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HDE Gohar Shahi’s Shower of Love on Mexico
25th April 2019|ActivitiesArticlesVideos

HDE Gohar Shahi’s Shower of Love on Mexico

HDE Gohar Shahi’s Shower of Love on Mexico

The following is a transcript of Sufi Spiritualist Younus AlGohar’s speech during His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi’s Shower of Love in Mexico. This monumental event was attended by over 2000 locals who were inspired by the message of HDE Gohar Shahi. The speech was preceded by introductions in Spanish by Tatiana Iridia Vargas Arana, the President of Messiah Foundation International, and Hector Iglesias, a community leader. The Dastar-e-Fazilat (Turban of Honour) ceremony was also carried out under the auspicious supervision of Sufi Younus AlGohar. Following Syfi Younus AlGohar’s speech, there was a spiritual healing session. To end this beautiful occasion celebrating divine love and interfaith harmony, attendees and event organisers alike joined hands to participate in the dance of love.

Love is lovely, but it needs sacrifice. When you love somebody, difficult times, difficulties, problems in life try to stop you. And sometimes, you need to sacrifice. But about God’s love, before God gives you love, he wants us to remove negativity from our body. The element of hatred from our body.

If we don’t remove hatred and negativity from our body, our love for God is not perfect.

In the path of love, God’s name is like a soap. God’s name must go inside the soul to clean it. When the soul is purified, we have pure love of God. Our message is love and it is not about any religion.

Questions and Answers with the Audience

Q: When was the precise moment when you felt that you wanted to stand up, go into the world and spread your message?

I was in school, a student. And one day, with my friends, we went to a beach. So I was sitting at the beach and it was a wonderful, sunny afternoon. The Sun was right on top of my head. So I was looking at the Sun and I fainted. I felt so peaceful. Then, maybe after half an hour, I gained consciousness. I was sitting at the beach and I was looking at my hands as if I don’t know myself.

I was asking myself, ‘Who are you? And why are you here?’

In that moment, I felt that I am missing from me. I was thinking, ‘I am here, but where am I?’

Then I felt that the real me is missing. I was always quiet. Then one day, somebody introduced me to Lord Ra Riaz. And then I found that missing link: love.

So Lord Ra Riaz found me for me.

Then I realised there must be many people like me who are looking for love. So I spread love – it helps me and I feel happy. When I go around the world and tell people about love, my soul becomes happy. That is why I am here.

That was a very beautiful question.

Q: I feel a raised vibration here and I really appreciate you being here. And coincidentally, it is my birthday and I have received the best gift ever today, full of love.

Happy birthday to you! Love is the best manifestation of God. May the Lord increase you in love and peace. We are also very happy for you.

Q: Is there any difference between spirituality and the soul?

The soul needs spirituality to become strong. The soul is like our body and spirituality is like food. When the two are together, love is perfect.

Q: Welcome to Mexico! I hope you are very conscious that you are in a very, very important place in the entire country. In the place where it is believed that there were gods here, which is very important for all Mexicans. For the past maybe 60 years, our country has gone through violence and many innocents have died. When we talk about love, we have to be conscious of trying to turn down all the violence that we are going through. I feel very happy and thankful that I was invited to come. I would like to hear the message you have for all of us, all us Mexicans. Because we really do not want anymore violence in our country.

Thank you. In my country, England, there is very little pollution because the engines are green and no smoke comes out from the exhaust pipes of the cars. If the smoke is coming from the car, it is not good for our health. So in England, they are very strict about the worthiness of the car. The car should not release any smoke. So in order to have clean air, and less pollution, we need to fix our cars.

Human beings are same. When the heart is corrupt, when the heart has violence, then we have corruption, hatred and violence in the country. If we want to remove violence from our country, our people have to correct our hearts. Remove hatred, negativity from the heart.

There are many things that contribute to having a corrupt and violent society. But the solution is one: purification of the heart, bringing love in the heart.

