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We are Goharians and We Practise Love and Peace
18th December 2015|LecturesVideos

We are Goharians and We Practise Love and Peace

In this video, Younus AlGohar discusses with members of Messiah Foundation International UK their beliefs and views. This is an important video for those who are under the impression that MFI members and Younus AlGohar are Muslims.

Younus AlGohar’s statement:

I love Mohammad, Abraham, Moses, David and Isaac for who they are. I love everybody who loves peace and loves love. I don’t follow any religion. We don’t need any religion. My Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has proved it to the world that today we don’t need any religion; all we need is love, tolerance, patience and a harmonious society in which everybody can live with love and peace.

I am not a Muslim. I don’t want to be known as a Muslim, especially a Muslim of this era. I curse the Wahhabi brand of Islam and I totally denounce it. I totally disassociate with such practices of terrorism and hatred.v

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In Wake of The #ParisAttacks – Message to British Muslim Community
16th November 2015|Articles

In Wake of The #ParisAttacks – Message to British Muslim Community

The following is a transcript of Younus AlGohar’s speech.

Commenting on subjects is not enough. Individuals from around the world need to get involved. Getting involved does not require from one to come out with a weapon on the street and attack your enemies.

The first enemy is ignorance. When you know about your enemy, you can prepare yourself against them.

The problem of the world today is people do not know the roots of ISIS or terrorism. People generalise and say, ‘All Muslims are terrorists.’ But this is not true.

I would like to say very specifically: no Muslim is a terrorist. These terrorists are faking their identity. You know them to be Muslims; however, they are not Muslims. They have distorted the image of Islam.

The Quran equates one murder to elimination of the whole of humanity.

Committing suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam. It is not rocket science to comprehend whether or not suicide bombing is allowed in Islam.

According to Prophet Mohammad, ‘One who commits suicide, all his good deeds are wasted and he is destined to enter into hellfire.’

I cannot understand how on Earth these individuals who are waging a war against innocent human beings come up with an idea of declaring a prohibited act to be a gateway to heaven.

Even if you were a Companion of the Prophet himself and you fought for protection of the religion, however in the end if you committed suicide, all your deeds are wasted. Your association with the Prophet will be greatly ignored and you will be paving your way to hellfire.

When suicide is prohibited in Islam, how can suicide bombing be allowed or rewarding? These individuals, under the banner of Islam, are making fools out of people by hammering in their brains an ideology based on lust, carnal desires and hunger for power.

When they tell them, ‘If you blow up yourself, there are 70 damsels waiting for you in paradise,’ they are blaspheming the religion. They are distorting the words of God and the Traditions of the Prophet.

If you blow up yourself and cause others to die with you, you enter into hellfire, not into heaven. Don’t think 70 damsels are waiting for you. Millions of angels are waiting for you so that they can punish and torment you.

This is absolutely a misleading ideology. What is prohibited in Islam is now being regarded as rewarding and a gateway to heaven. This is pitiful.

Many Muslims in France are coming forward and condemning the attacks. It is a good gesture. However, I request Muslims in the United Kingdom also to do the same. Become part of British society.

Come forward. They should not just condemn this brutal act of terrorism but ISIS; at they need to show their solidarity with British people. They are living on this land; they must treat this land as their heaven!

According to a Tradition of Prophet Mohammad, ‘Love for your country is part of your faith (emaan).’

I live in England. Love for England should be part of my faith; if someone else lives in Canada, love for Canada should be part of their faith. It being part of your faith does not mean you are going to worship your country.

It means you are loyal to your country and you will do everything to ensure your country is well protected by you.

All Muslims who live in the United Kingdom should come forward show their solidarity. This is how they are going to integrate into British society.

You are well integrated into British society when a white Scottish man, Welshman or Englishman is free to talk to you and is not intimidated by your presence.

If somebody is intimidated by your presence, it simply means you are not integrated into British society. Follow your religion; if you don’t want to consume alcohol or eat pork, that is not a problem. These things do not stop you from becoming part of British society.

I do not drink alcohol and I do not eat pork but I love England. I will do everything to protect this country. I am morally, financially indebted to the country. It is because of British citizenship that I was able to move in the world freely. I should be grateful to the state of the United Kingdom, we should be grateful. We should pay our homage.

All these Muslims who live in this country should come forward, condemn this act, condemn ISIS. Say how you feel about ISIS. Talk about how bad they are, how ugly they are, how brutal and how anti-Islam they are.

This must be done to be seen so that the youth get a clear message that ISIS is evil and they should not become part of this brutal, evil organisation.

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Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV
13th November 2015|ArticlesInterviews

Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV

Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV

The following are selected excerpts from Younus AlGohar’s interview with Siyatha TV in Sri Lanka.

Religions and the Spiritual System

All the religions were established by great personalities. These personalities were sent by God, so no religion is bad. However, what happened in the last 100-200 years is that almost every religion has lost the spiritual system.

