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Blood Moons Rising – Younus AlGohar
13th December 2015|LecturesVideos

Blood Moons Rising – Younus AlGohar

The signs from God that will manifest for the Awaited One, Jesus Christ, the End Times and Armageddon will occur in the same era. If a sign is occurring for the Awaited One, this sign also tells us that the End Times are near.

The messengers of God foretold events which are to occur towards the End Times, the advent of the Awaited One and the time frame in which Jesus Christ will return. These signs are very rapidly appearing one after the other. 

World leaders should study what the Bible, Torah, Prophetic Traditions and the Quran say about signs of the End Times and advent of the Awaited Ones. Events are taking place which denote the End Times, such as global terrorism.

The world has seen bloodshed but it was not as widespread throughout the world as it is now. The world leaders should ponder! Do not label this as terrorism only.

Prophet Mohammad foretold, ‘When my Mehdi comes to this world, something special will take place which has never taken place before.’ Prophet Mohammad’s prophecy is in regards to the lunar and solar eclipses in Ramadan indicating Imam Mehdi’s advent. He said, ‘There will be a lunar eclipse on the 1st of Ramadan and a solar eclipse on 15th of Ramadan. This is an announcement from God that Imam Mehdi is here.’ 

I asked Prophet Mohammad,‘Why choose eclipses as a sign? What is the benefit of it?’ He replied,‘To let people see the image of Imam Mehdi.’ Due to the radiance of the Sun, the human eye cannot spot any profile on its surface and the light surrounding the Moon also makes it difficult. God dims the light during the eclipse to make it easier to be able to see the image of Imam Mehdi with the naked eye.  

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Imam Mehdi will not come to this world until a sign appears on the Sun about Imam Mehdi.’ He also said, ‘Looking at the face of Imam Mehdi is no lesser than looking at the face of God.’

The Quran said:

سَنُرِيهِمۡ ءَايَـٰتِنَا فِى ٱلۡأَفَاقِ وَفِىٓ أَنفُسِہِمۡ حَتَّىٰ يَتَبَيَّنَ لَهُمۡ أَنَّهُ ٱلۡحَقُّ‌ۗ أَوَلَمۡ يَكۡفِ بِرَبِّكَ أَنَّهُ ۥ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ۬ شَہِيدٌ


‘We will show them our signs in the horizons and within themselves…’

Some people translate أَفَاقِ (afaaq) as sky; that’s wrong. The Arabic word for sky is سماء ‘samaa’, not ‘afaaq’. ‘Afaaq’ means the upper realm of Alam-e-Nasut (Terrestrial Realm); everything that is floating in the solar system is inside ‘afaaq’. This includes Mars, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and any other planet. It does not just mean planets: many stars too – such as the Nebula Star – are part of ‘afaaq’.

Now, if this verse of the Quran was meant to address Prophet Mohammad or his Companions, then God would not address the third person. God is not talking about them; it is not for the Companions of the Prophet or for that era.

Before, people witnessed divine signs which were for the prophets and messengers. In this verse, God did not say, ‘I will show signs for Imam Mehdi.’ He said, ‘I will show my signs.’

God’s sign is that you will see God walking with you on the ground! 

There are two types of divine signs:

1) For the common man – those which you simply see, take spiritual benevolence from and become enlightened.

2) For the elite – those which you absorb in you and become one with God.

People have this misconception that the world will suddenly come to an end one day. This is not the case. There are two stages to the End Times. In the first stage, people would die but in smaller groups of 10-12. Then, they’ll begin to die in larger groups of 50-100. Then, all of a sudden, it will increase to 500 at a time.

Blood Moons

The world has already entered the second stage of the End Times. World leaders should ponder! Don’t dismiss prophecies regarding the End Times.

The Western world may have turned away from religion; however, prophecies foretold by prophets and messengers should be taken into consideration.

You should understand that these Wahhabis are not just a bunch of thugs; they are a sign, an indication of the End Times.

Prophetic Traditions reveal the signs foretelling the advent of Imam Mehdi. The Bible reveals signs of the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ and the Armageddon with the Antichrist. According to a Tradition of the Prophet Mohammad, the regular occurrence of the solar and lunar eclipse is the sign of the advent of Imam Mehdi.

According to the Bible, the regular occurrence of the Blood Moon is the indication that the final battle between Jesus and the Antichrist is near.

If within a year or two, the Blood Moon has occurred four times, it means the preparations for the Armageddon have begun. Whenever the Blood Moon has occurred, a big incident has occurred along with it.

American journalists say, ‘Islam is attacking America,’ but they don’t say, ‘[Radical] Islam is attacking Christianity.’ They are attacking on you not because you are American, but because you are Christian.

The likes of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Al Qaeda are all agents of the Antichrist. They’re fighting with you because you’re Christian, and you are heedless of your religion!

Read the Bible. If such events which have been prophesied are occurring, what should you do in light of the Bible? The decisions that should be made in the light of the Bible are being made in the Congress and Parliament. 

Through the Antichrist, the Devil will manifest evil traits. The world will be worse than ever before.

People think we live in the worst era. I say to them, ‘Don’t lose hope. You are yet to see the manifestation of God!’ 

Followers of Antichrist have oil, gold, land and power. But we have everything; we are the owners of the entire universe. 

The evil-in-action is killing people and manifesting death. We have been delegated to manifest eternal life.

Think of it like a cricket match; both teams cannot bat at once. The world is stinking with hatred due to the fact that the Devil has settled in the Antichrist. Every day, we hear news of killings, massacre and carnage, but that’s just the first innings! Imam Mehdi and Jesus Christ are waiting their turn, and then every shot played will be a six!

To the world leaders: don’t lose hope. God has not abandoned you or stranded you. He is watching over you – not as a spectator, but as a third umpire. 

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True Concept of Imam Mehdi vs. Wahhabi Fallacy – Younus AlGohar
8th December 2015|ArticlesLecturesVideos

True Concept of Imam Mehdi vs. Wahhabi Fallacy – Younus AlGohar

What I am going to discuss today is very important. You need to be able to understand the very sensitive difference between the right and correct concept of the Awaited One and the misguided, misleading, concocted and fabricated concept of the Awaited One.

