is a problem and you have been working on it; nothing seems to work and then you are helpless, clueless and you don’t know how to resolve the problem. You have applied all your skills and energies and still, there is no result. This feeling is true frustration. But sometimes, you don’t even try [to fix the problem] and you impose frustration on you. That is false frustration! A lot of people fall prey to false frustration.

Some other people who are not connected to God, who are not spiritual, what will they do? They will simply go to the church or temple and say, ‘God help me!’ God will never help them and this will only add to their frustration.

In our case, when we are helpless, we should not be frustrated. When we feel helpless, we always turn to His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi. Some people don’t even try to solve the problem. They skip this stage and go straight to asking for His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s help. That is wrong. Don’t do that. Try to fix the problem first with all the skills and energies you have.

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s help will definitely come when you are genuinely helpless.

Why should HDE Gohar Shahi help you when you are able to resolve the problem yourself?

But we have become habitual of doing this. If anything goes wrong, we immediately say, ‘HDE Gohar Shahi, help me; Jesus, help me.’ Jesus will not help you because you are not a genuine seeker. Your quest for help is not genuine.

Only pray to God for help when you cannot help yourself.

In fake frustration, you are never helped out and you lose trust in God. You don’t make an effort and you call upon God to help you. Obviously, God will not help you because your frustration is not genuine. As a result, you become depressed and lose trust in God. This is so dangerous. So make sure your frustration is original frustration.

God helps those who want to help themselves. That will happen when you have tried everything and now you are genuinely helpless; you are lost and do not know what to do. Then comes the Lord’s help. Maybe before you even say, ‘HDE Gohar Shahi, help me,’ HDE Gohar Shahi will help you.

There is no room for frustration in a spiritual person’s life because frustration is a condition where you are helpless and there is nobody to help you.

A disciple of HDE Gohar Shahi and those who are actually connected to Jesus can never be truly frustrated because they are not helpless. So we have to remove this word frustration from our life, practically. There is no room for you to have frustration in your life. You must abide by this. Frustration comes when you become completely helpless and HDE Gohar Shahi is our Lord, we are not unattended for.

This is the answer to handling setbacks effectively. Try your best. God doesn’t like it that there is a problem and you’re not making an effort to resolve it. God will never help you like that. Make as much effort as it is required. Even after everything you have done to resolve the problem, there is no result and you are clueless and feel helpless, then call upon HDE Gohar Shahi. I guarantee that you will be helped straight away. When the Lord’s help arrives, there is jubilance, not frustration.

Controlling Emotions and Problem-Solving

There are two skills involved in emotional awareness: the ability to identify your emotions and ability to identify others’ emotions.

When somebody is injured, you bring out a First Aid kit. In a similar way, if somebody is sad and under the outburst of emotions, you should try to comfort him and harness his emotions. Make sure that his emotions do not become overwhelmed. If your emotions become overwhelmed, you will push yourself into the depth of depression. If you are there and you see somebody is under some kind of emotional state, you should have the expertise of controlling and making use of those emotions in solving problems.

If somebody is sad and you also go there and you tell them stories which will increase in their sadness, then this is backfiring. You should comfort them in a way that it appears to be genuine to them. Tell them, ‘Don’t lose hope in God. God will help you. Bad days do not stay forever like good days do not stay forever.’ Give them a practical approach in order to solve their problems. Don’t give them false hope, but at the same time, give them calculated hope.

The same thing goes for yourself. When you are emotionally down, you don’t want to talk to people. This is bad because you are shutting the door on any help that might come to you.

Some people seek isolation when they are emotionally down. That is not going to solve the problem. If you have a problem, find a practical solution. You have to make efforts. When some others have a problem, they become hostile to everybody. You must manifest humility and modesty at all times. If you think that you’re the only one in the world who has a problem, you are severely mistaken. Every single person in this world is laden with trouble; but the thing is, everybody thinks his pain is greater than everybody else’s.

Do not seek isolation when you are emotionally down. When you seek isolation and you are emotionally down, the chances are that you are pushing yourself into a deep depression. If you are sad, seek a solution. Always leave a door open for someone to come and help you.

Keep your head cool so that you can solve the problem. Don’t become unreasonable. Tell yourself, ‘It is not the end of the world. I will find a solution.’ Sit down and find a practical solution.

If you cannot help yourself, nobody will care about your life. If you don’t want to help yourself, why would the world help you?

When you are helping yourself, then foreign aid will come. However, you should be the first one to help you.

How do you keep cool? If you have a problem, think about how to solve it. Calculate. After your calculations, you know what to do. When you know that something can be achieved, keep cool. You should be worried when you know it cannot be done. There is no problem that cannot be solved!