As a result of this spiritual system being destroyed, people are not truly aware of the soul of their religion, of the principle message of their religion.

This is why most Muslims are not good Muslims, most Hindus are not good Hindus and most Christians are not good Christians. And of course Buddhists who are not good Buddhists are so because they are not properly doing what they have been taught to do. This happens when you lose enlightenment, when you lose connection with God.

The problem is: people are still religious but something is wrong with their methodology. Some important part of the knowledge of the religion is missing. This is why they are misled into wrongdoings. When the youth see these religious people, they are not inspired by them because they always fighting. They are full of hatred.

The youth will never be inspired by these religious people; however the youth will be inspired by spirituality. The youth want to see results.

When they adopt spirituality and they feel good, they feel strength and they feel uplifting of their soul, they will definitely be inspired by spirituality. They will never be inspired by these religious people because they are not making any progress either within themselves or within the society. They are only making it worse, fostering more hatred and intolerance.

Spirituality is the key and solution to the existing problems.

Nowadays, people are changing their religions. I don’t think it’s going to make any difference because nobody is connected to God through any religion.

All religions come from God. If you are a Muslim and you want to study Hinduism, what is wrong with it? Hinduism also came from God. If you are a Muslim and you want to study the Bible, what’s wrong with it? The Bible also came from God. There is only one God. Either you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew or a Buddhist; it’s the same God, just different names. These objects are different manifestations of the same God.

Because of the lack spiritual knowledge in all these religions, people have become intolerant.

I’ll give you an example: one man works as a doorman, another works as an anchor and the third person works as a Chief Executive – but nobody is getting a salary. Does it make any difference? He is a doorman, he doesn’t get a salary. You are an anchor; you don’t get your salary. The Chief Executive doesn’t get his salary. So basically, you are not getting anything.

In a similar way, when you are a Muslim and you are not connected to the God. It doesn’t make any difference whether you become a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian. If you are not connected to God; nothing is working for you. If you were connected to God as a Muslim, you would never leave your religion. If you are connected to God as a Buddhist, you would never leave your religion – because then it would not be about the religion. You would be connected with God.

You would respect that religion, because through that religion, you were connected to God.

A Brief Introduction to Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi and His Mission

Lord Ra Gohar Shahi is sent by God and there are Divine Signs [proclaiming His advent].

His images have become prominent on the Moon, the Sun, on Mars and the Holy Black Stone. The Holy Black Stone is greatly revered and people, out of love and affection, kiss it. It is believed that when they kiss it, all their sins are washed away. God has manifested his signs in the form of images of His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi and people all over the world believe Lord Ra Gohar Shahi to be Kalki Avatar, Imam Mehdi and Messiah.

According to the divine plan, His Divine Eminence Kalki Avatar/Imam Mehdi/Messiah Gohar Shahi is here for the entire humanity, for everybody in this world. It is not physically possible for everybody to see him in person. That’s why these images have become prominent. If people look at the Moon, when they see the image of HDE Gohar Shahi, they can speak with that image and they will have a reply. They can also receive spiritual healing and spiritual grace. All those things can be obtained from the image on the moon.

He is love, He is for everybody and His purpose on Earth is to teach everybody love and peace. [He is] uniting all humanity.

Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi is not a physical doctor; he is doing something which nobody can do. He can heal the wounds of the soul.

These wounds of the souls cannot be healed in any hospital by doctor. So people will approach His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi for their spiritual ailments and spiritual wounds – which nobody can [heal]. And His blessings are for everybody without any hindrance, without any limitations, without any discrimination for everybody.

Kalki Avatar right now is in occultation and physically is not making any appearances to common people. However, the time will come when he will become apparent and people will be able to meet with him. Through our representatives you may be in conversation with Lord Ra Gohar Shahi.

Prescribed Method of Meditation

Meditation that we propagate is a little different than what others describe. This meditation that we promote is done after the enlightenment of the heart and the soul. When the soul is enlightened, when the heart is enlightened then the souls inside our body become worthy of making a spiritual journey. When the journey is performed by these souls and they arrive at their respective spiritual station that is called meditation.

His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi has penned down a book on spirituality and this book is available online and it can be downloaded. It is available on and other international book stores. If people study this book, they will understand the purpose of life. Maybe it will bring a change in their lives.

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How a Fanatic Compares to a Lover of God
29th October 2015|Articles

How a Fanatic Compares to a Lover of God

How a Fanatic Compares to a Lover of God

The following is an excerpt from a speech delivered by Younus AlGohar.


Messiah Foundation International has come up with a diagnostic solution of ongoing global terrorism. We understand that the reason behind this global terrorism today is the radicalisation from a certain denomination in Islam.

In the era before 9/11, such individuals were known as fundamentalists. ‘Fundamentalism’ is a term that was coined by a think tank in Western society to refer to people who strictly follow the religion and disapprove of Western values.