There is more than one concept of the Awaited Mehdi. There is a Shiite concept of Imam Mehdi and there is a Sunni concept of Imam Mehdi.

Based on the same prophecies, a concocted and modified concept also emerged. However, this is not known as the concept of Imam Mehdi; this is known as the concept of the Caliph of the End of the World, The Last Days.

The Wahhabis have fiddled with the prophecies of Prophet Mohammad in regards to the coming of the Awaited One, The Mehdi. They have removed the word ‘Mehdi’ from the prophecies. They’ve said that there will be a Caliph who will turn everybody into a Muslim and no individual on Earth will be left a non-Muslim. This is a concoction of their fabrication. They say, ‘He will rule the world and everybody will accept Islam.’

About 200 years ago, there was a man called Mohammad Ahmed bin Abdullah born in Sudan. He claimed to be the Mehdi and he fought against the Ottoman Empire. He killed people in exactly the same manner as ISIS is killing people. He became famous with the title of ‘Mehdi Sudani’. He killed a lot of people; then Britain sent Charles Gordon. He went there and with the help of the British Army, he [fought against him]. [Abdullah died of typhus] and peace was eventually restored.

Soon after the demise of Prophet Mohammad, killing started. Prophet Mohammad’s grandson, Hussain, along with his sons and others, were brutally slaughtered and beheaded by Muslims. Hajaj bin Yousuf then became the Caliph and he slaughtered 10 000 people in Medina.

Islam has seen more blood than water. The people who come from the Arabian Peninsula are historically known to be warriors.

They kill each other for fun and adventure.

There have been more than ten pseudo-claimants who declared themselves to be Mehdi, some from India, others from Pakistan and some from the Arab world. However, Wahhabis have concocted a concept of a Caliph.

Many people believed in their concoctions because they were telling them half-truths. This concept of Caliphate (Khilafah) is based on prophecies of the Prophet Mohammad, but with modification and fabrication.

References of the Quran and Prophetic Traditions that Wahhabis present to their followers are so sensitive that neither can one accept it, nor would one want to reject it – because nothing is proved; everything is vague.

The concept of Mehdi has been greatly fiddled with by Wahhabis. The question is: what is now in their minds after this modification? If you understand it today, you will know what is happening right now.

We say, ‘This is killing, brutality and insanity,’ but they don’t think the same way as we do because they have something else in their mind. They have been indoctrinated with some other concepts. Their passion for killing is considered, by them, as their religious duty. We call it barbarism and terrorism, but we need to get into their brain and see how they think.

If you want to defeat them, you need to think on the same wavelength as they are thinking. This is a very sensitive topic but I must speak on it. If I do not speak on this topic today, confusions about Imam Mehdi will lead the public to conclude dangerous concepts.

In the original concept of Mehdi, Imam Mehdi would teach all human beings love of God. In the light of the prophecies of Prophet Mohammad and the Quran, Imam Mehdi will establish a new religion: the Religion of Love. Imam Mehdi will work along with Lord Jesus Christ. According to the original concept of Imam Mehdi, Imam Mehdi will appoint Jesus as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Imam Mehdi, who will defeat ISIS, Taliban and all the followers of Antichrist. Imam Mehdi and Jesus Christ together will rule the hearts of the world. They will fill the world with utter justice, peace and love. Imam Mehdi will unify humanity.

Imam Mehdi’s spiritual grace, benevolence, compassion and bounty will not be confined to one particular group of people or one specific religion. Imam Mehdi will cater to the needs of the entire humanity. According to the original concept of Imam Mehdi, Imam Mehdi along with Lord Jesus Christ will establish the Kingdom of God.

The message of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi is love, brotherhood and peace; [it dos not incite] hatred or violence. I am a follower of Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi, who is the Messenger of Love. He is spreading the love of God, brotherhood and tolerance in collaboration with Lord Jesus Christ.

According to the original concept of Mehdi, Imam Mehdi is supposed to establish a new religion, a new book and a new custom; Imam Mehdi is not going to speak about Islam. Imam Mehdi is not going to speak about Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism. Imam Mehdi will speak about love, he will take every single individual in this world as a creature of God, not as a Hindu, Muslim or Christian.

Imam Mehdi’s job is to connect an individual to God, regardless of his religion.

Imam Mehdi loves all and the doctrine He has brought down with Him is the doctrine of Rapturous Love. In this form of love, one is so humble to everyone. One does not take revenge or hold grudges for anyone; they love all.

Jesus said, ‘If somebody slaps you on your right cheek, present your other cheek as well.’ Some people think that this is stupidity and it is not practical. However, Jesus has done it and His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s message of love is the continuation of the message Jesus Christ tried to give to people 2000 years ago: love of God and humanity.

Imam Mehdi will establish a new religion. Imam Mehdi will love everybody and fill everyone’s hearts with love. Imam Mehdi will establish a united nation in which the entire humanity will come into a single fold of universal brotherhood. Each member of the global society will love each other. There will be no sign of hatred, killing or bloodshed. There will be no Islam, Christianity, Sikhism or the Quran.

Why do we need the Quran? We have God’s Representative on Earth. Why do we need the Bible when we have Jesus?

Imam Mehdi is not supposed to promote Islam. This is a wrong concept which has been generated by wrong people for wrong reasons! Why should Imam Mehdi promote Islam when Islam doesn’t exist anymore?

How will you find God with the help of Islam, when it did not help you become a good human being? The couple involved in the San Bernardino Shooting didn’t even think of their daughter; they abandoned her. How will people who do not have any mercy and compassion for their own children, have any mercy for other people?

The way the Quran has introduced Prophet Mohammad to the world is fabulous. The Quran said:

وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَـٰكَ إِلَّا رَحۡمَةً۬ لِّلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ


‘O’ Mohammad, and have I sent you in any other form other than blessing for humankind?’

Prophet Mohammad’s blessings do not change. He was a blessing for the world 1400 years ago and even if he existed today, he would have been blessing for the world.

Prophet Mohammad would not have told his followers to kill people simply because they were not Muslims.

When Prophet Mohammad conquered Mecca, he said as he entered the city, ‘I do not force those who do not believe in Islam to become Muslims. They can continue to practise their religion. Those who are my enemies, I allow them to seek refuge. Those who are Muslims, under the new law, they will pay alms (religious tax) and those who are non-Muslims will pay taxes.’