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Announcement: Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences and Divine Love Programme
12th April 2017|ActivitiesLectures

Announcement: Global Peace Through Spiritual Sciences and Divine Love Programme

We at Messiah Foundation Canada are extremely pleased to announce our latest collaboration with the Great Universal Brotherhood in promoting global peace and the spiritual sciences.

The event features the Official Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, His Holiness Younus AlGohar, who will deliver a lecture on spirituality and divine love as well as answer questions from the audience.

The conference is to be held in United Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 1N1 (Spadina Ave & Cecil St) between 2 PM- 4 PM. Entry is completely free and people of all backgrounds and faiths are welcome. We will be offering Opening of the Spiritual Heart and free spiritual healing. Learn how to bring everlasting peace into your life with the Goharian Doctrine of Divine Love!

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Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 1: How Thoughts & Emotions Impact Behaviour
11th April 2017|ArticlesLecturesVideos

Self-Awareness Level 2, Lesson 1: How Thoughts & Emotions Impact Behaviour

The full lecture is available in English language on the AlRa Tv YouTube Channel. Press the play button above to watch the video.

Editor’s note: the following is the first lesson in Younus AlGohar’s course on Self-Awareness, Level 2: Emotional Intelligence. For better background information, read Self-Awareness, Level 1, in the Messiah Herald.

Human psychology is very sensitive. Emotions (both positive and negative) and our reaction to different things are very complicated. Whether it is love or hatred, generosity or stinginess, holding grudges or forgiving people, it is all about emotions. Emotions play a very pivotal role in our life.

Not enough has been discussed in the spiritual circles about human behaviour and emotions. However, everything is revolving around emotions.

Emotions are, oftentimes, a set of reactions to things. Whether you are being grateful to God or you’re being thankful to your fellow men; whether you’re unhappy with yourself, with your fellow men or with God; it is all reaction.

You will see people with positive and negative reactions. Some people are more likely to exhibit positive emotions. Some others tend to be very economical with exhibiting positive emotions.

Negative emotions come from the negative source in you. Positive emotions will come from an enlightened heart and a conscious soul.

Sometimes, you will see people with only negative reactions and emotions. You’ll wonder why such people only exhibit negative emotions, and why their reaction is oftentimes more severe than expectations. This is all human psychology. Our brain is the centre point where everything is cooked.

Some people spend 16-18 years in school, college and university. They become discerning, learned individuals. They think they know everything, but that is foolish. There is so much knowledge. There is so much to know about so many things in your life, that you can never learn enough to understand everything.

Psychology on its own will tell you nothing. With just psychology, you will become a sophisticated mind with a lot of unresolved, mysterious stories in your brain.

I have noticed one thing as a spiritual person: that in every field of different types of knowledge if spirituality is not present, that knowledge is useless.

For example, psychology is the study of human behaviour, but it doesn’t tell you what it is that human behaviour depends on. It doesn’t tell you how human behaviour becomes positive and how it turns negative. Psychology is all about human behaviour but it doesn’t tell you the source; it doesn’t tell you how to manoeuvre your emotions.

Emotions are like a tennis ball that you throw at the wall and it rebounds back to you. Sometimes, somebody will say something you don’t understand; you’ll derive a desired meaning out of what they said and get angry. When you get angry, there will be an outburst of unclassified emotions.

So in that case, the action will be taking place inside your brain and the reaction will also be taking place inside your brain. You’ll be the sole creator of the mess you cooked in your mind.

What happens when somebody is not sound by mind? Oftentimes, unruffled, undisturbed peace surrounds him; even then, there is an unsolicited reaction. He’ll just be sitting in solitude and sometimes he’ll cry. Other times, he’ll smile. When you ask him what happened, he will say, ‘Nothing.’ What is it then?

You’ll be thinking about something nice and that nice thought will have a rebound. There will be a reaction: you will feel happy. This is self-acquired happiness. Then you will think of something really horrible and have all sorts of ideas. [You’ll draw conclusions based on your own estimation]. This is how you manipulate your brain.

Some people have a habit of thinking too much. If you wear a jacket every day, it will wear out very soon. If you use your tongue a lot, it will wear out one day. Then after that, anything that comes from your mouth will be nonsense. In a similar way, there is a gateway between the conscious mind and subconscious mind which is opened when you overload your brain. You won’t even know who is coming and going. Thoughts will be coming like rain from the subconscious mind. You won’t even be thinking about something, but the thoughts will be coming.