So now, politicians, religious people, churches, temples, mosques – people have the problem in their heart. That is why they are all fighting, because the heart is impure.

Muslims, Christians and Jews all say, ‘I am the best.’ But they have hatred in the heart. The best is one who has love in the heart. This knowledge of spirituality will help human beings learn love. If you spread this message of love and people learn to love, the society will improve. In order to improve the society, we have to teach love. We need this message to be taken to everybody. When they remove hatred and learn love, there will be no violence in our country.

Q: I am very excited, happy and honoured to be here. Your Holiness, I respect you very much. How come you are so full of love and surrounded by such lovely people? You so down-to-earth and don’t seem to consider yourself a very high person. Other ‘holy’ people don’t let anybody get close to them and you are such a simple person!

We are also very honoured to be here with you. My Master, Lord Ra Riaz, is the clue.

We are all human beings. We are equal. Love is greater than us. Thank you so much for your love. I love you all.

Q: Why do us human beings get so confused by all the feelings we have in us?

Because we are a compound living being – we have a soul and a body and both have different feelings. When our soul is not awakened, we are confused. So we need to awake our soul. When our body needs energy, we want to be touched. When the soul is awakened, the confusion will go away.

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Removing Hatred from Within: The Goharian Method
10th April 2019|ActivitiesArticles

Removing Hatred from Within: The Goharian Method

Removing Hatred from Within: The Goharian Method

The following is an excerpt from  Sufi Spiritualist Younus AlGohar’s recent talk with community leaders during his visit to Mexico.

Divine Love has different flavours. It is just like frozen yoghurt: there is a mango flavour, a strawberry flavour and others. In the same way, Divine Love has many flavours: a Muslim flavour, Christian flavour, Jew flavour, etc. We are giving people plain Divine Love without a flavour. The difference between our approach and the religious approach is very big.

Religion only focuses on its people. We focus on everybody.

We are not here to extend our organisation but we want to share our methodology of love. We represent God, so this method of love is without a flavour – not a Christian, Jew or Muslim flavour – only love.

Because of religion, people are fighting now. In every religion, there were two types of knowledge: the Knowledge of the Exterior and Knowledge of Spirituality. Now, because no religion has the Knowledge of Spirituality left – every religion has forgotten spirituality – they are learning to hate each other. We are just talking about spirituality without religion. We have people from all religions in our organisation.

Now, how do we obtain love? The word ‘love’ has always been grossly misunderstood. It is like asking somebody who is hungry to be happy and smile. Even if that person tries to smile and be happy, he will still look hungry. He will only become genuinely happy when you give him food. In the same way, we ask people to love, but our hearts do not know love.

We talk about love very randomly. We have taken it very easy. Even if we don’t mean it, we say, ‘I love you’. And then, the next minute, if we don’t like them, we say, ‘I hate you’. So we don’t understand love.

In order to understand love, first, we have to remove negative energy from our hearts.

Love is pure. If our heart is impure, we cannot love.

Our main focus is to remove negative energy from us. When negative energy is removed from our bodies, we will bring positive energy. Then, our love for God will flourish. One who genuinely loves God cannot hate anybody. He will love everybody. Sometimes we love somebody and we hate somebody else. Why is that? It is because we have love and hate together inside the heart.

Without hatred, the heart is pure. When there is only love in the heart, you cannot hate anybody.

We have hatred, evil, negative energy in our heart and at the same time, we are also trying to love God. We love somebody and we hate somebody else because we still have the ability to hate. First, our approach is to remove hatred and negativity from the heart. This is a condition from God.

God says, ‘I will only give you love when you remove hatred from the heart.’

For many years in our own capacity, in different regions and countries, we have been trying to overcome this factor of hatred from our life.

A group photo of prominent members of the local community in Mexico City with Sufi Spiritualist Younus AlGohar

How is the Goharian Method Different?