The way [Wahhabis] have projected a false image of Islam and Prophet Mohammad is really terrible. We can safely say Islam does not exist today. [What we see] is not Islam.

I had a debate with a man who said, ‘Imam Mehdi will convert everyone to Islam.’ I asked him, ‘Why didn’t Prophet Mohammad convert everybody into Islam?’ Forget about others; Prophet Mohammad did not force his own uncle who raised him, supported him and sponsored him to accept Islam. When Prophet Mohammad asked his uncle to become Muslim, his uncle simply said to him, ‘I am a Jew. I believe in Abraham and I’m good.’ Prophet Mohammad said, ‘Okay,’ because Prophet Mohammad knew that if he believed in Abraham, it was enough for him.

Individuals today who call themselves ‘devout’ Muslims and want Imam Mehdi to convert every single individual to Islam, I ask them, ‘Why didn’t Prophet Mohammad convert everybody to Islam?’

Why does everybody have to become Muslim? Do [Muslims] think Islam is the only good religion and all other religions are false?

According to Islam, one must believe in all messengers and prophets. If you do not believe in Abraham, Jesus and Moses, you are not a Muslim in the eyes of Prophet Mohammad. Islam has given more respect to Mother Mary than any woman in history. There is a chapter in the Quran named ‘Mother Mary.’

I have explained the true concept of Imam Mehdi. Wahhabis have modified this concept. They have removed the word ‘Mehdi’ and replaced it with ‘Caliph’ (Khalifah). This Caliph according to their understanding will rule the world and turn everybody into a Muslim. He will kill all those who do not accept their doctrine. This is exactly what is in their mind. These people think that the rapist, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is the Awaited Mehdi, the Caliph. He is a butcher and an enemy of humanity. ISIS, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab are all butchers and [the most] hateful creatures on Earth.

The original Imam Mehdi is supposed to love all and fill the world with utter justice.

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When Religions Become Monsters
4th December 2015|Articles

When Religions Become Monsters

When Religions Become Monsters

The world has changed so much and hatred is spreading far and wide. Humanity is going through the worst phase in history. Religions have become monsters.

When a person dies, their main soul is taken to the higher realms by the angels. Other auxiliary souls, if they are alive, stay in the grave. If none of the souls are alive, then at least one soul has to stay in the grave until the Day of Judgement is established. That one soul is the Self (the Nafs).

If you are passing through a cemetery, you may notice that there is a sense of fear from an unknown source. The Self is from the nation of Djinns. It is not completely an ethereal being; its nature is substance. The Self is affected by the cold and hot weather which is why it needs protection. Therefore, we make graves.

Now in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, people have started cremating their dead because it is cheaper than burying them. That is not good because when your body dies and is buried in the grave, the Self remains in your body. If the Self is purified and enlightened, it engages itself in invocation of God and different forms of worship. If it is not purified, then different Djinns (evil spirits) come and stay in that grave.

As long as there is a soul in your body and it is enlightened, no evil spirit will enter your body. If your soul is not enlightened and you don’t have divine energy in your body, then any evil spirit or Djinn can enter your body at any time and stay there. Djinns need protection which is why they seek shelter in bodies, houses, graves and different places.

Similarly, the soul of a religion is spirituality. When the spiritual system in any religion is destroyed, the religion becomes like a body which is vulnerable to forced entry by evil spirits. When the spiritual system in any religion was destroyed, then religion was murdered or made abode by the devil. This is when a religion becomes a monster.

A religion is not just a set of beliefs but also a set of principles from God. You are meant to adopt them and make a society in which everybody is given his and her rights. Self-respect and justice prevail and nobody is physically hurt. Everybody lives in perfect harmony.

God knows about you better than you do because you are God’s creation; he is aware of your nature.

In accordance with your nature, God sends down a set of principles with a messenger or a prophet. You adopt them and enlighten your mind, your soul and your lifestyle.

By adopting those divine principles, you establish a society in which there is no discrimination, tyranny or hatred.

When the spiritual system in the religion is destroyed and becomes subject to amalgamating opinions from human beings, it becomes a monster.

A common man does not leave any impact on the religion by rendering his opinions.

However the opinion of those who are held responsible for promoting and upholding the religious laws impact the religion.

According to a Prophetic Tradition, ‘When a common man makes a mistake, he becomes a sinner. When a mistake is made by a religious scholar then the religion is badly affected.’

A religion becomes a monster when the doctrine of spirituality and methodology of connecting hearts with God vanishes from that religion. Muslims will definitely find it difficult to understand – due to lack of knowledge about their religion – but it is true that Islam has been left with nothing but its name. The Quran has been left with no spiritual grace and benevolence for except the custom of recitation. This is why, Islam which is only 1436 years old, has become a monster today.

The Revolution of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi

Some people are astounded when they hear this coming from a coloured man like myself, who originally comes from Pakistan and  who has been a very strict practitioner of the religion of Islam. They find it almost unbelievable and think, ‘This is too good to be true.’ I want to tell these individuals how this has become a reality.  

How has it become possible for someone with my background to explain that the religion of Islam has also become a monster and that there is nothing left in Islam for except its name and nothing left in the Quran for except of customary recitation?

This would not have been possible had it not been for the sake of the spiritual grace of His Divine Eminence  Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

The credit goes to His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi for the fact that He, with spiritual power or His words of wisdom, gave us, the followers of HDE Gohar Shahi, the power of comprehension. With the spiritual concentration of His divine sight, He changed the hearts. He changed our thought process. He showed us the reality and He gave us intuitional understanding of the path and the religion. This power of comprehension is very important. It is not available any where in any book, mosque, temple, church, or country. It is a gift of HDE Gohar Shahi.

With the doctrine of HDE Gohar Shahi, we realised that Islam, Judaism, Christianity or any other religion is just a means to reach God. A religion is not the destination; God is the destination.

Until we met HDE Gohar Shahi, many of us thought that Islam was everything rather than God. Although we never verbalised it, in the back of our minds we always thought, ‘If we are not Muslims, we will never reach God.’ We were so wrong.