When you experience something and you think it is of less importance, then it goes into your subconscious mind. You only remember things which are in your conscious mind. However, sometimes, when you’re overloading your brain, the gateway between the subconscious and conscious mind is opened. Then you begin to remember the things stored in your subconscious. [And you become confused].

For example, something happened last week that you forgot because you thought it was of less importance. It was stored in your subconscious mind. Now, because you are [putting a lot of pressure on your mind], those thoughts are now coming into your conscious mind from the subconscious. You’re not aware of the source. You didn’t think about it, but you saw it happening somewhere.

The IQ and EQ Level

The IQ (intelligence quotient) level is all about putting every piece of information in your conscious mind. For example, you walked through a street. When you walked through the street, what did you see and did you think about it? That is what your IQ level will be judged upon.

For example, where I am sitting, there is a laptop, laptop case, bag, bottle of water, juice, glasses, phone, small fan, light and wall socket.

If you pay attention, every piece of information will go into your conscious mind. If you don’t pay attention, it will go into your subconscious mind. As result, your IQ level will go down.

It is like you have £100 in £20 and £10 notes and you only pay attention to the £20 notes because £10 notes are of less importance to you. You’ll put the £20 notes somewhere safe; you’ll put the £10 notes in your pocket and you won’t notice that they are falling out.

To improve your IQ level, when you look at something, pay attention. When you pay attention, that information will be stored in your conscious mind.

For example, you walked through a hallway and didn’t notice the glass of water on the side. If someone says, ‘There is a glass here,’ you’ll say, ‘Where? I didn’t see it.’ You saw it, but you didn’t pay attention, that is why it is not in your mind. Some people are so confused; they can see the glass, but there is no coordination between their mind and their eyes.

The IQ level is all about storing every piece of information in your conscious mind. You can ignore things, but your eyes can’t.

Your eyes are cameras. If you keep your camera on, it will keep showing pictures and images, whether or not you want to see them. In a similar way, your eyes and ears record every image and every word. Thoughts, things – anything you notice and hear – if it is done with attention, it is stored in your conscious mind and improves your IQ level.

This is what I am telling you; you won’t find it in psychology books. The IQ level, when not accompanied by the EQ (emotional quotient) level, is zero.

If you see someone beautiful and don’t show emotions, you [are not mentally sound]. If I see a beautiful woman walking, if both my IQ and EQ levels are good and I’m not religious, I must say, ‘Wow, beautiful.’ This will mean I have a healthy brain.

In order to improve your IQ level, you have to work on your EQ level. You become ill mentally when your IQ level lacks emotional intelligence. Show emotions!

If you see something and there is no reaction, you’re suppressing your soul!

For example, a room is messy and stinking, but you will see someone sleeping there because he lacks emotional intelligence. His emotional sensory system is not responding to the fact that the room is dirty. This means that there is something wrong with his emotional sensory system.  He will see that somebody is handsome and beautiful, but he won’t care. This is a mental disorder.

Another scenario is if something has fallen on the ground in a restaurant kitchen. All the workers, rather than picking up the fallen object, prefer to step over it and be on their way. This is because their brains are not working properly. They become naive to everything and are not aware of the intelligence of emotions. This is why they have turned into cabbages.

If a human being doesn’t have emotions, in my eyes, there is no difference between them and a cabbage.

So the IQ level is all about the EQ level. It is about emotional discipline. When there is something that should awaken your senses, and still your senses are not awakened, then you are emotionally dead.

When your emotions are dead and your brain is not responding, you cannot obtain divine love. It is impossible.

When your senses are not even responding to tiny things like the room being dirty, it is not that you don’t care; your senses are not awakened. If something is lying on the floor and your mind is not telling you to pick it up and put it to the side, there is something wrong in your mind. This is a mental illness. Some people think, ‘Why should I do it?’ That is also a mental illness. Maybe tomorrow, you will say, ‘I need to use the toilet, but why should I do it?’

Giving Yourself Peace of Mind

You’re sitting and with a bird’s eye view, you have seen everything. Your eyes have stored all the images. Sometimes, we just see things without [hearing them]. Our eyes record those images and they go into the back of our mind, stored in the subconscious. Oftentimes, when those images reappear before our eyes, we wonder what it was. Your eyes have stored the images but you didn’t pay attention, this is why the information is incomplete. This is why your thoughts are ruffled and disturbed.

When you are somewhere, in order to have a healthy mind, you must see things with attention. If you don’t pay attention, this image which is stored in your subconscious mind will not have enough information and then it will trouble you later on.

