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Jashan e Riaz Celebrated Globally 2019!
26th November 2019|Activities

Jashan e Riaz Celebrated Globally 2019!

Jashan e Riaz Celebrated Globally 2019!

On the 25th of November, Jashan e Riaz was celebrated with zeal and fervour throughout the world. At the ALRA TV Studios, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar delivered a fantastic, heartwarming speech which left everyone feeling immense love and admiration towards Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi.

’25th of November is the day when His Divine Grace Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi came into this world. It, of course, is a day of ceremonial celebration for the entire humanity. His Divine Grace Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi is the Universal Sufi Master who aims to spiritualise the entire human race regardless of their colour, creed, cast, religion or region. No wonder, admirers and disciples of His Divine Grace mark this auspicious occasion with zeal and fervour throughout the globe.’ – Sufi Master Younus AlGohar

Thank you to everyone from India, Pakistan, USA, Canada, Mexico and Bangladesh who sent in their videos and pictures in celebration of this blessed occasion. ⁣⁣View the pictures from around the world below.

2019-November-25-JASHAN E RIAZ

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Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!
23rd November 2019|Activities

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz 2019!

Happy Jashan-e-Riaz to all admirers of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi! This blessed occasion marks of HDE Gohar Shahi’s arrival in the world. It is celebrated with zeal and fervour all over the world.

Make sure to tune in to ALRA TV on 25th November 2019 at 10 PM GMT for a special broadcast.

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The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays
16th December 2016|ArticlesLecturesVideos

The Spiritual Celebration of Holidays

Festivity and celebration is what the religious people are left with today. If it’s Prophet Mohammad’s birthday, Muslims will say, ‘Okay, let’s celebrate.’ If it’s Christmas, Christians will say, ‘Let’s celebrate.’ However, thinking of getting enlightened and finding God is not something you hear from people.

This is because a lot of people in this world today are from the category of those who leapt towards the modelled luxuries of the world. But among those people who are craving the luxuries of the world, there has been a group of people who have already enjoyed the Divine Nearness. They enjoyed divine love even before their entry into this world. They are the people of love, peace and divinity.

This message of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi is to facilitate those who seek love of God no matter what religion they come from – regardless of whether or not they believe in any religion. This mission of HDE Gohar Shahi is to help out those who are blindfoldedly following shadows in search for God. 

It has been centuries since the last man journeyed on the path of God. For centuries now, people have sought asylum in the temples, mosques, churches and got themselves engaged in whatever form of worship they were given to do.

You may feel something very important is lacking in your life and you think Islam, Christianity, Judaism or Hinduism will fill the gap. If you go to a temple, church or mosque for this reason and you find solace, do not settle for it! This unreal solace may be coming from Satan.

Remember that God is not easily pleased.

If you find solace in a mosque or a temple, it may be an evil projection; that solace is to stop you from searching for God. You will not see God sitting in a mosque or temple and you will never find Jesus in the church. Make sure your journey does not stop in those worship places!  

There is no highway that leads to God, but there is a small tunnel beneath your body.  

Mosques, temples and churches are highways; if you are in search for God, avoid the highways. You want a Goharian channel which will put you through that tunnel. The tunnel starts from your heart. Very discreet is this spiritual journey; nobody will know that you are travelling.

It is so discreet that sometimes even you’ll [doubt] whether or not you are travelling because it is the journey of your spirits. It is not done by your body. Your body is like an outfit [for your souls], nothing else. 

The devil had developed an enormous amount of animosity against all those who want to go through this tunnel. If you are not using the tunnel and want to journey on the highways, you are safe. The devil has no problem; he will say, ‘Go on. You will never find your destination. You will keep circling around these worship places.’

It is the devil’s job to stop people from going to God. Whether you are lost at the cinema, nightclub or in the mosque, to him it is equal. As long as you are heedless of God or of the way that leads one to God, the devil is perfectly fine with that. In fact, he is pleased because he doesn’t have to do overtime.  

I recently spoke about how and why a vast majority of Muslims in Pakistan oppose HDE Gohar Shahi without reason. It is all negative [propaganda]; they do it to save their own skin. The people who purport to be religious leaders there are businessmen who are selling religions and God’s name. They are making a mockery out of the religion.

The reason why we have to put up with a lot of undue and unearned opposition from some people is because we talk about the tunnel. It is because we secretly transport hearts to God. Perhaps it is called ‘mysticism’ because it is hidden.

From someone’s physical features, one cannot tell if somebody is really travelling towards God. It is not you, it is your heart that travels the journey.

The good thing is, with the help of Live Stream, Youtube and Facebook now the message of peace, love and truth will reach common people. In no time, the message of HDE Gohar Shahi will take the world by storm! This is divine, unstoppable magic. This is the magic of love.

One fundamental difference between man and God must be understood by [people of] all religions. As a human being, you only bear the divine image; this is what you were created upon by God. You are only the divine image and you are imperfect.

You will become a perfect human being when the divine image that you have been created upon will be filled with the divine characteristics. The divine characteristics do not come about by reading holy books.

The message of HDE Gohar Shahi is very precise, surgical and technical. HDE Gohar Shahi understands that you loving God and God loving you has nothing to do with your body – so why [involve] the bodies? This is how the message of HDE Gohar Shahi is clinical. He is not going to waste his time or your time.

HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘It is not about the purification of your body. There is nothing wrong with your body. What you need to purify is your heart. Even if you stand under a stream of water for any length of time, the water will never reach your heart. You cannot purify the heart with water.’  

In order to purify your heart, you need your heart to invoke upon God with the name of his person. You cannot see God because your eyes are physical and God’s existence is ethereal. This is what the Quran said. However you will see him with the eye that God has given to every single human being so that they can see him. That eye is behind your physical eyes; it is your third eye (Latifa-e-Ana).  

Most Muslims believe that Prophet Mohammad is the greatest of all prophets, but it is a pity that they do not know how [he is so great]. For example, if a cricket team has the best coach in the world yet they lose every match, [they shouldn’t] be proud of their coach. The way Muslims are being humiliated all over the world gives a message.

[I have a question for Muslims]: although your prophet is one of the greatest prophets, what did you get from him? Do you know why was he one of the greatest ones? He is one of the greatest because no other prophet before him was able to see God; he was the only one. Through the spiritual mediumship of Prophet Mohammad, whoever was able to see God is great. How many Muslims can say today that they have seen God? If you tell a Muslim that you have seen God, the most probable reaction will be frowning, inflation of the nostrils and [an exclamation of], ‘Nobody can see God, why are you saying this?’

HDE Gohar Shahi has come to offer any deserving or undeserving human soul to come and learn the knowledge which will enable them to see God, [no matter what religion] they come from. They may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jew, etc. This is the divine bounty from HDE Gohar Shahi to see God. The divine mechanism and spiritual methodology is non-religious. It is purely spiritual.

You don’t have to adopt a religion in order to see God today. This is an unprecedented, pioneering offer and an immaculate message.

It is unbelievably true. The reason why people don’t find it to be true is because it has never happened before in history. We are celebrating all prophet’s days and we are celebrating all religious festivals and this is to give everybody a message that we respect everybody. We want everybody to become part of this divine circle.  

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The Advent of Lord RaRiaz Gohar Shahi, 25th Nov
25th November 2016|Uncategorised

The Advent of Lord RaRiaz Gohar Shahi, 25th Nov

The Advent of Lord RaRiaz Gohar Shahi,  25th Nov

Celebrate the moment of the unprecedented manifestation of Riazian Glory!

And a true celebration will be to strengthen your cordial attachment with the Lord!

Happy Lord RaRiaz Day

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