So many people reached and loved God even when there was no Islam. If Islam was the only religion which would connect people with God then why did Islam come towards the end of the world? What about the other people who came into this world and never practised Islam – how did they reach God then?

When this sheet of ignorance which was keeping our minds and intellect in the dark was removed with the spiritual concentration of HDE Gohar Shahi’s spiritual sight, I personally felt that a bar had been lifted.

God has created so many religions. If you can reach God following any religion, you are perfectly fine with that religion whether it is Hinduism, Sikhism or any other religion. That was the first barrier which was removed from our intellect and thought process. This was the point when my short-sightedness vanished. Before this, there has been a deadlock of limitations on my intellect and understanding because of which I was about to plunge into extremism.


Extremism is when you think, ‘My religion is the best. No one can reach God without my religion, therefore everybody must adopt it – otherwise they are infidels.’

You become an extremist when you have wrong perceptions about your religion.

For example, you become a bad person when you have wrong perceptions about yourself. There are many people who think they are the best and nobody is equal to them. When you think like this, it means you live in a fool’s paradise.  

When you think that your religion is the only truthful religion, everybody else is a non-believer and all other religions are fake, this is a wrong perception. I wonder why most Muslims think that if you are not a Muslim, you are a non-believer. What a silly thought! If you are Christian or Jewish, believe in God and respect your prophet then how are you not a believer?

Those who believe in God may practise any religion; you cannot call them non-believers.

You don’t have to have a religion in order to be a believer. You can be a believer even if you don’t practise or have any religion. But somehow or other, a majority of Muslims perceive that all those individuals who do not believe in Islam are non-believers. This is a misleading concept.

When people who do not know about Islam come to know of this perception of Muslims, they will think this notion has come from the Quran. They don’t know that the Quran never said that.

The Quran has set a principle. There are three points in the eyes of God for you to be believer: you must believe in God, the Day of Judgement and purification. If you believe in these three things, you may believe in any religion – whether you come from Judaism, Christianity or you are a Muslim – in the eyes of God you are a favourite.  

The State of Islam Today

The trouble is that the concurrent ideology of Islam is not from Quran; it consists of sectarianism, creeds and opinions of different religious scholars within Islam. One denomination in Islam will 100% contradict with another denomination in Islam. They are so impatient and intolerant that they cannot coexist in one society. This is why they are killing each other and calling each other non-believers who must die!

The thing is: who do we blame for it? God? People? Who?  

For example, when a set of traffic lights stops working, the government puts up a sign stating, ‘This set of traffic lights on this particular road is irreparable. Please do not use this road anymore.’ If people do not stop going there and continue to use it, when the traffic comes from all directions, cars will collide and people will get killed.

Who is responsible for this? The government said, ‘Don’t use this road.’ They didn’t fix it because they said it was irreparable. If you say, ‘This notification from the government did not reach me, I was never informed,’ [it is still your responsibility]. It was your duty to read the signs. The government will not send a letter to each and every citizen of the country!  

In a similar way, when the spiritual system is destroyed in a religion it is a sign from God, ‘Do not use this religion!’

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Is God More Important than Family in Islam?
24th November 2015|Articles

Is God More Important than Family in Islam?

Is God More Important than Family in Islam?

I recently had a radio interview. The host was about to ask me, ‘Tell me about this. To a religious person, what is more important: God or his family?’

Journalists have asked terrorists, ‘You go out and blow yourself up. Don’t you have feelings about what will happen to your family?

Their reply is, ‘God is more important to me than my family.’

If [the host of the radio show] had asked me this question, I would have told him: to take care of my family is the commandment of God. This question is irrelevant.

God will never put you in a position where you have to choose one out of the two. Family is one thing and God is another thing. Why would God want me to trouble my family? The same God says, ‘If you take care of your family, I will reward you.’

The answer which is coming from terrorists – that God is more important to them than their family – proves the fact that this mindset is not carved by the teachings of the Quran and Bible. This is a manmade doctrine and these are manmade teachings.

The True Teachings and Character of Prophet Mohammad

A Jewish woman would throw trash on Prophet Mohammad as he would pass by her house every day; but Prophet Mohammad did not stop going through that street. He would walk through the street every day and she would throw trash every day; he would simply smile and leave. One day, when he passed her street, he didn’t see her. So he asked people, ‘Where has she gone?’ He found out that she is ill. He went to her house and asked, ‘How are you doing? May God give you health. I didn’t see you so I got worried. She cried and said, ‘You are a prophet.’

These are the teachings and this is the character of Prophet Mohammad. And on the other hand, [ISIS] is killing Christians and Jews. They don’t represent Islam. They represent evil.

In that society 1450 years ago, Christians, Jews and atheists all had the same culture. The language as the same and their temperament was the same.

On one occasion, in order to give the message of Islam, Prophet Mohammad invited a group of Jews for dinner. They came and one of them was a mischievous person. He said, ‘Mohammad is inviting us for dinner. I will eat all the food and the rest of the guests will be left without food, Prophet Mohammad would feel humiliated.’

He ate a lot but the food never finished. He ate so much that after eating, he was not able to move from him place. Everybody else left and he was still there. He fell asleep in a small room; at night,he wanted to go to the toilet. His stomach was so full that he couldn’t move. Therefore he relieved himself on the bed and he slept in his own faeces for the rest of the night.

Before the sun rose, the Prophet Mohammad came to him and said to him, ‘Let me help you go to the toilet.’ He helped him relieve himself, removed his clothes covered in faeces and gave him new clothes. He said, ‘Don’t worry. You can go home now.’

Then Prophet Mohammad cleaned the room and the faeces himself. By the morning, everything was pristine. Prophet Mohammad didn’t want anybody to laugh at that man so he did not tell [anybody else there]. This was the character of Prophet Mohammad.

All these messengers like Abraham, Moses, Mohammad and Jesus were all of sublime character. They would never teach their followers to take anybody’s life in the name of God because this is not God’s character.

‘God is love.’ This is what the Bible says. The Quran doesn’t say this, but Prophet Mohammad said it.

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What does Islam have to do with ISIS?
22nd November 2015|LecturesVideos

What does Islam have to do with ISIS?