Then, from fundamentalism, they took a big leap to extremism.

Fanaticism is the cogitation in which people become so obsessed with their religious beliefs that they become irrational. This comes with brainwashing.

I watched a movie in which there were two women in love with one man. One was a calm character and the other was very hyper; by hook or crook, she wanted to be with her beloved. When she found out that her beloved loved someone else, she took to physically harming him.

When you don’t manage to obtain what you want, you lose sanity and you become irrational; this is the state in which you become a fanatic.

True Love of God

For example, no prophet or messenger – not even God – has given this creation a more sublime knowledge than what Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi has given to us, His followers. There is no truth in comparison to the truth that has been presented by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. There is no group of people in this world, in any religion or spiritual order who love their Master more than members of MFI do.

According to neo-spiritual principles of the Western society today, we perfectly fit into the personality cult regime. However, we have not lost sanity and we have not become irrational.

This is because the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi are a beautiful combination of the Exterior Knowledge and Interior Knowledge.

On one hand, the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi connect hearts of the masses with divinity. On the other hand, the teachings of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi connect a human being with another upon the principles of equity, mutual love, societal harmony and mutual respect for every single human soul on Earth.

If you ask Hindus, they think they are the best nation on Earth; they think Muslims are impure. If you ask Jews, they think they are the best. If you ask Muslims, they think the truth for the first time was brought by Prophet Mohammad; they believe the pre-Islamic era was full of darkness, infidelity and sorcery. However, they also admit the fact that Prophet Mohammad was the last of all the prophets and messengers – which clearly indicates the fact that there had been more than 124,000 prophets. Most definitely, these prophets were designated and anointed by the same God who sent Prophet Mohammad. The knowledge they brought upon their groups would have come from the same God. Even so, Muslims believe that Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are infidels; they think they are the best.

We also say the same but we are not fanatics. We are not extremists and we do not hate. We love everybody. We love Hindus, we love Christians, and we love Jews – because we want everybody to become the best. We are not playing a game. It is not as if we are in a business where I become a billionaire and my counterpart goes bankrupt.

If any religion, group of people or faith practises Exterior Knowledge only and are naive to knowledge of spirituality, then they will eventually become hateful.

A Muslim boy in India was killed because he was eating beef. They said, ‘He was eating beef, so he must die.’ That’s terrible. He is eating beef according to the allowance set forth by his religion. Hindus regard cows to be sacred; they may practise their belief, but if someone wants to eat beef, then let him. For example, Muslims do not eat pork. However, when we go to United Arab Emirates, we see restaurants serving pork. When Muslims should not eat pig, they don’t eat it; but they don’t stop others. Go by the rules and regulations of your religion and let others go by the rules and regulations of their religion.

It is very interesting to note that in the Religion of God (Divine Love) by Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi, He said, ‘All these religions think they are the best. A Hindu says he is the best. A Muslim says he is the best. A Jew says he is the best and a Christian says he is the best. But Gohar Shahi says, “The best among all of you is one who has God’s love in his heart even if he doesn’t practise any religion.”’

The best among you is one whose heart is filled with God’s love. When you heart is filled with God’s love, you do not hurt or harm anybody, and this will show that you are the best. How can you consider yourself the best if you are causing distress to every single human being on Earth and spreading terrorism? If people have become uneasy because of your existence, are living in fear and are scared?

The best is one who benefits all; whose existence on earth is benefitting all human beings and everybody is safe by him.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘It’s not about being the best; it’s about loving God or not loving God. If you love God, you will love humanity. If you don’t love God you will not love humanity.’

Whether you practise a religion or not, it doesn’t really matter. The truth is, only the religious people do not love humanity. Those who practise religion [rigidly] don’t love humanity and those who do not believe in religions – even atheists – are helping poor people. They don’t hurt anybody or harm anybody. I doubt that God would want to love somebody who practises his religion but hates humanity – as opposed to somebody who says, ‘I don’t believe in God,’ but at the same time, he is helping a lot of people on Earth.

Such people have a belief system and in believing in all those principle universal truths set by God, no change is seen in them; [rather] their character worsens. Not only do they hate humanity, but they have become so intolerant that they do not want to see any other sect or group of people with a different set of beliefs on Earth. This is extreme intolerance; they cannot coexist with other religious people.

His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, ‘It doesn’t matter whether you believe in a religion or you don’t believe in it. Learn to love God; that’s what matters.’

Religions have set limitations. A Hindu will befriend another Hindu and a Muslim will befriend another Muslim.

When someone has liberated themselves from the limitations of the religion and are now focused on acquiring God’s love, then they will befriend anybody who wants to acquire and obtain divine love.

Obtaining divine love does not come by listening to lectures. These lectures will give you some knowhow of the path; however, you will manage to learn to love God only when you are initiated on to the Spiritual Path, when your souls are awakened and nurtured with the divine light and proximity of the Spiritual Guide.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.