At home, if somebody knocks on the door, I ask, ‘Who is it?’ I am not bothered about who comes and goes, but I need to know. This is because if somebody was knocking on the door but I don’t know who it was, this thought that somebody came and knocked on the door will be stored in my subconscious. It will bother me later on.

When things are incomplete and they transfer themselves from the subconscious mind onto the conscious mind, they create doubts.

Be careful: your eyes are like spy cameras. Everything is being stored. You want to make sure that everything being stored by your sensory system is not incomplete. Pay attention so that every piece of information is complete. When there is full information, your mind will be healthy. You will never be under any delusion or have any doubts.

Oftentimes, when people close to me are annoyed and irritated, I want to know why. I cannot feed my brain with incomplete knowledge. This is important for me. For example, if  you leave your phone at home at 3 AM, you’re walking alone and you don’t tell anybody where you’ve gone or why, [this will disturb me]. This is the inquisitiveness of my mind. I have trained my mind not to store anything incomplete. I need to know the reason. Right or wrong, I don’t care. I’m only concerned that when this information is stored in the back of my mind, it is not incomplete.

You need to be careful. Everything is being stored. What you need to do now is, whatever is being stored should be stored along with relevant information. If the information stored in your mind is incomplete, your IQ level will go down. IQ level is judged by what you have in your conscious mind and how much your conscious mind is affected by your subconscious mind. When you know everything which is being stored, this information will never go into the subconscious mind because it is not useless. The more information is stored in your conscious mind, the more intelligent you are.

In Conclusion

The relation between emotions and intelligence: the ability to identify something is intelligence, to react is emotions!

Some people make a mountain out of a molehill when they have pain. When somebody else has pain, they think, ‘It is none of my business.’ Such people are emotionally dead.

This is the initial introduction to the type of psychology I am imposing on you. This will go on for seven days. I bet after the completion of Self-Awareness Level 2, you will think you are a saint because you will stand on a street and you will know everything. You will know why people are doing what they are doing. This is IQ and it is accompanied by EQ level.

You cannot be an intelligent man if your emotional sensory system is dead.

If the room is stinking and you are comfortable, you are a cabbage. You are unresponsive. When you are sitting somewhere, your eyes are storing all the images and you’re not paying attention to it. You’re completely ignoring their existence. This is where your IQ level goes down.

It doesn’t take too long. Wherever you’re sitting, you can see things; just pay a little attention and complete the information.

For example, I need a glass and there is a glass nearby but because I didn’t pay attention, the image of the glass is in my subconscious mind, but the information is incomplete. Then I’ll ask someone to bring me a glass and they’ll say, ‘It is there.’ This sort of thing happens many times with so many people, but why?

We simply say, ‘They have an absent mind.’ What is absent? The mind is not absent; the information is absent in the mind.

In Self-Awareness Level 2, we will deal with IQ and EQ. Then comes higher awareness: awareness of God in you. Now we’re talking about awareness of you in you; in the third level, we will all talk about God and his presence inside you. Who is behind the scenes working in you? Level 3 will help you know who is inside you – God or the Devil – and how to detect it.

Self-Awareness Level 2 will go on for seven days. I guarantee you that after these seven days, you will have a lot more understanding of life and a lot more confidence.

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Do Our Hearts Break? | The Illusions Of Love
4th April 2017|LecturesVideos

Do Our Hearts Break? | The Illusions Of Love

Younus AlGohar explains how the illusions we create affect us and how to find out who you are in the mirror of the truth in order to adopt a lifestyle which agrees with your nature. His Holiness gives a guideline on how to overcome your failures and live a balanced lifestyle.

Main points:

– It is very rare that any relationship is crystal clear, however, when the illusion we create of a relationship shatters, it can be painful. Some people are addicted to bottling up their emotions out of fear of exposing their flaws to the public and damaging their perfect image. Even this fear could be illusionary. Most people in this world are pious because they are hiding their true character; they have two faces.

– Most of the time people already have a self-fabricated stories about us in their minds which they use to judge us. It is very important to find out the intention behind somebody’s action before you judge them. Some people’s intentions are clear through their actions, however, some people struggle to convey their thoughts and talk backwards; this happens when you do not know what you want, you suppress yourself because you adopted a lifestyle that doesn’t agree to your nature.

– Knowing yourself in the mirror of the truth: how does your mind react to emotions? To weakness? To strength? When the mind doesn’t react to weakness perfectly, we are most likely to fall into the ditch of inferiority complex. Failure pushes you to feel inferior, but you need to learn: you are not inferior because you failed. You need to rectify the mistake and move on.