Since 9/11, the world has changed. An unprecedented hatred has emerged; this is due to what happened on 9/1, the 7/7 London bombing and then many different places that have been targeted by terrorists. If terrorism strikes in Pakistan or if terrorism causes thousands of people to lose their lives in Africa and Southeast Asia, it doesn’t really leave any significant impact on people.

If a terrorist activity strikes in Europe, then a wave of hatred goes across all different types of Muslims – whether or not they approve of terrorism.

Sufi Muslims have been known to be very compassionate, kind and tolerant. In relation to dealing with members of other religions they have shown themselves to be adaptive, accommodating and harmonious. However, whenever an Islamist carries out an act of terrorism, then even the Sufi Muslims have to suffer the aftermath and the backlashes. This is a tragedy.

These terrorists who kill innocent people cannot be considered as human beings.

But as a retaliation, if somebody in Canada, the United States of America, France, England or anywhere else in the world targets an innocent Sufi Muslim, causing them to die, then this act of killing an innocent is equal to an act being carried out by ISIS.

You have gone down to their level of brutality because that particular Muslim you pushed onto the railway track was innocent. They didn’t do anything nor did they believe in terrorism. If you do something like this, you are telling people that you are just like ISIS. Although you may not part of ISIS, you are doing the same thing that they are.

A debate is going on in the United States of America: does ISIS really have nothing to do with Islam?

Every time an atrocity takes place by Islamists, peaceful Muslims, Sufi Muslims, and law abiding Muslims of different countries condemn the terrorist activities. Their statement has to include one sentence, ‘ISIS is not a Muslim organisation and they are not Muslims.’

If you are not a Muslim and you see what ISIS is doing, you will say to yourself, ‘They are holding the Quran. They are growing beards. They talk about Sharia. They are called the  “Islamic State.” How come they are not Muslims?’

This is a big question. There is an article in the Washington Post titled, ‘Does ISIS really have nothing to do with Islam? Islamic apologetics carry serious risks.’

In the article, the author said what he could think of as a common man who does not have spiritual knowledge or profound insight into the religion; one who is not well aware of the history of Islam or what happened 1400 years ago. He may have a very limited approach towards understanding this topic.

However, to say, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam,’ is a sentence that needs a lot of explanation.

Although I have used this sentence myself and I have also said that ISIS in reality has nothing to do with Islam, what I said is very profound and technical.

For example, all Muslims go to the mosque and offer prayers. If a Muslim goes to a mosque five times a day to offer prayers and I say, ‘He doesn’t offer prayers,’ people will say, ‘We have seen him offering prayers at the mosque.’ In order to justify my statement, I say, ‘I know he goes to the mosque and offers prayers five times a day. But I also know what Prophet Mohammad said about Salat (prayers).’

‘There is no Salat if the heart is absent from the Salat.’ – Prophet Mohammad

If a person does not have the presence of the heart in Salat, God doesn’t accept it; in the eyes of God, he never offered Salat. His Salat is not qualified to be known as Salat; therefore, technically we can say he is a non-Musali (one who offers Salat).

‘Destruction is for those who offer Salat and are not aware of the reality of Salat. When they go to the mosque and stand in Salat they are only making a scene; they show off.’

Quran, (107:4-6)

Individuals who offer Salat yet are not aware of reality of Salat are doomed; their religion is destroyed.

I mentioned in the beginning that I have also made a statement such as, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam.’ There are people who say, ‘How come? They are holding the Quran in their hands, they are growing beards. They want to impose Islamic Sharia; they have already occupied a greater part of Syria and Iraq. They have already established an Islamic State. They are doing everything according to the Quran but you say they are not Muslim.’

Without explanation, it remains to be pretty dubious. Oftentimes common people do not seek profound explanation; they simply say, ‘Their inspiration is coming from the Quran and they are doing everything for establishment of Sharia Law.’

The reason I say, ‘They are not Muslim,’ is very technical. They may be Muslims in your eyes; but they are not Muslims in the eyes of Islam or God.

You can safely say ISIS has everything to do with Islam – this is how you understand it. But if you ask the Quran, if you ask God, then you will understand that these individuals do not follow the Quran.

Mischief of ISIS
They talk about Islamic Sharia but they do not follow Islamic Sharia.

Most of these ‘warriors of God are those who do not even know one verse from the Quran.

A Christian family were fleeing Syria. They were born and bred there; they recited the Bible in Arabic. They were travelling in their car and were stopped by ISIS thugs. The ISIS members asked them, ‘What is your religion?’ The father replied, ‘I am Muslim.’ They asked him to recite the Quran; he recited the Bible and they let him go!

If you apply these technical points that I am talking about on each and every Muslim, whether that Muslim is a terrorist or peace-loving citizen, that person will be screened as non-Muslim. Now it’s easy to say, ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam because Islam doesn’t exist.’

This was the technical side.  On the other hand, there is a Prophetic Tradition (Hadith) according to which you will have to admit that ISIS is a Muslim organisation. It is a long Hadith but I’ll give you a few sentences.

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘A time will come on my Nation (Ummah) when nothing will be left in Islam for except its name. Nothing will be left in Quran for except the practice of reciting it.’ Prophet Mohammad talks about the mosques of this time. ‘Their mosques will be beautiful but they will be void of guidance. They will recite Quran but the Quran will not go beyond their throats.’

Then, Prophet Mohammad talks about ISIS. He said, ‘Mischief (fitna) will emerge from within Islam.’ This proves that they are Muslim. ISIS is mischief.

Prophet Mohammad said, ‘This mischief will emerge from within Islam and within Islam, this mischief will come to an end.’ This is interesting.

It means, this mischief of ISIS has emerged from Islam and somebody from within Islam will stand up and he will terminate this mischief of ISIS. It is referred to Imam Mehdi (as).

This Prophetic Tradition in particular tells us that ISIS recite the Kalima (Declaration of Faith) and the Quran, though it does not go beyond their throats. Although they are severely misguided, Prophet Mohammad has already mentioned that these are the people who, as mischief, will emerge from within his Ummah. They will be the worst creatures under the sky (Khwarijeen).

This is written on the wall. What is happening now is exactly what the Prophet foretold 1400 years ago.

One of the signs of the end of the world was the fire which would rise from Syria. You can see that fire today.