In order to tell you how our method is different, I want to tell you a story. In England, we have painkillers that are opium-based. They mix opium with paracetamol, so when you have extreme pain, they give you relief. But it’s very addictive. I used to have very extreme pain because of migraines. Whenever I had a migraine I would take those tablets because they would help me feel relaxed.

I had been taking these tablets from a long period of time and one day, I discovered that I became addicted. I found out that addiction to these tablets was not good for my health. I promised myself that I was not going to take those tablets anymore. I stopped taking them but I realised that I was feeling very down and I became too weak. The withdrawal effects were tolling on my health. So I took those tablets again and I felt better. I started walking again. It is the mind that tells us that something is dangerous and we shouldn’t take it. My mind understood it, but my body didn’t understand it. Now I was in deep trouble. I knew it was dangerous, but I had to take it.

This is Method 1. Everybody is doing this. They say, ‘This is wrong. Don’t do it. Don’t hate anybody.’ All the religions say that. No religion teaches us to hate anybody.

The Koran says, ‘Don’t kill anybody.’ but Muslims are killing. The Bible says, ‘Don’t kill anybody,’ but [the Christians] are still doing it. One of the Ten Commandments is, ‘You will not kill anybody,’ but people are doing it. So our minds understand that one thing is good and another thing is bad – and we should not do the bad thing – but there is something inside us that forces us to do those things. When something is inside us forcing us to do things, we feel helpless.

Method 1 is weak because Method 1 is about our understanding. We understand we shouldn’t do this, but it happens nevertheless when something inside us is forcing us to do it.

What is Method 2, our method? Let’s go back to the story again. I realised that those tablets were very addictive and if I kept taking them, they were going to destroy my liver and my kidney. I wanted to stop taking them but I had become addicted. So then I consulted with a doctor in Virginia, USA.

He advised me, ‘You should go to a hospital. They will operate you and do minor surgery.’

They implanted something in my stomach. That implant in my stomach stopped the germs of the tablets. The effects of the tablets stopped going into my bloodstream. That implant removed all the effects of the tablets from my blood and I was cured.

In a similar way, we understand something is bad and we want to stop doing it, but the negative energy inside us forces us to do it.

Our method is to spiritually remove that negative energy from the body.

When the negative energy is removed from the body, even if somebody tells you, ‘Let’s go do this bad thing,’ you will not feel like doing it. This is a practical approach. Method 1 is mind over matter in which you think, ‘Okay, I have decided I won’t do it.’ For some people, it works – but some people have more negative energy in them so it doesn’t work for them. Method 2 works for everybody.

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God’s Point of View
11th November 2017|Articles

God’s Point of View

God’s Point of View

The following is an excerpt from a speech Younus AlGohar delivered to a gathering of spiritual leaders in Mexico before the Amor Universal Conference.

Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi said, ‘Those who are spiritual – who are Godly – are always happy. They never look sad.’

When I went into the depth of knowledge pertaining to God, I found out that God is more romantic than Romeo and he wants his friend to act like Juliet. However, when we become spiritual and religious, we become so serious.

When it comes to becoming a spiritual person, there should not be any difference whether that seeker is a woman or a man. There are so many people in the world who talk about spirituality; however, their definition of spirituality is very fake.

The point I want to raise today is how do we, the creation, think – and how does God think? What is God’s point of view? How does he think about us and what does he want?

Both parties should be aware that there is a relationship between them. For example, if you love me, you should tell me. If I love you, I should I tell you. If I love a woman, and everybody else knows but her (or vice versa), what is the point?

So in a similar fashion, if we want to love God, we should tell him. If I want to tell a woman that I love her, but she is not here, then it is like talking to the walls. When you are in a mosque, church, temple or synagogue and you say, ‘God, I love you,’ you are telling walls.

The temples, churches, mosques, etc. are not the true houses of God. In these worship places, we do some sort of worship. That’s it.

The true house of God is the heart.