– HDE Gohar Shahi said: ‘Neither inferiority complex nor superiority complex is a good thing. Stay in the middle.’ You should attribute your successes to the important decisions you made in your life and your failures to the mistakes. This is balance.

– Before finding faults in other, keep a check and balance of yourself. We should know who we are. We should know how balanced or imbalanced – spiritually or emotionally – we are. There are physical diseases which we know the symptoms for, but what about the emotional, mental and behavioural diseases? These are the issues nobody knows how to deal with.

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at:

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion:

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud:

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Notice for MFI members – Action Counters Terrorism
23rd March 2017|ActivitiesStatement

Notice for MFI members – Action Counters Terrorism

Notice for MFI members – Action Counters Terrorism

We are civilised people who respect humanity. We cannot be cowed by lunatics who practise the hateful ideology of death.’

Younus AlGohar

Following the horrible terrorist attacks in London, all members of Messiah Foundation UK, Mehdi Foundation UK and Kalki Avatar Foundation are strongly encouraged to report anything relevant to the police by calling 0800 789 321 or by visiting

Together, we can help keep the United Kingdom safe from terrorists. United, we stand against terrorism. We are not afraid.

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We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks
23rd March 2017|News

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

We Are UNITED Kingdom! | Westminster Attacks

In the wake of the terrorist incidents that took place in London today, we urge all citizens of the United Kingdom to remember that we must stand together against terrorism. Our strength is in our unity!

Learn more about the ideology behind Islamist terrorism in this month’s issue of The True Mehdi:

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Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings
2nd March 2017|LecturesVideos

Recognise A True Sufi In The Light Of HDE Gohar Shahi’s Teachings

Younus AlGohar explains what a true Sufi is and how a true Sufi is recognised. He discusses why giving this information to the common public led many fake Sufis and religious clerics to oppose His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi.

Main points:

– In order to preserve a religion, you need to spiritualise it. Religion without spirituality becomes a monster. Every religion when the spiritual system within that religion was destroyed, was made subject to great violence in the name of the religion and God. God granted every messenger two types of knowledge. One is knowledge that deals with exterior cleanliness and rituals of the religion. The other knowledge is the core of religion: knowledge which awakens your soul, enlightens your heart and purifies your ego. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi declared, ‘The exterior form of knowledge without accompanying the interior knowledge is a great mischief.’

– HDE Gohar Shahi is the super spiritual scientist. HDE Gohar Shahi doesn’t simply tell you what to do; rather, he tells you the consequences and benefits of doing something. He tells you what knowledge will benefit your souls. He is a bold critic on contemporary religious practices all over the world.

– HDE Gohar Shahi explains how to recognise a true Sufi. HDE Gohar Shahi explains that only a thief will recognise a thief and in a similar way, only is a saint is spiritually capable of recognising another another saint of God. Nevertheless, HDE Gohar Shahi gives common people to criteria through which they can test to see if someone is appointed by God. All you need to do is ask your spiritual mentor to initiate your heart into spirituality (grant you Opening of the Spiritual Heart); if he can make your Spiritual Heart engage in remembrance of God, he is a true Sufi.

– In countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, there are many fake Sufis who con innocent people out of their wealth. These are people who claim to be Sufis but they do not have the power to initiate anyone’s heart into spirituality; they have not purified their ego or reached any stage of enlightenment. When HDE Gohar Shahi came, he told people the criteria to recognise a true Sufi so many of these fake Sufis were exposed. His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi does not advise people to be religious, but rather spiritual. HDE Gohar Shahi’s presence and teachings caused a revolution in the minds and hearts of people; they began to recognise the fake Sufis and ignorant religious clerics for who they really were. HDE Gohar Shahi’s teachings pose a threat to all those who sell the religion and loot unsuspecting people. Therefore, the religious clerics and fake Sufis from all sects in Pakistan united in opposition of HDE Gohar Shahi.

– It was not just religious clerics and fake Sufis who turned against HDE Gohar Shahi. The police, politicians, army, secret services, thieves and custom officers across Pakistan also became part of the alliance against HDE Gohar Shahi. This was because HDE Gohar Shahi was exposing the corruption in Pakistani society and inviting people to obtain enlightenment so that corruption could be eradicated. He wanted to introduce people to spiritual and moral culture. Journalism in Pakistan too became a disinformation cell against HDE Gohar Shahi. Because the common public in Pakistan had been told a great bundle of lies about HDE Gohar Shahi, we ask those who oppose HDE Gohar Shahi based on hearsay to study Him and His teachings for themselves.

Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at

Can’t access this video? Watch it on Daily Motion:

Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud:

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.