Prophet Mohammad spoke about the state of Muslims towards the end of the world, saying ‘Nothing will be left in the Quran for except the ritualistic recitation and nothing will be left in Islam for except its name.’

As I mentioned earlier, Islam does not exist. We only have Islam’s name. Everybody is creating stories and declaring the source as Quran. This mischief of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and Daesh (ISIS) is the mischief that Prophet Mohammad had already foretold. The good news is Prophet Mohammad said this mischief would rise from within Islam and it will come to an end within Islam. We are going through this horrific phase of time.

I think we should raise awareness of what was foretold in regards to the events leading to the end of the world. These facts should be known by almost everybody who lives in this world: by Christians, by Jews, by Hindus, etc. so they should have a clear understanding of what’s going on.  

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To European Muslims – Advice for Aftermath of Paris Attacks
16th November 2015|Articles

To European Muslims – Advice for Aftermath of Paris Attacks

We are passing through the most turbulent times in history. All those who love peace and humanity; who are able to be tolerant to other faiths; who live and let others live in peace; who want to promote peace, I request them to get involved in the peace process. All these individuals who come from Islam need to be a little more knowledgeable about their religion so that they can understand their religion does not promote terrorism.

Whichever groups within Islam invite them to such unholy causes as jihad, with the weapon of knowledge, Muslims should be able to reject all such ideas.

The foremost thing for everybody in Islam is to be able to be knowledgeable. What the Muslim youth lacks today is true knowledge of their religion.

There is a Hadith of the Prophet Mohammad whereby he said, ‘Towards the end times, the religion of Islam will be confined and limited to its name only. The Quran will be limited to its words only. Young boys will become scholar; they will enter into vigorous physical worship.’

‘Even my companions do not worship that vigorously – however the Quran will not go beyond their throats. Their mosques will be fancy and decorated, however they will be null and void of guidance. Mischief will emerge from within them; and within them, mischief will die out. Under the sky, they will be the worst of all creation.’

This Prophetic Tradition, if applied to ISIS, gives us a clear understanding of what ISIS is.

They are unholy, they are un-Islamic; they do not follow the Quran or Traditions of the Prophet. And they call themselves ‘pure Muslims’ – they are pure filth! They are not Muslims.

It is time for all Muslims to recognise these terrorists as terrorists. Open your eyes. Don’t be fooled by these enemies of the community of Islam and enemies of humanity.

What they are doing today is not just abhorred in the eyes of civil society; it is abhorred in the eyes of God. God loves his creation more than 70 mothers combined can love a child. You are not pleasing God when you‘re killing innocent people.

Suicide is strictly prohibited (haram) in Islam. No matter how devout a Muslim you are, in the end, if you commit suicide you’re destined to enter into hellfire. This is undebatable. All schools of thought in Islam have no choice but to agree to this Tradition of the Prophet.

When by committing suicide you will go to hell, how can you justify blowing up yourself and causing dozens of people to die?

When taking your own life is not allowed, how can you take lives of others? This is not just a wrong interpretation; it is being done on purpose, knowingly. They are just using the name of Islam.

I would like you to understand the true message of the Quran and the Traditions of the Prophet.

Prophet Mohammad would not enter into a war with people who were not enemies of his religion. If a jihad was initiated by the Prophet himself, that jihad was done in self defence. It was not in assault mode.

Even then, Prophet Mohamamd strictly instructed his Companions, ‘Do not kill the elderly. Do not kill the sick ones. Do not kill a child or woman, do not cut a tree. Do not destroy a building. Do not destroy a church, or temple.’ These were the instructions for a legitimate war.

What Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Daesh are doing today is not legitimate. This is the true definition of atrocity. This is mass murder, slaughter and carnage of humanity.

This is the organised butchery of humankind.

They are not just destroying buildings and churches. How can you call them Muslims? In Syria and Iraq, they blew away graves of prophets. Prophet Younus’ shrine was bombarded. Do you still think they are Muslims? All Muslims must show respect to all prophets sent by God and they are destroying shrines of the prophets.

They are not Muslims. Do not join them. Condemn them. Expose them! We need to raise awareness of their true reality.

People should be aware of the truth. People should know who ISIS and Taliban are. They do not represent Islam. Whatever doctrine comes from them under the label of Islam is not even 1% of Islam. They are filthy animals, butchers. They are murderers. Their acts and themselves must be condemned!

This is my message to the Muslim youth in Europe:

Remain vigilant. Show your solidarity with the government of your country so that they may be proud of you as a Muslim. Let them say, ‘We have true Muslims living in our country who detest the terrorists.’

Make your countrymen proud of you and your association with Islam. I tell you: Islam is not what ISIS is telling you. True Islam is Sufi Islam: love for all, hatred for none.

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The Paris Attacks – What Now?
16th November 2015|Articles

The Paris Attacks – What Now?

The Paris Attacks – What Now?

I am speaking in the wake of the tragic event which took place in Paris whereby 129 people were killed by the enemies of humanity, ISIS.

The mission of Messiah Foundation International is the mission of global peace and love.

We are in dire need today to promote ideologies of love and peace. Today, we need spirituality and love not religions. We do not need extremism or fanaticism.

Terrorism is the result of fanaticism and extremism.

Those who are carrying out these atrocities all over the world are the ones who follow the wrong interpretation of the religion. Not only this, but at the same time they have entwined their personal agenda and carnal desires with the wrong interpretation of the religion. As a result of this, they have now become a global threat.

The peace of the world is at a greater risk. Innocent people are being killed all over the world and now in Europe as well.

It is not just the government who will take care of this issue. Every single citizen of the world has a role to play. The first and foremost that one is to play today is to be able to recognise the roots of terrorism

You must be aware of the source and motivation from which this brutal ideology of terrorism is emerging.

Terrorism has no religion. Those who are carrying out these atrocities are the people, the master of whom is their own desires and their own evil self.

No religion on earth taught terrorism. The core of every religion is divine love.

When a religion ceases to provide its followers with divine love, that religion does not exist anymore.

Terrorism has been found in almost every religion once the religion has been deprived of the spiritual touch.

The Role of Spirituality Today

Today as we live in fear and uncertainty, I think we should turn to spirituality. Through spiritual knowledge and practice, we should be able to empower our connection with God. We should be able to empower our souls. We should be able to awaken the spiritual love in the chambers of our heart.