There was a man at the time of Moses. He heard that Moses spoke to God on the Mount of Sinai. So he went to every mountain and yelled, ‘God, where are you?’ There was no reply. When there was no reply, he became really depressed. He said, ‘God, I looked for you everywhere. You spoke to Moses on this Mount of Sinai. I came here and called out your name, but you didn’t reply.’

Then, [sometime later], it was his calling. he was about to die. The angels who were taking out his soul asked him, ‘Why are you so sad?’

He said, ‘I wanted to speak with God all my life. I wanted to love him all my life, but I couldn’t find any way.’

Then, in that last moment, the angels said to him, ‘Speak to God now. He is listening to you.’

He said, ‘God, where are you? I looked for you everywhere.’

God replied, ‘You looked for me everywhere but you forgot yourself. I was in your heart.’

So we need to find out this heart’s door and how to open it.

This is the important organ in our body, whether it is about our physical life or whether it is about our relationship with God.

People want to love God. Some people want to love God while being a Muslim. Some others want to love God as a Christian. Every religious person wants to love God within their religion. This is why everybody loves him differently.

But now, God wants them to love him with uniformity. All should love him with the heart.

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Amor Universal Conference in Mexico City, 2017!
30th October 2017|Activities

Amor Universal Conference in Mexico City, 2017!

Amor Universal Conference in Mexico City, 2017!

Messiah Foundation holds yet another sensational and enlightening event in Mexico City. We had over 1500 people of all ages, castes and creed. Even though the venue was fully booked, there were people who were so excited to participate that they were happy to stand throughout the entire programme just to embrace the positive energy in the atmosphere.

Everyone at the programme had a smile on their faces and were overjoyed to learn about eternal love and spirituality from HH Younus AlGohar, who was the keynote speaker at the event. The audience was fully engaged during HH Younus AlGohar’s speech. The following are his closing words for the event.

‘I don’t want to give lengthy lectures on this. I just want you to have this divine energy in your heart so that every day, you become more powerful in that energy. Everything is inside you.’

Mr Sufi Nadeem, world-renowned Sufi Singer from the UK, along with his team, performed wonderfully! He sang a variety of Sufi songs such as ‘Dama Dam Mast Qalandar’ and continuous chanting of ‘Allah, Allah Eshwar, Raam’ which echoed for miles.

We would also like to thank our celebrity guest, Mr Waqar Zaka, for his coverage of the Amor Universal Conference across social media platforms.

Towards the end of the programme, many people lined up to receive spiritual healing directly from HH Younus AlGohar. A multitude of them obtained the Opening of the Spiritual Heart as well. People felt the positive energy and expressed their gratitude towards His Holiness for his labour of love.

We at Messiah Foundation International believe in the power of love and are joining hands with all religions to bring about a universal brotherhood. We hope to continue raising awareness of spirituality and divine love with the blessings of HDE Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.


2017-22-October-PROGRAMME-Amor Universal Conference Mexico, Mexico City 2017

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Meet Younus AlGohar in Canada and Mexico!
30th September 2017|Activities

Meet Younus AlGohar in Canada and Mexico!

Meet Younus AlGohar in Canada and Mexico!

Messiah Foundation International is excited to invite you to their upcoming programmes in Toronto and Mexico City! These interfaith events, in collaboration with the Universal Great Brotherhood, will feature a keynote speech by the CEO of Messiah Foundation, Younus AlGohar. These events will focus on spiritualising our inner beings and achieving universal love. Entry is free. 

Join MFI on October 22nd in Mexico at the Villas Arqueologicas Hotel in Mexico City from 11 AM to 2 PM.

Attend the programme in Toronto, Canada on October 29th from 2 PM to 5 PM at the United Steel Workers Hall.

The event will be covered on social media by the honourable celebrity, Waqar Zaka. Free spiritual healing will be available at both events. The programmes will also have devotional songs performed live by world-renowned Sufi singer, Sufi Nadeem. If you have any questions, contact MFI Toronto at [email protected]. Refer to the leaflets below for further details!

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