It is very easy to say, ‘Love God, love your neighbour,’ but had it been that easy, everybody would have been able to do it.

His Divine Eminence Lord Ra Riaz Gohar shahi has given a spiritual application, a practical methodology and a unique doctrine in the presence of which one will not need any religion to follow.

It is a mystical methodology which will empower your heart with divine love and positive energy. Once your heart becomes the powerhouse of positive energy, you will recognise love. Then whosoever possess divine love in the heart will be friends with you.

You will recognise those also who are looting and plundering innocents and who are carrying out massacre and carnage of innocent people.

The Responsibility of the Public

Every single individual will have to play a role in combatting the evil ISIS. It is not Islam who promoted terrorism; it is the people who claim to represent Islam; however, they do not follow Islam.

Islam is not a threat; what threatens the global peace today is the presence of ISIS and likewise organisations who promote terrorism.

At the same time, it is not just ISIS that the world communities will have to fight against. Somebody is working behind the walls who is the sponsor that supports ISIS and all other terrorist organisations in the world financially, ideologically and morally.

I was tweeting about the Paris Attacks. I was completely taken aback when I saw that many Twitter IDs were celebrating the massacre of innocent human beings. They are those who support terrorists.

You have to remain vigilant. You must know who is living next door. You must know who you are with. You should know what they practise and what their belief system is.

If you sit at home quietly and you take it for granted that the government will do something about it, then I am afraid that one day, you will become a target.


Let the government do what the government is doing, but as an individual you will have to participate in at least recognising these animals, these enemies of society and humanity.

The Role of the Government

One of the people who attacked on Paris was a French boy who recently was released from jail. In the jail, he was radicalised.

We have to see what is going in prisons in France and other countries of Europe.

We have to watch out for anyone who may be preaching hatred in the prisons.

We have to keep an eye on all the inmates in the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada. We need to know what is happening in the mosques and in other places of worship.

We have to stop this ideology of hate preaching. This ideology of hate preaching turns into radicalisation.

There must be a ban on hate preaching [and we must understand what constitutes as hate preaching].

Somebody may talk about the Quran and Ahadith and say, ‘We are not hate preaching, we are simply propagating our religion.’ But we must infiltrate somebody who knows the religion.

We need someone who can tell [those unfamiliar with Islam] whether or not, under the banner of the religion, the interpretation of the Quran being given to people is that of radicalisation.

In order to stop brutal killing of innocent people all over the world, the world leaders must sit together come up with a global strategy.  The entire community should stand united and combat the evil ISIS.


Younus AlGohar is the CEO of Messiah Foundation International and the representative of Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi. Read his statement about ISIS for world leaders here. 

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In Wake of The #ParisAttacks – Message to British Muslim Community
16th November 2015|Articles

In Wake of The #ParisAttacks – Message to British Muslim Community

The following is a transcript of Younus AlGohar’s speech.

Commenting on subjects is not enough. Individuals from around the world need to get involved. Getting involved does not require from one to come out with a weapon on the street and attack your enemies.

The first enemy is ignorance. When you know about your enemy, you can prepare yourself against them.

The problem of the world today is people do not know the roots of ISIS or terrorism. People generalise and say, ‘All Muslims are terrorists.’ But this is not true.

I would like to say very specifically: no Muslim is a terrorist. These terrorists are faking their identity. You know them to be Muslims; however, they are not Muslims. They have distorted the image of Islam.

The Quran equates one murder to elimination of the whole of humanity.

Committing suicide is strictly prohibited in Islam. It is not rocket science to comprehend whether or not suicide bombing is allowed in Islam.

According to Prophet Mohammad, ‘One who commits suicide, all his good deeds are wasted and he is destined to enter into hellfire.’

I cannot understand how on Earth these individuals who are waging a war against innocent human beings come up with an idea of declaring a prohibited act to be a gateway to heaven.

Even if you were a Companion of the Prophet himself and you fought for protection of the religion, however in the end if you committed suicide, all your deeds are wasted. Your association with the Prophet will be greatly ignored and you will be paving your way to hellfire.

When suicide is prohibited in Islam, how can suicide bombing be allowed or rewarding? These individuals, under the banner of Islam, are making fools out of people by hammering in their brains an ideology based on lust, carnal desires and hunger for power.

When they tell them, ‘If you blow up yourself, there are 70 damsels waiting for you in paradise,’ they are blaspheming the religion. They are distorting the words of God and the Traditions of the Prophet.

If you blow up yourself and cause others to die with you, you enter into hellfire, not into heaven. Don’t think 70 damsels are waiting for you. Millions of angels are waiting for you so that they can punish and torment you.

This is absolutely a misleading ideology. What is prohibited in Islam is now being regarded as rewarding and a gateway to heaven. This is pitiful.

Many Muslims in France are coming forward and condemning the attacks. It is a good gesture. However, I request Muslims in the United Kingdom also to do the same. Become part of British society.

Come forward. They should not just condemn this brutal act of terrorism but ISIS; at they need to show their solidarity with British people. They are living on this land; they must treat this land as their heaven!

According to a Tradition of Prophet Mohammad, ‘Love for your country is part of your faith (emaan).’

I live in England. Love for England should be part of my faith; if someone else lives in Canada, love for Canada should be part of their faith. It being part of your faith does not mean you are going to worship your country.

It means you are loyal to your country and you will do everything to ensure your country is well protected by you.

All Muslims who live in the United Kingdom should come forward show their solidarity. This is how they are going to integrate into British society.

You are well integrated into British society when a white Scottish man, Welshman or Englishman is free to talk to you and is not intimidated by your presence.

If somebody is intimidated by your presence, it simply means you are not integrated into British society. Follow your religion; if you don’t want to consume alcohol or eat pork, that is not a problem. These things do not stop you from becoming part of British society.

I do not drink alcohol and I do not eat pork but I love England. I will do everything to protect this country. I am morally, financially indebted to the country. It is because of British citizenship that I was able to move in the world freely. I should be grateful to the state of the United Kingdom, we should be grateful. We should pay our homage.

All these Muslims who live in this country should come forward, condemn this act, condemn ISIS. Say how you feel about ISIS. Talk about how bad they are, how ugly they are, how brutal and how anti-Islam they are.

This must be done to be seen so that the youth get a clear message that ISIS is evil and they should not become part of this brutal, evil organisation.

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Younus AlGohar on the Paris Attacks
15th November 2015|Videos

Younus AlGohar on the Paris Attacks

The transcript of Younus AlGohar’s statement:

From the desk of Messiah Foundation International, I am requesting all leaders of the world to make an alliance. With a combined force, they must finish ISIS.

Almost fourteen years ago, when New York was under attack and the twin towers fell and more than 5 000 people died, the United States of America formed an alliance and attacked Afghanistan [in a campaign] against the Taliban. But to be honest with you, ISIS is doing more damage to the international communities than historically the Taliban has done.

When an alliance had been formed to defeat the anti human organisation of the Taliban, I wonder why the international community is quiet. The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Japan and all other developed countries should combine forces and crush ISIS. This is the need of the time. You have no time to waste.

The government should take this step: forming an alliance and combatting these evils of ISIS and the Taliban. Thank you so much.

Further comments from Younus AlGohar:

The world leaders should unite against ISIS and their supporters now. A united assault should be carried out against the evil ISIS. In the vast interest of humanity and its safety, it seems to be crucial now that the West resolve the issues with Russia and unite all allies against the filthy ISIS.


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Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV
13th November 2015|ArticlesInterviews

Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV

Younus AlGohar’s Interview with Siyatha TV

The following are selected excerpts from Younus AlGohar’s interview with Siyatha TV in Sri Lanka.

Religions and the Spiritual System

All the religions were established by great personalities. These personalities were sent by God, so no religion is bad. However, what happened in the last 100-200 years is that almost every religion has lost the spiritual system.

As a result of this spiritual system being destroyed, people are not truly aware of the soul of their religion, of the principle message of their religion.

This is why most Muslims are not good Muslims, most Hindus are not good Hindus and most Christians are not good Christians. And of course Buddhists who are not good Buddhists are so because they are not properly doing what they have been taught to do. This happens when you lose enlightenment, when you lose connection with God.

The problem is: people are still religious but something is wrong with their methodology. Some important part of the knowledge of the religion is missing. This is why they are misled into wrongdoings. When the youth see these religious people, they are not inspired by them because they always fighting. They are full of hatred.

The youth will never be inspired by these religious people; however the youth will be inspired by spirituality. The youth want to see results.

When they adopt spirituality and they feel good, they feel strength and they feel uplifting of their soul, they will definitely be inspired by spirituality. They will never be inspired by these religious people because they are not making any progress either within themselves or within the society. They are only making it worse, fostering more hatred and intolerance.

Spirituality is the key and solution to the existing problems.

Nowadays, people are changing their religions. I don’t think it’s going to make any difference because nobody is connected to God through any religion.

All religions come from God. If you are a Muslim and you want to study Hinduism, what is wrong with it? Hinduism also came from God. If you are a Muslim and you want to study the Bible, what’s wrong with it? The Bible also came from God. There is only one God. Either you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew or a Buddhist; it’s the same God, just different names. These objects are different manifestations of the same God.

Because of the lack spiritual knowledge in all these religions, people have become intolerant.

I’ll give you an example: one man works as a doorman, another works as an anchor and the third person works as a Chief Executive – but nobody is getting a salary. Does it make any difference? He is a doorman, he doesn’t get a salary. You are an anchor; you don’t get your salary. The Chief Executive doesn’t get his salary. So basically, you are not getting anything.

In a similar way, when you are a Muslim and you are not connected to the God. It doesn’t make any difference whether you become a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian. If you are not connected to God; nothing is working for you. If you were connected to God as a Muslim, you would never leave your religion. If you are connected to God as a Buddhist, you would never leave your religion – because then it would not be about the religion. You would be connected with God.

You would respect that religion, because through that religion, you were connected to God.

A Brief Introduction to Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi and His Mission

Lord Ra Gohar Shahi is sent by God and there are Divine Signs [proclaiming His advent].

His images have become prominent on the Moon, the Sun, on Mars and the Holy Black Stone. The Holy Black Stone is greatly revered and people, out of love and affection, kiss it. It is believed that when they kiss it, all their sins are washed away. God has manifested his signs in the form of images of His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi and people all over the world believe Lord Ra Gohar Shahi to be Kalki Avatar, Imam Mehdi and Messiah.

According to the divine plan, His Divine Eminence Kalki Avatar/Imam Mehdi/Messiah Gohar Shahi is here for the entire humanity, for everybody in this world. It is not physically possible for everybody to see him in person. That’s why these images have become prominent. If people look at the Moon, when they see the image of HDE Gohar Shahi, they can speak with that image and they will have a reply. They can also receive spiritual healing and spiritual grace. All those things can be obtained from the image on the moon.

He is love, He is for everybody and His purpose on Earth is to teach everybody love and peace. [He is] uniting all humanity.

Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Gohar Shahi is not a physical doctor; he is doing something which nobody can do. He can heal the wounds of the soul.

These wounds of the souls cannot be healed in any hospital by doctor. So people will approach His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi for their spiritual ailments and spiritual wounds – which nobody can [heal]. And His blessings are for everybody without any hindrance, without any limitations, without any discrimination for everybody.

Kalki Avatar right now is in occultation and physically is not making any appearances to common people. However, the time will come when he will become apparent and people will be able to meet with him. Through our representatives you may be in conversation with Lord Ra Gohar Shahi.

Prescribed Method of Meditation

Meditation that we propagate is a little different than what others describe. This meditation that we promote is done after the enlightenment of the heart and the soul. When the soul is enlightened, when the heart is enlightened then the souls inside our body become worthy of making a spiritual journey. When the journey is performed by these souls and they arrive at their respective spiritual station that is called meditation.

His Divine Grace Lord Ra Gohar Shahi has penned down a book on spirituality and this book is available online and it can be downloaded. It is available on and other international book stores. If people study this book, they will understand the purpose of life. Maybe it will bring a change in their lives.

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About the Author
Younus AlGohar is the Representative of the Awaited One Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and CEO of Messiah Foundation International. He has been recognised as an Ambassador of Peace and Man of Valour. He is an advocate of divine love and interfaith harmony.